Soc 213(003) Social Deviance Bogart Quiz01B Li ...

Soc 213(003) Social Deviance Bogart Quiz01B Li:Functionalism: Durkheim 01/14/02

01b. Durkheim argued that crime and deviance are: A. low in Western societies; B. high in Third

World countries; C. the best signs of social disorganization; D. unnecessary and undesirable; E.

functional and necessary.

02b. According to Durkheim, a society is best served if crime is: A. eliminated; B. minimized; C.

optimized (neither high nor low); D. increased; E. maximized.

03b. Durkheim argued that society without _____ is impossible. A. monogamy; B. suicide; C.

crime; D. racism; E. all of the above.

04b. Durkheim viewed crime as: A. an evil with parasitic characteristics; B. the product of anti-

social people; C. playing a definite and necessary role in social life; d. playing a negative role in

social life; E. biologically determined by evolutionary lag.

05b. Durkheim's conception of crime as "normal" argued that crime can be explained as: A.

something which contributes to the dissolution of society; B. a common form of pathology in

social structures; C. entirely caused by rapid social changes; D. the aberration of abnormal

individuals; E. something which contributes to the collective strength of society.

06b. What will happen, according to Durkheim, in a society of saints in which members live up to

established group standards: A. there would be a true Utopian social structure; B. the society will

regress into infantile order; C. new faults will be defined by the group as serious offenses and

treated just as if they were crimes; D. eventually the society will disintegrate because of a lack of

moral cohesion; E. members will become complacent and egotistical.

07b. One politician argues that the death penalty does not deter serious crimes and should,

therefore, be abolished. His opponent mobilizes Durkheim in support of the death penalty. This

opponent could most aptly use Durkheim in support of the proposition that capitol punishment A.

does deter serious crimes like murder and rape. B. may not deter serious crimes generally but at

least the one offender is incapable of offending again. C. is actually deeply rooted in racism. D.

serves other important functions besides deterrence. E. can be made more effective in deterrence

by making a display of the cadaver.

08b. According to Durkheim crime is something which, A. is destructive to society, B. is

conferred or constructed, C. doesn't pay, D. everyone does, E. is biological in origin.

09b. According to Durkheim, the purpose of punishment is often to: A. serve other, unofficial

objectives such as the mobilization & expression of the sentiments of the community B. cure a

pathology C. create a need for police. D. provide an outlet for dangerous anger. E. eliminate

crime altogether.

10b. According to Durkheim, the punishment of crime A. should be swift, certain, and severe; B.

should be kept exactly commensurate with the seriousness of the crime; C. is not to be explained

as an effort to cure a pathology; D. is more effective if it is restitutive rather than retributive; E. is

invariably achieved at the cost of a net loss in community integration.


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