Soc213(001) Social Deviance Bogart Quiz03A: Social Disorg & …

Soc213(001) Social Deviance Bogart Quiz03A: Social Disorg & Ch. 2 Positivist Theory 01/21/03

Thomas & Znaniecki

21a. Thomas & Znaniecki (1920) defined _______ as a decrease of the influence of existing social rules of

behavior upon individual members of the group: A. social disorganization; B. personal disorganization; C.

social pathology; D. social reorganization; E. social reconstruction.

22a. University of Chicago researchers Thomas and Znaniecki studied Polish immigrant teenage girls

because, A. the study of sex and gender was a dominant theme in the University of Chicago, B. huge waves

of Polish immigrants were flooding Chicago at that time, C. Znaniecki was Polish, D. Polish teen girls were

getting pregnant, which was less common in their home country, E. birthrate and immigration studies

indicated that there should not be any Polish teenage girls at that time.


23a. Park (1925) wrote: "We are living in a time of _____ and social disorganization." A. crime, B.

individualization, C. structural strain, D. cultural lag, E. humanism.

24a. Park contended that patterns of deviance are especially associated with: a. peasants; b. social change;

c. prostitution; d. the efforts of the church to stop it; e. aggressive tendencies.

25a. Park saw _____ as productive ways to deal with urban problems. A. misguided. A. social workers, B.

peer groups, C. police organizations, D. the YMCA and Boy Scouts, E. youth work programs.

Ch. 2: Positivist Theories (cont.)

26a. Unlike strain and learning theorists, control theorists address what causes A. deviance, B. crime, C.

juvenile delinquency, D. conformity, E. innovation. (p. 27)

27a. Brainthwaite (1989) distinguishes between two types of disintegrative shaming and _____ which is best

illustrated by _____. Reactive, America; B. didactic, America; D. dysfunctional, Japan; D. reintegrative,

Japan; E. responsive, Israel. (pp. 28-29).

28a. he terms "swift, certain, and severe" characterize which control theory? A. bonding, B. shaming, C.

containment, D. rational, E. deterrence. (p. 29)

29a. Contradicting _____ theory, Gibbs (1975) found that the _____ the sentence of offender the less

probability of their offending again. A. social bond, more publicity given; B. shaming, shorter delay in

handing down; C. deterrence, more sever; D. deterrence, shorter; E. self disorganization, appeals in. (p. 30)

30a. According to Thio, control theory most clearly fails to consider A. victimless crimes, B. individual

differences in response to punishment, C. professionalization of crime, D. voluntary choices to be deviant, E.

that social control can cause deviance and crime. (p. 31)


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