Rigorous Curriculum Design


Unit Planning Organizer

|Subject(s) |Social Studies |Conceptual Lenses |

|Grade/Course |8th |War |

| | |Competition |

| | |Power |

|Unit of Study |Unit 7 | |

|Unit Title |WWII and the Origins of the Cold War | |

|Pacing |15 days | |

|Unit Overview |

|The unit surveys World War II from the US perspective and the emergence of the Cold War. |

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|Foreign Policy of the New Deal |

|WWI & Great Depression shape US foreign policy |

|Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor changes US foreign policy |

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|The US and WWII |

|Pearl Harbor compared to 9/11 |

|Influence of leaders |

|Technology impacts the outcome of WWII |

|Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs |

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|Impacts of WWII & Life on the Homefront |

|Military impact of WWII |

|Economic impact of WWII |

|Social impact of WWII |

|Japanese Internment |

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|Origins of the Cold War |

|Compare economic & political structure of USSR to USA |

|Competition for power in post-war Europe |

|Competition leads to Cold War |

|Unit Enduring Understanding(s) |Unit Essential Question(s) |

|Leadership and citizen action can greatly affect the outcome of war. |How do leadership and citizen action affect the outcome of war? |

|War impacts society in many ways. |How does war affect society? |

|Competition for power can occur after a war. |How can war cause competition for power? |

|Essential State Standards |

|Priority Objectives |Supporting Objectives |

|8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of economic, political, social, and military conflicts|8.H.3.4 Compare historical and contemporary issues to understand continuity and|

|on the development of North Carolina and the United States. |change in the development of North Carolina and the United States. |

|8.H.2.2 Summarize how leadership and citizen actions influenced the outcome of |8.E.1.2 Use economic indicators to evaluate the growth and stability of the |

|key conflicts in North Carolina and the United States. |economy of North Carolina and the United States. |

|8.H.3.2 Explain how changes brought about by technology and other innovations |8.E.1.3 Explain how quality of life is impacted by personal financial choices. |

|affected individuals and groups in North Carolina and the United States. |8.C&G.1.4 Analyze access to democratic rights and freedoms among various groups |

|8.E.1.1 Explain how conflict, cooperation, and competition influenced periods of |in North Carolina and the United States. |

|economic growth and decline. | |

|8.C.1.3 Summarize the contributions of particular groups to the development of | |

|North Carolina and the United States. | |

|“Unpacked” Concepts |“Unpacked” Skills |COGNITION |

|(students need to know) |(students need to be able to do) |(RBT Level) |

|8.H.2.1 the impact of economic, political, social, and military |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of economic, political, social, and |8.H.2.1 |

|conflicts |military conflicts. | |

|8.H.2.2 how leadership and citizen actions influenced the |8.H.2.2 Summarize how leadership and citizen actions |Understand |

|outcome of key conflicts. |influenced the outcome of key conflicts. | |

|8.H.3.2 how changes brought about by technology and other |8.H.3.2 Explain how changes brought about by technology and |8.H.2.2 |

|innovations affected individuals and groups. |other innovations affected individuals and groups. | |

|8.E.1.1 how conflict, cooperation, and competition influenced |8.E.1.1 Explain how conflict, cooperation, and competition |Understand |

|periods of economic growth and decline. |influenced periods of economic growth and decline. | |

|8.C.1.3 the contributions of particular groups to the |8.C.1.3 Summarize the contributions of particular groups | |

|development of NC& the US | | |

| | |8.H.3.2 |

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| | |Understand |

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|Unit “Chunking” |Suggested Lesson Essential Questions |Potential Factual Content |North Carolina |

|& Enduring Understandings | | |Essential Standards |

|Foreign Policy of the New Deal |How did the costs of WWI and the Great |Costs of WWI- financial and otherwise |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| |Depression influence US foreign policy? |Americans didn’t want involvement in another |economic, political, social, and|

| | |war |military conflicts on the |

| | |Lend Lease Act |development of North Carolina |

| | |Neutrality & Neutrality Acts |and the United States. |

| |Why did the United States change foreign policy|Japan’s threat toward the Philippines |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| |and enter WWII? |US embargos |economic, political, social, and|

| | |Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor |military conflicts on the |

| | | |development of North Carolina |

| | | |and the United States. |

|World War II |How does America’s response to the attack on | Compare post-attack events and responses by US|8.H.3.4 Compare historical and|

| |Pearl Harbor compare to the response to the |government and the American people |contemporary issues to |

| |9/11 attacks? | |understand continuity and change|

| | | |in the development of North |

| | | |Carolina and the United States. |

| |How did strong leadership influence the Allied |General Patton |8.H.2.2 Summarize how |

| |victory in Europe? |General Eisenhower |leadership and citizen actions |

| | |D-Day |influenced the outcome of key |

| | | |conflicts in North Carolina and |

| | | |the United States. |

| |How did advancements in technology impact the |Radar |8.H.3.2 Explain how changes |

| |outcome of WWII? |Medical innovations- penicillin, aviation |brought about by technology and |

| | |medicine |other innovations affected |

| | |Atomic weapon |individuals and groups in North |

| | |Media technology to train soldiers & workforce |Carolina and the United States. |

| | |New forms of explosives | |

| |Why was President Truman’s decision to use |Hiroshima |8.H.2.2 Summarize how |

| |atomic weapons on Japan so significant? |Nagasaki |leadership and citizen actions |

| | |Pros/Cons of using the bomb |influenced the outcome of key |

| | |Effects of bombs |conflicts in North Carolina and |

| | | |the United States. |

| | | |8.H.3.2 Explain how changes |

| | | |brought about by technology and |

| | | |other innovations affected |

| | | |individuals and groups in North |

| | | |Carolina and the United States. |

|Impacts of WWII & the Homefront |What were the military impacts of WWII on the |Draft |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| |US? |Destruction of equipment & need to |economic, political, social, and|

| | |rebuild/resupply |military conflicts on the |

| | |Results of propaganda |development of North Carolina |

| | |Minority groups in military |and the United States. |

| | |Women |8.C.1.3 Summarize the |

| | |African-Americans |contributions of particular |

| | |Native Americans |groups to the development of |

| | |Latinos |North Carolina and the United |

| | | |States. |

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| |What were the economic impacts of WWII on the |Shift from consumer to military production |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| |US? |Funding for the war- taxes & bonds |economic, political, social, and|

| | |Rationing |military conflicts on the |

| | |Use of propaganda |development of North Carolina |

| | |Minorities in the workforce |and the United States. |

| | |Women |8.E.1.1 Explain how conflict, |

| | |African-Americans |cooperation, and competition |

| | |Latinos |influenced periods of economic |

| | | |growth and decline. |

| | | |8.E.1.2 Use economic indicators|

| | | |to evaluate the growth and |

| | | |stability of the economy of |

| | | |North Carolina and the United |

| | | |States. |

| | | |8.E.1.3 Explain how quality of |

| | | |life is impacted by personal |

| | | |financial choices. |

| |What were the social impacts of WWII on the US?|Citizen Action- Victory gardens, pocketless |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| | |pants, meatless Mondays, etc… |economic, political, social, and|

| | |Increased social standing for minority groups |military conflicts on the |

| | |due to increased need for their contributions |development of North Carolina |

| | |during the war |and the United States. |

| | |Effects of propaganda- nationalism |8.C.1.3 Summarize the |

| | | |contributions of particular |

| | | |groups to the development of |

| | | |North Carolina and the United |

| | | |States. |

| |What was the reaction towards |West Coast classified as war zone by US |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| |Japanese-Americans following the attack on |government |economic, political, social, and|

| |Pearl Harbor? |Japanese Internment camps |military conflicts on the |

| | | |development of North Carolina |

| | | |and the United States. |

| | | |8.C.1.3 Summarize the |

| | | |contributions of particular |

| | | |groups to the development of |

| | | |North Carolina and the United |

| | | |States. |

| | | | |

| | | |8.C&G.1.4 Analyze access to |

| | | |democratic rights and freedoms |

| | | |among various groups in North |

| | | |Carolina and the United States. |

|Origins of the Cold War |How was the economic and political structure of|Communism |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| |the USSR different from the USA? |Capitalism |economic, political, social, and|

| | |Democracy |military conflicts on the |

| | | |development of North Carolina |

| | | |and the United States. |

| | | |8.E.1.1 Explain how conflict, |

| | | |cooperation, and competition |

| | | |influenced periods of economic |

| | | |growth and decline. |

| |How did the circumstances in post-war Europe |United Nations |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| |lead to a competition for power? |Stalin |economic, political, social, and|

| | |Containment |military conflicts on the |

| | |Domino Theory |development of North Carolina |

| | |Truman Doctrine |and the United States. |

| | |Marshall Plan |8.E.1.1 Explain how conflict, |

| | | |cooperation, and competition |

| | | |influenced periods of economic |

| | | |growth and decline. |

| |How did competition for power lead to a cold |Berlin Airlift |8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of |

| |war? |“Iron Curtain” |economic, political, social, and|

| | |Cold War |military conflicts on the |

| | |NATO |development of North Carolina |

| | |Warsaw Pact |and the United States. |

| | | |8.H.2.3 Summarize the role of |

| | | |debate, compromise, and |

| | | |negotiation during significant |

| | | |periods in the history of North |

| | | |Carolina and the United States. |

|Sub Concepts | |


| | |Power | | |

|Conflict |Migration |Government Systems |Taxation |Religion |

|Patterns |Physical features | |Competition |Assimilation |

|Essential Vocabulary |Enrichment Vocabulary |

|Draft |Genocide |

|Ration/rationing |Nuclear |

|Contribution |Embargo |

|Internment |Doctrine |

|Atomic | |

|Contain/Containment | |

|Theory | |

|Pact | |

|Minority | |

|Capitalism | |

|Communism | |

|Bonds | |

|Neutral/neutrality | |

|Cold war | |

| |Enrichment factual content |

| |Satellite Nation |

| |Communist Revolution in China |

|Language Objective EXAMPLES |

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|Key Vocabulary LO: SWBAT define and explain the terms communism and capitalism. |

|Language Functions LO: SWBAT explain how fear can cause discrimination. |

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|Language Skills LO: SWBAT write an explanation for or against dropping the atomic bomb and identify counter arguments. |

|Grammar and Language LO: SWBAT use comparatives in writing assignments (more than, less than, greater, shorter, longer, etc.) by comparing capitalism and |

|communism. |

|Lesson Tasks LO: SWBAT read and summarize a passage about women’s roles changing during World War II and explain this summary to a group. |

|Language Learning Strategy LO: SWBAT develop a cause/effect graphic organizer analyzing and identifying the causes and effects of World War II. (The linguistic |

|load will vary from LEP student to LEP student. Level 1-2 LEP students may need a word bank or other supplement to complete this activity using this strategy). |

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