Social Studies

Social Studies Mrs. Ingold

Topic: World War II Video Questions Packet~ The Century with Peter Jennings


Episode: Over the Edge: Late 1930s

1. Hitler’s actions at the 1936 Olympic games to portray Germany in a

( positive negative ) light in the international arena.


2. Why were Jesse Owens’s victories in the Olympics such an embarrassment to


3. Photojournalism has a ( positive negative ) impact on people’s understanding of the Great Depression in America.


4 a. FDR’s communication with the people of America can best be described as

( very little average above average/very involved ).


4b. FDR’s main message to the American people can best be described as

( pessimistic optimistic ).

Provide evidence to support your statement.

5a. The effect of Goebbles use of the mass media to spread Hitler’s ideas can best be described as (positive negative ).

5b. Cite specific evidence to support the effects of his ideas.

6. Hitler’s speaking techniques can best be described as ( boring average charismatic ).


7. What type of books did the Nazi’s ban?

8. Jews were treated ( poorly equally better than average ) in Germany.


9. How are they proven to be inferior by the Nazis?

10. The Austrians received the German presence ( positively negatively ).


10b. What was the result for Austrian Jews?

11. What is the background to the Munich conference?

12. Hitler and Chamberlain’s agreement can best be described as

( positive negative ) for the rest of the world.


15. Kristallnacht was it justified. TRUE FALSE


16. America in 1939 can best be described as ( depressed flourishing ).


17. Why did Britain declare war on Germany?

18. What is Blitzkrieg?

19. The state of the American military in 1940 can best be described as

( depressed average flourishing ).




“America Goes ‘Over There’ Again”

So far, It can be concluded that the reasons for the start of World War I and the reasons for the start of World War II are: ( the same different ).

Circle all that apply: Nationalism Entangling Alliances Imperialism Militarism

Cite one specific piece of evidence to support each of the above claims.

Social Studies Mrs. Ingold

Topic: World War II Video Questions Packet~ The Century with Peter Jennings


Episode: Civilians at War: World War II

1. The effects of the Blitz were ( positive negative ) .


2. Total war’s cost of human life can best be described as ( minor average great ).


3a. Hitler’s influence over most European nations can best be described as

( positive negative ).


3b. What were his goals?

4. Poland’s Jews were treated ( poorly equally better than most ).


5. Where were they taken?

6. Why is Russia so attractive to Hitler?

7. What happened at Leningrad can best be described as ( positive negative ).


8. Who moved in behind the German army and what was their job?

9. The ideas and effects behind the final solution can best be described as

( positive negative ).

Cite specific evidence from the video to support your conclusion.

10. The scene inside the Warsaw Ghetto can best be described as

( horrific average pleasant ).


10. The journey on which the Nazi’s brought the Jews to the camps can best be described as ( horrific average pleasant).

Cite specific evidence from the video to support your conclusion.

11. Auschwitz can best be described as ( horrific average pleasant ) by the people who were brought here.

Cite specific evidence from the video to support your conclusion.

12. How did the Germans decide who was to live and die? How did they do the


13. What the Japanese people were told about their race and their emperor can best be described as ( insulting factual complimentary ).


14. The treatment of the Japanese by the Chinese in WWII can best be described as

( poor equal respectful ).

15. Americans were portrayed in Japan ( positively negatively ) during WWII.


16. What was a kamikaze?

17. Suicide was ( glorified frowned ) by the Japanese during WWII.

Cite specific evidence from the video to support your conclusion.

18a. The Americans were viewed (positively negatively ) by the Japanese during WWII.

18b. What were the Japanese told the Americans would do to them?

19. Who was asked to defend Japan on the home front at the very end.

20a. What the British & Americans were doing to Germany & Japan most nights by

1943 can best be described as ( positive negative ) for the war effort.

Cite specific evidence from the video to support your conclusion.

21. What is firebombing?

22. Who is tried at Nuremberg?

23. The result of the Nuremberg Trials can best be described as ( positive negative) for the image of World War II.

Cite specific evidence from the video to support your conclusion.



“Rosie the Riveter” US Propaganda

So far, As the war continued, the reason(s) behind United States involvement in World War II can best be described as ( the same different ) than World War I.

Circle all that apply: Militarism Entangling Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

Cite one specific piece of evidence to support each of the above claims.

Social Studies Mrs. Ingold

Topic: World War II Video Questions Packet~ The Century with Peter Jennings


Episode: Homefront: WWII

1. The state of the American military and the American economy in the years leading up to WWII can best be described as ( poor good very good excellent ).


2. FDR’s communicate with the American people can best be described as:

( poor effective highly effective ).


3. What industry was transformed into war production in only nine months?

4. Men felt ( anxious confident ) about women doing factory jobs in their absence.

Cite specific evidence from the video to support the above claim.

5. Explain the “patriotism” women felt when working in the factories.

6. The role Hollywood played in the war effort can best be described as

( positive negative ).


7. American propaganda portrayed the Germans and the Japanese in a

( positive light negative light ).


7. Japanese-Americans were treated ( fairly unfairly ) during the war.

Cite specific evidence to support the above claim.

8. How was the war on the minds of young children?

9. Stephen Ambrose calls D-Day “the greatest achievement of the American Republic in the first half of the 20th Century.”

Cite specific evidence from the video to support the above claim.

10.What is FDR’s health like during the election of 1944 can best be described as

( poor fair good excellent ).


11. FDR’s death, to American society and the American government, can best be described as ( devastating a minor loss brilliant ).


12. Most American soldiers thought invading Japan was ( positive negative ) to the success of the war effort.

Cite specific evidence to support the above claim.

13. Most people at the 37 sites of the Manhattan project know what they were

researching. TRUE FALSE

Cite specific evidence to support the above claim.

14. Why were some Americans still apprehensive about world affairs even after the war was over?

17. Peter Jennings states “World War II brought Americans together like never

before or after” . TRUE FALSE

Cite 3 pieces of specific evidence to support the above claim in the evidence support boxes below.

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“Surrender of Japan on the USS Missouri September 1945”

America’s involvement in World War II can best be described as

(POSITIVE NEGATIVE ) for its image in the international arena.

Cite three specific pieces of evidence to support the above claim below.

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|The effects of World War II on American society can best be described as |


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|Cite, what you believe is, the main piece of evidence to support the above claim below. |

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|World War II’s effects on the American government (political and military) can best be described as ( POSITIVE NEGATIVE ) |

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|Cite, what you believe is, the main piece of evidence to support the above claim below. |

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|The economical effects of World War II on America can best be described as |


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|As a result of World War II, American society’s views, acceptance and toleration of other cultures can best be described as ( |


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|Cite, what you believe is, the main piece of evidence to support the above claim below. |

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