Curriculum Vitae - University of Minnesota

1 Curriculum Vitae

2 Philip C. Burton, Ph.D.

Center for Magnetic Resonance Research

University of Minnesota

2021 6th Street SE

Minneapolis, MN

Phone: (651) 626-2001


3 Home Address

1706 4th Street NE #1

Minneapolis, MN 55413

Phone: (281)656-2624

1 Education

Ph.D. (cognitive psychology): University of Alabama 2000

M.A. (experimental psychology): University of Arkansas 1994

B.A. (psychology): University of Arkansas 1991 cum laude

2 Employment

University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts

Neuroimaging Staff Scientist, October 2008 - present. Promoting and supporting neuroimaging research throughout the CLA, including providing consultation, training, and assistance with fMRI experimental design, data analysis, data acquisition, dissemination of results, and funding.

Department of Psychology

Rice University

1 Research Associate, April 2001 - September 2008. Assisted cognitive neuroscience faculty at Rice University in the design, conduct, analysis, and dissemination of results of cognitive fMRI research in the areas of attention, perception, memory, and language.

2 Instructor, August, 2002 – December, 2002. Taught one section of research methods for social sciences (full responsibility, 6 students).

Department of Social Sciences

University of Houston-Downtown

3 Adjunct Faculty, January 2002 – May 2002. Taught one section of introductory psychology (full responsibility, approximately 40 students).

Office of Program Planning and Educational Research

University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)

Educational Research Consultant, May 1998 – March 2001

Assisted Associate Dean of the UAB School of Medicine and other School of Medicine faculty with various aspects of program planning, program evaluation, and grant writing.

Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR)

University of Alabama

Graduate Research Assistant, May, 1996 – August, 1998

Analyzed data and prepared reports for contracted surveys conducted by ISSR. This primarily involved preparing monthly, quarterly, and annual reports of patient satisfaction surveys for a local hospital. This consisted of organizing, analyzing (with SPSS), and graphically presenting (with Harvard Graphics) Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) data collected by the polling division of ISSR.

Department of Psychology

University of Alabama

Graduate Teaching Assistant, August, 1997 – May, 1998

Taught two sections of introductory statistical methods (full responsibility; approximately 50 students each section). Incorporated multimedia presentation of course materials into lectures.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, August, 1994 - May, 1996

Taught five sections of introductory psychology and two sections of social psychology over the course of five semesters (full responsibility; 50 - 115 students each course). Incorporated multimedia presentation of course materials into lectures.

1 Graduate Research Assistant, August, 1994 - May, 1995

Recorded and summarized research credits earned by approximately 900 introductory psychology students.

Department of Psychology

University of Arkansas

Graduate Teaching Assistant, August, 1993 - May 1994

Taught one section of introductory psychology (full responsibility; 20 students).

Assisted primary instructor of one section of introductory psychology (400 students). Led review sessions prior to examinations. Coordinated and served as tutor in learning center available to all introductory psychology students at the university.

Graduate Research Assistant, August, 1991 - May 1993

Designed experiments in social and cognitive psychology; programmed computer to present stimuli and record subjects' responses; and collected and analyzed data. Coordinated laboratory activities.

1 Publications

. Hamilton, A. C., Martin, R. C. & Burton, P. C. (in press). Converging fMRI evidence for a role of the left inferior frontal lobe in semantic retention during language comprehension. Cognitive Neuropsychology.

Martin, L. E., Potts, G. F, Burton, P. C., & Montague, P. R. (2009). Electrophysiological and hemodynamic responses to reward prediction violation. NeuroReport, 20, 1140 – 1143.

Potts, G. F., Martin, L. M., Burton, P., Montague, P. R. (2006). When things are better or worse than expected: The medial frontal cortex and allocation of processing resources. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 1112 – 1119.

Johnson, R. M., Burton, P.C., & Ro, T. (2006). Visually induced feelings of touch. Brain Research, 1073-1074, 398 – 406.

Ro, T. Breitmeyer, B. Burton, P., Singhal, N.S. & Lane., D. (2003) Feedback contributions to visual awareness in human occipital cortex. Current Biology, 13, 1038-1041.

Klinger, M. R., Burton, P. C., & Pitts, G. S. (2000). Mechanisms of priming I: Response competition, not spreading activation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26, 441 – 445.

Roskos-Ewoldson, B., Burton, P., Bichsel, J. M., Willis, S., & Spruill, J. (1998) Coordinating the psychology human research participant pool. Teaching of Psychology, 25, 14 – 19.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Burton, P. C., Bartsocas, S., & Klinger, M. R. Spreading Activation and Response Competition

Both Influence Unconscious Priming

Burton, P. C., Garcia, J., & Ro, T. Spatiotopic Organization of Cortical Eye Fields in Humans.

Martin, R.C., & Burton, P. C. Neural substrates of lexical-semantic working memory.

1 Conference Presentations

Hamilton, A. C., Burton, P. C., and Martin, R. C. Converging fMRI evidence for a role of the left inferior frontal lobe in semantic retention during language comprehension. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montreal.

Kallenberger, E. L., Burton, P. C., Seo, D., Patrick, C. J., & Bernat, E. M. Associations between EEG and fMRI Measures During Instructed Emotion Regulation. 49th meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research in Berlin, Germany.

Seipel, B., Clinton, V.E., van den Broek, P., O’Brien, E., Burton, P. C., Landi, N. & Olman, C. (2009, April). Examination of global text coherence utilizing functional MRI. Paper presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Slevc, L. R., Burton, P.C., Hamilton, A. C., Martin, R. C. (Apr. 2009). Pure word deafness following left hemisphere stroke with preserved interhemispheric connectivity. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.

Burton, P. C. & Martin, R. C. (2006, Nov.). Semantic retrieval versus selection in verb generation: An fMRI investigation. 47th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, TX.

Martin, R. C., Burton, P. C., & Hamilton, A. C. (Apr. 2006). An fMRI investigation of the role of left inferior frontal cortex in phrase comprehension and production. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.

Johnson, R., Burton, P.C., & Ro, T. (Apr. 2006). Visually induced feelings of touch. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.

Martin, R. C., Burton, P. C., & Hamilton, A. C. (Oct. 2005) Left inferior frontal involvement in semantic retention during phrase comprehension and production: evidence from functional neuroimaging. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Amsterdam, Holland.

Burton, P. C., Garcia, J., & Ro, T. (Apr. 2005). Spatiotopic organization of cortical eye fields in humans. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.

Martin, LE, Potts, GF, Burton, PC, Montague, PR, Barratt, ES. (Apr. 2005). Impulsivity and Reward Based Error Processing. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.

Potts, GF, Martin, LE, Burton, PC, Montague, PR, Barratt, ES. (Apr. 2005). Reward expectation and the impulsive brain. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.

Potts, GF, Martin, LE, Burton, P (Oct 2004). Electrophysiological and hemodynamic responses to reward expectation. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Santa Fe.

Martin, LE, Burton, PC, Potts, GF (Aug. 2004). Impulsivity and error processing to rewards and punishments. Biological Basis of Personality and Individual Differences, Stony Brook.

Burton, P. C., Martin, R. C., Jackson, E. F., Mahankali, S. (2004, February). Inferior frontal gyrus and lexical-semantic working memory: An fMRI investigation of overt and covert speech production. Paper presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Houston, Texas.

Martin, R. C., Burton, P. C., Jackson, E. F., Mahankali, S. (2003, November). Neural substrates of lexical-semantic working memory: Imaging speech planning with fMRI. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada.

Potts, G., Burton, P., & Jackson, E. (2002). Combined ERP/fMRI study of visual selective attention. Poster presented at the ninth annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.

Black, S., Willis, S., Burton, P., McCown, S., Mott, R. (1999). Homograph meaning and semantic satiation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Cognitive Aging, Atlanta Georgia.

Hawkins, L., Lyman R., Burton, P., DeShazo, T. (1999, March). Effects of Methylphenidate on Stroop Test Performance in Children with ADHD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Savannah, GA.

Burton,P.C., & Klinger, M.R. (1998, May). Unconscious response activation. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC.

Burton, P. C. & Klinger, M. R. (1996). Affective priming is moderated by semantic relatedness. Paper presented at the 68th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Burton, P. C., & Klinger, M. R. (1995). Does forward priming occur without retroactive priming? A comparison of dichoptic and monoptic masks. Paper presented at the 67th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Burton, P. C., & Klinger, M. R. (1993). Retroactive priming: When does it occur? Paper presented at the 65th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Research Interests

Cognitive processes occurring outside of awareness, functional MRI, automatic and controlled processes, unconscious priming, implicit memory, semantic memory, social cognition, cognitive neuroscience


Mark R. Klinger, Ph.D.

University of Alabama

Department of Psychology

(205) 348-0607

Randi C. Martin, Ph.D.

Rice University

Department of Psychology

(713) 348-3417

Geoffrey F. Potts, Ph.D.

Rice University

Department of Psychology

(713) 348-3890

Beverly Roskos-Ewoldsen, Ph.D.

University of Alabama

Department of Psychology

(205) 348-1913


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