Dario Maestripieri - University of Chicago

Curriculum Vitae



Department of Comparative Human Development Phone: (773) 834-4104

The University of Chicago Fax: (773) 702-0320

Chicago, IL 60637 Email: dario@uchicago.edu

Rosenwald Hall, room 318D


1987 "Laurea" (B.Sc. + M.Sc.) in Biology

Università di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

1992 Ph.D. in Psychobiology

Università di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

1992-94 Post-doc in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology

Emory University, Atlanta, GA

Professional Appointments

1985-89 Research Assistant, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Section of Toxicology and Behavior, and Section of Behavioral Pathophysiology, Rome, Italy.

1989-90 Graduate Research Fellow, Istituto di Psicobiologia e Psicofarmacologia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (C.N.R.), Rome, Italy.

1992-1999 Research Associate, Division of Psychobiology, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

1994-1999 Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

1999-2003 Assistant Professor, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

2003-2008 Associate Professor, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

2008-present Full Professor, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Visiting Fellowships and Professorships

1990-91 Visiting Fellow, Sub-department of Animal Behaviour,

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.

2007 (September) Visiting Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study and

Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy

2014 (Spring) Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.

2016 (March) Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, Università di Roma

La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

2020 (Winter) Visiting Senior Fellow, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in

America, Columbia University, New York

2020 (October) Visiting Senior Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Università di

Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, Italy

2021 (Winter) Visiting Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology,

Università di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

University of Chicago Appointments

1999-present Department of Comparative Human Development

1999-present Institute for Mind and Biology

1999-2019 Committee on Evolutionary Biology

2015-present Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge

Research Interests

I am an interdisciplinary behavioral scientist with a wide range of interests. I am interested in all aspects of human behavior and mental life as well as in all aspects of biological and cultural evolution. I am also interested in the history of ideas, creativity, knowledge formation, and the contributions that art and literature can make to knowledge production.


Ranked #20 among Top Italian Scientists in the category Natural & Environmental Sciences, and #60 in the category Psychology & Neuroscience


1991 Awarded the Giovanni Battista Grassi Prize from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy) as the best young investigator in the field of Zoology.

1998 Keynote Address, joint Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of

Animal Behaviour and the Italian Ethological Society

2000 American Psychological Association (APA) Distinguished Scientific

Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology in the area of Animal Learning and Behavior/Comparative Psychology (for outstanding original research on nonhuman primate behavior)

2001, 2015 Nominated for a Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and

Mentoring, The University of Chicago

2001-06 Career Development Award, National Institute of Mental Health

2005 Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

(Biological Sciences Division) (for distinguished contributions to the

integrative study of animal behavior)

2006 Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists

2006 Keynote Address, Chicago Workshop on Biomarkers in Population-Based

Health and Aging Research

2007 Camillo Golgi Memorial Day lecture at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei,

Rome, Italy

2007 Rockefeller Foundation Resident Scholar, Bellagio Study and Conference Center (award made to scholars who demonstrate a history of significant achievements in their respective fields)

2008 Keynote Address, Midwest Symposium on Family Systems Theory and


2008 Annual Bindra Lecture in Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

2010 Elected Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (for sustained and outstanding distinguished contributions to psychological sciences)

2010 Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association

2010, 11, 15, 17 Nominated for a Llewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell

Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Chicago

2016 Awarded 1-month Fellowship from the Italian Ministry of Education to

support Visiting Professorship at the Università di Roma La Sapienza

2017 Margo Wilson Award from the Human Behavior and Evolution Society for

best paper published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior in 2016

2019 Elected Fellow of the Midwestern Psychological Association (for significant

contributions to the discipline of psychology)

2020 Awarded 4-month Visiting Senior Fellowship, Italian Academy for

Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York

2020 Awarded 1-month Visiting Senior Fellowship, Institute of Advanced

Studies, Università di Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, Italy

2021 Awarded 3-month Fellowship from the Italian Ministry of Education to

support Visiting Professorship at the Università di Roma La Sapienza

2021 Awarded the Ferrari Soave Prize from the Accademia delle Scienze di

Torino for distinguished career in the biological sciences


Extramural funds

1987-90 Graduate Research Fellowship, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy

1991 Research Grant, Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.)

1993 Research Grant ($ 5,000) L.S.B. Leakey Foundation (CA)

1995 Research Grant ($ 26,000), Sandoz Pharma Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland)

1996 Research Grant ($ 25,000), Biomedical Resources Foundation (TX)

1996-97 Research Grant ($ 43,433), National Inst. of Mental Health (R03 -MH56328)

1997 Research Grant ($ 53,391), Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (NY)

1998-03 Research Grant ($ 594,355), Nat. Institute of Mental Health (R01-MH57249)

2000 Research Grant ($ 11,500), L. S. B. Leakey Foundation (CA)

2000-05 Research Grant ($ 1,017,499), Nat. Institute of Mental Health (R01-MH62577)

2001-06 Career Development Award ($ 460,773), Nat. Inst. Mental Health (K02-MH63097)

2004 Research Grant ($ 30,104), Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (NY)

2005 Research Grant ($ 15,000), Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation

2006 Research Grant ($ 25,000), Brain Research Foundation

2006 Research Grant ($ 2,600), Primate Conservation Inc.

2008-10 Research Grant ($ 308,164), National Institute on Aging (R21-AG029862)

2009-11 Research Grant ($ 151,265), National Institute on Aging (R21- AG029862-02S1)

2011-16 Research Grant ($ 1,643,923), National Institute of Child Health and Human

Development (R01- HD067175)

Intramural funds

2000 Seed Research Grant ($ 8,167), Office of the Provost, University of Chicago

2000-04 Seed Research Grants ($ 34,336), Center for Early Childhood Res., Univ. Chicago

2000-13         Graduate Workshop funds ($ 40,000), Council for Advanced Studies, Univ. Chicago

2001 Collaborative Research Grant ($ 40,000), Social Sciences Division, Univ. Chicago

2005 Research Grant ($ 10,015), Office of the VP for Research, University of Chicago

2014 Seed Research Grant ($ 12,000), Big Ideas Generator, Univ. of Chicago (declined)

2016 Seed Research Grant ($ 5,000), Stevanovich Institute on Knowledge Formation,

University of Chicago

2017 Workshop Grant ($ 15,000), Big Ideas Generator, Univ. of Chicago

2017 Collaborative Research Grant ($ 35,433), Neubauer Collegium for Culture and

Society, Univ. Chicago

2018 Collaborative Research Grant ($ 10,000), University of Chicago (the College) and

The University of Vienna, Austria.

2019 Gianinno Faculty Research Fund ($ 10,000), University of Chicago

2020 Gianinno Faculty Research Fund ($ 10,000), University of Chicago

Invited Talks


• Seminar, University of Cambridge, U.K., Sub-department of Animal Behaviour


• Seminar, Concordia University, Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology

• Seminar, Emory University, Department of Psychology, Psychobiology Program

• Seminar, Emory University, Yerkes National Primate Research Center


• Seminar, Duke University, Duke Primate Center

• Seminar, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Departments of Psychology and Anthropology


• Seminar, Emory University, Department of Psychology, Psychobiology Program


• Seminar, Middle Tennessee State University, Department of Psychology

• Seminar, University College London, U. K., Department of Anthropology

• Seminar, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Department of Psychology


• Seminar, Emory University, Department of Psychology, Cognition and Development Program

• Seminar, Emory University, Yerkes National Primate Research Center

• Seminar, University of California at Davis, Department of Psychology

• Symposium, Conference on Reproduction and Behavior


• Seminar, Emory University, Department of Biology


• Seminar, Berry College, Department of Psychology

• Seminar, Emory University, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Program

• Seminar, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Animal Behavior Interdisciplinary Program

• Seminar, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin National Primate Research Center

• Seminar, University of California at Davis, Department of Psychology

• Keynote address, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour and Italian Ethological Society

• Symposium, Conference on “Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language”, Emory University, Atlanta


• Seminar, University of Nottingham, U.K., Department of Biology

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Department of Psychology, Biopsychology Program

• Symposium, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

• Symposium, American Anthropological Association

• Symposium, Society for Behavior Genetics


• Seminar, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago

• Seminar, Northwestern University, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Program

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Committee on Evolutionary Biology

• Seminar, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Department of Biology

• Invited Address, American Psychological Association

• Symposium, American Society of Primatologists

• Symposium, International Neuropsychological Conference, Switzerland

• Symposium, International Society for Developmental Psychobiology

• Workshop on “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Emotions”, Kyoto, Japan


• Seminar, University of Chicago, Department of Medicine

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology Program

• Seminar, Loyola University Chicago, Department of Biology

• Seminar, University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Psychiatry

• Conference on “Macaque Societies and Evolution" Mysore, India

• Conference on the “Origins of Intelligence”, Texas Lutheran University, Texas

• NIH/NIMH Workshop on “New Directions in Borderline Personality Research”, Rockefeller University, New York


• Conference on “Family Investments in Children's Potential: Resources and Behaviors that

Promote Children's Success”, Northwestern University, Chicago

• Symposium, International Behavioral Neuroscience Society

• Symposium, International Society for Human Ethology

• Workshop on the “Neurobiology of Maternal Behavior”, Center for Behavioral

Neuroscience, Emory University, Atlanta


• Seminar, Harvard University Medical School, McLean Hospital

• Seminar, Haverford College, Department of Psychology

• Seminar, Irving B. Harris Foundation on Early Child Development, Chicago

• Symposium, American Psychological Society

• Conference on “Self, Cognition and Emotion: Toward the Future of Psychological Research”, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

• Workshop on “Mother and Infant: Perinatal Influences on Health”, McGill University,


• Workshop on “Individual Differences in Behavior and Physiology: Causes and

Consequences”, International School of Ethology, Erice, Italy


• Seminar, Bucknell University, Department of Psychology

• Seminar, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Center for Teaching and Learning

• Guest lecture, University of Chicago, Graham School of General Studies

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

• Seminar, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Animal Behavior Group

• Symposium, International Primatological Society

• Workshop on “Gestural Communication in Human and Nonhuman Primates”, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

• Workshop on “Neurobehavioral Plasticity”, European Behavioral Pharmacology

Society, Rome

• Worskhop on “Nature & Nurture: Genetics, Morphology and Behaviour”.

University of Cambridge, UK (cancelled)


• Seminar, Columbia University, National Center for Children and Families

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Chicago Convenes

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology Program

• Seminar, Penn State University, Department of Biobehavioral Health

• Seminar, University of Rome, Department of Child Psychiatry

• Symposium, American Association for Physical Anthropology (cancelled)

• Workshop on "Early gene-environment interactions as predisposing factors for mood disorders," Joint Italian-Swedish Neuroscience Meeting, Ischia, Italy.

• Workshop on “The Role of Biology in Families: from Ecology to Endocrinology”,

Institute for Social Sciences, Cornell University


• Seminar, Columbia University, Department of Developmental Psychobiology

• Seminar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Department of Anthropology

• Seminar, University of Basel, Switzerland, Department of Biology

• Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Institute of Anthropology

• Symposium, Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology

• Symposium, Human Behavior and Evolution Society (declined)

• Symposium, American College of Neuropharmacology Conference (cancelled)

• Keynote address, Chicago Workshop on Biomarkers in Population-Based Health and Aging Research, Gleacher Center, University of Chicago

• Keynote address, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists

• Seminar, UCLA, Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture


• Seminar, University of Chicago, Committee on Neurobiology

• Guest lecture, University of Chicago, Department of Linguistics

• Symposium, Winter Conference on Current Issues in Developmental Psychobiology

• Symposium, Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (cancelled)

• Conference on “Parental Brain”, Tufts University, Boston

• Camillo Golgi Memorial Day, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy

• Seminar, Centre for Research in Evolutionary Anthropology, Roehampton University, London

• Seminar, Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio

• Symposium, Annual Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology

• Roundtable Discussant, Conference of the Primate Midwest Interest Group

• Seminar, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

• NIH/NIA Workshop on “Allostatic Load”, Washington D.C.

• Conference on “Hormones and Social Behavior”, Foundation IPSEN, Paris, France


• Invited Speaker, Pre-Conference on Evolutionary Psychology, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting

• Seminar, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Northwestern University

• Symposium, 6th Forum of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), Geneva, Switzerland (cancelled)

• Seminar, Chicago Zoological Society, Chicago

• Keynote Speaker, Midwest Symposium on Family Systems Theory and Therapy

• Symposium, Biannual Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression (declined)

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Center for Human Potential and Public Policy

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology Program

• Annual Bindra Lecture, Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal


• Invited Speaker, Jewish Community Center of San Francisco (cancelled)

• Symposium, Annual Meeting, American Association for the Advancement of Science

• Symposium, Annual Meeting, American Association for Physical Anthropology

• Symposium, Annual Meeting, American Association for Physical Anthropology

• Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting, Association for Psychological Science

• Seminar, Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University

• Harper Lecture, University of Chicago Alumni Association, Atlanta

• Ars/Scientia Lecture, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago

• Symposium, International Ethological Conference, Rennes, France (declined)

• Symposium, Annual Meeting, American Society of Primatologists

• NIH/NIA Workshop on “Advancing Integrative Psychological Research on Adaptive and Healthy Aging”, Berkeley, CA (declined)

• Invited Speaker, Chicago Humanities Festival (declined)

• Invited Speaker, Chicago Center for Inquiry


• Seminar, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Chicago

• Seminar, Center for Society and Genetics, UCLA

• Midwest Faculty Seminar, University of Chicago (declined)

• Symposium, Annual Meting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society

• Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association

• Conference on “Capabilities and Education”, University of Chicago Law School

• Seminar, Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture, UCLA

• Seminar, Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University (declined)

• Seminar, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago

• Invited Speaker, Chicago Center for Inquiry

• Centre for Behaviour and Evolution Distinguished Lecture, University of Newcastle, U.K.


• Symposium, Conference of the European Brain and Behaviour Society (cancelled)

• Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Neurobiology

• Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Psychology

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Department of Psychology, Developmental Program

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Developmental Science Network

• Seminar, University of Chicago, Comparative Human Development Workshop

• Invited speaker, Conference on “Behavioral Constraints and Flexibility”, University of Gottingen, Germany (declined)

• Seminar, Stanford University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

• Seminar, Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, NIH Animal Center, Poolesville

• Conference on “The Role of Genetic and Environmental Factors Across the Lifecourse”, University of Chicago, Department of Economics

• TEDx/Harvard University Conference (declined)

• Seminar, Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, CNRS - Université de Provence, Marseille – France

• Festschrift Conference in honor of Alberto Oliverio, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome - Italy


• Symposium, Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science

• Invited lecture, Tucson Book Festival, University of Arizona

• Conference on the “Evolution of Violence”, Oakland University, MI

• Invited lecture, Powell’s Bookstore, Portland, OR

• Invited lecture, American Museum of Natural History, New York

• University of Chicago Alumni Harper Lecture, London

• Invited lecture, Royal Society for the Arts, London

• Invited lecture, Google Headquarters (Authors@Google), London

• Seminar, University of Chicago International House, Chicago

• Symposium, International Primatological Society Conference

• Invited speaker, Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Leiden, The Netherlands

• Symposium, Society for Neuroscience Conference

• Keynote Speaker, NIH Workshop on “Improving Animal Models of Human Behavioral and Social Processes”, Rockville, MD

• Keynote address, Annual Conference of the Association of Primate Veterinarians (cancelled)

• University of Chicago Alumni Harper Lecture, Boston

• University of Chicago Alumni Harper Lecture, New Orleans

• Conference on “Social interactions: a comparative approach”, University of Padua, Italy (declined)

• University of Chicago Alumni Harper Lecture, Paris


• Conference on the “Evolution of Sexuality”, Oakland University, MI (declined)

• Symposium, Annual Conference of the American Society of Primatologists

• Symposium, European Brain & Behavior Society Conference, Munich, Germany

• Ernst Strüngmann Forum on “Formative Childhoods: A Pathway to Peace?” Frankfurt, Germany

• Seminar, Center for Ecology, Southern Illinois University

• Public lecture, Chicago Public Library Edgewater (declined)


• Seminar, UCLA, Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture

• Symposium, Annual Conference of the American Association for Physical Anthropology

• Symposium, Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association (declined)

• Keynote Speaker, Annual Conference on Environmental Enrichment, Massachusetts General Hospital (declined)

• Conference on “Success with two X's: How Women Succeed” (declined)

• Conference on the “Evolution of Morality”, Oakland University, MI

• Symposium, Annual Conference of the Society for Social Neuroscience

• Festival of Literature, Mantova, Italy

• Seminar, University of Cambridge, Department of Biological Anthropology

• Seminar, University of Sussex, Department of Psychology (declined)


• Invited speaker, Social Neuroendocrinology Pre-conference, Annual Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology

• NICHD Expert Panel, “Operationalizing Socioeconomic Status: What are the Active Ingredients and How Can They be Translated between Human and Animal Models?”

• Conference “Biological Basis of Preference and Strategic Behavior"

• Speaker, Midwest Faculty Seminar, The University of Chicago

• Conference “Adapted Mind, Adapted Body. The evolution of human behavior and its

neuroendocrine regulation”

• Seminar, School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong


• Invited Speaker, Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association

• Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, University of Chicago Medical School

• Invited Speaker, Contemporary Anthropology Festival “Dialoghi sull'uomo”, Pistoia, Italy

• Symposium, Biennial Conference of the International Primatological Society

• Roundtable Participant, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Studies (declined)

• Roundtable Participant, Chicago Science Festival (declined)

• Invited Speaker/Participant, Expert Focus Group, U.S. Institute of Peace: RESOLVE Network; meeting theme: “Measuring the state of the research and data on violent extremism”, Washington D. C.

• Invited Speaker/Participant, Expert Focus Group, U.S. Institute of Peace: RESOLVE Network; meeting theme: “Violent extremism: setting priorities for research”, Washington D. C.

• Seminar, University of Pennsylvania Interdisciplinary Mind-Brain Program (declined)


• Invited Speaker, Festival di Scienza e Filosofia, Foligno, Italy (declined)

• Seminar, University of Parma, Italy

• Invited Speaker, College Pathway Program in Economics, The University of Chicago

• Speaker, Conference “Literature and Knowledge”

• Speaker, Inaugural Conference, Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge

• Seminar, University of Pennsylvania Interdisciplinary Mind-Brain Program


• Seminar, Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, Univ. of Chicago

• Seminar, Institute for Mind and Biology, University of Chicago

• Seminar, Department of Psychology, Columbia University (declined)

• Seminar, Integrative Animal Behavior Group, Columbia University

• Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, NY (declined)

• Seminar, Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

• Symposium, Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society

• Invited Speaker, International Conference on Peace and Security, Univ. of Maryland

• Seminar, Department of Behavioral Biology, University of Vienna, Austria


• Seminar, Center for Evolutionary Psychology, University of California Santa Barbara

• Public lecture, Universita’ di Padova, Padova, Italy

• Invited Speaker, Salone Nazionale del Libro, Torino, Italy

• Roundtable discussion leader for the book “The Emotional Mind” by Stephen Asma and Rami Gabriel (Harvard University Press), Seminary Coop Bookstore, Chicago

• Invited Speaker, Social Neuroendocrinology Preconference, HBES conference, Boston

• Invited Speaker, Conference of Italian Literature Scholars on ‘Science and Literature’ Pisa, Italy

• Invited Speaker, Workshop on Behavioral Biology, University of Vienna, Austria


• Invited public lecture, Congress and Cultural Centre in Ljubljana, Slovenia

• Roundtable participant, Central American Philosophical Association Conference

• Seminar, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Bologna, Italy

• Guest lecture, course on the Psychology of Well-Being, University of Bologna, Italy

• Guest lecture, course on Animal Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy

• Guest lecture, course on Circadian Rhythms, University of Bologna, Italy

• Seminar, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University

• Seminar, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy


• Guest lecture, course on Philosophy of Science, Philosophy Ph.D. Program, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

• Guest lecture, course on Psychobiology, Neuroscience International Ph.D. University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

• Seminar, Cognitive, Social and Affective Neuroscience International Ph.D. Program, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

• Invited speaker, Conference on ‘The evolution of personality” Center for Scientific Research Ettore Majorana, Erice, Sicily (Italy)

• Public lecture, Festival della Scienza, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy


• Seminar, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark

Workshops, symposia, and conferences organized

1997 Symposium on “Variability in parenting styles of nonhuman primates: recent

findings and implications for human research”. Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C.

1998 Symposium on “Biological and maternal influences on infant development in

primates”, Conference of the International Society for Infant Studies, Atlanta,

2002 Conference on “Evolution, Cognition and Development”. University of Chicago. 2005 Symposium on “Comparative Perspectives on Brain and Behavior”. Meeting of the

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C.

2007 Symposium on “Maternal effects on offspring behavioral and neuroendocrine

development”. Conference of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Diego, CA.

2009 Symposium: “The Last Piece of Darwin’s Puzzle: The Evolution of the Social

Mind”. Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Chicago, IL

2001-12 Comparative Behavioral Biology Workshop, University of Chicago.

2014 Conference: “Neuroeconomics: Recent Advances and Future Directions.”

Center for Scientific Research “Ettore Majorana”, Erice, Sicily (Italy)

2015 Conference: “Adapted Mind, Adapted Body. The evolution of human behavior and its

neuroendocrine regulation.” Center for Scientific Research “Ettore Majorana”, Erice,

Sicily (Italy)

2017 Conference on “Literature and Knowledge”, University of Chicago

2017 Symposium on “Consilience: Integrating Science and Humanities in the Pursuit of

Knowledge”. Conference of the Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge

2021 Conference: “The evolution of personality” Center for Scientific Research Ettore

Majorana, Erice, Sicily (Italy)

Courses taught (University of Chicago or Emory University)

Behavioral Ecology: Fall 2006

Biopsychology of Attachment: Winter 2000, Winter 2001, Winter 2002, Winter 2005

Darwinism and Literature: Fall 2019

Evolution and Economics of Human Behavior: Winter 2015, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017,

Winter 2022

Evolution of Human Development: Spring 2012, Fall 2018

Evolution of Parenting: Fall 1995 (Emory U), Fall 1999,

Evolutionary Psychology: Fall 2000, Fall 2001, Fall 2002, Winter 2008, Winter 2010,

Winter 2013, Winter 2017, Fall 2017, Winter 2022

Grants, Publications, and the Academic Job Market: Winter 2007; Winter 2011;

Winter 2016, Winter 2017, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019

History of Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences: Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2021

Mind (Social Science Core Course): Fall 1999, Fall 2001, Fall 2005, Fall 2007, Fall 2009,

Winter 2012, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2021

Mind and Biology Proseminar: 2000-2016

Nonverbal communication: Spring 1997 (Emory U), Winter 2002, Fall 2009

Primate Behavior and Ecology: Winter 2000, Fall 2000, Fall 2002, Winter 2005, Fall 2005,

Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2014

Primates and Human Evolution (in Paris): Fall 2008, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012

Primate Psychology: Spring 2005

Research Seminar in Animal Behavior: 2001-2013

Research Seminar in Behavioral Biology: Winter 2016

Sabbatical leaves: 2003-2004, 2013-2014, 2020-2021, 2027-2028, 2034-35

Affiliation to Scientific Societies and Service

Past Memberships

Italian Ethological Society

Member, 1986-1990

Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

Member, 1988-1992

International Society for Behavioral Ecology

Member, 1988-1993

American Society of Primatologists

Member, 1992-1998

Animal Behavior Society

Member, 1992-2012

Member, Public Affairs Committee, 2002-2005

Conference Program Officer, 2008-2011

Member of the Executive Committee, 2008-2011

Society Representative to the Biology Section of AAAS, 2008-2011

Society Representative to the International Council of Ethologists, 2010-2016

International Primatological Society

Member, 2001-2016

Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, IPS Conference, 2003

Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, IPS Conference, 2016

International Society for Developmental Psychobiology

Member, 2001-2010

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Fellow, 2005

Association for Psychological Science

Member, 2010-2012

Fellow, 2010

Social Neuroscience Society

Member, 2014-2015

Social and Affective Neuroscience Society

Member, 2014-2015

Midwestern Psychological Association

Member, 2014-2019

University of Chicago Faculty Representative, 2015-2020

Fellow, 2019

Current memberships

European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association

Member, 2017-present

Member, Meet the Experts panel, 2019

Human Behavior and Evolution Society

Member, 2013-present

Chair, Committee for Lifetime Achievement Awards, 2018

Member, Committee for best Post-Doc Award, 2019

Member, Committee for Early Career Award, 2019

Centro Studi Americani (Center for American Studies), Rome, Italy

Member, 2019-present

American Psychological Association

Member, 2021-present

Society for Open Inquiry in Behavioral Science

Founding Member, 2021-present

Editorial Service

2000-2011 Editorial Board Member, Folia Primatologica

2001-2010 Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Primatology

2005-2008 Editorial Board Member, The University of Chicago Press

2008-2011 Associate Editor, Animal Behaviour

2014-present Editorial Board Member, Evolutionary Psychological Science

2014-present Editor in Chief, Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology

Manuscript Reviews for Journals

Acta Theriologica, Acta Zoologica Sinica, Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, Aggressive Behavior, American Anthropologist, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, American Journal of Primatology, American Naturalist, American Psychologist, American Scientist, Animal Behaviour, Animal Cognition, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Behaviour, Behavioural Brain Research, Biology Letters, Biological Psychiatry, Brain Behavior and Evolution, Brain and Language, Brain Research, Canadian Journal of Zoology, Child Development, Contemporary Psychology, Current Anthropology, Current Biology, Current Directions in Psychological Science, Development & Psychopathology, Developmental Neuroscience, Developmental Psychobiology, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Review, Developmental Science, Emotion, Ethology, Evolution & Human Behavior, Evolution of Communication, Evolutionary Psychological Science, Experimental Neurology, Folia Primatologica, Hormones & Behavior, Human Nature, International Journal of Comparative Psychology, International Journal of Primatology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of Avian Biology, Journal of Comparative Psychology, Journal of Developmental Processes, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Human Evolution, Journal of Mammalogy, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Zoology, Language & Communication, Nature, Nature Communications, Neuropharmacology, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, Physiology & Behavior, PLoS One, PLoS Computational Biology, Primates, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Review, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Psychopharmacology, Review of General Psychology, Royal Society Open Science, Science, Scientific Reports, Social Development, Social Neuroscience, Stress, Trends in Cognitive Science, Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Book Reviews for Publishers

American Psychological Association Press, Cambridge University Press, Harvard University Press, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., New York Academy of Sciences, Oxford University Press, Plenum Press, Springer-Verlag, University of Chicago Press.

Faculty Tenure/Promotion Reviews

2004 Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Chicago

2005 Assistant Professor mid-term reappointment, University of Chicago

2006 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of California Los Angeles

2007 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, Duke University

2008 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Chicago

2008 Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Chicago

2009 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Illinois U-C

2009 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, Clemson University

2009 Tenure and Associate to Full Professor promotion, Agnes Scott College

2010 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Wisconsin-


2010 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of Chicago

2010 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of Toronto Scarborough

2011 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of Lethbridge

2011 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Michigan

2011 Vice-Provost for International Affairs, UCLA

2011 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Chicago

2011 Associate to Full Professor promotion, Duke University

2012 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of Wisconsin – Madison

2012 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of Chicago

2012 Canada Research Chair, University of Toronto

2012 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, Ohio University

2012 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Missouri

2012 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, Oakland University

2012 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Tennessee

2012 Associate to Full Professor promotion, Vassar College

2012 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, Dartmouth College

2013 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of California Los Angeles

2014 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Missouri

2015 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, University of Chicago

2015 Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, Harvard University

2015 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, Boston College

2015 Associate to Full Professor promotion, Georgia State University

2017 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of Michigan Ann Arbor

2018 Associate to Full Professor promotion, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

2018 Canada Research Chair Tier I Renewal, University of Lethbridge, Canada

2018 Tenure and Assistant to Associate Professor promotion, Univ. of Pennsylvania

2018 Associate to Full Professor promotion, Oklahoma State University

Grant Reviews and other Professional Activities

1997-present Ad hoc reviewer, National Science Foundation

• Animal Behavior Program

• Behavioral Systems Program

• Biological/Physical Anthropology Program

• Behavioral Neuroscience program

• Population Biology program

• Neural Systems Program

• Division of Biological Infrastructure

• Developmental and Learning Sciences program

• International Research Fellowship Program

2000-present Ad hoc reviewer, National Institutes of Health

• Biobehavioral Regulation, Learning, & Ethology Study Section

• Mechanisms of Emotions, Stress, and Health Study Section

• Aging Systems and Geriatrics Study Section

• Social Sciences and Population Studies Study Section

• NICHD: review of PO1 applications

• NIA: Behavioral and Social Research Program

• NIA: Division of AIDS, Behavioral, and Population Sciences

• NIMH: Behavioral Neuroscience Fellowships

• NCRR: Site visit for renewal of the Base Grant of the Southwest National Primate Research Center, San Antonio, TX

• NCRR: Site visit for renewal of the Base Grant of the Washington National Primate Research Center, Seattle, WA

• NCRR: Special Emphasis Panel

• National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Training and Education program

• RFA: Child Neglect

• RFA: Research on Children Exposed to Violence

• RFA: Social Neuroscience of Aging

• RFA: The Role of Human-Animal Interaction in Child Health and Human Development

• RFA: Juvenile Protective Factors and Their Effects on Aging

1998-present Ad hoc reviewer, Leakey Foundation

2001 Consultant, MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Early

Experience and Brain Development

2002, 2007 Chair, Biological Processes Review Panel, International Conference

on Infant Studies

2002-present Invited Participant, Early Childhood Development Dinners, The

Irving B. Harris Foundation, Chicago, IL

2003 Consultant, National Geographic, TV documentary filmed on

Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico

2004 Consultant, NICHD Psychosexual Differentiation Network

2004 Ad hoc reviewer, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation

2005 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)

2005 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

2007 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Center for Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Spelman College

2007 Member, External Advisory Board for the Research Project “Towards a Grammar of Gesture: Evolution, Brain, and Linguistic Structure”, Volkswagen Foundation, PI: Dr. Cornelia Muller, European University Viadrina, Germany

2007, 2011 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Austrian National Science Fund

2007, 2008, 2015 Judge, Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (CAURS), University of Chicago, Northwestern U, Loyola U, & De Paul U.

2008, 2009, 2010 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Consolider Program, Spanish Ministry of

Science and Education

2009 Consultant, “Off the Fence” Film Production Company

2010 Consultant, VPRO (Dutch National TV Broadcasting Company)

2010-2013 Consultant, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Fellows


2012 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences

Research Council, U.K.

2013, 14, 15, 17, 19 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium

2013 Course proposal reviewer, Central European University, Budapest,


2014 Ad hoc grant reviewer, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation

2014 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

2015, 18, 20 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Studies,


2015 Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, Conference of the

European Federation of Primatology

2015 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic

2016 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific

Research (NWO)

2017 Ad hoc grant reviewer, National Science Center, Poland

2017 Reviewer, Awards for Early Career Contributions to Psychology,

American Psychological Association

2017 Ad hoc grant reviewer, University of Missouri Research Board

2018 Ad hoc reviewer, MIUR (Italian Ministry for Education, University

and Research): PRIN, progetti di ricerca di rilevante interesse

nazionale, Italy

2018 Ad hoc grant reviewer, National Science Center, Poland

2019 Ad hoc grant reviewer, Alexander von Humboldt Fellowships,


2019 Ad hoc grant reviewer, National Fellowships Committee for

Graduate Women in Science

2019 Ad hoc grant reviewer, German Research Foundation, Germany

2020-present External Advisory Board Member, Center for Evolutionary

Psychological Science, Oakland University

2021 Ad hoc reviewer, MIUR (Italian Ministry for Education, University

and Research): PRIN, progetti di ricerca di rilevante interesse

nazionale, Italy

2021 Ad hoc reviewer, MIUR (Italian Ministry for Education, University

and Research): ‘Giovani Ricercatori Rita Levi Montalcini Program’.




Google Scholar Total Citations: 13,220

h-index: 70 (number of publications cited at least 70 times)

i-10 index: 183 (number of publications cited at least 10 times)

i-100 index: 32 (number of publications cited at least 100 times)

Books and Edited Books

1. D. Maestripieri (ed.)

Primate Psychology.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003.

2. D. Maestripieri

Macachiavellian Intelligence.

How rhesus macaques and humans have conquered the world.

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007.

Translations: Italy, Japan.

3. D. Maestripieri, J. M. Mateo (eds.)

Maternal Effects in Mammals.

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2009.

4. D. Maestripieri

Games Primates Play.

An undercover investigation of the evolution and economics of human relationships.

New York: Basic Books, 2012.

Translations: France, Italy, Greece, China, Korea, Taiwan.

5. C. Carere, D. Maestripieri (eds.)

Animal Personalities: Behavior, Physiology, and Evolution.

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

6. D. Maestripieri.

Literature’s contributions to scientific knowledge.

How novels explored new ideas about human nature.

Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.

7. D. Maestripieri.

Science Meets Literature.

What Elias Canetti’s Auto-da-Fé Tells Us About the Human Mind and Human


London, UK: Anthem Press, 2019.

Translations: Italy.

8. D. Maestripieri.

Knowledge is Power, but Ignorance is Bliss.

The costs and benefits of knowing and not knowing the truth about ourselves and the world we live in.

In preparation.

9. J. S. Boparai, D. Maestripieri.

The Novel of Ideas: Its past, present, and future.

In preparation.

Edited Journal Special Issues

1. D. Maestripieri, J. Morford (eds.)

Gestural Communication in Human and Nonhuman Primates.

Special issue of Evolution of Communication, 1: 159-282, 1997.

2. D. Maestripieri, P. Kappeler (eds.)

Evolutionary Theory and Primate Behavior.

Special issue of the International Journal of Primatology, 23: 703-951, 2002.

3. D. Maestripieri.

Life History.

Special issue of Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2: 93-183, 2016.

Articles and Book Chapters

1. G. Schino, S. Scucchi, D. Maestripieri, P.G. Turillazzi

Allogrooming as a tension-reduction mechanism: a behavioral approach.

American Journal of Primatology, 16: 43-50, 1988.

2. D. Maestripieri, S. Scucchi

Seasonal changes in social relationships in an all-female rhesus monkey

(Macaca mulatta) group.

Behaviour, 110: 106-114, 1989.

3. D. Maestripieri, E. Alleva

Maternal aggression and litter size in the female house mouse.

Ethology, 84: 27-34, 1990.

4. D. Maestripieri, R. De Simone, L. Aloe, E. Alleva

Social status and nerve growth factor serum levels after agonistic encounters

in mice.

Physiology & Behavior, 47: 161-164, 1990.

5. G. Schino, D. Maestripieri, S. Scucchi, P.G. Turillazzi

Social tension in familiar and unfamiliar pairs of long-tailed macaques.

Behaviour, 113: 264-272, 1990.

6. A. Badiani, D. Maestripieri

Il gene egoista. Strumenti, modelli interpretativi, prospettive della sociobiologia.

Prometeo, 30: 62-67, 1990 (in Italian).

7. D. Maestripieri

Passato, presente e futuro dell'NGF.

Annuario della Scienza e della Tecnica Curcio, pp. 174-178, 1990 (in Italian).

8. D. Maestripieri

Il ruolo della femmina nelle società animali.

Annuario della Scienza e della Tecnica Curcio, pp. 198-203, 1990 (in Italian).

9. S. Scucchi, D. Maestripieri, G. Schino

Conflict, displacement activities, and menstrual cycle in long-tailed macaques.

Primates, 32: 115-118, 1991.

10. D. Maestripieri

Litter gender composition, food availability, and maternal defence of the

young in house mice (Mus domesticus).

Behaviour, 116: 139-151, 1991.

11. D. Maestripieri, E. Alleva

Do male mice use parental care as a buffering strategy against maternal


Animal Behaviour, 41: 904-906, 1991.

12. D. Maestripieri, C. Rossi-Arnaud

Kinship does not affect litter defence in pairs of communally nesting

female house mice.

Aggressive Behavior, 17: 223-228, 1991.

13. D. Maestripieri, F.R. D'Amato

Anxiety and maternal aggression in house mice (Mus domesticus): a look at interindividual variability.

Journal of Comparative Psychology, 105: 295-301, 1991.

14. S. Pavani, D. Maestripieri, G. Schino, P.G. Turillazzi, S. Scucchi

Factors influencing scratching behaviour in long-tailed macaques.

Folia Primatologica, 57: 34-38, 1991.

15. D. Maestripieri, E. Alleva

Litter defence and parental investment allocation in house mice.

Behavioural Processes, 23: 223-230, 1991.

16. D. Maestripieri, A. Badiani, S. Puglisi-Allegra

Prepartal chronic stress increases anxiety and decreases aggression in

lactating female mice.

Behavioral Neuroscience, 105: 663-668, 1991.

17. D. Maestripieri

L'eredità di Lorenz e Tinbergen e gli orientamenti attuali dell'etologia.

Annuario della Scienza e della Tecnica Curcio, 1991 (in Italian).

18. S. Bigi, D. Maestripieri, L. Aloe, E. Alleva

NGF decreases isolation-induced aggressive behavior, while increasing

adrenal volume, in adult male mice.

Physiology & Behavior, 51: 337-343, 1992.

19. D. Maestripieri, F.L. Martel, C.M. Nevison, M.J.A. Simpson, E.B. Keverne

Anxiety in rhesus monkey infants in relation to interactions with their

mother and other social companions.

Developmental Psychobiology, 24: 571-581, 1992.

20. D. Maestripieri

Functional aspects of maternal aggression in mammals.

Canadian Journal of Zoology, 70: 1069-1077, 1992.

21. D. Maestripieri, G. Schino, F. Aureli, A. Troisi

A modest proposal: displacement activities as an indicator of emotions in


Animal Behaviour, 44: 967-979, 1992.

22. D. Maestripieri

Vigilance costs of allogrooming in macaque mothers.

The American Naturalist, 141: 744-753, 1993.

23. D. Maestripieri

Infant kidnapping in group-living rhesus macaques: why don't mothers

rescue their infants?

Primates, 34: 211-216, 1993.

24. D. Maestripieri

Maternal anxiety in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). I. Measurement of anxiety and identification of anxiety-eliciting situations.

Ethology, 95: 19-31, 1993.

25. D. Maestripieri

Maternal anxiety in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). II. Emotional bases

of individual differences in mothering style.

Ethology, 95: 32-42, 1993.

26. D. Maestripieri

Infant abuse associated with psychosocial stress in a group-living pigtail

macaque (Macaca nemestrina) mother.

American Journal of Primatology, 32: 41-49, 1994.

27. D. Maestripieri

Social structure, infant handling, and mothering styles in group-living Old

World monkeys.

International Journal of Primatology, 15: 531-553, 1994.

28. D. Maestripieri

Costs and benefits of maternal aggression in lactating female rhesus macaques.

Primates, 35: 443-453, 1994.

29. D. Maestripieri

Mother-infant relationships in three species of macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. nemestrina, M. arctoides). I. Development of the mother-infant relationship in the first three months.

Behaviour, 131: 75-96, 1994.

30. D. Maestripieri

Mother-infant relationships in three species of macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. nemestrina, M. arctoides). II. The social environment.

Behaviour, 131: 97-113, 1994.

31. D. Maestripieri

Influence of infants on female social relationships in monkeys.

Folia Primatologica, 63: 192-202, 1994.

32. D. Maestripieri, K. Wallen

Interest in infants varies with reproductive condition in group-living female pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina).

Physiology & Behavior, 57: 353-358, 1995.

33. D. Maestripieri

First steps in the macaque world: Do rhesus mothers encourage their infants' independent locomotion?

Animal Behaviour, 49: 1541-1549, 1995.

34. K. Wallen, D. Maestripieri, D.R. Mann

Effects of neonatal testicular suppression with a GnRH antagonist on social behavior in group-living juvenile rhesus monkeys.

Hormones and Behavior, 29: 322-337, 1995.

35. D. Maestripieri

Maternal encouragement in nonhuman primates and the question of animal teaching.

Human Nature, 6: 361-378, 1995.

36. D. Maestripieri

Assessment of danger to themselves and their infants by rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) mothers

Journal of Comparative Psychology, 109: 416-420, 1995.

37. D. Maestripieri

Maternal responsiveness to infant distress calls in stumptail macaques.

Folia Primatologica, 64: 201-206, 1995.

38. D. Maestripieri

Maternal encouragement of infant locomotion in pigtail macaques, Macaca nemestrina.

Animal Behaviour, 51: 603-610, 1996.

39. D. Maestripieri

Gestural communication and its cognitive implications in pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina).

Behaviour, 133: 997-1022, 1996.

40. D. Maestripieri

Primate cognition and the bared-teeth display: a reevaluation of the concept

of formal dominance.

Journal of Comparative Psychology, 110: 402-405, 1996.

41. D. Maestripieri

Social communication among captive stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides).

International Journal of Primatology, 17: 785-802, 1996.

42. D. Maestripieri, J. Call

Mother-infant communication in primates.

Advances in the Study of Behavior, 25: 613- 642, 1996.

43. D. Maestripieri, K. Wallen

Affiliative and submissive communication in rhesus macaques.

Primates, 38: 127-138, 1997.

44. D. Maestripieri, K. Wallen, K. A. Carroll

Infant abuse runs in families of group-living pigtail macaques.

Child Abuse & Neglect, 21: 465-471, 1997.

45. D. Maestripieri, K. Wallen, K. A. Carroll

Genealogical and demographic influences on infant abuse and neglect in

group-living sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys).

Developmental Psychobiology, 31: 175-180, 1997.

46. D. Maestripieri

The evolution of communication.

Language & Communication, 17: 269-277, 1997.

47. D. Maestripieri

Gestural communication in macaques: Usage and meaning of nonvocal


Evolution of Communication, 1: 193-222, 1997.

48. D. Maestripieri

Parenting styles of abusive mothers in group-living rhesus macaques.

Animal Behaviour, 55: 1-11, 1998.

49. D. Maestripieri, K. A. Carroll

Risk factors for infant abuse and neglect in rhesus monkeys.

Psychological Science, 9: 143-145, 1998.

50. M. Tomaszycki, C. Cline, B. Griffin, D. Maestripieri, W. D. Hopkins

Maternal cradling and infant nipple preferences in rhesus macaques.

Developmental Psychobiology, 32: 305-312, 1998.

51. D. Maestripieri, K. A. Carroll

Child abuse and neglect: Usefulness of the animal data.

Psychological Bulletin, 123: 211-223, 1998.

52. K. A. Carroll, D. Maestripieri

Infant maltreatment in monkeys: A discussion of definitions, epidemiology, etiology, and implications for child maltreatment.

Psychological Bulletin, 123: 234-237, 1998.

53. D. Maestripieri

Social and demographic influences on mothering style in pigtail macaques.

Ethology, 104: 379-385, 1998.

54. J. L. Zehr, D. Maestripieri, K. Wallen

Estrogen increases female sexual initiation independent of male

responsiveness in rhesus monkeys.

Hormones and Behavior, 33: 95-103, 1998.

55. D. Maestripieri, K. A. Carroll

Behavioral and environmental correlates of infant abuse in group-living

pigtail macaques.

Infant Behavior & Development, 21: 603-612, 1998.

56. D. Maestripieri

The evolution of male-infant interactions in the tribe Papionini (Primates: Cercopithecidae)

Folia Primatologica, 69: 247-251, 1998.

57. D. Maestripieri, J. L. Zehr

Maternal responsiveness increases during pregnancy and after estrogen treatment in macaques.

Hormones and Behavior, 34: 223-230, 1998.

58. D. Maestripieri

Science, philosophy, and the study of animal minds.

Evolution of Communication, 2: 279-291, 1998.

59. D. Maestripieri

Osservazione, registrazione e definizione delle relazioni madre-figlio nei primati non umani.

In: Tecniche di Osservazione del Comportamento Infantile. Ed. by A. Tartabini, Milano: McGraw-Hill, pp. 37-51, 1998. (in Italian).

60. D. Maestripieri

The biology of human parenting: Insights from nonhuman primates.

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 23: 411-422, 1999.

61. D. Maestripieri, M. Tomaszycki, K.A. Carroll

Consistency and change in the behavior of rhesus macaque abusive mothers with successive infants.

Developmental Psychobiology, 34: 29-35, 1999.

62. D. Maestripieri

Formal dominance: The emperor's new clothes?

Journal of Comparative Psychology, 113: 96-98, 1999.

63. D. Maestripieri, K.A. Carroll

Costs and benefits of female aggressiveness in humans and other mammals.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22: 231-232, 1999.

64. D. Maestripieri

Fatal attraction: interest in infants and infant abuse in rhesus macaques.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 110: 17-25, 1999.

65. D. Maestripieri

Changes in social behavior and its hormonal correlates across pregnancy in pig-

tailed macaques.

International Journal of Primatology, 20: 707-718, 1999.

66. D. Maestripieri

Primate social organization, gestural repertoire size, and communication dynamics: a comparative study of macaques.

In: The Origins of Language. What Nonhuman Primates Can Tell Us.

Ed. by B. J. King, Santa Fe: School of American Research, pp. 55-77, 1999.

67. D. Maestripieri, K. A. Carroll

Causes and consequences of infant abuse and neglect in monkeys.

Aggression and Violent Behavior, 5: 245-254, 2000.

68. D. Maestripieri, T. Jovanovic, H. Gouzoules

Crying and infant abuse in rhesus monkeys.

Child Development, 71: 301-309, 2000.

69. D. Maestripieri, N. L. Megna, T. Jovanovic

Adoption and maltreatment of foster infants by rhesus macaque abusive mothers.

Developmental Science, 3: 287-293, 2000.

70. D. Maestripieri

Determinants of affiliative interactions between adult males and lactating females in pigtail macaques.

Ethology, 106: 425-439, 2000.

71. S. Cabib, F. R. D’Amato, S. Puglisi-Allegra, D. Maestripieri

Behavioral and mesocorticolimbic dopamine responses to non aggressive social interactions depend on previous social experiences and on the opponent's sex.

Behavioural Brain Research, 112: 13-22, 2000.

72. D. Maestripieri

Measuring temperament in rhesus macaques: consistency and change in emotionality over time.

Behavioural Processes, 49: 167-171, 2000.

73. T. Jovanovic, N. L. Megna, D. Maestripieri

Early maternal recognition of offspring vocalizations in rhesus macaques

(Macaca mulatta).

Primates, 41: 421-428, 2000.

74. D. Maestripieri, N. L. Megna

Hormones and behavior in abusive and nonabusive rhesus macaque mothers. 1: Social interactions during late pregnancy and early lactation.

Physiology & Behavior, 71: 35-42, 2000.

75. D. Maestripieri, N. L. Megna

Hormones and behavior in abusive and nonabusive rhesus macaque mothers. 2: Mother-infant interactions.

Physiology & Behavior, 71: 43-49, 2000.

76. D. Maestripieri


American Psychologist, 55: 1274-1276, 2000.

77. D. Maestripieri

Is there mother-infant bonding in primates?

Developmental Review, 21: 93-120, 2001.

78. D. Maestripieri

Female-biased maternal investment in rhesus macaques.

Folia Primatologica, 72: 44-47, 2001.

79. D. Maestripieri

Intraspecific variability in parenting styles of rhesus macaques: the role of the social environment.

Ethology, 107: 237-248, 2001.

80. D. Maestripieri

Biological bases of maternal attachment.

Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10: 79-83, 2001.

81. D. Maestripieri, J. Whitham

Teaching in marine mammals? Anecdotes vs science.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24: 342-343, 2001.

82. D. Maestripieri, P. M. Kappeler

Evolutionary theory and primate behavior.

International Journal of Primatology, 23: 703-705, 2002.

83. D. Maestripieri

Parent-offspring conflict in primates.

International Journal of Primatology, 23: 923-951, 2002.

84. F. C. Graves, K. Wallen, D. Maestripieri

Opioids and attachment in rhesus macaque abusive mothers.

Behavioral Neuroscience, 116: 489-493, 2002.

85. D. Maestripieri

Maternal dominance rank and age affect offspring sex ratio in pigtail macaques.

Journal of Mammalogy, 83: 563-568, 2002.

86. D. Maestripieri, S. Pelka

Sex differences in interest in infants across the lifespan: A biological adaptation for parenting?

Human Nature, 13: 327-344, 2002.

87. D. Maestripieri, S. K. Ross, N. L. Megna

Mother-infant interactions in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla): spatial relationships, communication, and opportunities for social learning.

Journal of Comparative Psychology, 116: 219-227, 2002.

88. J. R. Roney, D. Maestripieri

The importance of comparative and phylogenetic analyses in the study of


Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25: 525, 2002.

89. D. Maestripieri

Biological bases of maternal attachment.

In: Foundations in Social Neuroscience. Ed. By J. T. Cacioppo,

G. G. Berntson, R. Adolphs, C. S. Carter, R. J. Davidson, M. K. McClintock, B. S. McEwen, M. J. Meaney, D. L. Schacter, E. M. Sternberg, S. J. Suomi, S. E. Taylor. MIT Press, pp. 749-753, 2002 (reprint).

90. J. C. Whitham, D. Maestripieri

Primate rituals: The function of greetings between male Guinea baboons.

Ethology, 109: 847-859, 2003.

91. D. Maestripieri

Similarities in affiliation and aggression between cross-fostered rhesus macaque females and their biological mothers.

Developmental Psychobiology, 43: 1-7, 2003.

92. J. R. Roney, S. V. Mahler, D. Maestripieri

Behavioral and hormonal responses of men to brief interactions with women.

Evolution and Human Behavior, 24: 365-375, 2003.

93. D. Maestripieri, K. Wallen

Nonhuman primate models of developmental psychopathology: problems

and prospects.

In: Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms in Psychopathology (ed. by D. Cicchetti & E. Walker). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187-214, 2003.

94. D. Maestripieri

The past, present, and future of primate psychology.

In: Primate Psychology (ed. by D. Maestripieri). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 1-16, 2003.

95. D. Maestripieri


In: Primate Psychology (ed. by D. Maestripieri). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 108-143, 2003.

96. J. R. Roney, D. Maestripieri

Social development and affiliation.

In: Primate Psychology (ed. by D. Maestripieri). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 171-204, 2003.

97. L. A. Parr, D. Maestripieri

Nonvocal communication.

In: Primate Psychology (ed. by D. Maestripieri). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 324-358, 2003.

98. D. Maestripieri, S. R. Ross

Sex differences in play among western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) infants: implications for adult behavior and social structure.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 123: 52-61, 2004.

99. D. Maestripieri

Genetic aspects of mother-offspring conflict in rhesus macaques.

Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 55: 381-387, 2004.

100. J. R. Roney, J. C. Whitham, M. Leoni, A. Bellem, N. Wielebnowski, D. Maestripieri

Relative digit lengths and testosterone levels in Guinea baboons

Hormones and Behavior, 45: 285-290, 2004.

101. J. R. Roney, D. Maestripieri

Relative digit lengths predict men’s behavior and attractiveness during social

interactions with women.

Human Nature, 15: 271-282, 2004.

102. D. Maestripieri, J. R. Roney, N. DeBias, K. M. Durante, G. M. Spaepen

Father absence, menarche, and interest in infants among adolescent girls.

Developmental Science, 7: 560-566, 2004.

103. D. Maestripieri, K. M. Durante

Infant colic: re-evaluating the adaptive hypotheses.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27: 468-469, 2004.

104. D. Maestripieri, S. R. Ross

Maternal influences on infant behavioral development in western lowland gorillas. In: Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 27 (ed. by S. P. Shohov). Hauppage, NY: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 97-112, 2004.

105. D. Maestripieri

Maternal behavior, infant handling, and socialization.

In: Macaque Societies: A Model for the Study of Social Organization (ed. by B. Thierry, M. Singh & W. Kaumanns). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 231-234, 2004.

106. D. Maestripieri, J. R. Roney

Primate copulation calls and post-copulatory female choice.

Behavioral Ecology, 16: 106-113, 2005.

107. D. Maestripieri, S. G. Lindell, A. Ayala, P. W. Gold, J. D. Higley

Neurobiological characteristics of rhesus macaque abusive mothers and their relation to social and maternal behavior

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 29: 51-57, 2005.

108. D. Maestripieri

On the importance of comparative research for the understanding of human behavior and development: A Reply to Gottlieb & Lickliter (2004).

Social Development, 14: 181-186, 2005.

109. D. Maestripieri, M. Leoni, S. S. Raza, E. J. Hirsch, J. C. Whitham

Female copulation calls in Guinea baboons: Evidence for post-copulatory female choice?

International Journal of Primatology, 26: 737-758, 2005.

110. D. Maestripieri

Effects of early experience on female behavioural and reproductive development in rhesus macaques.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 272: 1243-1248, 2005.

111. D. Maestripieri

Early experience affects the intergenerational transmission of infant abuse in rhesus monkeys.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., 102: 9726-9729, 2005.

112. D. Maestripieri

Gestural communication in three species of macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. nemestrina, M. arctoides): Use of signals in relation to dominance and social context.

Gesture, 5: 57-73, 2005.

113. D. Maestripieri

Improbable antics: Notes from a gorilla guru.

In: King Kong is Back!  (ed. by D. Brin). Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, pp. 85-91, 2005.

114. G. R. Pradhan, A. Engelhardt, C. P. van Schaik, D. Maestripieri

The evolution of female copulation calls in primates: a review and a new model.

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 59: 333-343, 2006.

115. D. Maestripieri, J. R. Roney

Evolutionary developmental psychology: Contributions from comparative

research with nonhuman primates.

Developmental Review, 26: 120-137, 2006.

116. J. R. Roney, K. N. Hanson, K. M. Durante, D. Maestripieri.

Reading men’s faces: Women’s mate attractiveness judgments track men’s

testosterone and interest in infants.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 273: 2169-2175, 2006.

117. K. McCormack, M. M. Sanchez, M. Bardi, D. Maestripieri.

Maternal care patterns and behavioral development of rhesus macaque

abused infants in the first 6 months of life.

Developmental Psychobiology, 48: 537-550, 2006.

118. D. Maestripieri, J. D. Higley, S. G. Lindell, T. K. Newman, K. McCormack, M. M.


Early maternal rejection affects the development of monoaminergic systems and

adult abusive parenting in rhesus macaques.

Behavioral Neuroscience, 120: 1017-1024, 2006.

119. D. Maestripieri, K. McCormack, S. G. Lindell, J. D. Higley, M. M. Sanchez.

Influence of parenting style on the offspring's behavior and CSF monoamine metabolite levels in crossfostered and noncrossfostered female rhesus macaques.

Behavioural Brain Research, 175: 90-95, 2006.

120. M. S. Gerald, C. Waitt, D. Maestripieri.

An experimental examination of female responses to infant face coloration in

rhesus macaques.

Behavioural Processes, 73: 253-256, 2006.

121. D. Maestripieri, J. Mayhew, C. L. Carlson, C. L. Hoffman, J. M. Radtke

One-male harems and female social dynamics in Guinea baboons.

Folia Primatologica, 78: 56-68, 2007.

122. D. Maestripieri, S. G. Lindell, J. D. Higley.

Intergenerational transmission of maternal behavior in rhesus monkeys and its

underlying mechanisms.

Developmental Psychobiology, 49: 165-171, 2007.

123. D. Maestripieri.

Social and biological influences on rhesus monkey development and health across

the lifespan: Challenges and rewards of population-based bio-behavioral research with nonhuman primates.

In: Proceedings of the 2006 Chicago Workshop on Biomarkers in Population-Based Health and Aging Research (ed. by S. Lindau & N. Gavrilova). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Center on Demography and Economics of Aging, pp. 7-24, 2007.

124. C. Waitt, D. Maestripieri, M. S. Gerald.

Effects of parity and age on female attraction to faces of infants and neonates in

rhesus macaques.

Primates, 48: 164-167, 2007.

125. D. Maestripieri

Gestural communication in three species of macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. nemestrina, M. arctoides): Use of signals in relation to dominance and social context.

In: Gestural Communication in Nonhuman and Human Primates.

Ed. by K. Liebal, C. Muller, & S. Pika. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 51-66. 2007.

126. M. M. Sanchez, O. Alagbe, J. C. Felger, J. Zhang, A. E. Graff, A. P. Grand,

D. Maestripieri, A. H. Miller.

Activated p38 MAPK is associated with decreased CSF 5-HIAA and increased maternal rejection during infancy in rhesus monkeys.

Molecular Psychiatry, 12: 895-897, 2007.

127. J. C. Whitham, M. S. Gerald, D. Maestripieri.

Intended receivers and functional significance of grunt and girney vocalizations in free-ranging female rhesus macaques.

Ethology, 113: 862-874, 2007.

128. E. P. Riley, B. Suryobroto, D. Maestripieri.

Distribution of Macaca ochreata and identification of mixed ochreata-tonkeana groups in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Primate Conservation, 22: 1-5, 2007.

129. D. Maestripieri.

Primate behavior and misbehavior in Michael Crichton’s Congo.

In: The Science of Michael Crichton (ed. by K. R. Grazier).

Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, pp. 59-68, 2008.

130. D. Maestripieri, C. L. Hoffman, R. Fulks, M. S. Gerald.

Plasma cortisol responses to stress in lactating and nonlactating female rhesus


Hormones and Behavior, 53: 170-176, 2008.

131. D. Maestripieri.

The role of the brain serotonergic system in the origin and transmission of

adaptive and maladaptive variations in maternal behavior in rhesus macaques.

In: Neurobiology of the Parental Brain (ed. by R. Bridges).

Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 163-173, 2008.

132. D. Maestripieri.

Biological bases of maternal attachment.

In: Current Directions in Developmental Psychology (ed. by L. S. Liben).

Boston: Pearson, pp. 37-42, 2008 (reprint).

133. D. Maestripieri.

Neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying the intergenerational transmission of

maternal behavior and infant abuse in rhesus monkeys.

In: Hormones and Social Behavior (ed. by D. Pfaff, C. Kordon, P. Chanson, & Y.


Berlin: Springer, pp. 121-130, 2008.

134. C. S. Barr, M. L. Schwandt, S. G. Lindell, J. D. Higley, D. Maestripieri, D. Goldman,

S. J. Suomi, M. Heilig.

Variation at the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) influences attachment behavior in infant primates.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., 105: 5277-5281, 2008.

135. C. Carere, D. Maestripieri.

The behavioral repertoire approach in comparative personality research:

inconsistencies between theory and practice.

European Journal of Personality, 22: 457-459, 2008.

136. C. L. Hoffman, A. V. Ruiz-Lambides, E. Davila, E. Maldonado, M. S. Gerald,

D. Maestripieri.

Sex differences in survival costs of reproduction in a promiscuous primate.

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62: 1711-1718, 2008.

137. D. Maestripieri.

On the use of comparative primate research for understanding human language


Current Anthropology, 49: 1066-1067, 2008.

138. D. Maestripieri.

The contribution of comparative research to the development and testing of life-

history models of human attachment and reproductive strategies.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32: 37-38, 2009.

139. D. Maestripieri, C. L. Hoffman, G. M. Anderson, C. S. Carter, J. D. Higley.

Mother-infant interactions in free-ranging rhesus macaques: Relationships between physiological and behavioral variables.

Physiology & Behavior, 96: 613-619, 2009.

140. D. Maestripieri, J. M. Mateo.

The role of maternal effects in mammalian evolution and adaptation.

In: Maternal Effects in Mammals (ed. by D. Maestripieri & J. M. Mateo).

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 1-9, 2009.

141. D. Maestripieri.

Maternal influences on offspring growth, reproduction, and behavior in primates.

In: Maternal Effects in Mammals (ed. by D. Maestripieri & J. M. Mateo).

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 256-291, 2009.

142. J. M. Mateo, D. Maestripieri.

Maternal effects in mammals: Conclusions and future directions.

In: Maternal Effects in Mammals (ed. by D. Maestripieri & J. M. Mateo).

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 322-334, 2009.

143. K. McCormack, T. K. Newman, J. D. Higley, D. Maestripieri, M. M. Sanchez.

Serotonin transporter gene variation, infant abuse, and responsiveness to stress in

rhesus macaque mothers and infants.

Hormones and Behavior, 55: 538-547, 2009.

144. D. Maestripieri

Konrad Z. Lorenz.

In: The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion (ed. by R. A. Shweder).

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 580-581, 2009.

145. P. Sapienza, L. Zingales, D. Maestripieri.

Gender differences in financial risk aversion and career choices are affected by testosterone.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., 106: 15268-15273, 2009.

146. D. Maestripieri

Op-Ed: Why the elevator floor is so interesting.

Wired Science, May 27, 2009.

147. P. Sapienza, L. Zingales, D. Maestripieri.

Reply to Joel & Tarrasch: On the relationship between testosterone, gender,

financial risk aversion, and career choices.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., 107: E20, 2010.

148. M. M. Sanchez, K. McCormack, A. P. Grand, R. Fulks, A. Graff, D. Maestripieri.

Effects of sex and early maternal abuse on adrenocorticotropin hormone and cortisol responses to the corticotropin-releasing hormone challenge during the first 3 years of life in group-living rhesus monkeys.

Development & Psychopathology, 22: 45-53, 2010.

149. D. Maestripieri.

Neurobiology of social behavior.

In: Primate Neuroethology (ed. by M. Platt & A. Ghazanfar).

Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 359-384, 2010.

150. M. M. Sanchez, K. McCormack, D. Maestripieri.

Ethological case study: infant abuse in rhesus monkeys.

In: Formative Experiences. The Interaction of Caregiving, Culture, and Developmental Psychobiology (ed. by C. Worthman, P. Plotsky, D. Schechter, & C. Cummings). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 224-237, 2010.

151. D. Maestripieri.

Rhesus macaques.

In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (ed. by M. Breed & J. Moore).

New York: Academic Press, pp. 70-74, 2010.

152. C. L. Hoffman, J. E. Ayala, A. Mas-Rivera, D. Maestripieri.

Effects of reproductive condition and dominance rank on cortisol responsiveness to

stress in free-ranging female rhesus macaques.

American Journal of Primatology, 72: 559-565, 2010.

153. K. J. Parker, C. L. Hoffman, S. A. Hyde, C. S. Cummings, D. Maestripieri.

Effects of age on cerebrospinal fluid oxytocin levels in free-living adult female and

infant rhesus macaques.

Behavioral Neuroscience, 124: 428-433, 2010.

154. C. L. Hoffman, J. P. Higham, A. Mas-Rivera, J. E. Ayala, D. Maestripieri.

Terminal investment and senescence in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on

Cayo Santiago.

Behavioral Ecology, 21: 972-978, 2010.

155. D. Maestripieri, N. M. Baran, P. Sapienza, L. Zingales.

Between- and within-sex variation in hormonal responses to psychological stress in

a large sample of college students.

Stress, 13: 413-424, 2010.

156. J. P. Higham, A. Vitale, A. Mas-Rivera, J. E. Ayala, D. Maestripieri.

Measuring salivary analytes from free-ranging monkeys.

Physiology and Behavior, 101: 601-607, 2010.

157. J. P. Higham, D. Maestripieri.

Revolutionary coalitions in male rhesus macaques.

Behaviour, 147: 1889-1908, 2010.

158. T. Jovanovic, D. Maestripieri.

Effects of early traumatic experience on vocal expression of emotion in young

female rhesus macaques.

Developmental Psychobiology, 52: 794-801, 2010.

159. C. Girard-Buttoz, J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, S. Wedegärtner, D. Maestripieri,

A. Engelhardt.

Urinary C-peptide measurement as a marker of nutritional status in macaques.

PLOS ONE, 6(3): e18042, 2011.

160. J. P. Higham, C. S. Barr, C. L. Hoffman, T. M. Mandalaywala, K. J. Parker,

D. Maestripieri.

Mu-opioid receptor (OPRM1) variation, oxytocin levels, and maternal attachment

in free-ranging rhesus macaques.

Behavioral Neuroscience, 152: 131-136, 2011.

161. J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri.

The energetics of male-male endurance rivalry in free-ranging rhesus macaques,

Macaca mulatta.

Animal Behaviour, 81: 1001-1007, 2011.

162. D. Maestripieri.

Emotions, stress, and maternal motivation in primates.

American Journal of Primatology, 73: 516-529, 2011.

163. K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Identifying key features of early stressful experiences that produce stress vulnerability and resilience in primates.

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 35: 1466-1483, 2011.

164. W. Saltzman, D. Maestripieri.

The neuroendocrinology of primate maternal behavior.

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 35: 1192-1204, 2011.

165. C. L. Hoffman, J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, C. L. Coe, B. J. Prendergast, D. Maestripieri.

Immune function and HPA axis activity in free-ranging rhesus macaques.

Physiology & Behavior, 104: 507-514, 2011.

166. D. Maestripieri, C. L. Hoffman.

Chronic stress, allostatic load, and aging in nonhuman primates.

Development & Psychopathology, 23: 1187-1195, 2011.

167. T. Mandalaywala, J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri.

The presence of infant bystanders modulates the influence of ovarian hormones on

female socio-sexual behavior in free-ranging rhesus macaques.

Behaviour, 148: 1137-1155, 2011.

168. J. P. Higham, K. D. Hughes, L. J. N. Brent, C. Dubuc, A. Engelhardt, M. Heistermann,

D. Maestripieri, L. R. Santos, M. Stevens.

Familiarity affects assessment of facial signals of female fertility by free-ranging

male rhesus macaques.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 278: 3452-3458, 2011.

169. C. L. Hoffman, D. Maestripieri.

Costs of reproduction among rhesus macaque females on Cayo Santiago.

In: Bones, Genetics, and Behavior of Rhesus Macaques (ed. by Q. Wang).

Berlin: Springer, pp. 209-226, 2011.

170. D. Maestripieri, C. L. Hoffman.

Behavior and social dynamics of rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago.

In: Bones, Genetics, and Behavior of Rhesus Macaques (ed. by Q. Wang).

Berlin: Springer, pp. 247-262, 2011.

171. E. Cartmill, D. Maestripieri.

Socio-cognitive specializations of nonhuman primates: evidence from gestural


In: The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology (ed. by J. Vonk

& T. Shackelford).

Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 166-193, 2012.

172. D. Maestripieri.

Comparative primate psychology.

In: Encyclopedia of Human Behavior (ed. by V. S. Ramachandran).

Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 550-555, 2012.

173. D. Maestripieri

The origins of power.

Royal Society for the Arts Journal, Summer 2012 issue, pp. 34-37.

174. D. Maestripieri

Strangers need not apply. 

Psychology Today, 45: 48-50, June 2012.

175. D. Maestripieri

Bobo Soprano: How monkeys, the Mafia, Italian academia – and, increasingly,

American society – illustrate the biological impulse and the social peril of


The University of Chicago Magazine, 104: 32-39, March-April 2012.

176. D. Maestripieri

This Week’s Culture Vultures recommend: Milan Kundera’s The Farewell Party.

Chicago Reader, April 23 2012.

177. D. Maestripieri

Honk if you believe in moralistic aggression.

Wired U.K., June 2012

178. J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri.

The endocrinology of male rhesus macaque social and reproductive status: a test of

the challenge and social stress hypotheses.

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67: 19-30, 2013.

179. D. Maestripieri, A. C. E. Klimczuk.

Prenatal and maternal psychosocial stress in primates: adaptive plasticity or

vulnerability to pathology?

In: Adaptive and Maladaptive Aspects of Developmental Stress (ed. by G. Laviola & S. Macri’).

Berlin: Springer, pp. 45-64, 2013.

180. A. Georgiev, A. C. E. Klimczuk, D. M. Traficonte, D. Maestripieri.

When violence pays: A cost-benefit analysis of aggressive behavior in animals and


Evolutionary Psychology, 11: 678-699, 2013.

181. C. Carere, D. Maestripieri.

Animal Personalities: Who Cares and Why?

In: Animal Personalities: Behavior, Physiology, and Evolution (ed. by C. Carere & D. Maestripieri).

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 1-9, 2013.

182. T. T. G. Groothuis, D. Maestripieri.

Parental influences on offspring personality traits in oviparous and placental


In: Animal Personalities: Behavior, Physiology, and Evolution (ed. by C. Carere & D. Maestripieri).

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 317-352, 2013.

183. J. P. Higham, D. Pfefferle, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri, M. Stevens.

Signaling in multiple modalities in male rhesus macaques: sex skin coloration and

barks in relation to androgen levels, social status, and mating behavior

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67: 1457-1469, 2013.

184. C. Dubuc, S. P. Coyne, D. Maestripieri

The relationship between mating activity, masturbation, and dominance rank in

free-ranging male rhesus macaques.

Ethology, 119: 1006-1013, 2013.

185. D. Maestripieri, A. Klimczuk, M. Seneczko, D. Traficonte, M. C. Wilson.

Relationship status and relationship instability, but not dominance, predict

individual differences in baseline cortisol levels.

PLoS One, 8 (12): e84003, 2013.

186. B. R. Howell, K. M. McCormack, A. P. Grand, N. T. Sawyer, X. Zhang,

D. Maestripieri, X. Hu, M. M. Sanchez.

Brain white matter microstructure alterations in adolescent rhesus monkeys exposed to early life stress: associations with high cortisol during infancy

Biology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 3:21, 2013.

187. H. Koch, K. McCormack, M. M. Sanchez, D. Maestripieri.

The development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in rhesus monkeys:

effects of age, sex, and early experience.

Developmental Psychobiology, 56: 86-95, 2014.

188. D. Maestripieri.

Night owl women are similar to men in their relationship orientation, risk-taking propensities, and cortisol levels: implications for the adaptive significance and evolution of eveningness.

Evolutionary Psychology, 12: 130-147, 2014.

189. D. Maestripieri, A. Klimczuk, D. Traficonte, M. C. Wilson.

A greater decline in female facial attractiveness during middle age reflects

women’s loss of reproductive value

Frontiers in Psychology, 5(179): 1-6, 2014.

190. D. Maestripieri, A. Klimczuk, D. Traficonte, M. C. Wilson.

Ethnicity-related variation in sexual promiscuity, relationship status and

testosterone levels in men.

Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 8: 96-108, 2014.

191. C. Dubuc, W. L. Allen, D. Maestripieri, J. P. Higham

Is male rhesus macaque red color ornamentation attractive to females?

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68: 1215-1224, 2014.

192. M. Del Giudice, A. Klimczuk, D. Traficonte, D. Maestripieri.

Autistic-like and schizotypal personality traits in a life history perspective:

diametrical associations with impulsivity, sensation-seeking, and sociosexual


Evolution and Human Behavior, 35: 415-424, 2014.

193. C. Dubuc, S. Winters, W. Allen, L. Brent, J. Cascio, D. Maestripieri, A. Ruiz-Lambides,

A. Widdig, J. Higham.

Sexually-selected skin colour is heritable and related to fecundity in a non-human


Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 281: 20141602, 2014.

194. J. P. Higham, D. Maestripieri.

The costs of reproductive success in male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on

Cayo Santiago.

International Journal of Primatology, 35: 661-676, 2014.

195. D. Piffer, D. Ponzi, P. Sapienza, L. Zingales, D. Maestripieri.

Morningness-eveningness and intelligence among high-achieving US students: night owls have higher GMAT scores than early morning types in a top-ranked MBA program.

Intelligence, 47: 107-112, 2014.

196. H. Steele, M. van IJzendoorn, M. Bakermans-Kranenburg, W. T. Boyce, M. Dozier,

N. A. Fox, H. Keller, D. Maestripieri, P. Odhiambo Oburu, H. Otto.

How do events and relationships in childhood set the stage for peace at personal

and social levels?

In: Pathways to Peace: The Transformative Power of Children and Families (ed. by J. F. Leckman, C. Panter-Brick, & R. Salah). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 185-210, 2014.

197. D. Maestripieri.

Comparative and evolutionary perspectives.

In: Pathways to Peace: The Transformative Power of Children and Families (ed. by J. F. Leckman, C. Panter-Brick, & R. Salah). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 131-143, 2014.

198. T. Mandalaywala, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Early experience affects the strength of vigilance for threat in rhesus monkey


Psychological Science, 25: 1893-1902, 2014.

199. T. Mandalaywala, J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Physiological and behavioural responses to weaning conflict in free-ranging

primate infants.

Animal Behaviour, 97: 241-247, 2014.

200. T. Mandalaywala, C. Fleener, D. Maestripieri.

Intelligence in nonhuman primates.

In: Handbook of Intelligence: Evolutionary Theory, Historical Perspective, and

Current Concepts (ed. by S. Goldstein, D. Princiotta, & J. Naglieri). Berlin: Springer,

pp. 27-46, 2014.

201. D. Ponzi, M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Eveningness is associated with higher risk-taking, independent of sex and


Psychological Reports, 115: 932-947, 2014.

202. B. R. Howell, A. P. Grand, K. M. McCormack, Y. Shi, J. LaPrairie, D. Maestripieri,

M. A. Styner, M. M. Sanchez.

Early adverse experience increases emotional reactivity in juvenile rhesus

macaques: relation to amygdala volume.

Developmental Psychobiology, 56: 1735-1746, 2014.

203. D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, N. Nickels, M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Morningness-eveningness and intrasexual competition in men.

Personality and Individual Differences, 76: 228-231, 2015.

204. D. Ponzi, A. Klimczuk, D. Traficonte, D. Maestripieri.

Perceived dominance in young heterosexual couples in relation to sex, context, and

frequency of arguing.

Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 9: 43-54, 2015.

205. D. Maestripieri.

The evolution of interdisciplinary studies of human behavior, brain, and body.

Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1: 1-3, 2015.

206. D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, N. Nickels, M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

The slow and fast life histories of early birds and night owls: Their future- or

present-orientation accounts for their sexually monogamous or promiscuous tendencies.

Evolution and Human Behavior, 36: 117-122, 2015.

207. D. M. Traficonte, D. Maestripieri.

Parent-offspring conflict.

In: The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality (ed. by P. Whelehan & A.

Bolin). New York: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 874-875, 2015.

208. A. Georgiev, M. P. Muehlenbein, S. P. Prall, M. Emery-Thompson, D. Maestripieri.

Male quality, dominance rank and mating success in free-ranging rhesus macaques.

Behavioral Ecology, 26: 763-772, 2015.

209. S. P. Coyne, S. G. Lindell, J. Clemente, C. S. Barr, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Dopamine D4 receptor genotype variation in free-ranging rhesus macaques and its

association with juvenile behavior.

Behavioural Brain Research, 292: 50-55, 2015.

210. A. Georgiev, M. Emery-Thompson, T. Mandalaywala, D. Maestripieri.

Oxidative stress as an indicator of the costs of reproduction among free-ranging

rhesus macaques.

Journal of Experimental Biology, 218: 1981-1985, 2015.

211. M. C. Wilson, S. Zilioli, D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, N. Nickels, D. Maestripieri.

Cortisol reactivity to psychosocial stress mediates the relationship between

extraversion and unrestricted sociosexuality.

Personality and Individual Differences, 86: 427-431, 2015.

212. S. Zilioli, D. Ponzi, A. Henry, D. Maestripieri.

Testosterone, cortisol, and empathy: Evidence for the dual-hormone hypothesis.

Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1: 421-433, 2015.

213. D. Maestripieri, A. Georgiev.

What cortisol can tell us about the costs of sociality and reproduction among

free-ranging rhesus macaque females on Cayo Santiago.

American Journal of Primatology, 78: 92-105, 2016.

214. S. Zilioli, D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, N. Nickels, M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Interest in babies negatively predicts testosterone responses to sexual visual

stimuli among heterosexual young men.

Psychological Science, 27: 114-118, 2016.

215. C. Dubuc, W. L. Allen, J. Cascio, S. D. Lee, D. Maestripieri, M. Petersdorf, S. Winters,

J. P. Higham.

Who cares? Experimental attention biases provide new insights into a mammalian sexual signal.

Behavioral Ecology, 27: 68-74, 2016.

216. D. Maestripieri, S. Lilienfeld.

Using the NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) in human and nonhuman

primate research.

Psychophysiology, 53: 367-371, 2016.

217. S. Coyne, D. Maestripieri.

Effects of genes and early experience on the development of primate behavior and

stress reactivity.

In: Environmental Experience and Plasticity of the Developing Brain (ed. by A.

Sale), New York: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 161-184, 2016.

218. D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, N. Nickels, M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Autistic-like traits, socio-sexuality, and hormonal responses to socially stressful

and sexually arousing stimuli in male students.

Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2: 150-165, 2016.

219. K. M. Milich, D. Maestripieri.

Sex or power? The function of male displays in rhesus macaques.

Behaviour, 153: 245-261, 2016.

220. A. Georgiev, D. Christie, K. A. Rosenfield, A. Ruiz-Lambides, E. Maldonado,

M. Emery Thompson, D. Maestripieri.

Breaking the succession rule: the costs and benefits of an alpha-status

take-over by an immigrant rhesus macaque on Cayo Santiago.

Behaviour, 153: 325-351, 2016.

221. B. M. Bird, V. S. Cid Jofre ́, S. N. Geniole, K. M. Welker, S. Zilioli, D. Maestripieri,

S. Arnocky, J. M. Carre’.

Does the facial width-to-height ratio map onto variability in men's testosterone


Evolution and Human Behavior, 37: 392-398, 2016.

222. A. B. Eisenbruch, R. L. Grillot, D. Maestripieri, J. R. Roney.

Evidence of partner choice heuristics in a one-shot bargaining game.

Evolution and Human Behavior, 37: 429-439, 2016.

223. D. Maestripieri

Le basi evolutive della natura umana.

MicroMega, September 2016 (in Italian).

224. L. A. Petrullo, T. M. Mandalaywala, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri, J. P. Higham.

Effects of early life adversity on cortisol/salivary alpha-amylase symmetry in free-

ranging juvenile rhesus macaques.

Hormones and Behavior, 86: 78-84, 2016.

225. D. Maestripieri, A. Henry, N. Nickels.

Explaining financial and prosocial biases in favor of attractive people:

Interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, social psychology, and evolutionary


Behavioral and Brain Sciences (target article), 40: 1-16, 2017.

226. D. Maestripieri, A. Henry, N. Nickels.

Moving forward with interdisciplinary research on attractiveness-related biases.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences (response to commentaries), 40: 39-56, 2017.

227. N. Nickels, K. Kubicki, D. Maestripieri.

Sex differences in the effects of psychosocial stress on cooperative and prosocial

behavior: evidence for ‘flight-or-fight’ in males and ‘tend-and-befriend’ in females.

Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 3: 171-183, 2017.

228. F. Ibarra, D. Maestripieri.

Assessing people’s interest in images with violent or disgusting content: A

functional-evolutionary analysis

Evolutionary Psychological Science, 3: 133-140, 2017.

229. T. Mandalaywala, L. Petrullo, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri, J. P. Higham.

Vigilance for threat accounts for inter-individual variation in physiological

responses to adversity in rhesus macaques: A Cognition x Environment approach.

Developmental Psychobiology, 59: 1031-1038, 2017.

230. A. Henry, J. R. Sattizahn, G. J. Norman, S. L. Beilock, D. Maestripieri.

Performance during competition and competition outcome in relation to

testosterone and cortisol among women.

Hormones and Behavior, 92: 82-92, 2017.

231. D. Maestripieri.

Human nature.

Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture, 1: 85-87, 2017.

232. S. Zilioli, D. Maestripieri.


In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender (ed. By K. Nadal),

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 1668-1669, 2017.

233. D. Maestripieri.


In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (ed. by B. Hopkins,

E. Geangu, S. Linkenauger), 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

pp. 807-811, 2017.

234. J. Marvel-Coen, C. Scrivner, D. Maestripieri.

Morningness-eveningness and socio-sexuality from a life history perspective.

In: The SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences

(ed. by V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications,

pp. 51-66, 2018.

235. C. Scrivner, D. Maestripieri.

Creativity patterns in the production of scientific theories and literary fiction.

KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge, 2: 137-154, 2018.

236. J. Marvel-Coen, N. Nickels, D. Maestripieri.

The relationship between morningness-eveningness, psychosocial variables, and

cortisol reactivity to stress from a life history perspective.

Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 12: 71-86, 2018.

237. K. M. Milich, A. V. Georgiev, R. Petersen, M. Emery Thompson, D. Maestripieri.

Alpha male status and availability of conceptive females are associated with high

glucocorticoid concentrations in high-ranking male rhesus macaques (Macaca

mulatta) during the mating season.

Hormones and Behavior, 97: 5-13, 2018.

238. J. E. Madrid, T. M. Mandalaywala, S. P. Coyne, J. Ahloy-Dallaire, J. P. Garner,

C. S. Barr, D. Maestripieri, K. J. Parker.

Adaptive developmental plasticity in rhesus macaques: the serotonin transporter

gene interacts with maternal care to affect juvenile social behaviour.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 285: 20180541, 2018.

239. D. Maestripieri.

Maternal influences on primate social development.

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72(8): no.138, 1-12, 2018.

240. E. Kim, N. Nickels, D. Maestripieri.

Effects of brief interactions with male experimenters shortly before and during the

Trier Social Stress Test on study participants’ testosterone salivary concentrations.

Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 4: 329-343, 2018.

241. K. A. Rosenfield, S. Semple, A. V. Georgiev, D. Maestripieri, J. P. Higham, C. Dubuc.

Experimental evidence that female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) perceive

variation in male facial masculinity.

Royal Society Open Science, 6: 181415, 2019.

242. D. Maestripieri.

Rhesus macaques.

In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd edition (ed. by J. Choe).

Amsterdam: Elsevier, vol. 3, pp. 167-172, 2019.

243. N. M. Grebe, M. Del Giudice, M. Emery Thompson, N. Nickels, D. Ponzi, S. Zilioli,

D. Maestripieri, S. W. Gangestad.

Testosterone, cortisol, and status-striving personality features: A review and

empirical evaluation of the dual hormone hypothesis.

Hormones and Behavior, 109: 25-37, 2019.

244. C. Scrivner, K. W. Choe, M. Lyu, D. Maestripieri, M. G. Berman.

Violence reduces attention to faces and draws attention to points of contact.

Scientific Reports, 9: 17779, 2019.

245. D. Maestripieri, J. Marvel-Coen.

Human nature and human universals.

In: The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences

(ed. by V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford),

Berlin: Springer, 2020.

246. Dario Maestripieri: a biography.

In: The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences

(ed. by V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford),

Berlin: Springer, 2020.

247. W. Taji, C. Scrivner, D. Maestripieri.

Toward a general theory of human individual differences: Can evolutionary

psychology meet the challenge?

Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 14: 384-389, 2020.

248. C. Scrivner, C. Holbrook, D. M. T. Fessler, D. Maestripieri.

Gruesomeness conveys formidability: Perpetrators of gratuitously grisly acts are

conceptualized as larger, stronger, and more likely to win.

Aggressive Behavior, 46: 400-411, 2020.

249. K. M. Milich, A. Ruiz-Lambides, E. Maldonado, D. Maestripieri.

Age negatively impacts reproduction in high-ranking male rhesus macaques on

Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico.

Scientific Reports, 20:13044, 2020.

250. D. Maestripieri

Interpreting Italo Svevo: when literary orthodoxy misses the mark.

Quillette, June 28, 2020.

251. D. Maestripieri.

Social development in nonhuman primates.

In: The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science

(ed. by T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford),

Berlin: Springer, 2021.

252. D. Maestripieri.

The costs of human aggression.

In: The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science

(ed. by T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford),

Berlin: Springer, 2021.

253. N. Nickels, D. Maestripieri.

Hormonal responses to brief social interactions: the role of psychosocial stress and

relationship status.

Manuscript under review.

254. D. Maestripieri, B. B. Boutwell.

The potential adaptiveness of rare or extreme psychological or behavioral


Manuscript in preparation.


Games Primates Play in Psychology Today:

Number of blog posts: 25

Total number of views: > 2,000,000

Book Reviews

1. D. Maestripieri

Review of: NGF: apertura di una nuova frontiera nella neurobiologia,

by Rita Levi-Montalcini.

Leggere, 11: 63, 1989 (in Italian).

2. D. Maestripieri

La biologia non è un'estetica, Review of: Le forme viventi, by Adolf Portmann.

L'Indice, 3: 34-35,1990 (in Italian).

3. D. Maestripieri

Review of: How monkeys see the world. Inside the mind of another species,

by D. L. Cheney & R. M. Seyfarth.

Le Scienze, 271: 100-101, 1991 (in Italian).

4. D. Maestripieri

Review of: The Evolution of Parental Care, by T.H. Clutton-Brock.

Le Scienze, 277: 110-112, 1991 (in Italian).

5. D. Maestripieri

Review of: Juvenile Primates: Life History, Development and Behavior, ed. by M.E. Pereira & L.A. Fairbanks;

Review of: Lemur Social Systems and their Ecological Basis, ed. by P. Kappeler & J. Ganzhorn;

Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 270-271, 1994.

6. D. Maestripieri

Review of: Primate Behaviour: Social information, knowledge, and the evolution of culture, by D. Quiatt & V. Reynolds.

American Journal of Primatology, 35: 165-167, 1995.

7. D. Maestripieri

Review of: Human Facial Expression: An Evolutionary View, by A. J. Fridlund.

Animal Behaviour, 51: 1187-1188, 1996.

8. D. Maestripieri

Review of: The Nonhuman Primates, ed. by P. Dolhinow & A. Fuentes.

Review of: Essentials of Animal Behaviour, by P. Slater.

International Journal of Primatology, 21: 329-331, 2000.

9. D. Maestripieri

Review of: Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural

Selection, by S. B. Hrdy.

Animal Behaviour, 59: 895-896, 2000.

10. D. Maestripieri

Comparing cognition in animals, and researchers.

Review of: The Evolution of Cognition, ed. by C. Heyes, & L. Huber.

Trends in Cognitive Science, 5: 452-453, 2001.

11. D. Maestripieri

Hand-me-down speech.

Review of: From Hand to Mouth: The Origins of Language, by M. C. Corballis.

American Scientist, 90: 472, 2002.

12. D. Maestripieri

Review of: Infant Chimpanzee and Human Child. A Classic 1935 Comparative

Study of Ape Emotions and Intelligence, by N. N. Ladygina-Kohts.

International Journal of Primatology, 24: 697-699, 2003.

13. D. Maestripieri

    Review of: Primate Life Histories and Socioecology, ed. by P. Kappeler & M.


    Review of: Juvenile Primates: Life History, Development and Behavior (2nd

ed.), ed. by M. E. Pereira & L. A. Fairbanks.

    International Journal of Primatology, 25: 955-957, 2004.

14. D. Maestripieri

Science, power, and human nature at Goon Park.

Review of: Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and the Science of Affection,

by D. Blum.

Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 48: 2004.

15. D. Maestripieri

Review of: Among Orangutans: Red Apes and the Rise of Human Culture,

by C. van Schaik.

   American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 129: 637, 2006.

16. D. Maestripieri

Review of: Monkey Farm. A History of the Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology,

Orange Park, Florida 1930-1965,

by D. A. Dewsbury.

International Journal of Primatology, 28: 969-970, 2007.

17. D. Maestripieri

Review of: Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class,

by Charles Murray.

Quillette, June 9, 2020.

Abstracts of Conference Presentations

1. S. Scucchi, D. Maestripieri, S. Dell'Orso

Seasonal changes of allogrooming and proximity in an all-female rhesus

monkey (Macaca mulatta) group.

International Journal of Primatology, 8: 541, 1987.

2. S. Scucchi, D. Maestripieri, G. Schino, P.G. Turillazzi

Effects of menstrual cycle on conflict behavior of Java monkeys (Macaca

fascicularis) under stressful conditions.

International Journal of Primatology, 8: 541, 1987

3. G. Schino, D. Maestripieri, S. Scucchi, P.G. Turillazzi

Allogrooming as a tension-reduction mechanism in caged pairs of Java


Monitore Zoologico Italiano 22: 546-547, 1988

4. D. Maestripieri, S. Scucchi, P.G. Turillazzi

The influence of birth weight and gestational age on rectal temperature of

neonatal cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).

Abstracts of the Italy-USA International Symposium on Perinatal Biology (Istisan Congressi, 12: 73, 1988).

5. D. Maestripieri, G. Schino

Prisoner's Dilemma in the grooming interactions of Java monkeys.

Abstracts of the 21st International Ethological Conference, p. 106, 1990.

6. D. Maestripieri, R. De Simone, L. Aloe, E. Alleva

Dominance relationships and nerve growth factor serum levels after

agonistic encounters in mice.

Abstracts of the 12th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Association, p. 89, 1990.

7. S. Pavani, D. Maestripieri, G. Schino, S. Scucchi, D. Willems

Climatic and social influences on scratching behaviour in Macaca fascicularis.

International Journal of Anthropology, 5: 179-180, 1990.

8. G. Schino, D. Maestripieri, S. Scucchi, P.G. Turillazzi

Social tension and displacement activities in familiar and unfamiliar pairs of Java monkeys.

Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 2: 327, 1990.

9. D. Maestripieri, E. Alleva

Effects of peripheral administrations of 6-hydroxydopamine or antiserum

to NGF on agonistic behaviour of isolated male mice.

Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 2: 314, 1990.

10. D. Maestripieri, G. Schino

Patterns of altruism: an evolutionary game-theory approach to the study of primate grooming behaviour.

Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary

Biology, p. 40, 1991.

11. S. Pavani, D. Maestripieri, G. Schino, P.G. Turillazzi, S. Scucchi

Scratching behaviour in feeding context: the influence of rank and proximity

in Macaca fascicularis.

International Journal of Anthropology, 6: 241, 1991.

12. D. Maestripieri

Vigilance costs of social grooming in macaque mothers.

Abstracts of the XIV Congress of the International Primatological Society,

p. 219, 1992.

13. D. Maestripieri

Litter defence and parental investment decision rules in house mice.

Ethology Ecology and Evolution,5: 400, 1993.

14. C. Rossi-Arnaud, D. Maestripieri

Kinship does not affect litter defence by communally nesting female house mice.

Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 5: 411-412, 1993.

15. D. Maestripieri

Maternal aggression in lactating female rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the 30th Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, p. 61, 1993.

16. D. Maestripieri

Maternal anxiety and mothering style in female rhesus macaques.

American Journal of Primatology, 30: 331, 1993.

17. D. Maestripieri

Costs and benefits of maternal aggression in rhesus macaques.

American Journal of Primatology, 30: 331, 1993.

18. D. Maestripieri

Mother-infant relationships in three species of macaques.

American Journal of Primatology, 34: 225, 1994.

19. D. Maestripieri

Do macaque mothers encourage their infants' independent locomotion?

American Journal of Primatology, 36: 141, 1995.

20. D. Maestripieri

Social context and hormonal influences on maternal responsiveness in primates.

Abstracts of the 27th Annual Conference on Reproductive Behavior, p. 42, 1995.

21. D. Maestripieri

Do rhesus monkey mothers encourage their infants' independent


Abstracts of the 25th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. p. 34, 1995.

22. S. Puglisi-Allegra, D. Maestripieri, F. R. D'Amato, S. Cabib

Role of stimulus characteristics in the conditioned response of brain dopamine systems.

Abstracts of the 1995 Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, p. 447, 1995.

23. D. Maestripieri

Gestural communication in three species of macaques.

Abstracts of the XVI Congress of the International Primatological Society, 1996.

24. D. Maestripieri, K. Wallen

Infant abuse runs in families of group-living pigtail macaques.

Proceedings of the NIMH Conference on Advancing Research on

Developmental Plasticity, p. 262, 1996.

25. D. Maestripieri

Intra-individual variability in monkey mothering styles: sociodemographic

and temperamental determinants.

Abstracts of the 1997 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, p. 119, 1997.

26. D. Maestripieri

Determinants of infant abuse and neglect in group-living monkeys.

American Journal of Primatology, 42: 130, 1997.

27. D. Maestripieri

Parenting styles of abusive mothers in group-living rhesus macaques.

Advances in Ethology, 32: 245, 1997.

28. D. Maestripieri

Determinants of infant abuse and neglect in monkeys.

Infant Behavior and Development, 21: 110, 1998.

29. D. Maestripieri, J. L. Zehr

Female responsiveness to infants increases during pregnancy and after

estrogen treatment in macaques.

Abstracts of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, p. 21, 1998.

30. D. Maestripieri

Causes and consequences of intraspecific variability in maternal behavior in Old World monkeys.

Abstracts of the XVIII joint meeting of the Italian Ethological Society (SIE) and the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB), p 50-52, 1998.

31. D. Maestripieri

Maternal responsiveness increases during pregnancy and after estrogen

treatment in primates.

Abstracts of the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, p. 39, 1999.

32. D. Maestripieri

Causes and consequences of infant abuse and neglect in monkeys.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1999.

33. T. Jovanovic, D. Maestripieri, H. Gouzoules

Infant crying and abuse in rhesus monkeys.

Abstracts of the 15th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, p. 168, 1999.

34. D. Maestripieri

Conflict and conflict resolution between mothers and offspring.

Abstracts of the 98th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association p. 296, 1999.

35. S. G. Lindell, D. Maestripieri, N. L. Megna, J. D. Higley

CSF 5-HIAA and MHPG predict infant abuse and rejection by rhesus macaque mothers.

American Journal of Primatology, 51: 70, 2000.

36. K. McCormack, N. L. Megna, D. Maestripieri

The social development of maternally maltreated rhesus macaque infants.

Abstracts of the 37th Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, 2000.

37. J. Ganas, N. L. Megna, D. Maestripieri

Variability in maternal transport among rhesus macaques during the first thirteen weeks.

Abstracts of the 37th Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, 2000.

38. T. Jovanovic, N. L. Megna, D. Maestripieri

Early maternal recognition of offspring vocalizations in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the 37th Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, 2000.

39. D. Maestripieri

Hormones and behavior in rhesus macaque abusive and nonabusive mothers.

Trabajos del Instituto Cajal, 77: 348-349, 2000.

(Proceedings of the Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology).

40. D. Maestripieri

Causes and consequences of infant abuse and neglect in monkeys.

Developmental Psychobiology, 38: 207, 2001.

41. D. Maestripieri

Neuroendocrinology of infant abuse in rhesus monkeys.

Abstracts of the Conference of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, p. 36. 2001.

42. S. K. Ross, N. Barger, J. Ganas, K. Lukas, C. Nichols, N. Megna, T. Stoinski, D.


Maternal scaffolding of offspring behavior in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla).

American Journal of Primatology, 54: 31-32, 2001.

43. M. M. Sanchez, P. M. Plotsky, D. Maestripieri

Infant abuse affects the development of the HPA axis in rhesus monkeys: similarities with PTSD?

Abstracts of the Conference of the American College of Neuropharmacology,


44. F. C. Graves, K. Wallen, D. Maestripieri

Opioids and maternal attachment in abusive rhesus macaque mothers.

Developmental Psychobiology, 41: 79, 2002.

45. D. Maestripieri

Effects of early experience on the HPA axis activity of rhesus macaque infants during their first year of life.

Developmental Psychobiology, 41: 83, 2002

46. D. Maestripieri, S. K. Ross

Sex differences in play among infant western lowland gorillas: implications for

adult behavior and social structure.

Abstracts of the 39th Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, p. 56, 2002.

47. J. C. Whitham, D. Maestripieri

Greeting interactions between adult male baboons

Abstracts of the 39th Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, p. 102, 2002.

48. D. Maestripieri

Neuroendocrine development of rhesus macaque infants during their first two

years of life: effects of sex and early experience.

Abstracts of the Conference of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, p. 24. 2003.

49. K. McCormack, M. Sanchez. P. Plotsky, D. Maestripieri

Behavioral outcomes of maltreated rhesus macaque infants: the first six


American Journal of Primatology, 60: 136, 2003.

50. J. R. Roney, D. Maestripieri

Behavioral and hormonal responses of men to brief interactions with


Hormones and Behavior, 44: 73, 2003.

51. K. McCormack, A. Grand, J. LaPrairie, R. Fulks, A. Graff, D. Maestripieri, P.M.

Plotsky, M.M. Sanchez

Behavioral and neuroendocrine outcomes of infant maltreatment in rhesus monkeys: the first four months.

Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2003.

52. D. Maestripieri, E. Hirsch, M. Leoni, S. Raza, J. Roney, J. Whitham

Copulation calls and mate guarding in baboons. Evidence for post-copulatory

female choice?

Abstracts of the 40th Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, 2003.

53. D. Maestripieri

Genetic aspects of mother-infant conflict in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the 40th Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, 2003.

54. D. Maestripieri

Ethological and comparative perspectives on caregiver attachment.

Abstracts of the 15th Annual Convention of the American Psychological

Society, p. 55, 2003.

55. D. Maestripieri, K. M. Durante, S. Pelka, J. R. Roney, G. M. Spaepen

Female interest in infants across the lifespan: adaptive significance of variation across ages and individuals.

Developmental Psychobiology, 43: 264, 2003.

56. D. Maestripieri

Individual differences in maternal behavior and infant development in rhesus


Abstracts of the Workshop “Individual Differences in Behaviour and

Physiology: Causes and Consequences”. International School of Ethology, Erice, Italy, 2003.

57. D. Maestripieri

Do female copulation calls reflect post-copulatory female choice in macaques

and other Old World primates?

Abstracts of the Conference “The Barbary Macaque: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives, Gibraltar, 2003, p. 46.

58. K. McCormack, Maestripieri, P.M. Plotsky, M.M. Sanchez

Infant maltreatment in rhesus monkeys: Behavioral and neuroendocrine


Abstracts of the Annual American College of Neuropharmacology Conference, 2003.

59. D. Maestripieri, J. C. Whitham

Primate rituals: the function of greetings between male baboons

Abstracts of the International Workshop on “Gestural Communication in Nonhuman and Human Primates, Leipzig, Germany, 2004.

60. D. Maestripieri, M. Leoni, J. Roney, J. Whitham

Copulation calls and female mate choice in baboons.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 123: 140-141, 2004.

61. D. Maestripieri

Effects of early environment on life history strategies of female primates.

Abstracts of the 41st Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, p. 67, 2004.

62. D. Maestripieri, M. Leoni, J. R. Roney, J. C. Whitham

Copulation calls and post-copulatory female choice as an alternative mating tactic in primates.

Folia Primatologica, 75: 92-93, 2004.

63. D. Maestripieri

Genetic aspects of mother-offspring conflict in rhesus macaques.

Folia Primatologica, 75: 55, 2004.

64. D. Maestripieri

Effects of early environment on life history strategies of female primates.

Abstracts of the 2nd European Behavioural Biology Congress, p. 35, 2004.

65. D. Maestripieri

Effects of early experience on female reproductive maturation and readiness for parenting in human and nonhuman primates: adaptive function and neuroendocrine mechanisms.

Behavioural Pharmacology, 15: A1-A2, 2004.

66. M. Leoni, S. S. Raza, E. J. Hirsch, J. C. Whitham, D. Maestripieri

Vocalizzazioni copulative femminili e scelta sessuale post-copulativa nei babbuini.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Italian Ethological Society, 2004.

67. K. McCormack, T. K. Newman, R. Fulks, A. Graff, D. Maestripieri, M.M. Sanchez

The effects of serotonin transporter gene variation and infant maltreatment on behavior and HPA axis function of rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2004.

68. K. McCormack, T. K. Newman, J. D. Higley, D. Maestripieri, M.M. Sanchez

The effects of maternal maltreatment and serotonin transporter gene variation on behavior and HPA axis function in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, 2005.

69. K. McCormack, T. K. Newman, R. Fulks, A. Graff, D. Maestripieri, J. D. Higley, M.M.


Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function in 12-month-old rhesus macaques: The effects of serotonin transporter gene variation and early adverse experience.

Biological Psychiatry, 57: 26S, 2005.

70. D. Maestripieri

Comparative perspectives on caregiver attachment.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2005.

71. D. Maestripieri

Effects of early environment on life history strategies of female primates.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 126: 142, 2005.

72. K. McCormack, T. K. Newman, D. Maestripieri, J. D. Higley, M.M. Sanchez

Effects of serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene variation and maternal maltreatment on behavior and HPA axis activity in rhesus monkeys.

American Journal of Primatology, 66 (S1): 188, 2005.

73. K. McCormack, M.M. Sanchez, D. Maestripieri, M. Bardi

Picture it: The use of multi-dimensional scaling techniques in understanding mother-infant rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) behavior.

American Journal of Primatology, 66 (S1): 96, 2005.

74. D. Maestripieri

Effects of early experience on female reproductive maturation in human and

nonhuman primates.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, pp. 58-59, 2005.

75. A. P. Grand, K. M. McCormack, D. Maestripieri, M. M. Sanchez

Effects of infant maltreatment on emotional and HPA axis reactivity in juvenile

rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2005.

76. D. Maestripieri, J. R. Roney, S. Hans

Social support and postpartum cortisol levels in adolescent mothers.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 2006.

77. D. Maestripieri

The causation, ontogeny, adaptive function, and evolution of maternal attachment

in primates.

American Journal of Primatology, 68 (S1): 31, 2006.

78. K. McCormack, A. Grand, T. K. Newman, D. Maestripieri, J. D. Higley, M. M. Sanchez

The role of genetic polymorphisms in understanding the behavioral and

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis responses of abused and

non-abused rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to novel stimuli.

American Journal of Primatology, 68 (S1): 93-94, 2006.

79. A. P. Grand, K. M. McCormack, M. E. Kelley, D. Maestripieri, M. M. Sanchez

The impact of infant maltreatment on behavioral and physiological responses to

threatening stimuli in rhesus monkeys: sex differences.

American Journal of Primatology, 68 (S1): 137, 2006.

80. D. Maestripieri.

Intergenerational transmission of maternal behavior in rhesus macaques and its

underlying mechanisms.

Abstracts of the 43rd Congress of the Animal Behavior Society, p. 97, 2006.

81. A. Grand, D. Maestripieri, A. Miller, M. Sanchez

Early adverse caregiving impacts the development of brain monoaminergic systems: Relation to behavioral reactivity and immune system.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2006.

82. D. Maestripieri.

Intergenerational transmission of maternal behavior in rhesus macaques: adaptive function and underlying mechanisms.

Abstracts of the Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, 2006.

83. J. M. Radtke, J. Mayhew, C. L. Carlson, C. L. Hoffman, D. Maestripieri.

One-male harems and female social dynamics in Guinea baboons

Abstracts of the Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, 2006.

84. C. L. Hoffman, A. V. Ruiz-Lambides, E. Davila, M. S. Gerald, D. Maestripieri.

Costs of reproduction in sexually promiscuous primates: Sex differences in seasonal mortality patterns among free-ranging rhesus macaques

Abstracts of the Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, 2006.

85. J. C. Whitham, M. S. Gerald, D. Maestripieri.

Intended recipients and functional significance of grunt and girney vocalizations

during interactions between adult females and mother-infant dyads in rhesus


Abstracts of the Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, 2006.

86. C. S. Barr, M. L. Schwandt, S. G. Lindell, D. Maestripieri, D. Goldman, S. J. Suomi, J. D.

Higley, M. Heilig.

Association of a functional variant in the Mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1-C77g) with attachment behavior in infant rhesus macaques.

Neuropsychopharmacology, 31: S132, 2006.

87. D. Maestripieri.

Genetic and experiential effects on the development of the brain serotonergic system and their role in the intergenerational transmission of adaptive and maladaptive behavior in rhesus monkeys.

Abstracts of the Winter Conference on Current Issues in Developmental Psychobiology, 2007.

88. E. P. Riley, B. Suryobroto, D. Maestripieri.

Distribution of Macaca ochreata and identification of mixed ochreata-tonkeana groups in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 132 (S44): 199, 2007.

89. D. Maestripieri.

Intergenerational transmission of maternal behavior in rhesus macaques: Social and neurobiological mechanisms.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, 2007.

90. D. Maestripieri.

The role of the brain serotonergic system in the origin and transmission of

adaptive and maladaptive variations in maternal behavior in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Parental Brain Conference, 2007.

91. C. L. Hoffman, M. S. Gerald, D. Maestripieri.

Cortisol responses to stress by lactating and nonlactating females in free-ranging

rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Parental Brain Conference, 2007.

92. K. M. McCormack, J. Warfield, M. Dozier, M. Gunnar, D. Maestripieri, E. Waters,

M. M. Sanchez.

Maternal maltreatment is associated with lower attachment security in infant

rhesus monkeys.

American Journal of Primatology, 69: 62, 2007.

93. D. Maestripieri, K. McCormack, T. K. Newman, J. D. Higley, R. Fulks, A. Graff, M.M.


Serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms, infant abuse, and HPA axis function in rhesus macaque mothers and infants.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, p. 85, 2007

94. D. Maestripieri.

Macachiavellian Intelligence. How rhesus macaques and humans have conquered

the world.

Primate Behavior and Human Universals, Special Issue of Primate Report,

December 2007, pp. 40-41.

95. M. Sanchez, O. Alagbe, B. Copp, X. Zhang, J. Felger, J. Zhang, A. Graff, A. Grand,

D. Maestripieri, A. Miller.

Infant maltreatment has long-term effects on neurobiology and inflammatory signaling of juvenile rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta).

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2007.

96. B. Copp, O. Alagbe, X. Zhang, J. Felger, J. Zhang, A. Graff, A. Grand, D. Maestripieri,

A. Miller, M. Sanchez.

Infant maltreatment has long-term effects on neurobiology and inflammatory signaling of juvenile rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta).

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2007.

97. D. Maestripieri.

Neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying the intergenerational transmission of

maternal behavior in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Conference on “Hormones and Social Behavior”, Paris, 2007.

98. D. Maestripieri.

Macachiavellian Intelligence: How rhesus macaques and humans have conquered

the world.

Abstracts of the Evolutionary Psychology/SPSP Pre-Conference, 2008.

99. A. P. Grand, N. T. Sawyer, D. Maestripieri, M. M. Sanchez, K. M. McCormack.

The long-term impact of maternal maltreatment on affiliative, aggressive, and

defensive behavior in rhesus macaques.

American Journal of Primatology, 2008.

100. B. Copp, K. McCormack, A. Grand, M. Glasser, W. Li, N. Sawyer, X. Zhang, A. Graff,

D. Maestripieri, X. Hu, M. Sanchez.

Alterations in white matter microstructure correlate with behavioral and

physiological differences associated with infant maltreatment in rhesus monkeys

(Macaca mulatta).

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2008.

101. D. Maestripieri, C. L. Hoffman, A. V. Ruiz-Lambides, M. S. Gerald.

Sex differences in the survival costs of reproduction in free-ranging rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, 2008.

102. D. Maestripieri.

The social adaptations of rhesus macaques: the secret of their success?

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Suppl. 48: 181, 2009.

103. C. L. Hoffman, D. Maestripieri.

Factors influencing maternal investment and infant survivorship in Macaca mulatta.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Suppl. 48: 151, 2009.

104. J. R. Roney, D. Maestripieri.

Primatology and evolutionary psychology: the importance of comparative and

phylogenetic analyses in the study of human psychological adaptations.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Suppl. 48: 224, 2009.

105. D. Maestripieri.

The evolution of primate social intelligence.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement

of Science, 2009.

106. D. Maestripieri.

The role of nature and nurture in social development: a comparative perspective.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, 2009.

107. C. S. Barr, M. L. Schwandt, S. G. Lindell, J. D. Higley, D. Maestripieri, D. Goldman,

S. J. Suomi, M. Heilig.

OPRM1 variation predicts development of infant attachment and adolescent


Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and

Adolescent Psychiatry, 2009.

108. D. Maestripieri.

Emotions, stress, and parenting behavior in nonhuman primates.

American Journal of Primatology, 71: 39, 2009.

109. K. McCormack, J. Warfield, M. Dozier, M. Gunnar, D. Maestripieri, E. Waters, M. M.


Measuring attachment security in captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).

American Journal of Primatology, 71: 63, 2009.

110. M. Sanchez, M. Styner, K. McCormack, A. Graff, X. Zhang, D. Maestripieri, B. Howell.

Decreased left amygdala volume is related to early life stress in an animal model of

poor maternal care.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2009.

111. B. Howell, K. McCormack, A. Grand, M. Styner, X. Xu, X Zhang, M. Glasser,

D. Maestripieri, M. Sanchez.

Long-term effects of poor maternal care on the brain and behavior in rhesus


Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2009.

112. M. M. Sanchez, M. Styner, A. Grand, K. McCormack, A. Graff, X. Zhang, D. Maestripieri,

B. R. Howell.

Reduced amygdala volume in adolescent nonhuman primates with early life stress:

associations with increased emotional reactivity and elevated cortisol during infancy. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2009.

113. D. Maestripieri.

Maladaptive maternal effects in rhesus monkeys: implications for

developmental psychopathology.

Abstracts of the Conference of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, pp. 49-50. 2010.

114. J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri.

Energetics: the link between foraging and reproductive strategies in male rhesus


Abstracts of the Conference of the International Primatological Society, 2010.

115. C. L. Hoffman, J. P. Higham, A. Mas-Rivera, J. E. Ayala, D. Maestripieri.

Senescence and terminal investment in free-ranging female rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Conference of the International Primatological Society, 2010.

116. T. M. Mandalaywala, J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri.

Relationships between hormones and female behavior in rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the Conference of the International Primatological Society, 2010.

117. C. Girard-Buttoz, M. Heistermann, J.P. Higham, D. Maestripieri, & Engelhardt.

Validation of urinary c-peptide measurements as a potential marker of energetic

condition in macaques.

Abstracts of the Conference of the International Primatological Society, 2010.

118. D. Maestripieri, C. L. Hoffman, J. P. Higham.

Reproductive senescence and terminal investment in free-ranging female rhesus


Abstracts of the Midwest Primate Interest Group Meeting, 2010.

119. D. Maestripieri.

Biological bases of caregiver attachment.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association, 2010.

120. J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri.

Male-male endurance rivalry in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, 2011.

121. D. Maestripieri, C. L. Hoffman, J. P. Higham.

Reproductive senescence and terminal investment in free-ranging female rhesus


Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, 2011.

122. C. L. Carlson, U. H. Reichard, D. Maestripieri.

The function of female copulation calls in Northern pigtail macaques (Macaca


Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, 2011.

123. D. Maestripieri.

Longevity, reproduction, and parental investment in aging female rhesus


Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2012.

124. J. P. Higham, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri.

Social instability in male rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago: testing the challenge

and the social stress hypotheses.

Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2012.

125. H. Koch, R. D. Martin, D. Maestripieri.

Effects of stress on cortisol levels in developing rhesus monkeys.

Abstracts of the Annual Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2012.

126. D. Maestripieri.

Genetic and neuroendocrine influences on primate maternal behavior.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, 2012.

127. C. L. Carlson, U. H. Reichard, D. Maestripieri.

Functional significance of female copulation calls in wild northern pigtail


Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, 2012.

128. D. Maestripieri, H. Koch, K. McCormack, M. Sanchez.

Early experience and neuroendocrine development in rhesus monkeys.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2012.

129. M. Del Giudice, A. Klimczuk, D. Traficonte, D. Maestripieri.

Autistic-like and schizotypal traits in a life history perspective: diametrical associations with impulsivity and mating styles.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2013.

130. D. Maestripieri.

Risk-taking and sexual promiscuity in night owls: is eveningness an adaptation for

short-term mating?

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2013.

131. A. Klimczuk, C. Wilson, D. Traficonte, D. Maestripieri.

Greater decline in facial attractiveness during middle age for women than men: an

evolutionary perspective

Abstracts of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2013.

132. S. Coyne, C. Dubuc, D. Maestripieri.

Effect of mating activity and dominance rank on male masturbation among free-

ranging male rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Primatological Society, 2013.

133. T. Mandalaywala, E. J. Bethell, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Negativity bias in free-ranging infant rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Primatological Society, 2013.

134. D. Maestripieri.

Sources of interindividual variation in the activity of the HPA axis in adult females

and infants in the rhesus macaque population on Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Primatological Society, 2013.

135. C. Fleener, G. Ruber, D. Maestripieri.

Exploring behavioral responses to different types of novelty in free-ranging infant

rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Primatological Society, 2013.

136. K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Oxytocin and mother-infant relationships in free-ranging rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the European Brain and Behaviour Conference, 2013.

137. D. Maestripieri, S. Lindell, C. Barr, K. Parker.

Genetic and experiential influences on the development of stress vulnerability and

resilience in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the World Congress on the Developmental Origins of Health and

Disease, 2013.

138. T. Mandalaywala, M. Heistermann, D. Maestripieri.

Social and developmental factors affect fecal glucocorticoid levels across the first

year of life in infant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Society for Wildlife Endocrinology, 2013.

139. M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Ethnicity-related variation in sexual promiscuity affects the association between

relationship status and testosterone levels in men.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the International Academy for Sex Research,


140. K. Milich, D. Maestripieri.

Sex or power? The function of male displays in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the American Association for Physical

Anthropology, 2014.

141. D. Maestripieri, U. Reichard, C. Carlson.

Male dominance and female mate choice in wild northern pigtail macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the American Association for Physical

Anthropology, 2014.

142. S. P. Coyne, T. M. Mandalaywala, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Juvenile body condition affects rates of play behavior in rhesus macaques (Macaca

mulatta) of Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the Biannual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral

Ecology, 2014.

143. T. M. Mandaywala, S. P. Coyne, C. Dubuc, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri, J P. Higham.

Effects of maternal body condition on parent-offspring conflict in free-ranging

rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico.

Abstracts of the Biannual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral

Ecology, 2014.

144. C. Dubuc, S. Winters, W. Allen, L. Brent, J. Cascio, D. Maestripieri, A. Ruiz-Lambides,

A. Widdig, J. Higham.

Sexually-selected skin color is heritable and related to fitness in a nonhuman


Abstracts of the Biannual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral

Ecology, 2014.

145. A. Georgiev, S. Prall, M. Muehlenbein, D. Maestripieri.

High social status: an honest indicator of innate immune function in free-ranging

rhesus macaques?

Abstracts of the Biannual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral

Ecology, 2014.

146. D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, E. Monaco, N. Nickels, A. Souroutzidis, D. Tomblin,

M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Morningness/eveningness as a human life-history trait: Adaptive significance and

proximate mechanisms.

Abstracts of the Biannual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral

Ecology, 2014.

147. M. C. Wilson, D. Ponzi, D. Maestripieri.

Night owls have higher risk-taking tendencies than early-morning people:

evolutionary implications.

Abstracts of the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2014.

148. A. V. Georgiev, D. Maestripieri.

Jump the queue and pay the price: rare male reproductive tactic at high cost in

rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, 2014.

149. N. Snyder-Mackler, J. P. Higham, S. Morrow, S. P. Coyne, D. Maestripieri, J. Tung.

Dispersal transiently suppresses the expression of innate immunity-related genes

in male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, 2014.

150. J. E. Madrid, T. M. Mandalaywala, S. P. Coyne, J. P. Garner, C. S. Barr,

D. Maestripieri, K. J. Parker.

Serotonin transporter and maternal care: a sex-specific GxE effect on juvenile social

play in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, 2014.

151. N. Snyder-Mackler, J. P. Higham, S. Morrow, S. P. Coyne, D. Maestripieri, J. Tung.

Dispersal transiently suppresses the expression of innate immunity-related genes

in male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Evolution, 2014.

152. A. V. Georgiev, S. P. Prall, M. Muehlenbein, M. Emery Thompson, D. Maestripieri.

High social status: an honest indicator of innate immune function in male rhesus


Abstracts of the Conference of the NSF Research Coordination Network for

Ecoimmunology, 2014.

153. A. V. Georgiev, S. P. Prall, M. Emery Thompson, M. Muehlenbein, D. Maestripieri.

Male ‘quality’, dominance rank and mating success in rhesus macaques on Cayo

Santiago Island, Puerto Rico

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the American Society of Primatologists,


154. K. Milich, D. Maestripieri.

Rank, reproductive success, and rates of agonistic and affiliative behaviors in

rhesus macaques

Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, 2014.

155. J. E. Madrid, T. M. Mandalaywala, S. P. Coyne, S. Hyde, J. P. Garner, D. Maestripieri,

K. J. Parker.

Variation in early maternal rejection produces differences in the biology of free-

ranging infant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Society for Neuroscience, 2014.

156. D. Maestripieri, A. Georgiev, J. Higham.

Endocrine and immunological correlates of high dominance rank and rank

instability in free-ranging male rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Society for Social Neuroscience, 2014.

157. D. Maestripieri, D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, N. Nickels, M.C. Wilson.

Morningness/eveningness as a human life history trait.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Biology Association, 2015.

158. A. V. Georgiev, M. P. Muehlenbein, S. P. Prall, M. Emery Thompson, D. Maestripieri.

Innate immune function and oxidative stress as measures of male quality in Cayo

Santiago rhesus macaques.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156: 143, 2015.

159. K. Milich, C. Dubuc, S. Winters, W. Allen, K. Rosenfield, S. Graham, J. Higham,

D. Maestripieri.

Red-hot males: sexual strategies of high-ranking male rhesus macaques.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156: 225-226, 2015.

160. L. Petrullo, T. Mandalaywala, D. Maestripieri, J. Higham.

Effects of early life experience on cortisol/salivary alpha-amylase symmetry in

free-ranging juvenile rhesus monkeys.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156: 252, 2015.

161. D. Maestripieri, D. Ponzi, A. Henry, N. Nickels, K. Kubicki, M. C. Wilson.

Autistic-like traits, sociosexuality, and stress and sex hormones.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2015.

162. N. Nickels, D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Adaptive significance of interindividual variation in morningness/eveningness

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2015.

163. A. Henry, J. Sattizahn, G. Norman, D. Maestripieri, S. Beilock.

Competition and stereotype threat: cognitive and physiological mechanisms.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2015.

164. D. Maestripieri.

Autistic-like traits, socio-sexuality, and hormonal responses to socially stressful

and sexually arousing stimuli in male students.

Abstracts of the Social Neuroendocrinology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, 2015.

165. D. Maestripieri.

Autistic-like traits, socio-sexuality, and hormonal responses to socially stressful

and sexually arousing stimuli in male students.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Society for Affective and Social Neuroscience, 2015.

166. D. Maestripieri, A. Georgiev.

Male quality, dominance rank, and mating success among free-ranging rhesus


Abstracts of the Conference of the European Federation of Primatology.

167. D. Maestripieri, D. Ponzi, A. Henry, N. Nickels, K. Kubicki, M. C. Wilson.

Do women find men with autistic-like traits attractive as long-term mating partners

and why?

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2015.

168. D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, N. Nickels, M.C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Adaptive significance of interindividual variation in morningness/eveningness

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2015.

169. S. Zilioli, D. Ponzi, A. Henry, K. Kubicki, N. Nickels, M. C. Wilson, D. Maestripieri.

Interest in babies negatively predicts testosterone responses to sexual visual stimuli

among heterosexual young men.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2015.

170. J. E. Madrid, T. M. Mandalaywala, S. P. Coyne, J. P. Garner, C. S. Barr,

D. Maestripieri, K. J. Parker.

Serotonin transporter and maternal care: a case for undirected environmental


Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the American Society of Primatologists, 2015.

171. J. E. Madrid, T. M. Mandalaywala, S. P. Coyne, S. Hyde, J. P. Garner, D. Maestripieri,

K. J. Parker.

Variation in early maternal rejection influences central oxytocin release in infant

rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the

Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 2015.

172. D. S. Lee, C. Dubuc, T. Mandalaywala, D. Maestripieri, A. Widdig, J. P. Higham.

Infant weight growth and weaning age in free-ranging rhesus macaques (Macaca


American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2016.

173. K. Rosenfield, C. Dubuc, A. V. Georgiev, D. Maestripieri, S. Semple.

Evidence that male face shape is subject to inter-sexual selection in rhesus

macaques (Macaca mulatta).

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2016.

174. K. M. Milich, A. V. Georgiev, R. Petersen, M. Emery Thompson, D. Maestripieri.

Social status, seasonality, and stress: Variation in glucocorticoid concentrations of

high-ranking male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2016.

175. D. Maestripieri.

Relationships, stress, and health.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2016.

176. S. Coyne, M. Heistermann, K. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Rank affects sex hormones and reproductive success in rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2016.

177. A. Henry, J. Sattizahn, G. Norman, S. Beilock, D. Maestripieri.

Testosterone and cognitive performance.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2016.

178. T. M. Mandalaywala, L. A. Petrullo, K. J. Parker, D. Maestripieri, J. P. Higham.

Vigilance for threat in infancy modifies effects of early life adversity on salivary

alpha-amylase/cortisol asymmetry in juvenile rhesus macaques.

Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2016.

179. D. Maestripieri.

Attraction, mating, and relationship processes in human and nonhuman primates

Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2016.

180. A. Georgiev, M. Emery-Thompson, D. Christie, K. Rosenfield, A. Ruiz-Lambides,

E. Maldonado, D. Maestripieri..

Correlates of androgen levels in male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) during a

mating season following a direct alpha position take-over on Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2016.

181. K. Rosenfield, A. Georgiev, C. Dubuc, M. Emery-Thompson, A. Ruiz-Lambides,

E. Maldonado, D. Maestripieri.

Is face shape (width-to-height ratio) related to male competitive ability and

fecundity in rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta? A test on Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2016.

182. S. Coyne, M. Heistermann, K. Parker, D. Maestripieri.

Sex hormones and reproductive success are influenced by rank in adolescent

rhesus macaque females.

Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2016.

183. M. Petersdorf, A. V. Georgiev, S. Winters, D. Maestripieri, C. Dubuc, J. P. Higham.

Is the red facial coloration of male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) subject to

intra-sexual selection?

Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2016.

184. K. Rosenfield, C. Dubuc, A. Georgiev, D. Maestripieri, S. Semple..

Free-ranging female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) look longer at images of

males with high facial masculinity: Experimental evidence from Cayo Santiago.

Abstracts of the International Primatological Society Conference, 2016.

185. N. Nickels, D. Maestripieri.

Effects of psychosocial stress on hormones and decision making in men and


Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2017.

186. D. Maestripieri.

Morningness-eveningness as a life history trait.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association, 2017.

187. D. Maestripieri, N. Nickels.

Effects of psychosocial stress on financial and social decision-making and their

underlying hormonal mechanisms.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2017.

188. C. Scrivner, F. Ibarra, D. Maestripieri.

Visual attention biases in viewing scenes of violence.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2018.

189. D. Maestripieri.

The emergence of evolutionary behavioral sciences in the 19th and 20th century and

the contributions made by some European novelists to a modern Darwinian

understanding of human nature.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2018.

190. C. Scrivner, D. Maestripieri.

An evolutionary analysis of the costs and benefits of the psychological and social

aspects of acquiring, maintaining, and expressing religious beliefs and religious


International Conference on “Future Directions on the Evolution of Rituals, Beliefs

and Religious Minds”. Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Conferences, Erice,

Italy, 2018.

191. Z. E. Melvin, S. Winters, J. P. Higham, D. Maestripieri, M. Emery Thompson,

A. V. Georgiev.

Does sexually attractive facial coloration in rhesus macaques reflect their ability to

cope with oxidative stress?

Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, 2019.

192. Z. E. Melvin, S. Winters, J. P. Higham, D. Maestripieri, M. Emery Thompson,

A. V. Georgiev.

Does sexually attractive facial coloration in rhesus macaques reflect their ability to

cope with oxidative stress?

Wildlife Research and Conservation Conference, 2019.

193. W. Poonpatanapricha, N. Nickels, D. Maestripieri.

A psychological and physiological study of stress associated with early relationship

formation, with emphasis on gender and personality differences.

Annual Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2019 (winner of best

poster in Psychology).

194. C. Scrivner, K. Choe, M. Lyu, D. Maestripieri, M. Berman.

Fixating on violence: visual assessment of violent social interactions.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2019.

195. P. Thelen, C. Scrivner, M. Lyu, D. Maestripieri, D. Snzycer.

Shame is in the eye audience: an investigation of the mechanisms of social shame.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2019.

196. D. Maestripieri.

Evolution and functional significance of female copulation calls in primates.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Societa’ Italiana di Etologia, 2019.

197. C. Scrivner, K. Choe, J. Henry, M. Lyu, D. Maestripieri, M. Berman.

Watching people people-watching: using eye-tracking to study the perception of

violent social interactions.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, 2019.

198. K. Milich, A. Ruiz-Lambides, E. Maldonado, D. Maestripieri.

Variation in male reproductive success on Cayo Santiago: evidence for reproductive senescence in rhesus macaques.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171: 187-188, 2020.

199. C. Scrivner, C. Holbrook, D. Fessler, D. Maestripieri.

Gruesomeness conveys formidability.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2020.

200. N. Nickels, D. Maestripieri.

Stress, social interaction, and hormonal reactivity in men and women.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, 2020.

201. P. Allsop, Z. E. Melvin, K. A. Rosenfield, M. Emery Thompson, J. P. Higham,

D. Maestripieri, A. V. Georgiev.

Urinary oxidative stress and male mating effort in rhesus macaques: some

methodological considerations for field studies of primate ecophysiology.

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Primate Society of Great Britain, 2020.

202. S. Brown, K. A. Rosenfield, D. Christie, D. Maestripieri, M. Emery Thompson, A. V.


A test of the ‘Dual Hormone Hypothesis’ in the seasonally breeding rhesus

macaque (Macaca mulatta).

Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Animal

Behaviour, 2020.



James R. Roney, Ph.D. (2002-2004)

Antje Engelhardt, Ph.D. (2004-2005)

Gauri R. Pradhan, Ph.D. (2004-2005)

Erin P. Riley, Ph.D. (2005-2006)

James P. Higham, Ph.D. (2008-2010)

Krista Milich, Ph.D. (2013-2014)

Davide Ponzi, Ph.D. (2013-2014)

Alexander Georgiev, Ph.D. (2012-2015)

Ph.D. Students (as major advisor and committee chair)

Cindy Carlson (Ph.D., Evolutionary Biology, 2011)

Sean Coyne (M.A. 2011, Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, 2017)

Christine Fleener (M.A. 2013, Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, 2018)

Christine Glover (Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, 2003)

Andrea Henry (M.A. 2014, Ph.D., Psychology, 2017)

Christy Hoffman (M.A. 2006, Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, 2010)

Susan Longest (Ph.D., Evolutionary Biology, 2009)

Tara Mandalaywala (M.A. 2010, Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, 2014)

Nora Nickels (M.A. 2016, Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, 2019)

James Roney (Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, 2002)

Coltan Scrivner (M.A. 2018, Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, in progress)

Jessica Whitham (M.A. 2002, Ph.D., Comparative Human Development, 2006)

Master’s Students (as major advisor and committee chair)

Karen Ahmed (M.A., Comparative Human Development, 2000)

Rachel Barnett (M.A., MAPSS, 2006)

Kristina Durante (M.A., MAPSS, 2004)

Tonya Fisher (M.A., MAPSS, 2003)

Frank Ibarra (M.A., MAPSS, 2016)

Shreya Jaiswal (M.A., MAPSS, 2017)

Eileen Kim (M.A., MAPSS, 2017)

Marco Leoni (M.A., Comparative Human Development, 2003)

Zachary Manta (M.A., MAPSS, 2019)

James Marvel-Coen (M.A., Comparative Human Development, 2017)

Jessica Mayhew (M.A., MAPSS, 2008)

Suzanne Pelka (M.A., Comparative Human Development, 2001)

Ekaterina Pervova (M.A., MAPSS, 2019)

Katherine Pommier (M.A., MLA, 2015)

Jennifer Radtke (M.A., MAPSS, 2005)

Angelina Ruiz-Lambides (M.A., MAPSS, 2006)

Stephen Ross (M.A., MAPSS, 2003)

Gregory Ruber (M.A., MAPSS, 2013)

Geertrui Spaepen (M.A., MAPSS, 2003)

Geertrui Spaepen (M.A., Comparative Human Development, 2005)

Patrick Thelen (M.A., MAPSS, 2019)

Graduate Students (as a committee member)

University of Chicago

Amy Abramson (Ph.D., 2005; Advisor: S. Hans)

Susan Bullivant (Ph.D., 2017; Advisor: M. McClintock)

Eylana Goldman Goffe (Ph.D., 2000; Advisor: R. Tuttle)

Gretchen Hermes (M.A., 2001; Advisor: M. McClintock)

Christina Honde (Ph.D., 2007; Advisor: S. Hans)

Steven Jacobs (Ph.D., 2019; Advisor: Rick Shweder)

Mitchell Landers (M.A., 2020; Ph.D., in progress; advisor: Alex Shaw)

Patrick Nickoletti (Ph.D., 2000; Advisor: S. Hans)

Kara Nuss (Ph.D., 2009; Advisor: S. Margulis)

Michelle Rafacz (Ph.D., 2010 Advisor: S. Margulis)

Ewurama Shaw-Taylor (M.A., 2001; Advisor: M. McClintock)

Melissa Singer (Ph.D., 2004; Advisor: S. Goldin-Meadow)

Kerri Smith (Ph.D., 2000; Advisor: J. Altmann)

Jennifer Sootsman (M.A., 2004; Advisor: A. Woodward)

James Vandermeer (Ph.D. 2013; Advisor: Boaz Keysar)

Jarvi Wen (M.A., 2006; Advisor: B. Prendergast)

Jason Yee (M.A., 2004; Advisor: M. McClintock)

Jason Yee (Ph.D., 2008; Advisor: M. McClintock)

Cindy Zhao (M.A., 2000; Advisor: S. Hans)

Other Universities

Juliane Brauer (University of Leipzig; Ph.D., 2006; Advisor: M. Tomasello)

Sara Dardi (University of Bologna; M.A., 2021; Advisor: M. Costa)

Franklynn Graves (Emory University; M.A., 2001: advisor: K. Wallen)

Katja Liebal (University of Leipzig; Ph.D., 2005; Advisor: M. Tomasello)

Megan Measday (Emory University; M.A., 1998; Advisor: K. Wallen)

Nicole Porter (De Paul University; Ph.D., 2005; Advisor: G. Michel)

Michelle Robbins (Emory University; M.A., 1999; Advisor: S. Goodman)

Milena Shattuck (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Ph.D. 2013; Advisor: R. Malhi)

Florian Trebouet (Univ. of Southern Illinois: Ph.D., 2019; Advisor: U. Reichard)

Honors Theses Supervised

Nicole Baran (2010)

Claire Wilson (2014)

Amanda Dobbyn (2015)

Konrad Kubicki (2015)

Wanitchaya Poonpatanapricha (2019)

Awards of Mentored Ph.D. Students

Cindy Carlson, NSF Predoctoral Fellowship in Evolutionary Biology (2006-2009)

Cindy Carlson, Animal Behavior Society Student Research Grant (2006)

Cindy Carlson, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2006, 2007)

Sean Coyne, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2011)

Sean Coyne, Social Science Division Summer Research seed grant (2013)

Sean Coyne, Social Science Division Long-Term Research grant (2014)

Sean Coyne, Rynerson Dissertation Research Fund, Dept. Comp. Human Dev. (2014)

Sean Coyne, Bernice Neugarten Teaching Fellowship, Dept. Comp. Hum. Dev. (2016)

Christine Fleener, NSF Predoctoral Fellowship in Biopsychology (2012-2015)

Christine Fleener, Rynerson Dissertation Research Fund, Dept. Comp. Human Dev. (2013)

Christine Fleener, Long-term Project Research Grant, Social Sciences Division (2015)

Christine Fleener, Summer Research Grant, Social Sciences Division (2015)

Christine Glover, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2000)

Christine Glover, American Psychological Association Dissertation Fellowship (2001)

Christine Glover, Bernice Neugarten Dissertation Award, Dept. Comp. Hum. Dev. (2001)

Christine Glover, Doolittle Travel Fellowship for Conference travel (2002)

Christine Glover, John Dewey Teaching Fellowship, Dept. of Psychology (2002)

Christy Hoffman, NSF Predoctoral Fellowship in Biological Anthropology (2005-2008)

Christy Hoffman, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2007)

Christy Hoffman, Bernice Neugarten Dissert. Award, Dept. of Comp. Hum. Devel. (2007)

Christy Hoffman, Rynerson Dissertation Research Fund, Dept. Comp. Human Dev. (2008)

Christy Hoffman, Louis Harris Primate Research Fellowship, Univ. of Puerto Rico (2008)

Marco Leoni, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2002, 2005)

Marco Leoni, Tinker Travel Fellowship, Center for Latin-American Studies (2002)

Marco Leoni, Doolittle Travel Fellowship for Conference travel (2004)

Marco Leoni, Overseas Dissertation Research Grant, Social Sciences Division (2005)

Marco Leoni, Organization for Tropical Studies Research Grant (2006)

Marco Leoni, Bernice Neugarten Dissertation Award, Dept. of Comp. Hum. Devel. (2006)

Marco Leoni, Mellon Dissertation Fellowship, Dept. of Comp. Human Develop. (2006)

Susan Longest, NSF Predoctoral Fellowship in Evolutionary Biology (2004-2007)

Susan Longest, Small Research Grant, American Society of Primatologists (2004)

Susan Longest, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2005)

Tara Mandalaywala, NSF Predoctoral Fellowship in Biopsychology (2009-2012)

Tara Mandalaywala, Rynerson Dissertation Research Fund, Dept. C. Human Dev. (2010)

Tara Mandalaywala, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2011)

Tara Mandalaywala, Small Research grant, International Primatological Society (2012)

Tara Mandalaywala, Rynerson Dissertation Research Fund, Dept. C. Human Dev. (2012)

Tara Mandalaywala, Bernice Neugarten Teaching Fellowship, Dept. C. Hum. Dev. (2013)

Nora Nickels, Rynerson Dissertation Research Fund, Dept. Comp. Human Dev. (2016)

Nora Nickels, Giannino Research Award, Dept. Comp. Human Dev. (2017)

Nora Nickels, Bernice Neugarten Research Prize, Dept. of Comp. Hum. Dev. (2018)

Nora Nickels, Bernice Neugarten Teaching Fellowship, Dept. Comp. Hum. Dev. (2018)

James Roney, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2001)

James Roney, New Investigator Award, Human Behavior & Evolution Society (2001)

James Roney, Doolittle Travel Fellowship for Conference travel (2002)

James Roney, William E. Henry Best Dissertation Award, Dept. Comp. Hum. Dev. (2003)

Coltan Scrivner, Rynerson Dissertation grant, Dept. Comp. Human Dev. (2018, 2019, 2021)

Coltan Scrivner, Gianinno Graduate Research Grant (2019, 2020)

Coltan Scrivner, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, student funding grant (2019)

Coltan Scrivner, Pozen Family Center for Human Rights symposium grant (2019)

Coltan Scrivner, Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Collaborative Project (2018)

Coltan Scrivner, Pozen Family Center for Human Rights Workshop Fund (2018)

Jessica Whitham, Hinds Fund seed grant, Committee on Evolutionary Biology (2001, 2004)

Jessica Whitham, Tinker Travel Fellowship, Center for Latin-American Studies (2003)

Jessica Whitham, Bernice Neugarten Dissertation Award, Dept. Comp. Hum. Dev. (2004)

Jessica Whitham, Small Research Grant, American Society of Primatologists (2004)

Jessica Whitham, W. E. Henry Best Dissertation Award, Dept. Comp. Hum. Dev. (2007)

Career Placements of Mentored Ph.D. Students and Post-docs

Cindy Carlson, Instructor/Lecturer, City Colleges of Chicago

Sean Coyne, Assistant Professor, Notre Dame of Maryland University, MD

Antje Engelhardt, Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, U.K.

Alexander Georgiev, Lecturer, Bangor University, Wales, U.K.

Christine Glover, Professor, McHenry County College, IL

James Higham, Associate Professor, New York University, NY

Christy Hoffman, Associate Professor, Canisius College, NY

Tara Mandalaywala, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

Krista Milich, Assistant Professor, Washington University at St. Louis, MS

Nora Nickels, Assistant Professor, Carthage College, Kenosha, WI

Davide Ponzi, Assistant Professor, University of Parma, Italy

Gauri R. Pradhan, Lecturer, University of South Florida

Erin Riley, Professor, San Diego State University, CA

James Roney, Professor, University of California at Santa Barbara, CA

Jessica Whitham, Animal Welfare Biologist, The Chicago Zoological Society, Chicago

Service at The University of Chicago


2000-2003 Member, College Council

2004, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 Member, COAP committee for the review of a faculty

promotion case in the Biological Science Division

2005-2008 Member, University Board of Publications (Univ. of Chicago Press)

2007-2010 Member, Council of the University Senate

2009-2010 Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, Automated University Research

Administration (AURA) project

2010-2012 Member, Council on Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social


2015 Member, “Laboratory Social Science” Committee, Division of Social Sciences

2015 Member, “Richard Saller Dissertation Prize” Committee, Division of Social


2016 Member, Division of Social Science Committee for the review of student applications for: Mellon Dissertation Fellowships, WR Harper Dissertation Fellowships, Markowitz Dissertation Fellowships, Benjamin Bloom Dissertation Fellowships.

2020 Member, “Richard Saller Dissertation Prize” Committee, Division of Social


2021 Member, Provost’s Committee for Graduate Course Evaluations

Department of Comparative Human Development

2000 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee

2001 Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee

2001-2002 Member, Faculty Search Committee

2002 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee

2004 Member, Student Aid Committee

2005 Member, Student Evaluation Committee

2005 Member, Student Aid Committee

2005 Chair, Committee for faculty mid-term review and reappointment

2007 Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee

2007. Member, Committee for faculty tenure and promotion review

2010 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee

2012-13 Member, Programming Committee

2012 Member, Faculty Search Committee

2013 Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee

2015 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee

2015 Member, Committee for the appointment of a new Department Chair

2015-16 Member, Student Aid Committee

2016-17 Chair, Departmental Colloquium Committee

2016-17 Chair, Student Aid Committee

2017-18 Member, External Departmental Review Committee

2017-18 Chair, Departmental Colloquium Committee

2017-18 Member, Student Aid Committee

2018-19 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee

2018-19 Member, Departmental Programming Committee

2019-20 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee

2019-20 Chair, Student Aid Committee

Committee on Evolutionary Biology

2002-2005 Chair, Departmental Animal Review Committee

2010, 2011 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee

Institute for Mind and Biology

2005-2016 Member, Seed Grant Review committee

2008-2011 Member, Executive Committee

2011, 2017 Member, Committee for the appointment of a new IMB Director

Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge

2016 Member, Visiting Scholar committee

2016-17 Chair, Conference Organizing Committee

2017 Member, Faculty Seed Grants committee

2018 Member, Study Abroad Committee

2018 Member, Graduate Fellowship Committee

2018-19 Member, Post-doctoral Fellowship Committee

2020-21 Member, Faculty Seed Grants committee


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