Sociology Unit 1: Youth


Sociology Unit 1: Youth

Assessment Task: 1

Investigating a Youth Sub-Culture

1. Complete the following survey on the opposite side of this page to identify your parents’ and peers’ attitudes toward your sub-culture.

2. Choose a sub-culture you wish to investigate.

Ensure you choose one that is evident in youth culture.

3. Design a Powerpoint Presentation on this sub-culture. Make sure you include a bibliography on the final slide to show where you got the information/images from (refer to your school diary on how to set it out).

You will need to address the following criteria:

a) Is this a new sub-culture or has it been around for more than one generation? Discuss the origins of this sub-culture, which you should be able to find on the Internet.

b) What your sub-culture looks like. Include pictures and discuss these pictures and what sort of image your sub-culture’s look promotes.

c) What kinds of places does your sub-culture frequent? What leisure activities do they enjoy? Consider and discuss the lifestyle of your sub-culture and include pictures.

d) What items of popular culture would this sub-culture be most associated with? Include pictures if possible.

e) What movies, TV, songs or internet sites have your sub-culture appeared in? Includes pictures if possible.

f) Are they an ‘open’ or ‘closed’ sub-culture? Discuss whether your sub-culture sticks to their own culture or if they freely mix with others.

g) What do other people, for example, parents, peers or the media, think of this sub-culture? Find at least one positive and one negative response from each of these. (Use the survey below for parents and peers, and the newspaper, internet or news bulletins for the media).

h) How do you see this sub-culture? Discuss your own point of view on this sub-culture, being careful not to stereotype and remain objective.

4, Present your Powerpoint Presentation to the class. You will be assessed on both the content of your Powerpoint and your oral presentation.


What do your parents and peers think of your sub-culture?

Select five adults and five people your own age or similar to complete this survey, and discuss the results in your Powerpoint Presentation.

|Questions to ask: |Have you heard of or seen this|What do you think of this |Does the media portray this |

| |sub-culture? (show your survey|sub-culture? For example, do |sub-culture in mostly positive|

| |participant a picture of your |you think they are dangerous, |or negative ways? |

| |sub-culture if necessary) |snobby, worrying or do they | |

| | |look strange to you etc. | |

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Assessment Task One: Investigating a Youth Subculture

Research Project and Presentation

Student Name: _______________________ Topic:________________________

Teacher: _______________________ Date Presented:_____/______/________

Assessment Criteria

| | |

|Depth of knowledge and evidence of research (2 marks each) | |

|Explains history of subculture | |

|Identifies cultural aspects such as hobbies, clothing | |

|Shows relationship to pop culture | |

|Inclusion/Exclusion (Open or closed subculture) | |

|Attitudes and Stereotypes | |

| |10 marks |

| | |

|Presentation | |

|Use of multimedia format (2) | |

|Engagement with audience (1) | |

|Answered questions with confidence (1) | |

|Adhered to time limit (1) | |

|Images used (1) | |

|Spelling and grammar (2) | |

|Bibliography, including references for images (2) | |

| |10 marks |

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|Survey and Analysis of survey results | |

|Survey completed in full and in the appropriate detail (2) | |

|Survey results referred to in project/presentation (2) | |

|Survey results related to ‘attitudes and stereotypes’ (1) | |

| |5 marks |

| | |

|Teacher Comment: | |

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| |TOTAL /25 |

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