
Da Nang, 14 April 2012





| | | |

| |Add: 4 floor - 78A Duy Tan, Da Nang city | |

| |Tel: 0511.2211330; Fax: 0511.3633886 | |







Made by : Nguyen Thanh Phong

Review by : Nguyen Dinh Cong

Da Nang, April 2012


Le Nam Hai




2.1. Vietnamese Laws and Regulations 6

2.2. Applicable World Bank Safeguard Policies 6


3.1. Sub-project Objective 8

3.2. Sub-project Area 8

3.3. Sub-project Management Arrangement 8

3.4. Sub-project Description 8

3.4.1. 110kV branch line 8

3.4.2. Phuoc Son 110kV substation 8

3.4.3. Sub-project Scope of Work 9

3.4.3. Volume of the Sub-project Main Work 9

3.5. Main Work of the Sub-project Prior and During Construction Stage 12

3.5.1. Main Work of the Sub-project Prior and During Construction Stage 12

3.5.2. Means of Transportation of Materials, Equipment and Machinery to the Site 12

3.6. Sub-project Schedule and Total Investment Capital 12

3.6.1. Sub-project Schedule 12

3.6.2. Total Investment Capital for the Sub-project: 12


4.1. Geographical Location of the Sub-project Area 14

4.2. Climate, Topography, Pedology in the Sub-project 14

4.3. Natural Resources in the Sub-project Area 15

4.4. Transport 16



6.1. Measures to mitigate the environmental impacts 22


7.1. EMP Implementation Responsibility 33

7.3. EMP Implementation Reporting 36

7.4. Cost estimate for EMP implementation 36







Tuy Phuoc is a district of Binh Dinh province. This area has Phuoc Son intermediate substation of 35/22-5600kVA without operation. Distribution power network at the area consists of four 22kV feeders: 471, 472, 473 and 474 behide Phuoc Son intermediate substation. Basing on the analysis of current power source and network at the asrea, if using 22kV source from E21 and An Nhon 110kV substations to supply electric to Tuy Phuoc district and neighbor regions, up to the year 2015 specifications of middle volatge power network will not reliable. With the load growth of 11.2% per year, it’s necessary to newly build a 110/22kV-25MVA substation for supplying electric to Tuy Phuoc district and neighbor regions, ensuring power network safety operation and safety, continous and electric supplying, low loss and creating connection with 110kV substations in the province, meeting the demand of increasing electric use and contributing to political stability and economic development in the area. Recognizing the need investment and implementation of the sub-project, Binh Dinh province has requested the World Bank (WB) to finance the sub-project “Phuoc Son 110kV Substation and the Branch Line”. This is one of the sub-projects to be implemented in phase 1 of the Distribution Efficiency Project (DEP) of the Energy of Vietnam (EVN) funded by the WB. The sub-project will be implemented in the area of Phuoc Son district, Binh Dinh province.

The sub-project activities consist of: i) building one 110/22kV substation; ii) building control house and shift on-duty house of the substation; and iii) newly building the double circuit 110kV branch line of 30 m. The activities may cause negative impacts on the environment and local people prior and during construction and operation.

In order to ensure that potential negative impacts can be identified and during the preparation and mitigated during the subproject implementation process and that the subproject complies with the Environmental Assessment Policy OP / BP 4:01) of the World Bank. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of the sub-project that follows the guidance provided in the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) of the DEP project has been prepared. This EMP includes: the sub-project description, policy framework, applied environmental technological standards and regulation, potential negative impacts, proposed mitigation measures implemented during pre-construction, construction and operation, implementation arrangement of EMP and budget. The EMP will be incorporated into tender documents and contracts, along with environmental monitoring and supervision.

Under the government environmental impact assessment regulation the subproject needs to prepare an environmental impact assessment (EIA) report. The EIA of the sub-project “Phuoc Son 110kV Substation and the Branch Line” was approved by Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee under Decision No…. dated …


2.1. Vietnamese Laws and Regulations

The following Vietnamese legislations are applicable to the sub-project:

• Environment Protection Law No.52/2005/QH11 passed by the National Assembly dated on 29/11/2005 regulating responsibilities of individuals and organizations regarding environmental protection.

• Law on Forest Development and Protection No. 29/2004/QH11,

• Law on Cultural Heritage No. 28/2001/QH10,

• The Law on Water resources No. 08/1998/QH10 dated 20 May 1998.

• Government Decree No.80/2006/ND-CP dated August 9th, 2006 by Vietnamese Government on detail regulations and guidance on the implementation of some Articles of the Environment Law.

• Decree No. 29/2011/NÐ-CP dated 18 April 2011 regarding regulations on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impacts assessment and environmental protection commitments.

• Circular No. 26/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 18 July 2011 detailing some articles of Decree No. 29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April 2011 regarding regulations on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impacts assessment and environmental protection commitments.

• Decree No.106/2005/ND-CP dated 17th August 2005 on detailed regulations and guidance on implementation of some Articles of the Law on Electricity related to safe protection of high voltage networks.

• Decree No.81/2009/ND-CP dated 12th October 2009 on revision and addition of some Articles of Decree No.106/2005/ND-CP dated 17th August 2005 on detailed regulations and guidance on implementation of some Articles of the Law on Electricity related to safe protection of high voltage networks.

• Circular No. 12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14 April 2011 regarding the management of hazardous wastes.

• National Technical Regulations: QCVN01:2009/BYT - National technical regulations on quality of drinking water; QCVN02:2009/BYT - National technical regulations on quality of living water; QCVN08:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulations on quality of surface water; QCVN09:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulations on quality of groundwater; QCVN05:2009/BTNMT - Air quality – Standards for ambient air quality; QCVN06:2009/BTNMT - Air quality – Maximum allowable concentration of hazardous substances in the ambient air.

• EVN Guidance No. 2623/CV-EVN – KHCN&MT, dated 28 May 2007 regarding the management and pollution prevention and exposure to PCBs.

2.2. Applicable World Bank Safeguard Policies

Environmental screening according to criteria described in Environmental Management Framework of DEP has been performed and the result shows that the WB policies on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01), Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) and Information Disclosure are triggered for this sub-project. The implementation of policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12) will be addressed in a separate safeguard document. The sub-project also has to meet the WB requirements on Public Consultation and Information Disclosure.


3.1. Sub-project Objective

The sub-project “Phuoc Son 110kV Substation and the Branch Line” aims at: i) supplying electric to living loads at Tuy Phuoc district and a part of Quy Nhon city, meeting the demand of the socio-economic development with electric in 15-20 years later, up to the year 2020; ii) improving the electric supplying safety due to decreasing incidents; and iii) reducing electric loss and increasing electric business effect.

3.2. Sub-project Area

- Substation position: Phuoc Son 110kV substation is built in agricultural land of households at Phung Son hamlet, Phuoc Son commune, Tuy Phuoc district, Binh Dinh province.

- 110kV branch line of 30 m length gone through the area of Phung Son hamlet, Phuoc Son commune, Tuy Phuoc district, Binh Dinh province.

3.3. Sub-project Management Arrangement

- Investor: Central Power Corporation (EVN CPC)

- Designer: Central Power network project management unit – Central Power Corporation (NPMU-EVN CPC)

- Project management unit: Central Power network project management unit – Central Power Corporation (NPMU-EVN CPC)

3.4. Sub-project Description

3.4.1. 110kV branch line

The 110kV branch line route: the double circuit 110kV branch line route with ACSR-300 conductor connected at pole position No.45 of Quy Nhon – Nhon Hoi 110kV branch line. The 110kV branch line with 30 m length and connected to 110kV bus-bar of Phuoc Son 110kV substation, Binh Dinh province. Geography that the T/L gone through is relative flat water farm.

3.4.2. Phuoc Son 110kV substation

Substation position: 110/22kV substation is newly built with planned capacity of (2x25MVA) located at Phung Son hamlet, Phuoc Son commune, Tuy Phuoc district, Binh Dinh province. This location is suitable to the common plan of the local, detail as follows:

- The North is bordered by rice farm

- The South is bordered by inter-hamlet concrete road

- The West is bordered by rice farm and is about 200m far from provincial highway No.640.

- The East is bordered by rice farm

Phuoc Son 110kV substation area is 600m far from provincial highway No.640. Substation position is at rice farm area and is 500m far from residential area.

The substation and the branch line does not pass reserves and other sensitive areas.

3.4.3. Sub-project Scope of Work

a/ Phuoc Son 110kV Substation

- Voltage level : 110/22 kV

- Total scheduled capacity : 2x25 MVA ( 01 transformer will be installed with the capacity of 63 MVA under the project)

- Foundation : At site mounted steel reiforced concrete foundation, including transformer foundation, equipment hanging pillar, cable drainage, shift on-duty house, control house, gate, fence of the substation.

- Earthing system : Radial type and pile-radius combination by zinc-galvanized steel

- Control and protection system : Using digital control system and protection relay

- Information system : Using optical information system (SCADA)

- Scheduled area : 5,690.76 m2 including outdoor distribution system, shift on-duty house, control house, yard, gate and fence of the substation.

b/ 110kV Branch Line

- Length : 30 m

- Starting point : Connected at pole position No.45 of Quy Nhon – Nhon Hoi 110kV branch line

- Ending point : At bus-bar of Phuoc Son 110kV substation

- Voltage level : 110kV

- Circuit : double

- Conductor : CASR/MZ-300/29

- Lightning wire : GSW50 and optical cable OPGW-57

- Pole : Current using pole

- Isolator : Glass, porcelain or polymer

3.4.3. Volume of the Sub-project Main Work

Table 1: Volume of the project main work

|Ord. |Main works |Unit |Volume |Construction methodologies |

|I/ |Substation | | | |

|01 |Dig soil at foundation |m3 |2,376.67 |Manual and by machinery |

|02 |Embank soil at foundation |m3 |954.7 |Manual and by machinery |

|03 | |m3 |325.95 |Manual |

|04 |Process steel rod of all kinds |ton |30.49 |Cutter and welding machine |

|05 |M100 concrete |m3 |227.85 |Manual and by machinery |

|06 |M150 concrete |m3 |148.28 |Manual and by machinery |

|07 |M200 concrete |m3 |498.7 |Manual and by machinery |

|08 |Install isolator, 110kV fittings |chain |33 |Manual and by machinery |

|09 |Raise steel pole |pole |12 |Manual and by machinery |

|10 |Raise centrifugal pole |pole |02 |Manual and by machinery |

|11 |Zinc-galvanized earthing system |ton |5.615 |Manual |

|12 |Zinc-galvanized steel of all kind |ton |24.45 |Manual and by machinery |

|13 |Equipment + fittings |ton |74.5 |Manual and by machinery |

|II/ |Branch line | | | |

|01 |Conductor ACSR/MZ-300/39 |m |240 |Manual and by machinery |

|02 |Lightning wire, optical cable |m |280 |Manual and by machinery |

|03 |Isolator + 110kV fittings |chain |12 |Manual and by machinery |

|III/ |Fire fighting equipments and tools | | | |

|01 |CO2 Extinguishers – 5kg |bottle |10 | |

|02 |CO2 Extinguishers – 30kg |bottle |02 | |

|03 |Portable Fire Extinguishers – 5kg |bottle |05 | |

|04 |Shovel |pcs |05 | |

|05 |Fire-escape |pcs |03 | |

|06 |Water bucket of galv-corrugated iron – 12 liters |pcs |04 | |

|07 |Hanger of CO2 Extinguishers |pcs |02 | |

|08 |Standard fire orders and regulations |set |02 | |

|09 |Concrete pipe φ1, 1m for containing sand |pipe |06 | |

|10 |Fire 3-m3 cistern |cistern |02 | |

|11 |Long-hand sickle |Pcs |04 | |

|12 |Sand |m3 |04 | |

|13 |Fire alarm button |set |05 | |

|14 |Fire alarm |set |05 | |

|15 |Center fire alarm control panel |pcs |01 | |

|16 |Inside heat detector |pcs |08 | |

|17 |Inside heat detector of anti-explosion |pcs |01 | |

|18 |Dry battery power of 24Vdc-50Ah |set |01 | |

|19 |Outside heat detector |pcs |04 | |

|20 |Hanger of 110kV substation heat detector |set |04 | |

|21 |Charger |set |01 | |

|22 |Inside smog detector |pcs |09 | |

|23 |Fire alarm lamp |set |05 | |

|24 |Recessed mounted type of PVC conduit φ20 |m |200 | |

|25 |PVC conduit to the substation φ32 |m |50 | |

|26 |Bronze cable covered by PVC, section 2x2.5mm2 |m |620 | |

|27 |Bronze cable covered by PVC, section 2x6mm2 |m |20 | |

3.5. Main Work of the Sub-project Prior and During Construction Stage

3.5.1. Main Work of the Sub-project Prior and During Construction Stage

- Carry out compensation, site clearance.

- Take over the construction site, set up the camps.

- Transport materials, equipment even workers to the site

- Lever/ smooth the surface of the substation area.

- Build substation and control house, dig foundation pits, set up towers, install transformer and stretch contructor.

- Build substation gate and fence…

3.5.2. Means of Transportation of Materials, Equipment and Machinery to the Site

- Materials and equipment will ve transported from freight yards and storehouses of NPMU to temporary storehouses of the sub-project by specific trucks and packaged suitably. After that, they will be transported to the sub-project’site by trucks with load capacity of 5 – 7.5 tons. Materials and equipment will be transported to the substation site on Highway No.1A, provincial highway No.640 and other inter-hamlet roads. Load capacity of the trucks has to suitable to traffic load in local. After temporarily loaded near the roads, materials and equipment will be manual carried to construction site. Because the site is near the roads, the manually carried distance is unnoticeable. These roads do not cross residential areas, schools, hospitals and medical stations.

- Building material such as: sand, stone, cement will be supplied by local suppliers in radius of 10 – 15 km.

3.6. Sub-project Schedule and Total Investment Capital

3.6.1. Sub-project Schedule

The sub-porject schedule is scheduled as follows:

- Making the sub-project investment document: October 2011

- Making the sub-project technical design document: January 2012

- Bidding for choosing suppliers of materials and equipment; civil work: July 2012

- Launch the sub-project construction: September 2012

- Complete and take into operation of the sub-project: July 2013

3.6.2. Total Investment Capital for the Sub-project:

The total investment cost for the sub-project is as follows:

Table 2: The total investment cost for the sub-project

|Ord. |Content |Cost after VAT (VND) |

|1 |Cost for construction |14,252,000,000 |

|2 |Cost for equipment |34,075,000,000 |

|3 |Cost for compensation and site clearance |1,849,000,000 |

|4 |Cost for project management |1,087,000,000 |

|5 |Cost for consultants |2,736,000,000 |

|6 |Other cost |3,376,000,000 |

|7 |Contigency |5,738,000,000 |

|TOTAL |63,113,000,000 |


4.1. Geographical Location of the Sub-project Area

Binh Dinh province is located in the central coast, the province’s territory stretches along the North-South. Its narrow width to average is 55km (the narrowest place is 50km and the maximum value is 60km). Binh Dinh province is bordered by Quang Ngai province in the North with boundary length of 63km, by the South China Sea province in the East with coastal length of 134km, by Phu Yen province in the South with boundary length of 50km, by Gia Lai province in the West boundary length of 130km. Binh Dinh province is considered as one of getways to the sea of High land provinces and Southern Laos.

Total natural land area of the province is 6,039.56 km2. Total population is 1,489,900 people. Population density is 247people/km2 (statistic in 2009). About administrative organization, Binh Dinh province is devided into 11 administrative units, in which, Quy Nhon city is the first grade provincial city and 10 districts of An Lao, Van Canh, Vinh Thanh (mountainous), Hoai An, Tay Son (midland), Hoai Nhon, Phu Cat, Phu My, Tuy Phuoc, An Nhon (plain). There are 159 communes, wards and towns in the whole province, in which, (129 communes, 14 towns and 16 wards). Currently, Quy Nhon city is a political and cultural center of Binh Dinh province.

Sub-project “Phuoc Son 110kV Substation and the Branch Line” is located in Tuy Phuoc district, Binh Dinh province. It’s bordered by Van Canh district in the West, by An Nhon town in the North, by Quy Nhon city in the East and the South. The district has area of 261.77 km2, population of 185,974 people (in 2005). There are 13 communal administrative units including towns of Dieu Tri, Tuy Phuoc and communes of Phuoc Thang, Phuoc Hung, Phuoc Hoa, Phuoc Quang, Phuoc Son, Phuoc Hiep, Phuoc Loc, Phuoc Thuan, Phuoc Nghia, Phuoc An, Phuoc Thanh. The district terrain is accumulative plain at riverside and coastal plain at the East of district. Thi Nai lagoon is located in the East of the district. Tuy Phuoc district is engaged in farming such as growing rice, crops, gracilaria, sugar-cane, fruit trees; bredding cow, poultry, fish, shrimp and fishing and processing seafoods. Industry is underdeveloped, mainly produce cement, construction stone and exploit kaolin. Traffic system has national highway No.1A, No.19 and the North-South railway running through the district.

4.2. Climate, Topography, Pedology in the Sub-project

a) Climate:

Binh Dinh province, in general, and Tuy Phuoc district, in particular, have a wet tropical and monsoon climate. Due to the complex topography, when monsoon approaches to the land, it changes its direction and intensity so much.

- Annual average temperature: at mountainous region fluctuates from 20.1oC to 26.1oC, the highest is 31.7oC and the lowest is 16.5oC; at coastal region is 27oC, the highest is 39.9oC and the lowest is 15.8oC.

- Monthly absolute average moisture in a year: at mountainous region fluctuates from 20.1% to 27.9% and the relative one is 79.92%; at coastal region is 27.9% and the relative one is 79%.

- Rainfall: The wet season begins from August to December and the dry season starts from January to July. Particularly to mountainous region, there is an additional wet season from May to August due to impact of wet season at High Land. Dry season lasts from January to August. For mountainous districts, total average rainfall is 1,751 mm. The total rainfall tends to decrease from mountainous to coastal regions and from Northwest to Southeast.

- Storm: Binh Dinh province is located in the central-central part of Vietnam where storms usually land to mainland. Annually, in the coast from Danang city to Khanh Hoa province, averagely 1.04 storms land to with the highest frequence from September to November.

- Wind: The popular direction of wind in Tuy Phuoc district from September to March of the next year is North – Northwest, from April to August is East-Southeast.

Maximum average speed of wind for many years: 45m/s

Minimum average speed of wind for many years: 2.1m/s

Average speed of wind for many years: 28.5m/s

The sub-project construction area is in tropical climate region belonging to the coastal Central-Central Part where has two distinct seasons: wet and dry.

b) Topography

The branch line passes through a topography of flat agricultural land near traffic roads facilitating the gathering materials and equipments and transporting during construction.

c) Pedology

Geological soil here is mostly rich soil of gray and brown-gray, sandy soil mixing with quartz with medium coarse grain of light-gray and yellow-gray colours. The soil is mixed with much of shell and mud in livid and red-blue colour. Its structure is unidentical. Amount of small grit and pebble is large. Thickness of soil layer is from 2m to 4m.

4.3. Natural Resources in the Sub-project Area

* Soil resource: Binh Dinh province has the natural land area of 6,039 km2, 11 groups of soil with 30 diferent types, in which alluvial soil makes up 71,000 ha. There are now nearly 136,350 ha of agricultural land, 249,310 ha of forestry land, 62,870 ha of non-agricultural land and more than 150,000 ha of unused land that can be exploited to develop silviculture and other purposes (statistics in 2009).

* River and stream: River and stream system of Binh Dinh province mostly originates in high mountainous area of the East side of Truong Son range. Rivers and streams are not big with high and short slope, low alluvial content. Their total capacity is 5.2 million m3 amd hydroelectric potentiality is 182.4 million kW. There are 4 big rivers such as Con, Lai Giang, La Tinh and Ha Thanh, some small ones such as Chau Truc or Tam Quan, about 15 artificial lakes and 3 freshwater lagoons making advantageous to agricutural and aquicultural development. Especially, Thi Nai lagoon is favourable for seaport development at national level and contributes to Nhon Hoi economic zone development. Thi Nai lagoon has the biggest bridge crossing the sea in Vietnam today.

* Flora and fauna resources: With conditions of hot and wet climate, much rain and diversified geography and soi, flora of Binh Dinh province is rich of varieties and species. There are 66 ordos, 175 familias and 1,848 species. Wildlife in forests in Binh Dinh province associates with fauna systems of Kong Ha Nung (Gia Lai province), Ba To and Tra Bong (Quang Ngai province), Tra My and Phuoc Son (Quang Nam province) including 7 beast ordos with 19 familias and 38 species and 13 bird ordos with 37 familias and 77 species. However, the project area is far from these zones. Plants are mostly rice, crops and some popular fruit trees and timber trees. Animal are mainly cattles and poultries. Wildlifes are mainly birds, bat, squirrel.

4.4. Transport

The sub-project area has a fairly convinient traffic condition. The sub-project site is about 15 km far from the Highway No.1A, and 200 m far from provincial highway No.640. Because the substation position is closed to the inter-hamlet concrete roads and provincial highway No.640, it’s favourable for equipment transportation and operation management later.


Table 3: Potential impacts caused by the sub-project

|Ord. |Impacts |Yes |No |Descriptions of the sub-project impacts |

|In stage of pre-construction |

|1 |Temporary and permanent |x | |Temporary land acquisition causes effect in short term on land area|

| |land acquirement? | | |for the ROW and service for constructing. |

| | | | |Permanent land acquisition causes effect in long term on land for |

| | | | |constructing the substation. |

| | | | |Total permanently acquired land area is 5,690.76 m2; total |

| | | | |temporarily acquired land area is 450 m2. |

|2 |Affect on households by |x | |There are 07 households have standing crops permanently affected |

| |the sub-project? | | |with area of 5,690.76 m2 and temporarily affected area of 450 m2 |

| | | | |that cultivating rice. |

| | | | |The sub-project causes no effect on residential land of people. |

| | | | |No households have structures affected. |

| | | | |PMU will compensate satisfactorily for the temporarily or |

| | | | |permanently affected land. |

|3 |Households need to | |x |There are no households need to relocated. |

| |relocated? | | | |

|4 |Affect on the flora by |x | |Trees higher than 4m in ROW will be cut down. The T/L crosses rice |

| |site clearance? | | |farm causing no effect on trees. |

| | | | |The T/L just stretches wire at current poles and raises no new |

| | | | |poles. The T/L crosses rice farm area and is constructed after the |

| | | | |harvest causing no effect on flora in ROW. |

|5 |Affect on the natural | |x |The T/L and subsation are not in natural forest, protective forest |

| |reserve? | | |or natural resources, so there are no impacts on the flora in the |

| | | | |area. |

|6 |Cause risk of local | |x |The subproject does not use chemical substance and explosive. |

| |people’s and worker’s | | | |

| |health by chemical | | | |

| |substance and explosive? | | | |

|7 |Develua of cultural and | |x |- The T/L is not in area where there are cultural, historical and |

| |historical works? | | |public works so it does not affect on them. |

| | | | |- When excavating at substation position, if antiques, cultural and|

| | | | |historical monuments are discorvered, the Contractors have to |

| | | | |conform to the guidance in item 14, part 6.1 – Environmental impact|

| | | | |mitigation measures. |

|In stage of construction |

|8 |Soil erosion and pollution|x | |- When excavate soil at substation foundation positions |

| |of surface water | | |(foundations of transformer, control house, shift on-duty house), |

| |resources? | | |the surface soil will be excavated and follow the rain water and |

| | | | |pollute the surface water resources. Materials are also scattered |

| | | | |with rain water and pollute the surface water resources. However, |

| | | | |soil excavation will avoid the rainy season and construction of |

| | | | |each term is thoroughly so soil erosion and surface water resource |

| | | | |pollution are unnoticeable. |

|9 |Noise, and vibration, and |x | |- Noise and vibration caused by: material transportation means and|

| |dust? | | |some constructing activities such as: tower erection, conductor |

| | | | |stretching, generator. However, these means and machinery are |

| | | | |managed the licenses, the constructing time is also managed (in |

| | | | |daytime), limit using horns when transportation crossing the |

| | | | |residential areas. |

| | | | |- If the work is near other infrastructure works, it must be |

| | | | |embanked and covered in order to limit the effect on near |

| | | | |infrastructure works by vibration caused land fall in. To the |

| | | | |sub-project, its position is far from other infrastructure works so|

| | | | |it does not effect on them. |

|10 |Air pollution? |x | |- Air pollution can be occurred when transporting and loading |

| | | | |materials, constructing by exhaust and dust. |

| | | | |However, with the average number of 2 trucks per week – 2 trips per|

| | | | |day (construction works are in about 2 months) for the substation |

| | | | |construction (see the main volume in table 1). So level of dust and|

| | | | |exhaust in the air is minor. |

|11 |Local traffic obstruction?|x | |- Materials and equipments are transported from the yards and |

| | | | |storehouses of PMU to the sub-project areas with suitable packing. |

| | | | |After that, they are transported to the construction sites by 5-7 |

| | | | |ton trucks. |

| | | | |- Building materials such as: sand, stones, cement will be supplied|

| | | | |by the local suppliers and transported directly to the construction|

| | | | |sites. |

| | | | |- With average using frequency of transporting means as above (item|

| | | | |9) and constructing activities such as soil excavating, conductor |

| | | | |stretching, they will cause local traffic obstruction. However, |

| | | | |local traffic is thin and the time for loading materials (sand, |

| | | | |stone, soil, …) is loaded by the transporting means so the effect |

| | | | |level is minor. |

|12 |Any damage or degrading to| |x |All materials and equipment are packed with suitable weight for |

| |rural traffic-ways and | | |transporting on roads. Traffic roads here are asphalted (Highway |

| |traffic safety? | | |No.1A, provincial highway No.640 and other inter-hamlet roads). |

|13 |Risks or damages to | |x |In the sub-project area, there is little wildlife. The permanently |

| |biological diversity? | | |acquired land area is about 5,690.76 m2 and temporarily affected |

| | | | |land area is 450 m2 of mainly rice farm. Therefore, the level of |

| | | | |flora clearance and effected on fauna is unnoticeable. In sum, the |

| | | | |sub-project does not cause risks or damages to biological |

| | | | |diversity. |

|14 |Solid waste of soil |x | |Solid waste is generated when constructing such as soil excavation |

| |excavation, tree cutting | | |(remains of soil and stones) or constructing activities (fragmented|

| |in ROW and constructing | | |iron, stones, sand, plastic bottles, cement wraps). The impacts of |

| |activities? | | |solid waste will be minimized through waste reduction practice and |

| | | | |the other measures presented in item 6.1 of this EMP. |

|15 |Effect on environment by |x | |It’s scheduled to build up a camp in the substation area for |

| |the workers? | | |workers. House will be rent from local people and used as |

| | | | |storehouses. So living waste water and garbage of workers will |

| | | | |affect on surrounding environment if having no environmental |

| | | | |protection measures. However, construction site arrangement is |

| | | | |always concerned by PMU and shown in bidding document and contract |

| | | | |condition. So there will be measures for each separate |

| | | | |environmental issues such as: making septic tank, drainage, in |

| | | | |compliance with local regulations. So, effect on environment by |

| | | | |the workers is inconsiderable. Relevant mitigation measures |

| | | | |presented in item 6.1 of this EMP will be carried out to minimize |

| | | | |environmental impacts from workers. |

|16 |Conflicts between |x | |- There is difference between the workers and local people about |

| |construction workers and | | |income, lifestyle and custom. However, there is not deep conflict |

| |local people? | | |between them because they use the same of Vietnamese in their |

| | | | |communication. The workers have to obey regulations of contractors |

| | | | |as well as the local. In order to minimize conflicts, the |

| | | | |sub-project uses some local labors in manual work. So, no deep |

| | | | |conflicts between them occur. |

| | | | |- Otherwise, the sub-project will bring benefit to the local people|

| | | | |so that getting the greeting of them as well as the closed |

| | | | |coordination of Local Authorities. |

|17 |Effect on health and |x | |Accidents can occur during construction if safety regulations are |

| |safety of workers and | | |not obeyed such as: checking tools before use, setting up dagerous |

| |local people? | | |signals at sites of pole foundation, generators and conductor |

| | | | |stretching and working above. These accidents can occur not only on|

| | | | |the workers but also on local people. However, all safety |

| | | | |construction methods are complied with regulations, so these risks |

| | | | |can be mitigated. These risks can be minimized by applying |

| | | | |mitigation measures presented in item 6.1 of this EMP. |

|18 |Fire and explosion by |x | |In the past, this area was at war. However, it was the past 36 |

| |mines or bombs remaining | | |years, this area has been exploited, used and constructed many |

| |from the war? | | |works, so remained landmines or bombs are unnoticeable. NPMU will |

| | | | |contract with army unit to check and set up a method to disarm them|

| | | | |before constructing. |

|In stage of operation |

|19 |Development and |x | |- Take a main role in attraction the investment and developing |

| |improvement in living | | |local economy because electricity cannot be short in industrial |

| |standards? | | |production. |

| | | | |- Assist the local people in developing agriculture, services |

| | | | |including health and education. |

|20 |Fragmentation of flora and| |x |- The sub-project does not build temporary access road. |

| |fauna habitats due to | | |- After constructing the substation, construction sites will be |

| |easier access by human | | |rearranged as prior, vegetation cover and trees in the ROW under 4m|

| |being? | | |height will be maintained due to the unremarkable impact on natural|

| | | | |habitat. The sub-project is not in wasteland area so does not |

| | | | |affect on wildlife. |

|21 |Effect on health and |x | |Electric shocks and other accidents can occur. |

| |safety for operators and | | | |

| |local people? | | | |

|22 |Electric magnetic field | |x |The substation and T/L are designed and constructed according to |

| |and affect on health? | | |existing regulations and standards of the Power Sector, in which, |

| | | | |electrical safety issues had been calculated in order to avoid |

| | | | |harmful to operators as well as people. Before the sub-project |

| | | | |taken into practice, all safe technical indicators have to be |

| | | | |specified through testing to ensure meeting the standards and |

| | | | |regulations with the witness of PMU, Contractors and Operation |

| | | | |Management Unit. So, local people and operators will not be harmful|

| | | | |by electric magnetic field. |

|23 |Effect on airplanes, | |x |The sub-project area is mainly agricultural land without species of|

| |birds, bats? | | |bats or squirrels but birds and bred animals. So the sub-project |

| | | | |does not affect on flying animals. The area has no airline. Thus, |

| | | | |the sub-project does not affect on airplanes, birds or bats. |

|24 |Infection of land with oil| |x |The sub-project does not dismantle old transformer as well as use |

| |overflow? | | |equipments with PCB and harmful chemical substances. |

|25 |Risks of firing and |x | |In case of incident, transformer and other equipments can be |

| |explosion? | | |exploded and cause firing and oil overflow. Therefore, it’s |

| | | | |required to prepare fire fighting tools and incident oil container.|


6.1. Measures to mitigate the environmental impacts

Table 4: Measures to mitigate the environmental impacts

|Social - environmental issues |Mitigating measures |Responsibilities |

|A. In the stage of pre-construction | | |

|Affect on PAHs as well as agricultural production by |Survey the project area carefully, consult the local people in order to choose the optimal line route that uses minimum land area and|Contractors |

|temporary and permanent land acquirement. |not resettlement. | |

| |Choose the optimal design alternative about the span between two towers, the height of tower… in order to minimize effect on PAHs. | |

| |Carry out constructing right after the harvest and shorten the time of constructing. | |

| |Compensate for the affected households in accordance with the Resettlement Policy Framework of the DEP project and Resettlement Plan | |

| |of the subproject. | |

|Effect on flora by ROW clearance. |Inform affected households to get harvest of rice and crops before tree clearance and land using. |NPMU + Contractors |

| |Stretch conductor after the harvest of rice. | |

| |Collect cut-trees at regulated place. Reuse for fuel (firewood) or fertilizer. | |

|B. In stage of construction | | |

|Dust generation |Contractor is responsible for complying Vietnam regulations related to air environment quality. |Contractor |

| |Contractor ensure that dust arising will be mitigated and causes no inconvenience to local people. Contractor also control dust to |CSC |

| |remain a safety working environment (such as use water sprayer, cover materials during transporting). | |

| |Constructing materials need covering during transporting to avoid scatter. | |

| |Places for material pouring and storing should be covered to prevent dust due to wind. It’s necessary to consider the main wind | |

| |direction and sensitive places such as schools and residential areas before preparing places for material pouring and storing. | |

| |Workers must use dust-mask in area with much dust. | |

|Air pollution |All means of transportation must comply with Vietnam regulations on controlling the allowed exhaust limitation. |Contractor |

| |Means of transportation in Vietnam must be usually checked and have “Certificate of quality, technical safety and environmental |CSC |

| |protection” under Decision Ord.35/2005/QD-BGTVT; | |

| |Don’t burn waste or constructing materials (for instance: asphalt, …) in the construction site. | |

| |Concrete-mixer should be far from people’s houses. | |

|Noise and vibration |Contractor is responsible for complying with Vietnam regulations related to noise and vibration. |Contractor |

| |All means of transportation must have “Certificate of quality, technical safety and environmental protection” under Decision |CSC |

| |Ord.35/2005/QD-BGTVT”; to prevent excessive noise arising from unmaintained machines, if necessary, it’s required to carry out | |

| |measures to mitigate noise at suitable level including mufflers, dampers or set noisy machines in noise protection areas. | |

| |Avoid or mitigate traffic pass residential area as well as avoid material process in residential area (such as cement mixing) | |

| Waste water pollution |Contractor is responsible for complying with Vietnam regulations related to waste water emission into environment. |Contractor |

| |Supply roving lavatory or build lavatory for workers. Waste water from the lavatory as well as from kitchen, bath room and wash bowl |CSC |

| |in worker’s camp should pass process system before emitting to environment. | |

| |After the construction finished, lavatory in worker’s camp must be safety processed or effectively blocked. | |

|Water drainage and stagnation controlling |Contractor must follow the detail design of water drainage system in construction plan to prevent local stagnation or erosion of |Contractor |

| |slide soil or areas easy to be erosive from the rain water. |CSC |

| |Ensure the water drainage system always cleared. | |

| |Remain status of areas not affected by constructing activities. | |

| |Soil digging, pouring and leveling should be remained suitably to constructing standard details, including sewerage installation, | |

| |using plant to cover. | |

| |Install stagnation controlling works at necessary areas to avoid flow containing mud and soil affect on around water quality. | |

| |If necessary, it’s required to dry constructing area (such as pole foundation, …). Water containing mud and sand when willing must be| |

| |processed by measures of stagnation controlling before emitted to river. | |

| |Use diversion technique during construction to limit sediment disorder of water flow. | |

|Manage material storage and mine |Priorly determine material storage in the approved technological detail design. |Contractor |

| |Use constructing materials from local suppliers having license of constructing material business and exploitation. |CSC |

| |Restore material storage area closed to natural condition. | |

|Garbage and harmful waste |Before constructing, contractor need prepare waste controlling procedure and process (store, supply wastebasket, plan for cleaning up|Contractor |

| |construction site and removing the wastebasket,...) and comply with the process during construction. |CSC |

| |Before constructing, it’s required to have all necessary licenses related to waste management of the project. | |

| |Measures will be taken to reduce littering behaviour and negligence in handling all waste. Contractor will supply wastebasket, | |

| |container and means of garbage collecting at necessary places. | |

| |Garbage can be temporarily stored at appointed place approved by Construction supervision Consultant (CSC) and related local | |

| |authorities before being collected and processed by local environmental sanitation unit. If the project area does not have the unit, | |

| |harmless living solid waste can be burried. | |

| |Wastebaskets or containers will be covered to prevent leaking out, impact of weather and scavengers. Do not burn waste. | |

| |Recycled materials such as boards for drainage works, steel, scaffold, wrapping, will be collected and separated at the site from | |

| |other emission sources to recycle, use for leveling or sell. | |

| |If not removed from the site, solid waste and constructing waste will be processed at a given area approved by CSC and put into | |

| |garbage management plan. In any cases, contractor has to process all of constructing materials inside the construction site. | |

| |Used oil will be taken out of the site to the approved oil recycling company. | |

| |Used oil, lubricant, cleaning material … from machine maintenance will be collected to a tight suitable container and contracted with| |

| |harmful waste processing and collecting unit. | |

|Effect on flora |Contractor will prepare plan of site clearance and environmental flora restoration according to current regulations for CSC approval.|Contractor |

| |Contractor seriously complies with the plan. |CSC |

| |Do not use chemical substances for clearance. | |

| |Do not cut any trees unless it’s allowed clearly in clearance plan. | |

| |If necessary, build temporary barrier to effectively protect trees need protecting before starting any activities in the region. | |

|Traffic management |Before constructing, consult local authorities, public and traffic police. |Contractor |

| |Impact on flow of means of transport should be put into construction plan before approval. The roads, especially for heavy vehicles, |CSC |

| |need to consider to sensitive areas such as schools, hospitals and markets. | |

| |Install lighting system at night, if necessary, to ensure traffic safety. | |

| |Set signals around construction site to facilitate traffic circulation, provide guidance to different components of the work and | |

| |provide safety instruction and warning. | |

| |Use methods of traffic safety controlling including road/river/canal signals and flats for dangerous warning. | |

| |Do not transport materials in peak hours. | |

| |Corridor for pedestrian and motor vehicles inside and outside of the construction site need to be isolated with the site and can be | |

| |approached easily, safely and suitably. Install suitable signals at necessary places. | |

|Interrupt activities and services |Planned or unplanned interruption to services of water, air, electric and internet: Contractor has to carry out consultation properly|Contractor |

| |and prepare plan for unexpected situations with local authorities about consequence of a detail broken or interrupted service. |CSC |

| |Coordinate with related service suppliers (such as suppliers of water, telecommunications, …) to set suitable construction schedules.| |

| |Provide information to affected households on working schedule as well as planned interruption (at least 5 days before starting | |

| |activities). | |

| |Avoid interrupt water supplying for agricultural area. | |

| |Ensure to supply replaced water for affected people in case of the interruption lasts longer than 1 day. | |

| |Any damages for cable of current service systems will be informed to local authorities and repair as soon as possible. | |

|Restore affected regions |Cleared regions such as temporary soil mines with short using time, waste processing areas, worker’s camp, storage, scaffold and any |Contractor |

| |temporary areas during constructing time of the project items will be restored about landscape, drainage and flora. |CSC |

| |Start plant covering as soon as possible. Use plant suitable to native plant to grow and restore natural topography. | |

| |Do not use plant which is exotic or forbidden by functional agencies. | |

| |Areas of hill side where soil is digged and side of constructing spoil ground need to grow grass to prevent erosion and landslide. | |

| |All of affected regions will be made landscape and performed quickly necessary repair works including making green space, roads and | |

| |other affected regions. | |

| |Soil polluted by chemical substances and harmful waste will be moved and burried at suitable harmful waste processing areas. | |

| |Restore all roads and bridges damaged by the project activities. | |

| Labour safety and public safety |Contractor must comply with all Vietnam regulations about labour safety. |Contractor |

| |Prepare and implement action plan to cope with risks and urgent situations. |CSC |

| |Prepare urgent relief services at site. | |

| |Train the workers about occupational safety regulations. | |

| |Provide anti-noise labour tools for workers who use noisy machines such as piling machine, diesel machine, mixing machine, … | |

| |During dismantlement of current infrastructures, workers and people must be protected from debris scattering by methods of setting | |

| |trough, controlling traffic and use areas where limits approach. | |

| |Set fence, barrier, and dangerous warning/restricted-zone warning around the construction site to point out potential danger for | |

| |people. | |

| |Contractor will provide safety measures such as setting fence, barrier, warning signals at dangerous positions such as constructing | |

| |pole foundation to avoid traffic accident as well as other risks for people. | |

| |Only permit trained workers to install, maintain and repair electrical devices. | |

| |Turn off and earth exactly the distribution line having electricity before carrying out the above work, or near the electric line. | |

| |Comply with labour safety process when working above and working with electric devices. | |

|Communications to local public |Remain contact with related local authorities and people; contractor will coordinate with local authorities (leaders of ward/commune,|Contractor |

| |village chief) to come to agreement in plan of constructing activities at areas near sensitive areas or sensitive time (for example |CSC |

| |religious festivals). | |

| |Contact with public so that concerning parties can get information on activities in the area, the project status and project | |

| |implementation results. | |

| |Follow public interests and required information such as the project schedule | |

| |Respond questions via telephone and text timely and correctly. | |

| |Inform local people the construction plan, working schedule, service interruption, detour lines, temporary bus lines and destruction | |

| |in suitable time. | |

| |Provide technical document and drawing to public, especially draft construction area and EMP in the construction site. | |

| |Make notice boards at all construction site to give information on site manager, environmental staff, health and safety staff, tel | |

| |number and information on other contents so that affected people can express their interest and recommendations. | |

|Settling principle of revealing historical, cultural |During construction, if contractor finds historical, cultural and religious monuments including cemetery or individual graves, |Contractor |

|and religious monument |contractor will: |CSC |

| |Stop construction activities in revealed area; |NPMU |

| |Localize and protect the area to avoid any damages or losses of movable objects. In case of revealing movable antiques or sensitive | |

| |monuments, assign a protector until local authorities or Department of Culture and Information receive; | |

| |Report to CSC, CSC is responsible for reporting in turn to local or state authorities who are responsible for Vietnam cultural | |

| |property (within 24 hours or sooner); | |

| |Related local authorities or state agencies are responsible for protecting and isolating the area before deciding the next principle.| |

| | | |

| |Decision of processing the findings is responsibility of authorities, may be including arrangement change (such as when finding an | |

| |important cultural monument or archaeology that is unmovable), preservation, isolatation, restoration and rescue; | |

| |If cultural region and/or monument with high value and its preservation is recommended by specialists and requested by cultural | |

| |monument management agencies, NPMU need to change the design if necessary to meet the requirement and peserve the region; | |

| |Decisions related to management of the findings will be informed via texts by related authorities; | |

| |Constructing works can continue only when being licensed by local authorities who are responsible for the safety of heritage. | |

|Bombs, mines and other explosives remaining after the|Contract with specific Agency of the Army for finding out and dismantling mines, bombs and other explosives remaining after the war. |NPMU + Contractors |

|war. |Rearrange the site right after the work finish. |Suppervised by Department of |

| | |Environment and Natural Resoureces of|

| | |Binh Dinh province. |

|C. In the stage of operation | | |

| Health and safety for operators and local people |Design to meet the international standards to protect human health (less than 3kV/m for electric field and 05 microtesla for magnetic|CPC |

| |field at the edge if ROW). | |

| Effect on birds |Install device of bird driving on the line or branch tower. |CPC |

| 3. Risks of fire, explosion, and oil leakage? |- Periodically inspect the instruments of fire precaution and fire fighting. |CPC |

| |- Organize more training on fire prevention and fighting for operation workers - Construct storage tanks for fault oil at the | |

| |substation. | |

| |- Leakage oil will be refilled into the transformer without spilling on surrounding areas and without pollution caused by oil sewage.| |

6.2. Environmental Monitoring Plan

Table 5: Environmental monitoring plan

|Impact |Monitoring parameters |Monitoring places |Monitoring |Monitoring |Monitoring responsibility |

| | | |methodologies |time/frequency | |

|In the stage of pre-construction |

|I. Flora clearance or |- Clearance technology|- Along the ROW |- Observe |- Daily from the |- Contractor |

|tree-cutting |- Method of processing|- At place of tree | |beginning to the end of |- CSC |

| |tree after cutting |gathering after | |clearance work | |

| | |clearance or cutting | | | |

|II. Surface water |- Don’t dig soil when |- Inside of the |- Observe |- During and after the |- Contractor |

|quality, sedimentation|it’s raining |substation and ROW; | |heavy rain |- CSC |

|and erosion |- Don’t clear the |- Surface water | | | |

| |flora absolutely |source near | | | |

| | |construction site | | | |

|III. Dust, air |- Dust level at places|- At places where |- Observe |- When it’s heavy windy |- Contractor |

|pollution |of separated materials|gathering soil and | | |- CSC |

| |such as soil, sand, … |stone after digging | | | |

| |- Status of material |and gathering | | | |

| |covering during |separated materials | | | |

| |transporting | | | | |

|IV.Noise |- Noise level |- Areas that the |- Listen, consult local|- When carrying out |- Contractor |

| |- Reaction of people |branch line gone near|people |constructing activities |- CSC |

| |to the noise from |residential areas. | |causing loud noise; when| |

| |construction | | |getting complaints from | |

| |activities | | |people | |

|V. Cultural, |- Affected by noise. |- At construction |- Observe, consult |- When carrying out |- Contractor |

|historical works | |site near cultural |people. |constructing activities | |

| | |and histrorical works| |causing loud noise. |- CSC |

|VI. Sanitation at |- Garbage, waste water|- At camp, around the|- Observe |- Weekly, |- Contractor |

|construction site, |at construction site |substation | |in inspection |- CSC |

|consisting of sanitary|and worker’s camp | | | | |

|status at worker’s |- Worker’s camp is | | | | |

|camp |supplied fresh water | | | | |

| |or not and has | | | | |

| |lavatory, portable | | | | |

| |toilet or other | | | | |

| |sanitary toilet or not| | | | |

|VII. Safety for |- Accidents occur |- At site, local |- Consult, construction| |- Contractor |

|workers abd people | | |diary of contractor | |- CSC |

|In the stage of operation |

|I. Electric and |- Strength of electric|- At household where |- Galvanometer/ |- When having complaints|- Operation management |

|magnetic field |and magnetic field |is most closed to the|magnetometer |from people |uint |

| | |ROW | | | |

|II. Collistion of |- Wounded or death |- In the scope of the|- Observe |- Quarterly in the first|- Operation management |

|birds |birds |ROW or near the ROW | |year, and according to |uint |

| | | | |observed cases in the | |

| | | | |next years. | |


7.1. Responsibility for implementing the Environmental Management Plan

To ensure effective implementation of the EMP, the following actions will be carried out during the implementation of the subproject:

a) During the detailed design and tender documentation making

- During the detailed design of technical specifications and preparation of bidding contract documents for each contract, the technical design consultant will incorporate into these bidding and contractual documents the parts of the EMP specific to that contract, as well as the specific measures identified in the EMP.

- In preparing the bidding and contract documents, make an effort to ensure that the contractors are aware of the safeguard obligation and commit to comply.

b) During the course of construction

PPMU will assign the Construction Supervising Consultant (CSC) and/or field engineer to be responsible for supervision of safeguard performance of contractor on a daily basis. A generic Terms of Reference (TOR) is provided in Annex 1. CSC and/or field engineers will carry out, but not limited to, the following tasks:

- Before the commencement of the construction, confirm that all compensation for land and facilities are provided and relocation and/or land acquisition/donation has been completed.

- Closely supervise the implementation of the EMP throughout the construction period.

- Confirm the compliance with the agreed environmental plan and inspect any damages incurred by the contractor. If necessary, prepare an order to compensate/restore the construction sites as specified in the contracts. Contractor safeguard performance will be included in the subproject progress report.

The role and responsibilities of relevant parties in the implementation of EMP are described in the following table:

Table 6: Institutional arrangements for EMP implementation

|Roles |Responsibilities |Unit |

|Subproject investors |Ultimately responsible for overall project management, including the |CPC |

| |environmental management. | |

|Environmental Officer |Specific responsibility and point of contact for environmental issues. |Environmental staff of the PMU |

|Subproject implementation and |Responsible for coordination and management of overall project |PMU |

|management Agency |implementation, including guiding and supervising implementation of EMP.| |

| |- Planning and implementation of environmental management activities | |

| |during construction. | |

| |- Coordinating with other parties in relation to environmental | |

| |management activities. | |

| |- Carrying out internal monitoring and supervising independent | |

| |monitoring. | |

| |- supervising and providing budget | |

| |For monitoring activities. | |

| |- Reporting on environmental information to concerned parties. | |

|Project operating Unit |Responsible for project operation, including operation stage |Central high-voltage Grid Company |

| |environmental management and monitoring activities. | |

|Contractor Supervision |• Assist PMU in daily monitoring the environmental impact mitigation |Construction Supervision |

| |activities of contractors in accordance with the mitigation measures |Consultants hired by PMU |

| |outlined in the EMP, reporting and maintaining relationships, | |

| |communicating with local communities. | |

|Construction |* Responsible for construction works and following technical |Contractor selected by NPMU |

|Contractor |specifications outlined in the EMP, this includes: | |

| |  - Take action to mitigate all potential negative impacts in | |

| |accordance with the objectives described in the EMP. | |

| |- Actively communicate with local residents and take action to prevent | |

| |disturbance during construction. | |

| |- Ensure that at least a staff is assigned to monitor EMP compliance | |

| |during the preconstruction and construction periods. | |

| |- Ensure all the construction activities having sufficient documents | |

| |from the related organization. | |

| |- Ensure that all workers and staff  understand the procedure and their | |

| |tasks in the environmental management program. | |

| |- Report the problems and solutions to the construction supervision | |

| |consultant and the Project Management Unit. | |

| |- Report to local government and the PMU if the environmental accidents | |

| |occur and coordinate with other agencies and stakeholders to resolve. | |

7.2. Capacity building for EMP implementation:

Program on training the capacity building for EMP implementation is shown in the below table:

Table 7: Plan of capacity building for EMP implementation

|Ord. |Training subjects |Trained persons |Holders |Duration of training |Cost estimate |

| | | | |course | |

|1 |Annual training course |CPC staffs, NPMU-CPC |EVN |About 2 days |Included in EVN cost: 2 |

| |for Units directly under | | |(From May/2012 to |persons x 2 days x 2,000,000 |

| |EVN | | |August/2012) |VND/person/day = 8,000,000 VND|

|2 |A training course on |CPC staffs, NPMU-CPC |EVN, WB |About 2 days |Included in EVN cost: |

| |share of experiences in | | |(From May/2012 to |2 persons x 2 days x |

| |preparation of EMP as | | |August/2012) |2,000,000 VND/person/day = |

| |well as EMP | | | |8,000,000 VND |

| |implementation | | | | |

|3 |Training on |CPC staffs, NPMU-CPC,|EVN, CPC |About 2 days |Include: 02 persons of NPMU, |

| |implementation of EMP |Commune/ town under | |(From August/2012 to |01 person of the contractor, |

| | |the sub-project area,| |October/2012) |02 persons of commune |

| | |civil work contractor| | |05 persons x 2 days x |

| | | | | |2,000,000 VND/person/day = |

| | | | | |20,000,000 VND |

|4 |Training course on safety|Staffs of NPMU-CPC, |CPC |About 2 days |Include in PC of the province:|

| |(periodically hold by |operation management | |(From October/2012 to |02 persons of NPMU và 02 |

| |Power Company of the |unit. | |December/2012) |persons of Operation |

| |province) | | | |management unit. |

| | | | | |04 persons x 2 days x 200,000 |

| | | | | |VND/person/day = 1,600,000 VND|

| |TOTAL |37,600,000 VND |

Besides, the training course on environment and EMP implementation for workers will be hold by the contractor.

7.3. EMP Implementation Reporting

Table 8: Responsibilities and frequances of reporting on EMP implementation

|Ord. |Report made by |Submit to |Report frequnce |

|01 |Contractor to NPMU |NPMU |Once before starting construction and then once a month|

|02 |CSC (environmental supervisor as well) |NPMU |Monthly |

|04 |Public supervisor (if any) |NPMU |If any complaints |

|05 |NPMU |EVN |Quarterly |

|06 |EVN |WB |Half-yearly |

7.4. Cost estimate for EMP implementation

Table 9: Total cost estimate for EMP implementation and capacity building including cost for (i) implementation of mitigation measures and (ii) training activities.

|Ord. |Items |For construction stage |For operation stage |

|01 |- Environmental impact mitigation |Included in construction contract |Included in produce cost of the Central |

| |measures.* | |High-voltage Power Network Company |

|02 |- Environment supervision in construction | | |

| |stage* (inserted in cost for CSC). | | |

|03 |- Cost for training on environmental |22,900,000 VND | 22,900,000 VND |

| |management of the owner for local staffs, | | |

| |contractor, supervisor. | | |

| |TOTAL: | 45,800,000 VND |

* Cost for mitigation measures in construction stage and environment supervision by CSC included in the related contract.


In the stage of the sub-project preparation, NPMU has carried out public consultation at Duc Lan commune belonging to Mộ Đức district, Quang Ngai province where is affected by the sub-project (minute enclosed in Annex 4) as follows:

1. Phuoc Son commune

- Place: conference room of Phuoc Son Communal People’s Committee

- Time: 7:30 am – 11:30 am on 27/10/2011

- Participants: local authority representatives of commune, affected households, NPMU

During the consultation, NPMU has been carrying out following activities:

- Activity 1: Provide information and discuss with local authorities about the line route;

- Activity 2: Survey and make statistics on impacts, affected households;

- Activity 3: Contact with affected households;

When the survey finish, NPMU coordinates with staffs of district, commune, hamlet (under the sub-project area) to hold meetings with households affected by the sub-project and other households in the sub-project area. In the meetings, NPMU staffs present such contents as: The sub-project summary, draft of resettlement plan, draft of EMP, site map, dats, tables and other support documents.

NPMU staffs inform people to clearly understand about the sub-project objective, detail present impact on land and crop, introduce compensative principle and policy, recommend the local people do not build new houses or structures in ROW and state environmental impact mitigation measures so that people know and supervise during the project implementation. Affected households were advised on compensation policy and price. Questions made by affected households were answered. Their concerns/recommendations were recorded.

Some key comments and recommendations from public consultation meetings as follows:

- Carry out construction after the harvest;

- Mitigate impacts on scenery and environment;

- Instruct electricity safety measures to local people in the sub-project sites

- Activity 4: Continue to receive feedback from affected households

- Activity 5: Disclose information

The sub-project will have decision of invesment approval, cost estimate design approval, construction drawing design approval only when having suitable adjustment of place, design, capacity and/or technology of the sub-project to meet the requirement on environment protection and resettlement and suitable adjustment to people feedback during consultation. In order to meet requirement of OP4.01 on information disclosure, NPMU will:

- Disclose the Vietnamese copies of RP, EMP reports and the sub-project summary for commune and District People’s Committee under the sub-project area.

- Publish a notice several times on local main newspapers within 2 months. The notice will clear that RP, EMP and project summary will be listed within 2 months in the office hours at places of: (1) District People’s Committee, and (2) Communal/Town People’s Committee.

- The EMP in English and Vietnamese will be sent to Vietnam Development Information Center at 63 Ly Thai To street, Ha Noi city for information disclosure. The EMP in English will also be sent to the WB to be disclosed in the Infoshop of the World Bank.



CSC is provider of technical specialized services (“Services”) to ensure effectively EMP implementation of the sub-project.

Service scope:

Common services provided by CSC are checking and supervising construction activities to ensure that mitigation measures in EMP of the sub-project are complied and negative impacts on the environment are mitigated.

On behalf of NPMU, CSC’s duties are:

- Usually carry out the checking;

- Review the implementation of environmental mitigation measures outlined in EMP and contract document;

- Review the effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures and environmental implementation of the sub-project;

- If necessary, consider the acceptableness on environment of construction methodology (for temporary and permanent works), related design plan and submitted documents. If necessary, CSC find and recommend a method that least impact on environment in consultation with designer, contractor and NPMU.

- Verify the findings of any non-compliance with the implementation of environmental quality and the effectiveness of corrective measures; and

- Provide feedback audit results to the commander of the contractor under the non-compliance process in the EMP;

- Direct contractor to carry out the corrective works in the prescribed time and perform supplemental supervision if necessary under requirement and order of the contract in case of non-compliance and complaints occur;

- Direct contractor to carry out actions to mitigate impact and comply with EMP process as requested in case of confirmation of non-compliance/inconsistence;

- Direct contractor to stop actions causing harmful impacts, and/or non-performance requirements of the EMP/conduct corrective actions;

- For contracts need Site EMP (SEMP), CSC must perform the ultimate review and recommendation via all of SEMP might affect on the environment. The works include but not limit at: dredging areas, borrowing material mines, emission areas and worker’s camp area. CSC will review and approve SEMP submitted by the contractor. If finding that the SEMP not comply with the EMP, EIA or RAP, CSC has to work with NPMU and contractor to propose suitable solution.

- Grievance settlement: Grievances of environmental violations such as noise, dust, traffic safety,… from local people will received by site staff of contractor. Chief and Deputy Consultant of the Contractor and CSC are responsible for settling and finding solution for received grievances. CSC must be sent a copy list of the grievances and confirm that they are suitably settled similarly to related issues confirmed in site checking.

- Confirmation of monthly payment: CSC has to confirm the monthly payment for environmental activities performed by the contractor.

- Reporting: CSC has to make the following reports in writen:

o Report twice a week on non-compliance issues

o Monthly summarized report on issues and main findings from checking and construction activities.

o To the end of the sub-project, CSC make final report summarizing main findings, number of violation, solution as well as consult and guide how to implement the same missions in the future.


(Applied for monthly report of CSC to NPMU)


Place: Province:


Commune/ Town:

Construction Supervision Consultant:...... Name

Date of report:…………………………………

|Ord. |Parameter |Assessment on expression of |Comments/ |

| | |supervisor and public |Recommendations |

| |In the stage of construction | | |

|1 |Surface water muddiness and soil erosion | | |

|2 |Noise around site and neighbor residential areas | | |

|3 |Dust | | |

|4 |Control and management of tree-cutting and temporary | | |

| |road using | | |

|5 |Solid waste and site arrangement after construction | | |

|6 |Worker’s safety and sanitary management | | |

|7 |Traffic disorder | | |

|8 |Traffic road damage | | |

|9 |Status of applying safety methods | | |

|10 |Constructing material manegement | | |

|11 |Remain soil and stone management | | |

|12 |Impact on wildlife | | |

|13 |Evidence of damage to geological diversity (if any) | | |

|14 |Evidence of damage to historical | | |

|15 |Other environmental issues (if any) | | |

| |In stage of operation | | |

|16 |ROW remaining | | |

|17 |Impact on wildlife and natural resources | | |


(Applied for report of contractor)




Sub-project inception or monthly report:

Date of report:

|Ord. |Impact |Performed mitigation measures |Comments |

| |In stage of construction | | |

|1 |Surface water pollution | | |

|2 |Noise and vibration | | |

|3 |Soil erosion | | |

|4 |Air pollution | | |

|5 |Impact on agricultural production due to productive land | | |

| |temporary acquirement | | |

|6 |Traffic disorder | | |

|7 |Curent road damage | | |

|8 |Solid waste due to soil digging | | |

|9 |Remain soil management | | |

|10 |Impact on environment caused by environmental workers | | |

|11 |Conflicts between workers and local people | | |

|12 |Health and safety | | |

Report maker :

Title :

Address :

Tel :


|No. |Sub-project |Place of consultation|Time and date |Number of |Representatives of Local |Summary of comments |

| | | | |participants |Authorities and households|on problems or |

| | | | | | |worriment discussed/ |

| | | | | | |proposed |

|* |Tuy Phuoc District, Binh Dinh Province |

|- |Phuoc Son 110kV |At secretariat of |7:30-11:30 date |10 |1. Nguyễn Đình Hòa: |- Carry out |

| |substation and |Phuoc Son CPC |27/10/2011 | |President of Phuoc Son CPC|construction after |

| |the branch line | | | |2. Huỳnh Văn Phú: Chairman|the harvest; |

| | | | | |of Fatherland Front of |- Mitigate impacts on|

| | | | | |Phuoc Son commune |scenery and |

| | | | | |3. Nguyễn Xuân Hà: |environment; |

| | | | | |Chairman of Peasant |- Guide power safety |

| | | | | |Association of Phuoc Son |methods to people |

| | | | | |commune |under the project |

| | | | | |4. Representatives of 10 |area ; |

| | | | | |affected households | |


E3035 v5


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