395 SmitWorks Project

Well Master CorporationGlobalWell2020Bottom Hole Spring Assembly Cage & Spring RedesignDesign Specification Report437197526035000-200025197485001952625405765004083053619500March 26, 2020Michael Harshell – mah6224@psu.eduJeffrey Wang – jzw5776@psu.eduYang Rae Cho – ykc5136@psu.eduBrett Rosoff-Verbit – bjr5536@psu.eduLuke Hess – lkh5252@psu.eduShuhao Lu – lushuhao@sjtu.Shunguang Cheng – guang3618@sjtu.Dan Nelson, Well Master Corporation – dan.nelson@No - Intellectual Property Rights AgreementNo - Non-Disclosure AgreementExecutive Summary The main objective of this project is to redesign the cage for the Heavy Duty Bottom Hole Spring Assembly (BHSA) for Well Master Corporation (WMC). The new cage design will allow for a greater flow rate of natural gas and also withstand the impact of a falling plunger. Due to a design change, the new cage design will implement the existing standing valve design to maximize flow rate performance. Computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis testing have been utilized to optimize the design of the new cage. After conducting CFD analyses, the new cage design resulted in a seventeen percent increase in flow rate over the existing design. When incorporated into the BHSA, the new cage design led to approximately a four percent increase in flow rate over the existing BHSA. The secondary objective of this project is to redesign the spring portion of the assembly. Team members attending Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) have redesigned the spring and are testing the spring for the Heavy Duty BHSA. By reducing the outside diameter and coil diameter of the spring, turbulence will be decreased over the spring portion of the assembly. In addition, a concept for a turbulence-reducing sleeve has also been designed and is being tested for robustness. This sleeve would be secured over the spring portion of the assembly to further reduce minor losses.The project has a budget of one-thousand dollars$1,000. To date, the budget has been used for materials to 3D print prototype models as well as covering the manufacturing cost of the new cage prototype. Approximately four-hundred and forty-three dollars ($443) have been used for 3D printer plastic filament and for machining the prototype from 17-4PH stainless steel. The remainder of the budget will be used for testing the new cage and for creating a poster for the final presentation.The team delivered a 3D printed alpha prototype for the new cage design on February 13, 2020. A revised beta prototype was also manufactured using plastic to full scale. The final CAD design for the new cage was delivered to Well Master Corporation on March 6, 2020. The design was quoted and manufactured by J&B Machine, LLC on March 19, 2020. The new cage will be impact-tested by Well Master Corporation to test cage robustness. After testing, the new cage will potentially be placed into production and used in the Heavy Duty BHSA that Well Master Corporation currently offers. Upcoming team milestones include a final presentation and a project design showcase. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc36313220 \h 2Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc36313221 \h 31.0Introduction PAGEREF _Toc36313222 \h 42.0Design Features and Relation to Technical Specifications PAGEREF _Toc36313223 \h 62.1Cage Subsystem PAGEREF _Toc36313224 \h 82.2Spring Subsystem PAGEREF _Toc36313225 \h 93.0CAD Models and Drawings PAGEREF _Toc36313226 \h 104.0Material and Component Selection Process PAGEREF _Toc36313227 \h 135.0Design Analysis PAGEREF _Toc36313228 \h 146.0Manufacturing Process Plan PAGEREF _Toc36313229 \h 187.0Test Procedure Plan PAGEREF _Toc36313230 \h 198.0Project Management Update PAGEREF _Toc36313231 \h 208.1Project Schedule PAGEREF _Toc36313232 \h 208.2Economic Analyses - Budget and Vendor Purchase Information PAGEREF _Toc36313233 \h 218.3Risk Plan and Safety PAGEREF _Toc36313234 \h 249.0References PAGEREF _Toc36313235 \h 26Appendix A: PAGEREF _Toc36313236 \h 27IntroductionPrior to the Detailed Design phase, the team gathered extensive information with guidance from the sponsor, Well Master Corporation, to improve the design of a Bottom Hole Spring Assembly in a natural gas plunger-lift system. The prior work included an in depth look at the project objectives, a customer needs assessment, an external search, engineering specifications, a concept generation and selection, and system level design. The results and updated information from the prior work are summarized below, but can be found explained in greater depth by referring to the team’s Statement of Work (SOW) report. The overall objective of the project is to present Well Master Corporation with a design for a modified cage for a BHSA which improves the flow rate of a natural gas well over the existing product while maintaining structural strength and ability to absorb plunger impacts. The new design allows for a measurable improvement in flow rate while maintaining structural stability. The final design is expected to withstand extensive impact validation testing conducted at Well Master Corporation Headquarters in Golden, Colorado, before potentially being incorporated on the company’s “Rhino Heavy Duty” product line. To meet the project’s objective, customer needs were found from discussions with the sponsor. The customers being considered in this case are Well Master Corporation and the end user of the product. The primary customer needs in the SOW report were determined to be robustness, flow rate increase, manufacturing cost, scalability, material usage, and incorporation of a new standing valve designed by WMC. Since the SOW report, the team concluded that the new standing valve design actually reduced overall flow rate, and after discussion with the sponsor, discarded the incorporation of the new standing valve as a customer need. A customer need that the team realized was missed in the SOW report is the aesthetics of the cage, which are important for marketing and sales of the product. After those customer needs were determined, the team performed an external search for competitor products and patents. The external search ensured that the team was informed of currently existing products and prevent violating any existing patents.Engineering technical specifications were then developed to reflect the customer’s needs. Many specifications were outlined, but the highest importance ones were as follows: The assembly needs to withstand the impact from a ten-pound plunger.The flow rate through the cage portion of the assembly needs to increase by at least ten percent. The assembly needs to have a product lifetime of at least three years. Prototype concepts were generated and selected, taking customer needs and engineering specifications into consideration. By using simulation software, the team later determined that a better option was available than the one selected in the SOW report. The concept that determined to be the most promising was a cage with eight holes rather than 4, and using exit ramps to reduce flow losses. The system level design was broken down into two main subsystems that would be modified. The two subsystems include the cage and spring. The rest of the assembly would remain the same due to industry standards. The team members from PSU took the responsibility of modifying and improving the cage, while the SJTU team members focused on the spring subsystem. The subsystem for the cage and spring are shown in REF _Ref36136191 \h Figure 1.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. Cage and Spring SubsystemsDesign Features and Relation to Technical SpecificationsThe overall system of focus for the team was the entire BHSA, which was broken down into two primary subsystems. The subsystems the team considered were the spring portion and the cage portion. The rest of the BHSA also consists of a seat subassembly and the ‘fishing neck’,; however, both of these will remain unchanged in the team’s design because they are industry standards. Shown in REF _Ref36136252 \h Figure 2 is a picture of the current design of the Well Master Corporation Heavy Duty BHSA that is in production. The cage is connected to the seat and the spring by threads, which are then sealed and pinned together to ensure that the assembly does not come apart in the well. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2. Well Master Heavy Duty BHSAThe BHSA is a part of a larger system that is known as a plunger-lift system. During operation, all of the natural gas flows through the inlet of the BHSA, out of the holes in the cage, and through the pipe to the surface to be processed. Periodically, a plunger falls from the surface of the well to the bottom of the well, where the BHSA is sitting. The BHSA is located more than ten thousand feet underground. After falling ten thousand feet or more the plunger arrives at the bottom of the well. Upon arriving at the bottom of the well the plunger impacts the fish neck at a high speed, which then compresses the spring of the BHSA to dissipate the energy. When the impact occurs, a large amount of force is transferred from the plunger to the fishing neck. The fishing neck then transfers the force through the spring into the cage and seat. The plunger is then forced to the surface by the natural pressure in the well, taking the liquid up and out of the well with the plunger. The plunger-lift process exists entirely to remove the liquid from the bottom of the well, which allows gas to flow at a faster rate. Shown in REF _Ref36136359 \h Figure 3 is a picture of an entire plunger-lift system showing the exact position of the BHSA in the system CITATION The16 \l 1033 (The Defining Series: Plunger Lift, 2016). Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3. Plunger-Lift System with BHSACage SubsystemThe primary focus of the Penn State team members is the redesign of the cage portion of the BHSA. The natural gas flows through the cage before exiting the well, potentially making the cage a significant bottleneck for flow. The entire BHSA is subjected to very harsh conditions at the bottom of the well. The BHSA will frequently be exposed to high temperature acids and salts, as well as sand and scale. Due to the harsh corrosive and abrasive conditions, the team chose a material sufficient for corrosive environments, 17-4PH stainless steel. Another challenge the cage faces is the impact force from the plunger. The impact of the plunger occurs many times a day. Therefore, the fatigue life of the design must be considered as well. The majority of the technical specifications will be met by designing the proper geometries from proper materials, taking care to avoid stress concentrations and weak points. The new cage that the team designed is a modified version of the current cage. The flow rate was increased by making the holes in the cage larger, and introducing parabolic exit profiles to reduce the minor losses in the flow. A picture of the new cage design is shown in REF _Ref36136429 \h Figure 4. More details of the design and calculations will be provided in a later section.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4. New Cage DesignSpring SubsystemThe spring subsystem design is the primary focus of the SJTU team members. The spring coils are responsible for a large percentage of the minor losses across the assembly. Minimizing the losses over the spring coils results in a significant increase in flow rate. The objective of the SJTU team members has been to decrease the outer diameter of the spring while maintaining stability and strength of the spring. The spring is subjected to most of the same conditions as the cage, but the spring sees a significant elastic deformation during the plunger impact. The deformation and cyclic loading must be taken into account for the design. One of the concepts that the SJTU team members are working on is a concept for a sleeve which will cover the spring. This sleeve will decrease minor losses caused by turbulence over the spring. A fluid simulation of the sleeve is shown in REF _Ref36136566 \h Figure 5.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5. CFD Model with Sleeve ConceptBy adding the sleeve to the BHSA, a significant increase in flow rate resulted. The spring portion of the project is still in progress, and could be considered ‘future work’ from the perspective of the Penn State team members. The SJTU team members will continue to work on the spring until the SJTU semester ends in June. The PSU team members will continue to assist the SJTU team members until the end of the PSU semester in May. CAD Models and DrawingsIn order to have a successful design, CAD models and drawings are usually necessary. Unlike the hand-drafting of yesteryear, today’s engineers and designers have access to computer aided drafting. Many modern CAD software programs, like SolidWorks, also have solid modelling capabilities. Solid modelling allows engineers and designers to make a three-dimensional rendering of a part or assembly. This is advantageous because the part can be modelled in three dimensions, which is helpful when visualizing how multiple parts fit together to make an assembly. For this project, SolidWorks was utilized for designing the new cage. The design was first modelled in three dimensions. After arriving at a finished design, two-dimensional shop drawings were created. The manufacturing company then used these shop drawings to make a machining code for the computer numerical control (CNC) machine to execute. SolidWorks also has the capability to conduct analyses such as finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Many design iterations and modifications were necessary to arrive at the final new cage design. SolidWorks is an efficient tool because the designer can easily modify and make changes to design features and dimensions. Each prototype design was tested using an internal software called SolidWorks Flow. An isometric view of the new cage design is shown in REF _Ref36136749 \h Figure 6. An isometric view allows for each of the three dimensions to be viewed from one perspective. The final cage design utilizes eight slots to allow the natural gas to exit. The four slots at the top of the cage, when oriented vertically, feature a parabolic exit profile. This parabolic shape allows for gradual change in flow direction and decreases minor losses in the flow. The threads on each end of the new cage match the existing thread specifications, allowing the new cage to be compatible with the existing BHSA. 9906002222500990600295910Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6. Isometric View of New CageFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6. Isometric View of New Cage990600295910A cross-sectional side view of the new cage is shown in REF _Ref36136850 \h Figure 7. The left-hand side of this cage as shown in REF _Ref36136850 \h Figure 7 is the bottom end when oriented vertically. The natural gas enters from the left side of the cage. Also notice the parabolic exit profile on the right-hand side of the cage. This cross-sectional view does not show the rest of the essential components of the assembly, only the cage itself. From this cross-sectional side view, the slots can be seen. The slot on the left-hand side and right-hand side are of the same width, but vary in length. See REF _Ref36147289 \h Appendix A: for a complete shop drawing for all necessary dimensions. 6191251376045Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7. Cross-Sectional Side View of New CageFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7. Cross-Sectional Side View of New Cage6191251587500 REF _Ref36136962 \h Figure 8 shows a cross-sectional side view of the new cage in the assembly. Notice the pressure-relieving standing valve on the left-hand side of the cage. The steel ball is also shown on the right-hand side, which is the top of the cage when oriented vertically. As mentioned before, solid modelling ensures that parts fit together correctly within an assembly. REF _Ref36154184 \h Figure 9 shows a side view of the new cage design. 379045956705500Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8. Assembly Cross-Sectional Side ViewFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9. New Cage Side ViewMaterial and Component Selection ProcessPlunger-lift systems operate in conditions with high pressures and temperatures. The system revolves around a plunger constantly moving up and down the wellbore and a Bottom Hole Spring Assembly absorbs the force of plunger free-fall. On average, the BHSA operates in an environment of 500 to 600 degrees Fahrenheit, a pressure of 600 psi to 2000 psi, and a highly corrosive condition. The BHSA is designed to withstand over 10,000 cycles of plunger impact and is expected to last more than three years in such conditions. Materials chosen for the BHSA system need to be commonly accepted materials with high-strength, high-corrosion resistance, easily machined for complex shape design, and low manufacturing cost. Due to the specified conditions, 17-4PH stainless steel with H900 treatment was used for the cage. The general heat treatment process of H900 steel involves the heating of 17-4PH stainless steel, then oil quenched and aged at 900 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour CITATION Sta19 \l 1033 (Stainless Steel Plate: Alloy 17-4PH, 2019). After heat treatment, the 17-4PH stainless steel should achieve tensile strength of approximately 1000 mega-Pascals, with sufficient corrosion resistance against salt and carbonic acid. Other options of commonly acceptable heat treatable metals include stainless steels like SS-431 and SS-316. These stainless steels could also achieve similar tensile strength with even better corrosion resistance. However, considering that 17-4PH stainless steel is sufficient at the operation condition of BHSA and requires a lower manufacturing cost, 17-4PH stainless steel is a suitable material for BHSA design. The commercially available materials used for the BHSA include a steel ball located inside of the cage and a chrome silicon spring located at the upper portion of the BHSA. The spring is a critical component of the system as it is used to absorb the impact from the free-falling plunger. The material used also needs to operate under high temperatures, high pressures, and in a highly corrosive environment. To satisfy all the conditions, chrome silicon is an appropriate material for the spring. Chrome silicon is highly resistant to wear even after repeated use and can also tolerate a wide range of temperatures. After being cold drawn and heat treated, chrome silicon possesses high-tensile strength and can withstand the large impact of the plunger free-fall. The steel ball functions as a check valve that prevents fluid from flowing downward. The material used for the steel ball is the same as the cage system. The 17-4PH stainless steel ball is commercially available at a low price. Design AnalysisThe two main design features of interest are the number of slots and the exit profile geometry. The number and size of slots affect the cross-sectional area where the gas exits the cage. The cross-sectional area in turn affects the flow rate of the natural gas. This is a design feature that is directly related to the customer needs. The team first studied the existing eight-hole design that Well Master Corporation is currently using. The team also decided to examine three-hole and four-hole cage designs. However, the team later came to the conclusion that these designs might not withstand plunger impact and buckle. A finite element analysis (FEA) test is shown in REF _Ref36137053 \h Figure 10. The finite element analysis that was conducted in ANSYS shows that the design would plastically deform when a large force is applied to the model. From the results shown in REF _Ref36137091 \h Figure 11, the existing design used by Well Master Corporation is more robust than the four-hole design. Therefore, the team decided to continue with the eight-hole cage design. The main differences between the existing design and the new design are the parabolic exit profile and the non-tapered slots. This newly designed eight-hole model showed similar results, as shown in REF _Ref36137181 \h Figure 12, to that of the existing model.To analyze the flow rate of the different designs, the team conducted computational fluid dynamics (CFD) testing using SolidWorks Flow. The team compared the eight-hole parabolic exit profile design to the existing cage model. The existing cage model has a flow rate of 1628 cubic inches per second (56.5 cubic feet per minute) which is shown in REF _Ref36137223 \h Figure 13. In REF _Ref36137274 \h Figure 14, the newly designed cage has an increased flow rate of 1905 cubic inches per second (66.1 cubic feet per minute). To calculate the percentage flow rate increase, the following calculations were made. 66.1 – 56.5 = 9.69.6 / 56.5 = 0.170.17 x 100% = 17%The calculations show that the new cage design produces an increase in flow rate of 17% over the existing design. This improvement meets the team’s deliverable of a minimum flow rate increase of 10% or greater. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 10. Four-Hole Cage Design FEAFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11. Existing Cage Design FEAFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12. Eight-Hole Parabolic Exit Profile Cage Design FEAFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 13. Existing Cage Design CFD Test ResultsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 14. New Cage Design CFD Test ResultsFinite Element Analysis (FEA) Hand Calculations:These calculations are used to show validity in the FEA results that were conducted on the cage designs using ANSYS. Smallest cross-sectional area of cage: 0.72 in2Largest cross-sectional area of cage: 1.55 in2Static Force applied on cage axially: 28,000 poundsLargest normal stress: 28,000 lb. / 0.72 in2 = 39 ksiSmallest normal stress: 28,000 lb. / 1.55 in2 = 18 ksiAverage normal stress: 28.5 ksiAISI 4140 Steel (used in FEA tests):Yield strength: 655 MPa = 95 ksiBoth the existing cage design and the new cage design were subjected to the same static loading. Manufacturing Process PlanOn March 19, 2020 the final cage design was manufactured for Well Master Corporation. Well Master Corporation outsources the manufacturing of the Heavy Duty Bottom Hole Spring Assemblies and then assembles the BHSA in-house. The cage was manufactured by J&B Machine which is where all of Well Master Corporation’s cages are made. The seat cups are purchased from Darcova and the springs are purchased from Spring Engineers. The wave spring is purchased from Smalley and the rest of the components come from J&B Machine. REF _Ref36137388 \h Table 1 shows the steps it takes for J&B Machine to manufacture the cage.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1. New Cage Manufacturing Process PlanASSEMBLY NAMEMATERIAL TYPERAW STOCK SIZEToolOPERATIONSCage17-4PH SS2” round 12’ barsSawCut slugs to 9.125”CNC LatheDrill/bore/thread I.C LatheDrill through hole up centerFinal CageCNC LatheMachine flats, window cut outs, and ramped angle on profileThe CNC Lathe used is a 5-axis. After the final cage is produced the cage is inspected to ensure all of the critical dimensions and gauge lengths are correct. Once all of the parts are shipped from the vendor to Well Master Corporation, the final Heavy Duty Bottom Hole Spring Assembly is assembled at Well Master Corporation. Test Procedure PlanThe team is currently planning to run an impact test through Well Master Corporation. Well Master Corporation has a fully machined cage of the model that the team designed. The impact test is performed to determine the impact resistance (toughness) of the new design. The impact test can also be used to determine the service life of the cage part. The type of test machine that is needed to evaluate our cage part is a drop tower that can simulate the plunger impact, which is a thirty-nine-pound weight being dropped from ten feet. In terms of testing the flow rate, the team has already conducted CFD testing through SolidWorks and have confirmed that the design meets the flow rate requirements. Due to the current situation involving COVID-19, the team may not get test results back from Well Master Corporation before the semester ends. If the impact test is delayed, the team may need to substitute the impact test by simulating a drop test using SolidWorks. Impact Test ProcedureManufacture new cage part in 17-4PH stainless steel Assemble BHSA using new cageSecure BHSA in impact test fixtureDrop 39 lb. weight from 10 feet to simulate plunger impactThe weight drop will be repeated multiple times to simulate cyclic loadingData of the part changing from ductile to brittle will be recorded and will be evaluated to see if the part will be able to intake the impact.Project Management UpdateTo ensure that the project is completed on time, it is important to keep track of project progress by using a schedule. A Gantt chart is utilized to plan project milestones and to track achievements. The updated project budget and bill of materials is also included for review. Project ScheduleThe Gantt chart shown in REF _Ref36149171 \h Figure 15 displays major project milestones, tasks, and responsibilities specific to the project’s scope. The Gantt chart shows the tasks completed in the past as well as future goals that are subject to change. On March 6, 2020, the PSU team members submitted the final cage design to Well Master Corporation. Since the University campus is closed for the remainder of the semester, the team has adjusted the future tasks for the upcoming weeks. Starting in early March, the PSU team members began working with the SJTU team members on the spring and sleeve design of the BHSA. Successfully conducting computational analysis and assessing the feasibility of sleeve design are goals for the upcoming. Aside from the design of spring systems, Penn State students are contacting the machine shop to get feedback on the manufacturing process of cage prototype for potential adjustments on the design. In the last few weeks of the semester, after the SJTU team members have successfully completed the design of the sleeve and spring system, the team will conduct a CFD analysis on the entire assembly. For the remainder of the semester, the PSU team members will create a design showcase poster, final presentation, and final report to deliver to other classmates. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 15. Project Gantt ChartEconomic Analyses - Budget and Vendor Purchase Information REF _Ref36137603 \h Table 2 shows the updated budget for GlobalWell2020 team. There were three purchases over the course of the semester. The first was for the PLA filament used to 3D print the alpha prototype. The second purchase was for shipment of a Heavy Duty Bottom Hole Spring Assembly, and the third was the manufacturing of the new cage design from J&B Machine, LLC. REF _Ref36137790 \h Table 3 is the General Bill of Materials. This is a list of all of the materials used to make the Heavy Duty Bottom Hole Spring Assembly. REF _Ref36137885 \h Table 4 is a Bill of Materials specifically for the lower BHSA subassembly. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2. Project BudgetCategoryEstimated Cost ($)Travel0Poster50Machining402.79*Shipping403D Printing Filament (PLA)50Total Cost$542.79*This is the cost for the cage prototype. It will cost $96.33 per cage when WMC orders 100 cages, which is the typical order size.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3. General Bill of MaterialsPartPrice ($)QuantityVendorPart NumberDescriptionHeavy Duty Spring Cage96.33*1J&B Machine-2-3/8”, Stainless Steel (SS)Total Lower Assembly**45.001WMC***All components below springSpring34.221WMC-Chrome SiliconUpper Assembly (excluding spring)143.781WMC-Includes fishing neckTotal Price319.33*This price associated with the cage is the price per cage when purchasing 100 cages. Pricing for an individual cage would cost $402.79.** Total lower assembly bill of materials is provided in REF _Ref36137885 \h Table 4. *** There are multiple part numbers for the total lower assembly which are provided in REF _Ref36137885 \h Table 4.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4. Bill of Materials for Lower BHSA SubassemblyPartPrice ($)QuantityVendorPart NumberDescriptionEnd Nut, Mandrel*1WMCSCS2005LM2-3/8” SteelNut, Mandrel*1WMCSCS2006LM2-3/8” SteelSpacer*1WMCSCS2002LMSteelMandrel, Spring*1WMCCS2009LM2-3/8”Assembly Mandrel, Standing Valve*1WMCSPR2016LM1A2-3/8”Seating Cup*2WMCSCS2003-TABWhere the ball sitsSpring, Waves, Spring Pressure Relieving Valve*1WMCSPR0000-TAB-Seat, Standing Valve*1WMCSTV2002HZ2-3/8” SSBall*1WMCSTV2000BALL1.125” sphere*Cost is associated in the lump sum cost shown in REF _Ref36137790 \h Table 3.Risk Plan and Safety The risk management table shown in REF _Ref36138113 \h Table 5 identifies risks concerning project development and customer needs. For the Well Master Corporation cage design project, high risk concerns include schedule delay and computational analysis failing to represent accurate measurements. High-level risks significantly affect the final deliverables of the project. Therefore, the team will minimize these high-level risks through accelerating the design process and having more time to deal with design related issues. Additional actions include team members supervising each other on work and progress, which can reduce the risk of schedule delays. Three moderate-level risks are identified in REF _Ref36138113 \h Table 5 and majority address possible communication issues with Well Master Corporation and SJTU team members. Frequent communication between each party and identifying customer needs can greatly reduce the risk of miscommunication or not satisfying customer requirements. One low-level risk is identified on the risk management table in REF _Ref36138113 \h Table 5. The risk is that the final deliverable does not show an improvement in flow rate when compared to the current cage design. This is considered as a low-level risk as not improving on the current design is not very likely to happen if the project team conducts the design process as planned and communication does not fall short while doing so.After the initial SOW report, a new COVID-19 virus spread situation occurred globally. This current situation hinders our progress on impact testing the team’s final design. As the virus situation continues to develop in the United States, the University has announced closing all facilities in the spring semester of 2020. This greatly limits the team’s ability to conduct an impact testing of the cage before the semester completion date. This limitation risk associated with the robustness of cage design as it is only tested through computer simulations. Moreover, the working at home situation may reduce the work efficiency of the team as the team can not physically meet to complete some aspects of the project. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 5. Risk ManagementRiskLevelActions to MinimizeFall Back StrategySchedule DelaysHigh- Constantly track and record project progress- Individuals work on separate tasks and supervise each other to make sure progress agrees with schedule- Plan addition time to account for problem when problem rises up- Front-load the project to have additional time to resolve issuesCommunication -Not Collaborative with SJTU StudentsModerate- More frequent communication with SJTU students- Regular check up on each group’s progress- Prioritize cage design and focus on improving flow rate by ten percentComputational Analysis does not Match the RealityHigh- Reduce the time in design process and machine the parts- Impact-test the machined part early to make sure design functions as expected- Complete the prototyping phase of project design early to have time to redesign- Run analysis through different softwareCustomer Needs not SatisfiedModerate- Regular discussions with customer to understand company needs- Share design progress to customer to ensure design concept is on the right direction- Discuss with customer on way to fix the problemNew Product does not Show Improvement to Current DesignLow- Regular testing- Multiple designs created early in the process- Alternative design- Find different approach to the problemProduct Manufacturing Cost Exceeds Customer NeedsModerate- Avoid highly complex design- Discussion with customer on manufacturing capability- Look for alternative materials- Adjustments on CAD designsReferences“The Defining Series: Plunger Lift.” The Defining Series: Plunger Lift, Schlumberger. Schlumberger, 2016. . Accessed 23 Mar., 2020. “Stainless Steel Plate: Alloy 17-4PH.” Sandmeyer Steel Company. Sandmeyer Steel Company, 2019. . Accessed 21 Mar., 2020. Appendix A: Shop drawings with included dimensions are shown in REF _Ref36150973 \h Figure 16 and REF _Ref36150980 \h Figure 17. All dimensions shown are in inches. All dimensions shown have a tolerance of +/- 0.005 inches. A detailed drawing of the parabolic exit profile is shown in REF _Ref36150988 \h Figure 18.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 16. New Cage Design DimensionsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 17. New Cage Design Dimensions15899643993856001665027158502600187641638090430.95000.95135255030238702.132.13Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 18. Parabolic Exit Profile Dimensions ................

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