E n gage X p l or e C ommu n i c ate

Hollas and Vaughn's Lesson Plans 8th Grade English Date: 8/14


Passing Period


10 Minutes

Greet students with handshake and learn names.

Team-Building (Find Seats for Seating Chart) Activity 2 - Get to Know You Activity (Partner Interview)


30 Minutes

Activity 1 - Get to Know You Activity (Partner Interview) Write 2-4 Words to Describe You Partner With Face Partner Share Your Words Introduce Your Partner to Class Using at Least 2 Words

Activity 2 - Assign Chromebook Numbers Activity 3 - Presentation on Classroom Expectations and Procedures Activity 4 (If Time) - Get Chromebook log into Google Classroom


2 Minutes

No Homework


1 Minute

"Raise you words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder." - Rumi

Hollas and Vaughn's Lesson Plans 8th Grade English Date: 8/15


Passing Period

Greet students with handshake and learn names.


2-3 Minutes

Teacher Quiz on Student Names Sit in Assigned Seat


3-5 Minutes

Give instructions for: Logging into Google Classroom Logging into Pearson Realize Taking English Pre-Test


40 Minutes


2 Minutes

In Class Work: Complete Pre-Test

Homework: No Homework

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." - Carol Burnett

Hollas and Vaughn's Lesson Plans 8th Grade English Date: 8/16


Passing Period

Greet students with handshake and learn names.


3-5 Minutes

Share with your group the best thing you read or watched (movie, tv show) this summer.


20-30 Minutes

Give instructions for: Finishing Pre-Test How/Why I Write Survey How/Why I Write Assignment Watch Clips from Songland

Discussion: Writing Process Why it is Important? Process Over Product


10-15 Minutes

In Class Work: Finish Pre-Test How/Why I Write Survey How/Why I Write Assignment Participate in Discussion

Homework: How/Why I Write Assignment DUE 8/20 (Next Tuesday)


3 Minutes

Remind students How/Why I Write Assignment Due 8/20 (Next Tuesday)

Power of Words Video


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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