Pendents d’Anglès

Pendents d’Anglès

(Exam designed to certify Minimum level.)

First exam : September (pass mark = 5)

Second exam : April (pass mark = 5)


A reading text at the level of the Reader in 1r. de Batxillerat.

Comprehension questions on the text.

( Recommended practice: Borrow and read books at the 1r. Batxillerat level from the English Department. )


Descriptive, Narrative or Argumentative essay of 100 words.

You will have 2 choices of title.

50% of the marks will be for Grammatical correctness.

50% of the marks will be for Quality: vocabulary, coherence and imagination.

( Recommended practice: Revision of appropriate essay structures and the vocabulary of a letter, a description, a narrative and a discursive essay. )


This is an assessment of the ability to use the most important structures of complex sentences. Grammar points may include the following :

Relative sentences

Conditional sentences

Reported speech.

The Passive

( Recommended : Grammar practice dossier :

( ~ = AltGr + 4)

Pendents d’Anglès: Grammar Dossier (with answers)


If- Clause Main Clause






Examples : If you heat ice it melts. ( = when you heat ice it melts)

If I make a promise I keep it ( = when I make a promise I keep it)


Examples If he comes before ten, we will meet him at the station (Future)

If he comes before ten, tell him to call me (Imperative)

1. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb in brackets

1. If he .........................(NOT BE) here by eight o’clock, I will go home

2. If you don’t take your umbrella, you ..........................(GET) wet.

3. I................... (BUY) it if the price is right

4. If you ........................(NOT READ) the story carefully, you will not understand it

5. If he ..........................(NOT READ) the story carefully, he will not understand it.

6. If you ......................(POST) the letter now, she will get it in the morning

7. If he ......................(POST) the letter now, she will get it in the morning

8. If Susan arrives on time, I .............................(TALK) to her

9. If I ...............................(SEE) her, I will give her the message

10. What will you do if Susan .................................... (NOT COME)

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Examples : If we caught the 10 o'clock train, we would get there on time

If I came into a fortune I would give up working

If I knew how it worked, I could tell you what to do

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb

1. What .................. (you do) if John didn’t come?

2. If I ....................... (HAVE) a lot of money I would travel round the world

3. If Ann ........................... (COME), we would go shopping

4. If you worked hard, you ...........................(EARN) a lot of money

5. If I were younger, I ...........................( study) languages

6. If he .......................(didn’t eat) so much, he would be healthier

7. What would you do if you ...................(lose) your bag?

8. would you marry him if he ..........................(ask) you ?

9. If I .........................(win) one million dollars I would buy a big house.

10. What would you do if you..........................(meet) a lion in the jungle?

2. Example:: He won't marry her because he doesn't love her

If he loved her, he would marry her

1. I can't tell you the time because I haven't got a watch

2. We haven't any matches so we can't light a fire

3. I can't tell you the answer because I don't know it

4. Paul is so fat because he eats so much

5. We won't buy this car because we don't have enough money

3. Type 1 and Type 2 : Fill in the blanks e correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. You will get fat if you.............................(eat) so many cream cakes.

2. What will you do if she .............................(arrive) late at the station?

3. If he .............................(have) the money, he will buy a car

4. If you don’t come with us, you ............................... (not see)Jenny

5. If she ............................(invite) me, I will go to the party

6. If she ...............................(not invite) me, I will not go to the party

7. If she ................................(invite) me, I would go to the party

8. If she ...............................(not invite) me, I would be angry

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If we had caught the 10 o'clock train we would have got there in time

(past perfect) (conditional perfect)

Example : He didn't give me his number, so I couldn't telephone him

If he had given me his number, I would have telephoned him

1. The sun was in the right direction, so the photographs came out very well

2. The government raised taxes so they became very unpopular

3. The shop didn't pack the goods properly, so they were damaged

4. He didn't pass because he didn't answer all the questions.

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Pres. simple. : John WRITES a letter A book IS WRITTEN by John

Pres. Cont: John IS WRITING a letter A letter IS BEING WRITTEN by John

Past Simple: John WROTE a letter A letter WAS WRITTEN by John

Past Cont. John WAS WRITING a letter A letter WAS BEING WRITTEN by John

Future John WILL WRITE a letter A letter WILL BE WRITTEN by John

Conditional John WOULD write a letter A letter WOULD BE WRITTEN by John

Pres. Perf John HAS WRITTEN a letter A letter HAS BEEN WRITTEN by John.

Past Perf John HAD WRITTEN a letter A letter HAD BEEN WRITTEN by John.


1. The form 'IS' changes into 'AM' or 'ARE' depending on the subject :

- Two letters ARE written by John ...

- I AM told ...

2. The form WAS changes into WERE depending on the subject :

- Two letters WERE written by John

3. The form 'HAS' changes into HAVE depending on the subject:

- Two letters HAVE been written by John

4. You can make a passive voice from the Person Object (YOU CAN'T DO THIS IN Catalan !)

- Paul gave Mary a diamond ring:

- A diamond ring was given to Mary

- Mary was given a diamond ring

Exercises : Turn these sentences into the passive Voice :

Simple present

1. Lawyers study law.

2. Doctors cure diseases

3. Scientists investigate nature

4. Important actors conduct talk shows.

5. A king rules this country

Simple past

1. Spielberg directed ‘Jurassic Park’

2. M.Crichton wrote ‘Jurassic Park’

3. Michelangelo painted the Sixtine Chapel

4. Picasso painted many pictures

5. Beethoven composed many symphonies


1. The guitar player will compose the songs

2. The band will record the songs in a recording studio

3. The singer will sing the songs

4. Two male and two female singers will add backing vocals

5. K.J. Jones will produce the record

All tenses

1. They are building a new house

2. King George built that castle

3. People drink tea in England

4. Too much drinking causes accidents

5. A millionaire has bought this island

6. Two actors will give the diplomas

7. People eat hamburgers in America

8. They make sport shoes in Tai wan

9. We can see the lake from our window

10. The police must find the criminal.


"I work in Barcelona" She said she worked in Barcelona

" They are writing a letter" She said they were writing a letter

"We bought a new car" They said they had bought a new car.

" We have bought a new car" They said they had bought a new car.

"We had bought a new car" They said they had bought a new car

"I will start next month" He said he would start next month

"Stop singing!" We told them to stop singing

Reported Questions

"Do you work ? " He asked me IF I worked

" Where do you work?" He asked me WHERE I worked

Study the examples below and change the sentences from direct to indirect speech

Are you English ? Please, help me"

She asked me if I was English She asked me to help her

Where is he hiding ? Don't worry!

The policeman asked where he was hiding She told me not to worry

1. Have you ever met him ? I asked her

2. "Will I get better soon?" I asked the doctor.

3. " Read the questions twice" she told us.

4. "Keep quiet!" she told me.

5. "When will it be ready?" I asked them.

6. "Don't lose it!" He told me..

7. "What do you want?" he asked us.

8. "Do we have to come?" Paul asked.

9. "Will you help me?" Martha asked us.

10. "Come before 8 o'clock." she told him.

Turn these sentences into Reported Speech

1. “Stop eating!” Sarah told me.

2. “Have you talked to her?” he asked me

3. “I bought a pair of trousers yesterday.” he said.

4. “Where is Mario ?” she asked me

5. “When will you come back?”he asked me

6. “I didn’t break that glass,” Mary said.

7. “Why are you doing this?” he asked me.

8. “How do you make this?” he asked

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- WHO for people

The policeman WHO arrested the thief is my uncle

- WHICH for things

The river WHICH flows through London is the Thames

- WHOM (= a qui) refers to a direct object.

That’s the man WHOM I gave the watch to.

- (You can use THAT both for all the above examples.)

Omission of the Relative Pronoun.: When the relative pronoun functions as the Object of the Clause:

- The policeman whom we saw is my uncle

The policeman who is talking to the inspector is my uncle

- The river which we crossed is not deep

The river which flows through London is the Thames

- WHEN : that's the decade when( = during which) all these things happened.

- WHERE: That's the house where (= in which) I was born.

(You can use THAT instead of WHEN and WHERE.)

- Possessive Relative Pronoun: WHOSE

The lady WHOSE son lives in America is worried.

Join these sentences using a Relative Pronoun.

1. The musician is a friend of mine. The musician plays in this orchestra

2. The jockey likes football. The jockey rides this horse

3. The professor is well-known. The professor is giving a lecture

4. The tables ere very expensive. We bought the tables

5. The pencils were red. You gave us the pencils

6. The man is French. The man works for a big company

7. We lost the money. You gave us the money

8. The girl is a singer. We interviewed the girl

9. The writer died last month. The writer wrote that book

10. The boy is very sad. His father is ill

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1. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb in brackets

1. If he IS NOT here by eight o’clock, I will go home

2. If you don’t take your umbrella, you WILL GET wet.

3. I WILL BUY it if the price is right

4. If you DO NOT READ the story carefully, you will not understand it

5. If he DOES NOT READ the story carefully, he will not understand it.

6. If you POST the letter now, she will get it in the morning

7. If he POSTS the letter now, she will get it in the morning

8. If Susan arrives on time, I WILL TALK to her

9. If I SEE her, I will give her the message

What will you do if Susan DOES NOT COME


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb

1. What WOULD YOU DO if John didn’t come?

2. If I HAD a lot of money I would travel round the world

3. If Ann CAME, we would go shopping

4. If you worked hard, you WOULD EARN a lot of money

5. If I were younger, I WOULD STUDY languages

6. If he DIDN’T EAT so much, he would be healthier

7. What would you do if you LOST your bag?

8. Would you marry him if he ASKED you ?

9. If I WON a million dollars I would buy a big house.

10. What would you do if you MET a lion in the jungle?

2. Example: He won't marry her because he doesn't love her

If he loved her, he would marry her

1. I can't tell you the time because I haven't got a watch

If I had a watch I could tell you the time.

2. We haven't any matches so we can't light a fire

If we had matches we could light a fire.

3. I can't tell you the answer because I don't know it

If I knew the answer I could tell you it.

4. Paul is so fat because he eats so much

If Paul didn’t eat so much he wouldn’t be so fat.

5. We won't buy this car because we don't have enough money

If we had enough money we would buy this car.

3. Type 1 and Type 2 : Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. You will get fat if you EAT so many cream cakes.

2. What will you do if she ARRIVES late at the station?

3. If he HAS the money, he will buy a car

4. If you don’t come with us, you WILL NOT SEE Jenny

5. If she INVITES me, I will go to the party

6. If she DOES NOT INVITE me, I will not go to the party

7. If she INVITED me, I would go to the party.

8. If she DIDN’T INVITE me, I would be angry.


Example : He didn't give me his number, so I couldn't telephone him

If he had given me his number, I would have telephoned him

1. The sun was in the right direction, so the photographs came out very well


2. The government raised taxes so they became very unpopular


3. The shop didn't pack the goods properly, so they were damaged


4. He didn't pass because he didn't answer all the questions.


The Passive Voice

Exercises : Turn these sentences into the passive Voice :

Simple present

1. Lawyers study law. - LAW IS STUDIED BY LAWYERS.

2. Doctors cure diseases. - DISEASES ARE CURED BY DOCTORS.

3. Scientists investigate nature. - NATURE IS INVESTIGATED BY SCIENTISTS.

4. Important actors conduct talk shows. - TALK SHOWS ARE CONDUCTED BY


5. A king rules this country -THIS COUNTRY IS RULED BY A KING.

Simple past

1. Spielberg directed ‘Jurassic Park’ ‘JURASSIC PARK’ WAS DIRECTED BY SPIELBERG.

2. M.Crichton wrote ‘Jurassic Park’ - J.P. WAS WRITTEN BY M. CRICHTON.

3. Michellangelo painted the Sixtine Chapel - THE SIXTINE C. WAS PAINTED BY MICHEL..

4. Picasso painted many pictures - MANY PICTURES WERE PAINTED BY PICASSO.


1. The guitar player will compose the songs. - THE SONGS WILL BE COMPOSED BY THE GUITAR PLAYER.

2. The band will record the songs in a recording studio. - THE SONGS WILL BE RECORDED BY THE BAND IN A RECORDING STUDIO.

3. The singer will sing the songs - THE SONGS WILL BE SUNG BY THE SINGER.

4. Two male and two female singers will add backing vocals - BACKING VOCALS WILL BE ADDED BY TWO MALE AND FEMALE SINGERS.

5. K.J. Jones will produce the record - THE RECORD WILL BE PRODUCED BY K.J. JONES.

All tenses

1. They are building a new house - A NEW HOUSE IS BEING BUILT.

2. King George built that castle - THAT CASTLE WAS BUILT BY KING GEORGE.

3. People drink tea in England - TEA IS DRUNK BY PEOPLE IN ENGLAND.

4. Too much drinking causes accidents - ACCIDENTS ARE CAUSED BY TOO MUCH DRIN..

5. A millionaire has bought this island - THIS ISLAND HAS BEEN BOUGHT BY A MILL…

6. Two actors will give the diplomas - THE DIPLOMAS WILL BE GIVEN BY 2 ACTORS.

7. People eat hamburgers in America - HAMBURGERS ARE EATEN BY PEOPLE IN AMERI.

8. They make sport shoes in Tai wan - SPORTS SHOES ARE MADE IN TAIWAN.

9. We can see the lake from our window - THE LAKE CAN BE SEEN FROM OUR WINDOW.

10. The police must find the criminal.- THE CRIMINAL MUST BE FOUND BY THE POLICE.

Reported Speech

1. Have you ever met him ? I asked her. I ASKED HER IF SHE HAD EVER MET HIM.

2. "Will I get better soon?" I asked her. I ASKED HER IF I WOULD GET BETTER SOON..

3. " Read the questions twice" She told us. SHE TOLD US TO READ THE QUESTIONS twice.

4. "Keep quiet!" She told me. SHE TOLD ME TO BE QUIET.

5. "When will it be ready?" I asked them I ASKED THEM WHEN IT WOULD BE READY.

6. "Don't lose it!" He told me. HE TOLD ME NOT TO LOSE IT.

7. "What do you want?" He asked us HE ASKED US WHAT WE WANTED.

8. "Do we have to come?" Paul asked PAUL ASKED US IF THEY HAD TO COME.

9. "Will you help me?" Martha asked us. MARTHA ASKED US IF WE WOULD HELP.

10. "Come before 8 o'clock." She told him SHE TOLD HIM TO COME BEFORE 8 O’CLOCK.

Turn these sentences into Reported Speech

1. “Stop eating!” Sarah told me. SARAH TOLD ME TO STOP EATING.

2. “Have you talked to her?” He asked me. HE ASKED ME IF I HAD TALKED TO HER

3. “I bought a pair of trousers yesterday”he said. HE SAID HE HAD BOUGHT A PAIR OF TROUSERS THE DAY BEFORE.

4. “Where is Mario?” she asked me. SHE AKED ME WHERE MARIO WAS.

5. “When will you come back?” he asked me. HE ASKED ME WHEN I WOULD COME BACK

6. “I didn’t break that glass,”Mary said. MARY SAID SHE HADN’T BROKEN THAT GLASS.

7. “Why are you doing this?”he asked me HE ASKED ME WHY I WAS DOING THAT.

8. “How do you make this ?” he asked me HE ASKED ME HOW I MADE THAT.

9. “She has seen my new appartment,” he told me.HE TOLD ME SHE HAD SEEN HIS NEW A.

10. “Where did you go?” she asked me. SHE ASKED ME WHERE I HAD GONE

Relatives: Join these sentences using a Relative Pronoun.

1. The musician WHO plays in this orchestra is a friend of mine

2. The jockey WHO rides this horse likes football.

3. The professor WHO is well-known is giving a lecture

4. We bought he tables WHICH are very expensive.

5. You gave us the pencils WHICH were red

6. The man WHO is French works for a big company.

7. We lost the money (THAT) you gave us.

8. The girl (THAT) we interviewed is a singer.


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