Chapter 15: Lesson 2

Chapter 15: Lesson 1

Alcohol and the Body

Lesson Essential Question: How does alcohol affect the body’s systems?


• Describe how the body processes alcohol.

• Explain blood alcohol concentration.

• Identify three factors that affect an individual’s reaction to alcohol.

Do Now: Create a list of alcohols effects on the body systems. Create a separate list of alcohols effects on mental processes (thinking, judgment, decision making).

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Key Vocabulary

• Central Nervous System

• Depressant

• Blood Alcohol Concentration

Types of Alcoholic Beverages

• Most alcohol comes from plants that have been _______________, or processed to produce alcohol.

• __________ comes from fermented grapes and other fruits.

• __________ comes from fermented grains, including barley and wheat.

• __________, such as whiskey, vodka, brandy and gin are made from fermented plants and then processed further to increase their alcohol content.

Alcohol in Your Body

• Alcohol is absorbed into the __________________ and carried to every part of the body. In excessive amounts, alcohol is a _______________.

• Alcohol is a CNS _____________. The CNS controls speech, ___________, memory, judgment and learning.

• Alcohol also affects the kidney, _______________, and digestion.

Alcohol and Your Brain

• Alcohol affects the parts of the your brain that control _______________.

• As BAC rises, the ability to tell the difference between what is _________ and _______________ is reduced. As CNS becomes more depressed sleep, __________, and death can occur.

Alcohol in the Blood

• BAC is measured in _______________. A BAC of 0.08 percent means that a person has ____ parts of alcohol per 10,000 parts of blood in the body. The amount of alcohol in your _______________ greatly affects how your _________ and __________ react.

• What organ filters the blood and changes alcohol to waste products?_______________.

• Alcohol is converted into ________________ and _______________.

• The body gets rid of these waste products through _______________ and ____________.

• The liver can only process about ___/___ of an ounce of ___________ or ____ ounces of beer per hour. Alcohol consumption in excess of that rate will cause BAC to rise.

Individual Reactions to Alcohol

• Each person reacts to alcohol a little differently.

• An Individuals health, amount of sleep and ________________ can also affect his or her reaction.

• What are six other factors that affect individual reactions to alcohol?







Lesson Review:

Use Figure 2 on page 371 to trace alcohols path through the body starting with the mouth. Be sure to include what happens at each level.


Chapter 15: Lesson 2

Immediate Effects of Alcohol

Lesson Essential Question: What are short term effects of alcohol use?


• Describe how alcohol affects a person’s behavior

• Identify two risks of drinking alcohol

Key Vocabulary

• Intoxication

• Alcohol poisoning

• Hangover

Do Now: What is the procedure if an officer pulls someone over and suspects they are under the

influence of alcohol?


Losing Control

Being intoxicated is more commonly known as being ______________. As intoxication increases your feelings and behavior may become _________________ and your _______________, sense of risk, concentration and ___________________ decrease.

Alcohol poisoning is the ____________________ to physical health caused by drinking too much alcohol. It is a __________ ____________ and it can be ______________.

A _________________ is caused when the body processes alcohol. The process upsets the body’s water balance and causes the blood to become more ___________ than it normally is.

Injury and Harm

As BAC rises, you become less likely to see ______________ or predict possible harmful


Alcohol is often involved in________________, assaults, car crashes, robberies, or ________________ of others.

But alcohol is not an excuse for harming others or for damaging ______________. You

are still l responsible for your actions.

Lesson Review Questions: Complete Lesson Review Questions 4 and 5 on page 375.

Chapter 15 Lesson 3

Long Term Effects of Drinking Alcohol

Lesson 3 Essential Question: How can alcohol leave negative consequences long after its effects wear off?


• Identify two long term effects of drinking alcohol.

• Explain why it is dangerous for pregnant women to drink alcohol.

Key Vocabulary

• Cirrhosis

• Tolerance

• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Do Now:

Why is it dangerous for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol?


Alcohol’s Effects


• In Cirrhosis, the liver has a difficulty removing poisons, such as _____________ and ____________, from the blood. These __________ build up in the blood and may affect ____________ function.


• The brain doesn’t fully develop until the early 20’s.

• If you someone has regular exposure to alcohol as a ______________, alcohol may change the brain _________________.

• These changes may have a negative effect on ___________,_____________ and _____________.

• What are other potential consequences for regular teenage drinking?





• Regular, heavy drinking may lead to _____________ tolerance.

• The more alcohol you drink, the more alcohol you need to get the same effects.

• ____________ ____________ is the inability to drink in ________________ or at appropriate times.

• Alcohol Abuse happens whenever drinking interferes with someone’s ___________ or well being and keeps them from handling their _____________.

Alcohol and Pregnancy

• Alcohol can impair judgment, decision making and emotions and increases high risk behaviors.

• Drinking alcohol can increase the chances that a drinker may engage in unplanned sexual activity.

• Being intoxicated to the point where someone cannot recognize danger or protect themselves may increase the chances of being a victim of sexual assault.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

• A mother who drinks during pregnancy may harm the _____________________ and _______________ of the developing fetus.

• A fetus gets nutrients from its mother’s blood. When the mother gets drunk, the fetus is bathed in alcohol and may suffer permanent damage.

• This group of birth defects that affect an unborn baby has been exposed to alcohol is called ___________ ____________ ___________.

• FAS may include:




• Any woman who is or thinks she may be pregnant should ________________ from alcohol- there is no known _______________ ______________ of alcohol during pregnancy.

Lesson Review

How does the maturation rate of the brain relate to the current legal drinking age in the United States?


Why may a young person’s drinking be more harmful than an adults?


Chapter 15 Lesson 4

Alcohol and Decision Making

Lesson 4 Essential Question: How does alcohol affect a person’s ability to make decisions?


• Explain how drinking alcohol affects a person’s ability to make decisions.

• Describe the relationship between alcohol and violence.

Key Vocabulary

• Inhibition: _______________________________________________________________


Do Now: List 5 things that you have inhibitions to participate in.






Alcohol Influences Social Decisions

• Alcohol relaxes your ______________________________.

• Alcohol also makes you less likely to recognize __________ or dangerous situations. You may take physical risks that would seem ____________________ if you were ____________.

Alcohol and Violence

• Alcohol increases the ______________ that a person will become involved in violence. The violence may be directed at:

1. the drinker

2. _______________

3. property

• Alcohol is a major cause of ______________ accidents, drowning, car crashes, and illegal ____________ __________.

Lesson Review: Complete Lesson 4 Review Questions 2-4 on the back of this Lesson Guide

Chapter 15 Lesson 5

Alcohol, Driving and Injuries

Lesson 5 Essential Question: How does drinking alcohol affect the motor skills and mental skills required to drive safely?


• Explain how alcohol impairs a person’s ability to drive.

• Describe how people are trying to stop drunk driving.

• Identify three types of injuries other than driving injuries which alcohol may be involved.

Key Vocabulary

• Reaction time: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do Now: List as many physical and mental skills that are required to drive safely.

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A Deadly Decision

• Even one drink can slow a driver’s ________________.

• Alcohol blurs a driver’s ____________ and reduces a driver’s ____________, memory, ability to figure _______________, judgment, and __________________.

Stopping the Injuries

• SADD and MADD: Groups such as SADD (Students Against ____________ __________) and MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) have formed to educate people about the dangers of drunk driving.

• Laws: Stronger laws, ____________________, , and increased public _______________ about these issues has reduced the numbers of crashes and ___________________.

Lesson Review: Complete Lesson 5 Review Questions 2 and 4 on the back of this Lesson Guide.

Chapter 15 Lesson 6

Pressure to Drink

DO NOW: Music media is full of songs that encourage and glorify a culture of alcohol use. There are not as many songs that discourage the use of alcohol. Complete the T-Chart by listing 7 songs that make being intoxicated seem attractive, and 7 songs that encourage finding happiness in positive activities.

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|Which list was easier to complete? |

|What does your T-Chart say about media messages regarding alcohol use? |

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Lesson 6 Essential Question: What are real life pressures faced by teenagers today to experiment with underage and illegal alcohol consumption?


• Identify three pressures that tempt teens to drink alcohol.

Internal Pressure

• Curiosity: Perhaps the most common internal pressure for teens is ________________. They want to know what it feels like to drink.

• Peer Pressure: When some teens see others drinking, they may join in so that they don’t feel left out or different.

• Impressing Others: Teens may drink because they think that drinking makes them look ________________ and ______________ or that drinking will ______________others.

External Pressure

• Advertisements: Alcohol advertising is everywhere—TV, __________ Web sites, magazines, and ______________. The advertising message is that drinking is ____________ and ___________.

• Seeing Others Drink: External pressures to drink also come from seeing people drinking in different places and _______________, such as at parties, sporting events, ___________gatherings, and restaurants.

Lesson Review: Complete Lesson 6 Review Questions 2 and 3 on the back of this Lesson Guide.

Chapter 15 Lesson 7

Deciding Not to Drink

DO NOW: Identify your top 5 reasons for not drinking alcohol.






Lesson 6 Essential Question: What are ways teenagers can combat the internal and external pressures to drink alcohol?


• Identify three steps you would take when deciding not to drink alcohol.

• Identify two ways to resist internal pressures to drink.

Key Vocabulary

• Values:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Making the Decision Not to Drink

• It’s Your Decision: The decision to drink or not to drink is always your decision. Take _______________for it.

• Making Friends with Nondrinkers: It’s easier to decide not to drink if you are with friends who share your _______________.

Resisting Internal Pressures

• If you think about how drinking could hurt you or get you into trouble, resisting ______________ pressures to drink may be easier. Ask yourself:

1. What _____________ and people make me ________________?

2. What makes me feel like an _______________ and in _________________?

3. What are the likely _________________ if I drink?

4. What pressures do I really feel, and how can I _______________or


Lesson Review: Complete Lesson 7 Review Questions 1 and 3 on the back of this Lesson Guide.

Chapter 15: Lesson 8


Lesson Essential Question: How does Alcoholism affect each leg of health?


• Compare physical dependence and psychological dependence.

• Identify three factors that contribute to alcoholism.

• Describe how a person can overcome alcoholism

Key Vocabulary

• Alcoholism_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Physical Dependence_______________________________________________________


• Psychological Dependence__________________________________________________


• Recovery________________________________________________________________


Physical Dependence

• Alcoholism and Dependence A drinker who is_________________ dependent on alcohol has the illness of ___________________.

Psychological Dependence

• Trying to Feel Normal: Someone who has _________________ feels the need to drink to cope with ________________, stress, and _________________. He or she drinks to feel _______________—or not to feel bad—and to deaden his or her feelings.

Factors that Contribute to Alcoholism

• Alcoholism is a complex illness, and a number of factors may contribute to it, including:

1. _________________ to alcohol

2. _________________pain

3. _________________ makeup

Overcoming Alcoholism

• Abstinence from Alcohol: A requirement of any alcoholism _________________ program is ___________________ from alcohol. A person who has ____________________ is always at risk of the _________________ if the he or she begins to drink again.

Lesson Review: Complete Lesson 8 Review Questions 2, 4, and 5 on the back of this guide.


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