First Baptist Church North Platte

April Newsletter Article

As a Christian and as a pastor, I try to be a teachable person. When Jesus talked about his parable of the soils, I think part of what Jesus was commending. I want to have a heart that is like good soil, that can hear the Word of God, be grounded in my personal context, and live my faith and grow in it wherever I am planted.

These times of COVID-19 have been particularly challenging for pastors like me who focus a lot of their work on being present with people, and attempting to teach them, in varied ways, how to be attuned to the presence of God. For instance, in our last two weeks of public worship, I began to limit personal physical contact with other people during worship. I was surprised how hard this was! I did not realize how often I put hands on people’s shoulders, shake hands, and give hugs on Sunday mornings! I certainly do now!

Here are some lessons I am thinking God may be teaching me during this Coronavirus season, or as my more liturgical ministry colleagues refer to it, Coronatide.

1. I am considering that I put too much value into what I do, and perhaps this is a season to pay attention to who I am in Christ.

I come from a blue-collar background with very little blue-collar skills. I spend a lot of my ministry life trying to work hard for the glory of God. Yet, this season is challenging me to “be still and know” that God is God, and I can’t do everything.

2. I am finding myself hungering for worship in Christian community in a way that makes me wonder if I have taken gathering for worship for granted in times before.

I was listening to recordings of some of our church members from interviews I had done, and I listened, I was reminded how much I love my church family, and love having opportunity to be with each of you.

3. I am learning that worrying adds very little value to my life or anyone else.

I can stress about all sorts of things in this crisis. Will I survive if I get “the Corona”? My wife? Is it safe to go to the store and get groceries? Will I still have a job in a few weeks? What about the rest of the staff? Yet all these concerns don’t get solved by fretting about them for too long. So, I keep doing what I can, and not what I can’t. And praying. And hoping.

In the next few weeks, we will be having a smaller newsletter going out every week. Make sure to let each other know that you love one another, check in with each other, and seek to care for one another in Jesus name.

Much love,


Pastor Clint

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2020 Walk for Life ~ More than Bricks ~ JOIN THE FUN & WALK FOR LIFE!!!

In less than a month, North Platte and seven other communities will host a Walk for LIFE Fundraising Event to raise awareness and funds needed for the Women’s Resource Center. Although we have set a goal of $55,000 – wouldn’t it be great to go beyond that?! That will only happen with lots of walkers that have lots of sponsors!


This year we have great incentive prizes for individual walkers, TEAMS, and kiddos too that have the most sponsor pledges! (See the list below). We are so grateful for our wonderful Walk Coordinators and Church Liaisons as they help us plan and recruit! You too can be a vital part of our fundraising efforts. REGISTER TODAY for one of our Walk for Life locations at . One of the prizes listed below could become yours!!! Join the fun and Walk for LIFE!!!

For the Top 10 Adult Walkers with the most sponsor pledges Walk for LIFE Sponsors

43” Smart Flat Screen TV First Baptist Church, Arnold

Husker Football Tickets Banner Methodist Church, Gothenburg

Husker Baseball Tickets (2021 season) Cornerstone Bible Church, Gothenburg

Maranatha Camp, Maxwell – week of choice Demoret Plumbing & Roto Rooting, Gothenburg

NP Rec Center Family Pass for 1 month First Baptist Church, Gothenburg

Naomi Kate Photography, North Platte – Family Photo Shoot Fivestar Interior & Exterior Construction, Gothenburg

Carmike 6 Theater, North Platte – Movie & Popcorn for 2 Flatwater Bank, Gothenburg

salon Nicholas, North Platte - haircut & blow dry Fran Linegar Painting, Gothenburg

Huebner’s Nursery, North Platte - 50 Pound Bag of yard fertilizer Gothenburg Health, Gothenburg

Date Night for two Jorgensen Chiropractic, North Platte

Kevin & Ellen Kennedy, Arnold

For the Top 3 Teams (of 4) with the most sponsor pledges KJLT and KJTF Christian Radio, North Platte

The Vault Escape Experience, North Platte (for 4) Little Lamb Christian Day Care & Preschool, North Platte

Wild Bills, NP - Family Bowling Package (bowling, laser tag, arcade games) Mi Ranchito Restaurant, Gothenburg

Dusty Trails, North Platte ~ 4 $20 Gift Passes MOPS, Gothenburg

MOPS, North Platte

For the top 3 Kids - with the most sponsor pledges Nean’s Creations, Brady

Bethel Bible Camp, Wellfleet – One week scholarship Nebraskaland National Bank, North Platte

Bethel Bible Camp, Wellfleet – One week scholarship Petersons Supermarket, Inc. Gothenburg

Alive Outside, North Platte – Fun Basket Phares Financial, North Platte

Pinnacle Bank, Arnold

Pony Express Chevrolet, Gothenburg

Quick Stop, North Platte

Sandhills Physical Therapy, Gothenburg

T.C. Engineering, North Platte

Wallace Community Church, Wallace

Westfield Small Animal Clinic, North Platte

YMCA, Gothenburg

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Palm Sunday—April 5th, 2020

10:15am Facebook Live Worship

Tune in to First Baptist Church’s page for a Facebook Live Broadcast. Check out our YouTube page and Facebook page later in the day for the recorded service

4:00pm Palm Sunday Devotional in the Parking Lot.

This will be an opportunity to work out the kinks for Easter Sunday’s Parking Lot Service. A brief message. Maybe a song or two.

5:00pm Kneeling with Giants Study on Zoom—Chapter 6

Contact Pastor Clint for help with this if you need it

6:30pm Epicenter

Contact Sam and Brittany for details on virtual meeting venue.

Monday through Thursday

8:15am Prayer Walking around the Building

Social Distancing will be strictly adhered to, all people must space 6 ft apart at all times.

Maundy Thursday, April 9th, 2020

7-8pm Drive Thru Scripture Stations (Seven Last Words) w/ Drive Thru Lord’s Supper.

Lord’s Supper will be served in prepackaged containers with gloved servers handing elements through the window of the car. Please maintain social distancing as we walk and afterward, staying in your vehicle.

Easter Sunday-April 12, 2020

10: 15am Parking Lot Worship

Worship in your car while an FM transmitter broadcasts the service to your vehicle’s radio. Please maintain distancing while present, staying in your vehicle.



The Home Visitor

April 2020

Office Hours

M-Th-8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.





First Baptist Church

100 McDonald Rd

North Platte, NE 69101

Worship Hours

Sunday School-9 a.m.

Worship-10:15 a.m.

Pastor Clint

Artwork by Karis Walker

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The upheaval of COVID-19 has been felt by everyone. Due to this virus, adjustments in our lives are being made almost daily.

At the time this newsletter was prepared and printed, there was uncertainty about future restrictions on groups/gatherings.

Therefore, any activities listed in this newsletter will be contingent on safety practices that have been provided by our state/local authorities and medical community. Meaning, everything is subject to change.

In addition, in an effort to keep everyone as safe as possible, much of the church/sanctuary has been professionally disinfected.

We pray for everyone’s safety and our hope is, as you are reading this, that plans are underway to begin fellowshipping with each other again!


The Discover Kids had a coloring contest in March. The prize for the winner’s artwork was to have their picture put on the front of FBC’s April 2020 newsletter. Drum roll please! Congratulations Karis Walker! Beautiful work Karis!


Dear First Baptist Church,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the cards, visits, phone calls, prayers and flowers I received during my illness.

I truly appreciate everything you have done for me- the friendship, the support and the love. What a great church family!!


Willa Twidwell


Check out Discover Kids embracing technology (called zoom) while social distancing during the Covid-19 health crisis.

The kids sang Christian songs, played games and the lesson of the day was “Jesus Walking on Water”.


Hebrews 12:1,2,3

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

There will be more updates on this event. The decision has not been made whether people will walk together or everyone by themselves due to the gathering restrictions.




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