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JUSTA WANDERIN’ AROUND…Main Point: Israel’s grumblings landed them in a 40 year time-out. Bottom Line: Things go well when we listen to God, and very, very badly when we don’t. Memory Verse: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16Plug In: Focus the Energy (Small Groups, 10-15 minutes)Focus the energy on today’s Bible story in a Small Group setting with an engaging discussion question and an interactive opening activity.Before students arrive, pray for each regular attendee by name. Pray for those who might visit your class for the first time. Pray that God would work in your kids’ hearts to help them be responsible with their stuff (not just their money, but also their abilities). Pray that they would realize that everyone has been given something and that we can trust God to use us in the world around us when we want to be more like Him.1. As Kids Arrive What You Need: coloring sheets, crayonsWhat You Do: Allow kids to work and color their sheets. Talk to them about how the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years before they were allowed to enter into the Promised Land. This was because they had bad attitudes and were complaining and grumbling and not trusting God. What You Say: “Have you ever complained about something before? I have. [Personalize—share a time that you complained about something you had to do or something that was happening around you. Please remember to keep it age-appropriate.] Well, the Bible makes it pretty clear that complaining and whining or grumbling is a sin. The Israelites complained and whined while they were in the desert. They were tired of eating the same food every day. They were thirsty. They were hot in the desert. They even began to say that they wish they could go back to Egypt and be slaves again! God does not like it when we complain and He punished the Israelites for acting that way. The Bible says that God made them wander around in the desert for 40 years before they could enter the new home He had promised them—kind of like a time-out. Let’s go to large group and hear more about that!! When the Tech Leader says it’s time, move your group to the 2/3 Theater. Large Group Game:This week, to get the kids ready and excited to praise Jesus with some songs, we’re going to play a fun and silly game. The game can be led by the Large Group Teaching Leader or by someone else. Follow the Leader What You Do: You, as the leader, will have the kids follow you as you do crazy moves and walk all around the theater using odd pathways. Instruct the kids that they must follow you and do what you do no matter how silly they may find it. Catch On: Make the Connection (Small Groups, 15-25 minutes)Make the connection of how today’s Bible story applies to real life experiences through interactive activities and discussion questions. 1. What Happened?? What You Need: Bibles, questions What You Do: Read the passage together as a class. Then divide your class up into two teams. Have the teams line up against one wall of the classroom. Each team must answer a question correctly then walk to the wall on the opposite end of the classroom and back while dribbling a ball. Explain that the questions will test what they learned from reading the passage as well as what they learned from the video in large group that day. Read Numbers 14:26-35What were the people doing that angered God? (The were constantly grumbling and complaining and said that they would have been better off as slaves.)God said that no one over this age would enter the Promised Land, except for two men, what was that age?? (20 years old)What were the names of the two men that were over 20 that God would allow to enter the land? (Joshua and Caleb)What was it about Joshua and Caleb that God allowed them to enter the Promised Land?? (They had faith in God and did not grumble or complain.)How long did God make the people wander in the desert? (40 years)What is the book of Numbers about? (It is about how the Israelites wandered around in the desert for 40 years before being allowed into the Promised Land.)Who got to finally lead the Israelites into the Promised Land: Moses or Joshua? (Joshua)What does the word “holy” mean? (It means to be set apart for God.)At the end of the 40 years of wandering in the desert, just before it is time for the Israelites to enter into the Promised Land, Moses gives a really long speech. In that speech, he reminded the Israelites of their covenant with God. That whole speech is in the next book of the Bible after Numbers. What is the name of that book? (Deuteronomy)What You Say: “After Moses led the people from the harm of Pharaoh, you would think they would be happy and content. But that just wasn't the case. The people still grumbled and complained, saying they would be better off if they were still slaves in Egypt. Moses constantly prayed to the Lord not to be angry with them. He knew God wanted him to lead the Israelites to the promised land. But because of their constant grumbling, no one over 20 years old, except two faithful men named Joshua and Caleb, would see the promised land. Neither would Moses see it. Of the people alive during the time they crossed the Red Sea, only children would make it to the promised land. Everyone else would be wandering around lost in the desert for 40 years.(After the game) “So, we can all see that God does not like it when people grumble or complain. He wants us to be happy and content, but the only way we can truly be happy is to put Him first—not our selfish desires or material treasures. These things can not give us true happiness. God truly loves us and does not want to see us sad. However, we must also trust in Him, even during the really tough times. “The Bible says, ‘Consider it all pure joy, my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.’ (James 1:2-4) This week, let’s remember to thank God for all that He does for us.”Get Ready To DismissWhat You Need: nothing What You Do: Spend some time in your group taking up prayer requests and praying for one another. What You Say: “Grumbling and complaining is something that we all struggle with from time to time—especially if something doesn’t go our way. But when we focus on only negative things all the time, then it can cause problems in our families, our friendships, and our churches. God does not like complaining or grumbling, and we need always be striving to be more like Christ. Let’s pray together. Prayer“Dear God, thank you for loving us and sending Your Son to die for our sins. Please help us this week to remember to focus on You and the ways You have blessed us instead of focusing on negative things and complaining. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” ****DON’T FORGET TO COME AND “MEET THE STARS” IN THE VOLUNTEER CAF? AFTER THE SECOND SERVICE AT 12:30 TODAY!!!! THANK YOU. ................

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