Chapter 14: Sound and Light - Adventure is Calling!

Chapter 14: Sound and Light

Lesson 1: What is sound energy? (pgs. 406-411) Sound is a form of ____________________ that travels in ________________________. What Sound Is

Sound occurs when objects ____________________ Vibrations travel through the ___________________ as sound __________________ A sound wave is a ____________________ that moves __________________ through matter If the ________________ reach our __________________ we hear ________________________ Types of Sound Waves Sound waves set ____________________ into _______________________ Air particles form a ___________________________ Compression- The part of the ____________________ where the _____________________

are bunched ___________________________ Transverse Waves

Particles in the ________________ move at a _________________ angle to the direction the wave ________________________ o Example: _________________ waves, jump rope waves

Longitudinal Waves Particles in the material move _________________ to the direction the ________________ travels o Example: ________________ waves, slinky waves o Particles are _________________ together and then _______________ apart

Frequency and Wavelength Frequency- __________________ of waves that pass a ________________ in a certain amount of time Wavelength- the ____________________ between a point on one wave and a ______________ point on the ___________ wave

How Sound Travels Need a __________________ to travel o Medium- any kind of _________________ o Solids vibrations pass through ______________ o Liquids vibrations travel more ________________ than in a solid o Gasses vibrations travel _________________ If you were floating in outer ____________ you would be in complete ________________ because there is no _________________ for the sound waves to _________________ off of

Echoes When sound ________________ bounce off an object and travel _________ to you

Lesson 2: How is sound made? (pgs. 412- 415) The way an __________________ is made and the way it __________________ affect the _______________ of sound we ____________________. Loudness

A ___________________ of how ___________________ a sound seems to us Related to the _____________________ of energy in a ___________________ wave Pitch Pitch- what makes a ____________ seem __________________ or ____________________ Depends on a sound's ___________________

o Vibrate quickly with high frequency= ________________ pitch o Vibrate slowly with low frequency= ___________________ pitch

How Instruments Make Sound Stringed Instruments o Pick or rub the string o Note depends on _________________ ,__________________ of the string, and how far its _________________ o Sound waves travel ______________ through _____________ strings lower pitches o Travel ___________ through _____________ strings higher pitches

Percussion Instruments o Shake or strike them o Instrument ___________________ and makes a ______________

Wind Instruments o Blow air across a hole o Causes ________________ inside a column of air inside the ___________________ to __________________ o Short instruments= ________________ pitches o Longer= _______________ pitches

The Piano o More than ______________ strings o Each key is attached to a _________________

How We Hear Sound funnels into ______________________ canal Eardrum _____________________ Cochlea is filled with __________________, tiny ___________________ start to move Signals are sent to the ___________________ nerves then to the ___________________ Brain interprets the signal as _____________________

Genesis 1: 1-31 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light."

Lesson 3: What is light energy? (pgs. 416-419) Both light and sounds are forms of ______________ and travel as _________________ Sources of Light

The sun o Without the sun ___________ and ___________ would die

Fire o People didn't have to ____________ activities when the ________ went down

The Light Bulb Invented by Thomas ________________ and Joseph __________________in the ______________

Shadows Appears where the ___________ rays cannot pass through

Light Waves We See

Light _______________ travels as a ______________

Human eye can only see _________________________ and frequencies of the colors in

the _______________________ spectrum


o Appear in this _____________ due to wavelength and _________________

___________- longest wavelength and lowest frequency

___________- shortest wavelength and highest frequency

Electromagnetic Waves We Cannon See

____________ visible

o Wavelengths too long to see

o Too Short to see

Radio waves

Ultraviolet ____________


X Rays

Infrared waves

____________ rays

Lesson 4: How do light and matter interact? (Pgs. 420- 425) Light and Matter

Light rays travel in _______________ lines They may ____________ off an object or are ______________ by an object

o Reflection- _________ rays bounce from a surface back to our __________ o Absorption- when an _______________ takes in the _____________ wave Color and Light We see _________________ because objects _______________ some frequencies and _____________ others Letting Light Through Materials can be grouped by how they react to light o Transparent- transmit nearly _______ of the ____________ ___________ that hit them

Examples: Air, ____________ water, windows o Translucent- let _____________ light rays pass through but _______________ others

Examples: ____________ paper, ______________ shades, frosted ____________ o Opaque- do not let __________ light pass through

Examples: aluminum _____________ How Light Changes Direction

Light can be ______________ Light doesn't need a _______________ to travel

o Travels slower in ___________ than a __________________ o Travels through a ________________ slower than through a gas o Travels most _______________ through solids Refraction- when light rays _______________

The Human Eye Iris- ____________________ shaped muscle,

o Colored part o Controls how much ______________ enters Pupil- dark _________________ in the middle Lens- refracts light rays, upside-down ___________\d Retina- changes the ___________ into signals


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