Renewal Credit Matrix - SharpSchool

Renewal Credit Matrix



Educators who are not employed in a position that requires South Carolina educator certification are restricted to Options 1 and 2 in the matrix.


|College Credit |All courses must |Maximum: up to 120 renewal |In order to receive renewal credits |

| |directly relate either to the educator’s |credits may be earned via this |via this option, the educator must |

| |area(s) of certification, or to an area of |option during the five-year |provide |

| |certification in which the educator is |validity period of the |an official transcript from the |

| |formally enrolled, or to the goals of the |certificate. |college or university. |

| |educator and/or the educator’s employing | | |

| |educational entity; |Accrual rate: 1 semester hour of | |

| |be taken through an NCATE (National Council |earned course credit = 20 renewal| |

| |for Accreditation of Teacher Education) or |credits | |

| |regionally accredited college or university or| | |

| |through a college or university that has | | |

| |programs approved for teacher education by the| | |

| |State Board of Education (SBE); | | |

| |be taken for credit; and | | |

| |result in a passing grade in a pass/fail class| | |

| |or in a grade of C or better. | | |

|State Department of Education |All certificate renewal courses must |Maximum: up to 120 renewal |In order to receive renewal credits |

|Certificate Renewal Course |directly relate either to the educator’s |credits may be earned though |via this option, the educator must |

| |area(s) of certification or to the goals of |approved renewal courses during |provide |

| |the educator and/or the educator’s employing |the five-year validity period of |a report from the course |

| |educational entity and |the certificate. |administrator, as required by current |

| |have been approved by the State Department of | |SBE guidelines for certificate renewal|

| |Education, according to SBE criteria. |Accrual rate: 1 semester hour of |courses. |

| | |earned course credit = 20 renewal| |

| | |credits | |

|District Point Plan for Certificate|District professional development points must |Maximum: up to 120 renewal |In order to receive renewal credits |

|Renewal |be earned within a district point plan for |credits may be earned under an |via this option, the educator must |

|Districts currently operating a |certificate renewal that was approved by the |approved district point plan |provide |

|District Point Plan will phase out |SBE and |during the five-year validity |official district verification, as |

|that plan by July 2005. |be reciprocal from one SBE- approved district |period of the certificate. |specified in the district’s SBE- |

| |point plan to another. |Accrual rate: 1 earned |approved point plan for certificate |

| | |professional development point = |renewal. |

| | |1 renewal credit | |

|4. Publications |Publications must |Maximum: 60 renewal credits may |In order to receive renewal credits |

| |appear in a professional journal or in a |be earned during the five-year |via this option, the educator must |

|(further information provided at |format that is sanctioned by the employing |validity period. |provide |

|the end of matrix) |educational agency, | |a synopsis (one page or less) of the |

| |contribute to the effective practice of the |Accrual rate: |publication and |

| |education profession and/or to the body of |primary author of book or |official verification from the |

| |knowledge of the certification area(s), and |refereed journal article = 60 |publisher of the work’s acceptance for|

| |be a first-time publication (i.e., revised |renewal credits |publication, including the date of |

| |versions or second editions are excluded). |primary author of non-refereed |acceptance. |

| | |journal article = 30 renewal | |

| | |credits | |

| | |secondary author of | |

| | |book or article = 15 | |

| | |renewal credits | |

|5. Instruction |Renewal credits for instruction (e.g., courses|Maximum: up to 60 renewal credits|In order to receive renewal credits |

| |taught at colleges or universities; formal, |may be earned via this option |via this option, the educator must |

| |prepared presentations given at conferences or|during the five-year validity |provide |

| |meetings) are awarded only for those |period of the certificate. |a copy of the schedule from the |

| |activities that | |district, college/university, or |

| |exceed job requirements for the educator’s |Accrual rate: |organization, indicating the date(s) |

| |position, as defined by the employing |college/university course: 1 |and time of the instructional activity|

| |educational entity; |semester hour of instruction = 20|and |

| |are professionally oriented and educationally |renewal credits |a synopsis (e.g., course objectives |

| |relevant; and |presentation: a 1-hour |from the syllabus, workshop or meeting|

| |are offered for the first time by the |presentation = 3 renewal credits.|agenda, conference program) of the |

| |educator. |(This includes preparation time.)|content of the instructional activity.|

|6. Professional Training |All professional training must |Maximum: up to 120 renewal |In order to receive renewal credits |

|(further information provided at |relate to the educator’s professional |credits may be earned via this |via this option, the educator must |

|the end of the matrix) |development plan, area(s) of certification, |option during the five-year |provide |

| |and/or the employing educational entity’s |validity period of the |the training objectives and/or |

| |plan; |certificate. |training outline and |

| |be recognized as having professional relevance| |a certificate or other official |

| |to the educational setting; and |Accrual rate: 1 hour of direct |documentation verifying successful |

| |be successfully completed. |participation = 1 renewal credit |completion of the training program, |

| | |1 CEU = 10 hours of direct |including the date(s) and the number |

| | |participation |of hours of direct participation. |

|7. Professional Assessor/ Evaluator|Assessor/evaluator renewal credits may be |Maximum: up to 60 renewal credits|In order to receive renewal credits |

| |obtained only |may be earned via this option |via this option, the educator must |

| |for evaluation activities that exceed job |during the five-year validity |provide |

| |requirements for the educator’s position, as |period of the certificate. |official documentation verifying |

| |defined by the employing educational entity; | |completion of all evaluation/ |

| |by an educator who has received |Accrual rate: 1 hour of direct |assessment team requirements, |

| |training/approval/ certification as an |participation = 1 renewal credit |including the date(s) and the number |

| |assessor/ evaluator on a national or | |of hours of direct participation. |

| |state-approved accreditation, assessment, or |Participation on an ADEPT | |

| |evaluation team (e.g., ADEPT evaluator, |Evaluation Team = maximum 30 | |

| |principal assessor, SACS [Southern Association|credits | |

| |of Colleges and Schools] evaluator, external | | |

| |review team [ERT] evaluator, NCATE evaluator, | | |

| |NBPTS [National Board for Professional | | |

| |Teaching Standards] assessor); and | | |

| |upon the educator’s completion of all | | |

| |requirements of the assessment/ evaluation | | |

| |process. | | |

| | | | |

|8. Mentorship, Supervision, or |Renewal credits for mentorship, supervision, |Maximum: up to 60 renewal credits|In order to receive renewal credits |

|Instructional Coaching |or coaching are awarded only for those |may be earned via this option |via this option, the educator must |

| |activities that |during the five-year validity |provide |

| |exceed job requirements for the educator’s |period. |official documentation from the |

| |position, as defined by the employing | |training institution, professional |

| |educational entity; |Accrual rate (maximums): |organization, or employing educational|

| |assist another educator (e.g., student |supervision of student teacher |entity verifying successful completion|

| |teacher, teacher, administrator); and |(one semester) = 20 renewal |of all responsibilities, including the|

| |are provided in conjunction with an approved |credits |type, extent, and dates of services |

| |training program, induction program, or |mentoring (full year) = 30 |(e.g., mentoring, supervising, |

| |professional development process. |renewal credits |coaching) provided by the educator. |

| | |coaching (full year) = 20 renewal| |

| | |credits | |

| | |internships = 20 renewal credits | |

|9. Educational Project, |Renewal credits for educational projects, |Maximum: up to 60 renewal credits|In order to receive renewal credits |

|Collaboration, Grant, or Research |collaborations, grants, or research are |may be earned via this option |via this option, the educator must |

| |awarded only for those activities that |during the five-year |provide |

| |exceed job requirements for the educator’s |validity period of the |a synopsis (one page or less) of the |

| |position, as defined by the employing |certificate. |project, collaboration, grant, or |

| |educational entity; | |research; and |

| |are coordinated or approved by an educational |Accrual rate: 1 hour of direct |official documentation from the |

| |entity; |participation = 1 renewal credit |educational entity verifying the |

| |are related to student achievement and/or to | |date(s) and hours of direct |

| |the goals of an educational entity; |Maximum for each activity within |participation. |

| |result in an educationally relevant product; |this option: 30 renewal credits | |

| |and | | |

| |are a minimum of 5 hours in length. | | |

|10. Professional Development |Renewal credits are awarded only for those |Maximum: up to 60 renewal |In order to receive renewal credits |

|Activity |professional development activities (e.g., |credits may be earned via this |via this option, the educator must |

|Includes conferences, workshops, |conferences, workshops, task forces) that |option during the five-year |provide |

|task force, etc. |are tied to the educator’s area(s) of |validity period of the |official documentation from the |

|(further information provided at |certification and/or the goals of the |certificate. |sponsor verifying the educator’s |

|the end of matrix) |employing educational entity; | |participation, and |

| |are provided by a national, state, regional, |Accrual rate: 1 hour of direct |a synopsis of the session topic(s), |

| |or locally approved sponsor; and |participation = 1 renewal credit |date(s), and time(s). |

| |involve a minimum of 4 hours of direct |1 CEU = 10 hours of direct | |

| |contact, excluding meals and breaks. |participation | |

|11. Professional Development |CEU renewal credits are awarded only for those|Maximum: up to 120 renewal |In order to receive renewal credits |

|Activity (CEU Credit) |professional development activities (e.g., |credits may be earned via this |via this option, the educator must |

|IACET CEU Credit – |conferences, workshops, task forces) that |option during the five-year |provide |

|(further CEU information provided |are tied to the educator’s area(s) of |validity period of the |a transcript or other official |

|at the end of matrix) |certification and/or to the goals of the |certificate. |verification of CEU credit, including |

| |employing educational entity, | |the title of the activity, the date of|

| |are provided by an SDE-approved CEU sponsor, |Accrual rate: 1 CEU = 10 renewal |completion, and a brief description of|

| |and |credits |the activity. |

| |involve a minimum of 4 hours of direct | | |

| |contact, excluding meals and breaks. | | |


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