Rocks and Minerals Unit

Rocks and Minerals Assessment Project

Laura Bohdel

Grade 5

Laura Bohdel

Rocks and Minerals Unit

Pre and Post Test Analysis

|Learning Target |Type of Target |Assessment Method |Total Points |[Post] Test Questions** |

|VSC: 5th grade-Earth Space Science | | | | |

|1.A.a.i |Identify and describe physical |Reasoning, Knowledge and|Selected Response |10pts |4,5,6,7,8,9,10, |

| |properties of minerals: color, |Skill | | |15[3pts] |

| |hardness, luster, and streak | | | | |

|1.A.a.ii |Classify minerals using physical |Knowledge |Selected Response |1pt |13 |

| |properties | | | | |

|1.A.a.iii |Identify some common mineral such as |Knowledge, Reasoning, |Performance Assessment* and|5pt |11 |

| |magnetite, |Skill, and Product* |Selected Responses | |[1 pt-Good observations |

| |calcite, quartz, and mica that have | | | |2 pts-Explanation of “how” |

| |distinctive physical properties | | | |2pts-correct identification] |

|1.A.a.iv |Identify the three types of rocks and |Reasoning and Knowledge |Extended written response |10pts |1,2,3, 12, |

| |compare minerals to rocks | |and Selected Response | |14[2 pts each] |

*Only used in the post-assessment

** Pre and Post assessment questions are identical but mixed up. The chart represents the question

numbers that correlate to the post-assessment to avoid confusion.

Assessment Planning

| |Pre-Test |Post-Test |

|Clear Purpose: |The pre-test was designed with regard to the |See pre-test. |

| |Maryland VSC standards. I looked closely at what |Also included in the post test design was a performance part|

| |students were expected to know/understand and gave |the required students to identify an unknown mineral using |

| |each standard a “weight”. The assessment was |their observation charts that they were responsible for |

| |designed with these weights, the VSC, and a |throughout the course of the unit. I also included |

| |post-test in mind; meaning, I designed the pre |additional questions to the post test that met with VSC |

| |assessment to also act as the culminating post |standards but were not appropriately addressed in the |

| |assessment. Truly I was designing a post assessment|pre-test to match how they were taught in class. |

| |all along. | |

|Clear Targets: |The learning targets that the assessment focused on |VSC standards (see test planning form) |

| |were strictly VSC standards. Because the VSC | |

| |standards are what students will eventually be | |

| |responsible for, I designed the assessment according| |

| |to the VSC. (see test planning form) | |

|Sound Assessment design: |Self evident in the assessments |

| |(see assessments) |

|Good Communication: |Written and oral directions were given before and during the assessment. |

| |Written directions are self evident in the assessments |

| |(see assessments) |

|Student Involvement: |Students verbally responded to problems through extended written response questions. Students were also required|

| |to keep a running observation chart during the unit that was used during the performance portion of the post |

| |assessment. (see attached) |


Rocks and Minerals Pre-Assessment

Complete the following true/false answers by writing “true” or “false” in the space provided.

A. True/False:

1._________Rocks are made up of one or more minerals

2._________There are three types of rocks

3._________Sedimentary rocks form in volcanoes

4._________Scientists identify minerals only by how they look

5._________Some minerals can be identified using a streak test

6._________A diamond is the hardest mineral

7._________Some minerals can be scratched by your fingernail

8._________Silver has a non-metallic luster

9._________Magnetite is a magnetic mineral

10. In the space provided, list as many observations of your artifact

as you can.

What is your artifact number?__________________

| |

11. Explain the relationship between a rock and a mineral.


12. Order the following minerals from softest to hardest:

Diamond, Quartz, Talc


13. What is your favorite mineral?


14. In your own words explain the following three (3) words:

Igneous: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sedimentary: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Metamorphic: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Rocks and Minerals Pre-Assessment

Name: Date:

Complete the following true/false answers by writing “true” or “false” in the space provided.

A. True/False:

|1pt each |

|no partial credit |

1.____True______Rocks are made up of one or more minerals

2.____True______There are three types of rocks

3.____False_____Sedimentary rocks form in volcanoes

4.____False_____Scientists identify minerals only by how they look

5.____True_____Some minerals can be identified using a streak test

6.____True______A diamond is the hardest mineral

7.____True_____Some minerals can be scratched by your fingernail

8.____False______Silver has a non-metallic luster

9.____True______Magnetite is a magnetic mineral

10. In the space provided, list as many observations of your artifact

as you can.

| 3 point scoring rubric: |

|1pt-color |

|1pt-luster |

|1pt-texture/patterns |

|1. red/purple, non-metallic, smooth/sandy/dimples |

|2. white/gray, non-metallic, porous/conglomerate minerals |

|3. navy blue/Blue, non-metallic, smooth/banded |

|4. yellow/orange, non-metallic, smooth/quartz particles |

|5. white/silver, non-metallic, mica particles/dimples |

|6. orange/brown, non-metallic, yellow quartz particles/smooth |

|7. copper/white/gray, non-metallic, mica flecks/banded |

|8. salmon/pink, non-metallic, smooth/quartz particles/rounded |

|9. beige/tan, non-metallic, smooth/sandy/ridges |

|10. white/gray/copper, non-metallic, mica flecks/banded |

11. Explain the relationship between a rock and a mineral.

|1 pt. |

|no partial credit |

Rocks are made up of one or more minerals_____________

12. Order the following minerals from softest to hardest:

Diamond, Quartz, Talc

|1pt |

|no partial credit |

Talc, Quartz, Diamond_____________________________

13. What is your favorite mineral?

|1pt for naming any mineral |

Answers will vary______________________________________________

14. In your own words explain the following three (3) words:

|2 pts each: |

|1pt-mentioning that it is a type of rock |

|1pt-details about formation |

Igneous: rocks formed when melted rock material cools and hardens, can form from lava or magma (accept either).

Sedimentary: rocks formed on the earth’s surface when sediments are compressed.

Metamorphic: new rocks that form from existing rocks by undergoing a change caused by heat, pressure, and chemicals.

Unit Roadmap:

Day 1: Students will complete a Rocks and Minerals pre-assessment and a whole-class

KWL chart about rocks and minerals.

Day 2: Students will practice making “good observations” by observing people, plants,

animals, and still life in their science journals.

Day 3: Students will explore the five properties of minerals: naturally occurring,

inorganic, solid, definite composition, and regular internal structure. Students will test inanimate objects through the five properties and discuss why or why not they fit each property.

Day 4: Students will apply their knowledge of the properties of minerals to differentiate

between rock and mineral samples in a mixed set.

Day 5: Students will begin their properties of minerals observation charts to explore

color and luster of their 12 piece mineral sets

Day 6: Students will explore Moh’s scale for mineral hardness and record their findings

in their observation charts.

Day 7: Students will explore different mineral streaks as well as identifying

characteristics of some “special” minerals. Students will record their findings in their observation charts.

Day 8: Students will explore the three different types of rocks: Igneous, Metamorphic,

and Sedimentary.

Day 9: Students will complete a rocks and mineral sampling of their backyards and/or of

the playground. They will identify their samples using the rock key and mineral tests (observation charts). The students will compile their data and make a class graph of St. Mary’s County geological resources.

Day 10: Students will compare their backyard findings to the actual St. Mary’s County

geological surveys using county mineral/soil maps.

Day 11: Students will complete a post-assessment and finish their KWL charts from the

first day.

Rocks and Minerals Post-Assessment

Name: Date:

Complete the following true/false answers by writing “true” or “false” in the space provided.

A. True/False:

1.__________Rocks are made up of one or more minerals

2.__________There are three basic types of rocks

3.__________Sedimentary rocks form in volcanoes

4.__________Scientists identify minerals only by how they look

5.__________Some minerals can be identified using a streak test

6.__________A diamond is the hardest mineral

7.__________Some minerals can be scratched by your fingernail

8.__________Silver has a metallic luster

9.__________Magnetite is a magnetic mineral

10. What is your favorite mineral?


11. In the space provided, list as many observations of your mineral as you can.

What is your mineral number?______________________________________

| |

|Observations: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Identify your mineral:______________________________ |

| |

|How do you know that your mineral is correctly identified? |

12. Explain the relationship between a rock and a mineral.


13. Order the following minerals from softest to hardest:

Diamond, Quartz, Talc

14. In your own words explain the following three (3) words:




15. What are 3 properties of minerals?




Tell me one thing you liked about the unit:


Tell me one thing you disliked about the unit.



STOP (Double check your work as you wait)!

This portion of the assessment will be completed at the back table as you are CALLED by Ms. Bohdel.

Task Assessment:

Using the provided ROCK KEY, identify your rock sample and write its name on the line below.

KEY Rocks and Minerals Post-Assessment

Name: Date:

Complete the following true/false answers by writing “true” or “false” in the space provided.

A. True/False:

|1pt each |

|no partial credit |

1.____True______Rocks are made up of one or more minerals

2.____True______There are three types of rocks

3.____False_____Sedimentary rocks form in volcanoes

4.____False_____Scientists identify minerals only by how they look

5.____True_____Some minerals can be identified using a streak test

6.____True______A diamond is the hardest mineral

7.____True_____Some minerals can be scratched by your fingernail

8.____False______Silver has a non-metallic luster

9.____True______Magnetite is a magnetic mineral

10. What is your favorite mineral?

|1pt for naming any mineral |

Answers will vary__________________________________

11. In the space provided, list as many observations of your mineral as you can.

What is your mineral number?______________________________________

| |

|Observations: |

| |

|1pt for clearly articulated observations about color |

|luster, hardness, streak, and/or special properties |

| |

| |

|Identify your mineral: |

|2pts for correctly identifying the mineral |

|1. |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|How do you know that your mineral is correctly identified? |

| |

|2pts for a well articulated explanation of the scientific tests they ran and/or how they used their observation charts |

|to determine to identity of the mineral |

| |

12. Explain the relationship between a rock and a mineral.

|1pt (accept partial credit) Minerals are made up of one substance and rocks are made up of two or more minerals. |


13. Order the following minerals from softest to hardest:

|1pt (no partial credit) Talc, Quartz, Diamond |

Diamond, Quartz, Talc


14. In your own words explain the following three (3) words:

|2 pts each: |

|1pt-mentioning that it is a type of rock |

|1pt-details about formation |

Igneous: rocks formed when melted rock material cools and hardens, can form from lava or magma (accept either).

Sedimentary: rocks formed on the earth’s surface when sediments are compressed.

Metamorphic: new rocks that form from existing rocks by undergoing a change caused by heat, pressure, and chemicals.

15. What are 3 properties of minerals?

|1pt per property listed: color |

|luster |

|hardness |

|streak |

|one material (definite composition) |

|regular internal structure |

|organic |

|naturally occurring |

|solid |

Tell me one thing you liked about the unit

|1pt |


Tell me one thing you disliked about the unit.

|1pt |



STOP (Double check your work as you wait)!

This portion of the assessment will be completed at the back table as you are CALLED by Ms. Bohdel.

Task Assessment:

Using the provided ROCK KEY, identify your rock sample and write its name on the line below.


Data Analysis:

|Pre-Test (x) |Post-Test (y) |

|7 |15 |

|10 |18 |

|8 |18 |

|13 |17 |

|7 |14 |

|5 |8 |

|17 |14 |

|8 |17 |

|9 |14 |

|8 |14 |

|9 |10 |

|10 |16 |

|12 |17 |

|4 |14 |

|12 |17 |

|11 |16 |

|7 |15 |

|14 |18 |

|7 |15 |

|12 |18 |

|5 |15 |

|9 |15 |

|12 |17 |

|10 |18 |

|8 |15 |

|13 |18 |

|12 |16 |

Figure 1. Pre and Post test cumulative scores (raw data) per student

|2-Variable Statistics |

|Sum (x) |259 |

|Mean (x) |9.5925 |

|Standard Deviation (x) |3.0414 |

|Sum (y) |419 |

|Mean (y) |15.519 |

|Standard Deviation (y) |2.3918 |

Figure 2. Variable statistics calculated on both pre (x) and post (y) test cumulative scores; derived from Figure 1.

|2-Sample t-Test |

|t |-7.9580 |

|p |1.0681 E -10** |

Figure 3. 2-sample t-test used for analyzing significant differences in student scores between pre and post tests


The t-test returns a p-value which can be used under different certainties to determine whether or not the students’ scores changed significantly. Significance can be held under different alpha values. If a p-value is less than the set alpha value, the comparison in populations is said to have a significant difference-it could not have happened by chance. When the alpha-value is set lower, (i.e. 0.01 vs. 0.05) the significant difference increases-it is less likely to have happened by chance.

For example:

p (1.0681 E -10) < 0.05 shows a significant difference*

p (1.0681 E -10) < 0.01 shows a “highly” significant difference**

Given the class pre and post score data, we can say with 99% confidence (p ................

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