¡Desfile de moda - Weebly




¡Desfile de moda!

¡Vamos a tener un desfile de moda! We’re going to have a fashion show! Working by yourself, you’re going to present to your compañeros people as they walk the pasarela. You will describe what they are wearing and what it is made of, their accessories, their appearance (including their hair, eyes, face and stature) and personality, what they like to do, and what they do not like to do … all in Spanish! Your presentations will include the following components … (y ¡no inglés):

• Introduction (Les presento a Marcos) including where the person is from

• Description of what the person is wearing (with colors and materials) – include three articles of clothing and use two to three materials

• Description of person’s accessories – include two accessories

• Description of person’s appearance (hair, eyes, face shape, and stature)

• Description of person’s personality (three adjectives about personality)

• Two things the person likes to do

• One thing the person does not like to do

Example: ¡Buenos días! Les presento a Señorita Ko. Ella es de Chicago, Illinois. Hoy Srta. Ko lleva una camisa verde de algodón, unos pantalones oscuros y flojos de poliéster, y unos zapatos negros. Además, ella lleva los pendientes y una pulsera de plata y tiene un bolso de colores brillantes. Ella tiene el pelo negro en una cola de caballo, los ojos marrones, y una cara ovalada. Es alta y lleva los lentes de contacto. También es amable, cómica, y sociable. A ella le gusta bailar, escuchar a música, leer y comer en restaurantes. No le gusta jugar a los videojuegos.

To get started, you’re going to have to plan ahead. You will write the scripts in class this week and you will present in front of the class, in Spanish. Since we are writing these early, you need to plan what you will wear to school that day so that your presentations are accurate.

Everyone in the group needs to write the script. Señorita Ko will check the FINISHED scripts on March 24th Everyone needs to turn in a copy of the script so the teacher knows their plan and the presentation goes smoothly. As well, it is CRITICAL that each student practices pronunciation and adequately prepares for the presentation’s day of desfile de moda. (NOTE: As you prepare the scripts, remember all that you have learned about articles and noun-adjective agreement.)

Have fun with this project! Be creative! Make it enjoyable for your classmates. Señorita Ko will reward extra credit points for especially creative presentations … and the class will vote on the best desfile de moda!

Learning outcomes: By completing this project successfully in Spanish, you will:

• Review and practice describing people in Spanish using the present tense and fashion vocabulary;

• Apply the rules of noun-adjective agreement in a realistic situation;

• Activate and demonstrate your written and oral communication skills in Spanish;

• Review and practice the elements of narration in Spanish;

• Produce a product that plays to your strengths;

• Apply pronunciation rules during an oral presentation

La rúbrica:

You will be graded on your presentation with the rubric below:


| | | | | |

|POINTS: |25 24 23 |22 21 20 |19 18 17 |16 15 14 - 0 |

|Content |Shows a full understanding of |Shows a good understanding of |Shows a good understanding of|Does not seem to understand |

| |the topic by writing and |the topic by writing and giving|the topic by writing and |the topic very well due to |

| |giving an oral presentation |an oral presentation with 2 or |giving an oral presentation |writing and giving an oral |

| |FREE of grammatical and |less grammatical and vocabulary|with 3-4 grammatical and |presentation with 4 or more |

| |vocabulary errors. |errors. |vocabulary errors. |grammatical and vocabulary |

| | | | |errors. |

|Speaks Clearly |Speaks clearly and distinctly |Speaks clearly and distinctly |Speaks clearly and distinctly|Often mumbles or can not be |

| |all (100-95%) the time, and |all (100-95%) the time, but |most ( 94-85%) of the time. |understood OR mispronounces |

| |mispronounces NO words. |mispronounces 1-2 words. |Mispronounces no more than 3 |more than 3 words. |

| | | |words. | |

|Preparedness |Student is completely prepared|Student seems pretty prepared |The student is somewhat |Student does not seem at all |

| |and has obviously rehearsed. |but might have needed a couple |prepared, but it is clear |prepared to present. |

| | |more rehearsals. |that rehearsal was lacking. | |




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