Spanish II Midterm Study Guide - LCPS

Spanish II Final Study Guide

General Information:

The final exam covers chapters: 8A, 8B, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4A *Note: vocabulary from first semester will also be on your exam.

Multiple choice: 65 questions (50%)

PALS: 1 prompt at random (25%)

Writing: Student writes about 1 topic (25%)

8A – Vacations (libro morado)

|Places to visit on a vacation |

|the museum___________ the place ___________ the country ____________ the city ____________ |

|Things to see on a vacation |

| |

|the tree ____________ the attraction _____________ the birds _______________ |

|Activities to do on a vacation |

|to leave (salgo is “yo” form) ______________ to go by train _____________ we learned __________ |

|the trip _________________ she traveled _______________ I scuba dive ____________________ |

|to sun bathe __________________ |

|Past tense IR/ER verbs |

|On a separate sheet of paper, write all of the endings for IR/ER verbs in the past tense. |

|On a separate sheet of paper, write all of the forms of the verb “to go” in the past tense. |

|On a separate sheet of paper, write all of the forms of the verb “to see” in the past tense. |

| |

|We put the letter _________ between a verb and a person/animal. |


|Indirect Object Pronouns |

|The IOP in Spanish are: ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______ |

| |

|Explain when we use I.O.P. ___________________________________________________________ |

| |

|__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Give an example sentence (in Spanish) when you would need to use an I.O.P |

|__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

| |

|Past tense of DAR and HACER |

|Write all of the conjugations in the past tense for each verb and state what they mean. |

| |

| |

|Dar = to _____________ |

|______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______ |

| |

|Hacer= to _____________ |

|______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______ |

2A –How do you prepare yourself? (libro azul)

|Daily routines using reflexive verbs |

| |

|How can you tell if a verb is reflexive when reading it in a sentence? |

|__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|To bathe oneself _________________________ She goes to bed__________________________ |

|We get up ______________________ I prepare myself ______________________ |

|You get dressed _______________ to put on ________________ I wake up ___________________ |

|I wash my hair _____________________ |

| |

|What do we always write after “antes de” and “después de”? ____________________________ |

|Vocabulary related to getting ready |

| |

|The brush __________________ the shower _______________ the deodorant ___________________ |

|jewelry ______________________ makeup___________________ towel _______________________ |

3A The community (libro azul)

|Where people go in their community: |

|The post office _____________________ mailbox __________________ bank ________________ |

|Dentist/doctor’s office ______________________ sporting good store _________________________ |

|market __________________ |

|What people see or buy in the stores: |

|The stamp ___________________ the letter __________________ the post card _______________ |

|The ball _________________________ tennis racket _____________________ |

|Write an example sentence of how you would use the following irregular verbs in the preterite: |

| |

|Estar-__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Tener-__________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Hacer-____________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Poder-_____________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Ir-________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Ser-_______________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Ver_______________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Dar-______________________________________________________________________________ |

3B – How do you get to…? (libro azul)

|Commands (mandatos) |

|How do we write commands? |

|________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Write all of the irregular commands here: |

|___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ |

|___________ ___________ |

| |

|Go! ______________________ Stop! _____________________ Continue! ____________________ |

|Cross! ____________________ Turn left! ____________________ Get on! ____________________ |

|Get out/off! _____________________ Take the bus! __________________ until _________________ |

|Toward _________________ near _____________________ far ________________________ |

|North _______________ South _________________ East ________________ West _____________ |

|How do you get to _________________________? |

|Things you see while driving: |

| |

|The stop light _______________ the stop sign __________________ the bus stop ________________ |

|The bridge _______________________ the fountain _________________ block ________________ |

|street ___________________ the avenue __________________the building ___________________ |

|Other important words: |

| |

|Already ________________________ |

|Por (write the 5 meanings we’ve learned) _______________________, ______________________, |

|__________________, _______________________, ___________________________ |

4A—When we were children (libro azul)

|Describing what you were like |

|Write two sentences to describe what you were like as a child: |

|1. |

|2. |

|Obedient ____________________ well-behaved _________________ generous _________________ |

|Spoiled ______________________ naughty ___________________ timid ______________________ |

| |

| |

|Activities |

|Write two sentences to describe activities you did as a child: |

|1. |

|2. |

|I used to jump rope ________________________________________________________________ |

|We used to ride a tricycle ____________________________________________________________ |

|I used to go to the daycare center ______________________________________________________ |

|Toys |

|doll _______________________ action figure _____________________ toys _________________ |

|blocks ____________________ |

|Imperfect Tense |

|When do we use the imperfect tense? |

| |

|How is it different than the preterite tense? |

| |

| |

|AR verb endings: ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______ |

| |

|IR/ER verb endings: ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______ |

| |

|The 3 irregulars: |

| |

|“Ver”: ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______ |

| |

|“Ir” ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______ |

| |

|“Ser”______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______ |

Avoid these common mistakes:

1. La familia van a la tienda. (Family is singular-it is one family. La familia va a la tienda is correct.)

2. mixing up present and past tense

3. putting the I.O.P and the D.O.P after the conjugated verb. It goes before the conjugated verb and after the infinitive.

4. Forgetting “a” before a person’s name when they are the D.O

Ex: “I saw John” (Vi a John)

5. If a question has “Uds.” the answer has “nosotros” in it


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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