Spanish 1

Spanish 1

1st quarter plan


1. In the school

-Greet people at different times of the day

-Introduce yourself to others

-Respond to classroom directions

-Begin using numbers

-Tell time

2. Weather

-Describe weather conditions

-Identify seasons

-Compare weather in the northern and southern hemispheres

3. In the class

-Ask questions about new words and phrases

-Use the Spanish alphabet to spell words

-Talk about things related to the calendar

4. All about me

-Talk about activities you like and don’t like to do

-Ask others what they like to do

-Understand cultural perspectives on favorite activities

-Talk about personality traits

-Ask and tell what people are like

-Use adjectives to describe people

-Understand cultural perspectives on friendship



1st quarter plan


First Quarter

Unit I: Tu día escolar (4 weeks)

• Classroom items, activities, and rules

- Describe classroom objects and activities

- Talk about classroom rules

- Express affirmative and negative ideas

- Compare the school rules and customs in other countries with those of your own school

• Extracurricular Activities

- Talk about extracurricular activities

- Compare people and things

- Say what people know/ what they know how to do

- Say with whom or what people are familiar

- Ask/ tell how long something has been going on

- Understand cultural perspectives on extracurricular activities


Unit II: Un evento especial( 5 weeks)

• Daily Routines and Getting Ready for an Event

- Describe getting ready for a special event

- Talk about daily routines

• Describing What You Wear, Pricing

- Describe what you wear for certain events

- Understand differences in sizing

- Describe clothing and fashion

- Talk about going shopping

- Describe events in the past

- Understand the different currencies compared to that of the US


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