Spanish grammar rules cheat sheet


Spanish grammar rules cheat sheet

Im looking to create a sort of cheat sheet that i can put on my wall to read daily. but im a little overwhelmed with all the different tenses and exceptions. could anyone give me some advice on where to start. what would be a great base (im extreme beginner). thanks! Learning the basic grammar of a new language is important -- even if you're studying abroad in an immersion program and also hanging out at the beach or hiking in the rainforest. A language's grammar is the glue that sticks everything together, ensuring clear communication and smooth navigation through social situations. So read on to find out about the five most important rules of grammar in the Spanish language. 1. There are several ways of saying "you" (second person). Standard forms across the board in any Spanish-speaking country include: t? (you singular, informal); usted (you singular, formal) and ustedes (you plural, formal). All these forms are used when addressing both males and females. There also some regional forms of "you" as well. You may hear vos in Costa Rica, Argentina, and other countries as an alternative to the second person singular t?. In addition, you'll hear vosotros/vosotras in Spain to represent the informal plural of "you" (think: "y'all" or "you guys.") 2. Nouns are assigned genders and reflect number. For instance, the beach is "la playa," To visit the beautiful beaches of Costa Rica, though, you would say "las playas de Costa Rica." The word for beach is assigned a feminine gender, which holds true both in the singular and plural. So there are four ways to say "the" in Spanish -- el libro, los libros, la playa, las playas. The definite article "the" merely changes to agree in gender and number with the noun. 3. The verb form reflects the subject of the sentence. This means that bailo, from bailar (to dance), means "I dance." Baila, also from bailar, means "you dance" (formal, singular), "he dances," or "she dances." The -o or -a at the end of the verb forms here reflect the subject and the number (first person singular and third person singular, respectively), but not gender. 4. Subject pronouns are optional. They're used for emphasis or clarity only, since the verb ending at the end of the verb form is doing all the work. For example, a friendly tico may tell you, "Bailas bien." Notice the t? is not used here, because it's clear the person's talking to you. 5. Not all phrases translate word for word. Idiomatic expressions, arguably the most exciting part of a language, reflect historical and social circumstances -- and they're a lot of fun to pick up when you're participating in a Spanish immersion program. The English expression "When pigs fly" is translated into a number of ways in Spanish depending upon the region. One way of translating this common saying is "when frogs grow hair." And the Spanish proverb "No hay peor sordo que el que no quiere o?r" translates word by word as "there is not a worse deaf person than the one who doesn?t want to hear" although the correct expression in English is "There is none so blind as he who will not see". Learn the essentials of grammar at CRLA, Costa Rica's most trusted international language school with over 25 years experience! CRLA provides: Expert teachers from the country's top universities, trained in CRLA's own proven teaching methodology Flexible, customized classes Homeschool program with highly vetted families Cultural courses in dancing and cooking Local excursions Assistance with making independent travel plans Service learning and volunteering options Diverse international student body For more information on how you can learn the basics of Spanish while you go to the beach, travel, and embrace all that Costa Rica has to offer, please contact us. And if you are a teacher, be sure to enroll in a special CRLA language immersion course designed just for teachers. ?Hola! Have you taken up studying Spanish, or are you considering it? You're in good company. There are over 572 million Spanish speakers in the world today, and that number is expected to keep growing. You've probably learned that the rules of grammar are different in Spanish than they are in English. Struggling with the rules? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are ten of the most important Spanish grammar rules to know when you're learning how to speak Spanish. Noun Genders In English, a noun may have a gender (he, she, her, him) but in Spanish, all nouns have a gender. That doesn't mean Spanish speakers think a chair (silla) is female, but the form of the noun is feminine.Unlike English When you combine a noun and an adjective, then they must match. The noun controls the gender used in the sentence. For example, if you wanted to talk about a red chair, it'd be a silla roja. If you wanted to talk about a red bedroom, it'd be a "dormitorio rojo." Take a look at this video below to learn more about noun genders. Pluralization Just like gender, nouns and adjectives must agree in number -- whether they are singular or plural. Unlike in English, you cannot have a singular adjective paired with a plural noun. Using the same examples as above, if you wanted to talk about red chairs, then you would write "sillas rojas." If you wanted to discuss red bedrooms, you write "dormitorios rojos." Contractions Spanish language only has 2 contractions. Unlike English, contractions are not optional in Spanish. Writing "a el" instead of "al" is considered a mistake. Examples: I am going to the gym. Voy al gimnasio (correct) Voy a el gimnasio (incorrect I come from the future. Vengo del futuro (correct) Vengo de el futuro (incorrect) There are a few exceptions, like when the article is part of a noun; for example, the alias "El Chapo", or the country "El Salvador". Examples: The police officer arrested El Chapo's son. El polic?a arrest? al hijo de El Chapo (correct) El polic?a arrest? al hijo del Chapo (incorrect) Juana is from El Salvador. Juana es de El Salvador (correct) Juana es del Salvador (incorrect) Are you confused? If so take a look at the video below which explains it quite nicely. Adjectives Come After Nouns (usually) This will probably feel unnatural to you. In English sentences, we always place the adjectives before the nouns. If you want to write that someone has a green house, you would say that he or she has a "casa verde." This is a very important rule for proper grammar in Spanish, and it's one of the first habits you have to change when learning the language. Don't worry if this all sounds confusing, with time it'll come naturally. This video will help you understand it better! Subject, Verb, Sentence Every proper sentence in Spanish must have a subject and a verb. There is also a proper place for subjects and verbs in a sentence. Begin a sentence with the subject (the person, place, or thing you're talking about). Follow that with the verb, and then the rest of the sentence (where, how, etc). Questions Questions are formed a few different ways in Spanish, just like they are in English. The first way to form a question is to switch the verb and the subject and add a question mark at the end, and an upside down question mark at the front of the sentence. The second way to form a sentence is to add the question marks in writing and to alter your intonation when speaking to emphasize the question aspect. The final way to form a question is to add a question tag after the sentence like "?Verdad?"(Right?) or "?No?" If you wanted to confirm that the chair is red, you would say "La silla es roja. ?Verdad?"(The chair is red. Right?) Verb Conjugation If you're starting a course on the Spanish language, one of the first things you'll learn is how to conjugate verbs in the present tense. Spanish verbs in their non-conjugated form almost always end in -ar, -er, and -ir. These endings are removed when you conjugate them. How you conjugate them depends on the subject of the sentence. Let's conjugate the verbs hablar, aprender, and vivir. There are six possible subjects when you conjugate a verb: I, you (informal), he/she/you-formal, we, you-infomal (plural), and you-formal (plural). Yo (I): Yo hablo (I talk) This is from the verb, "Hablar"(to talk) Yo aprendo (I learn) This is from the verb, "Aprender"(to learn) Yo vivo (I live) This is from the verb, "Vivir"(to live). T? (you-informal): T? hablas (You talk) T? aprendes (You learn) T? vives (You live) ?l/ella/Usted. (he/she/you-formal): ?l/ella/Usted habla ?l/ella/Usted aprende ?l/ella/Usted vive Nosotros (we): Nosotros hablamos Nosotros aprendemos Nosotros vivimos Vosotros (you-informal, plural ? Used Only in Spain): Vosotros = habl?is Vosotros = aprend?is Vosotros viv?s Ellos, ellas, ustedes (they, you-formal plural): Ellos/ ellas/ ustedes hablan Ellos/ ellas/ ustedes aprenden Ellos/ ellas/ ustedes viven The same conjugations apply for all regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. Easy peasy! Adverbs Finally some relief! Adverbs are used the same in Spanish as they are in English. The adverb always follows the verb in Spanish. For example, if you want to say "Jenna reads slowly" you would write "Jenna lee lentamente." So easy! Ser vs. Estar Spanish has two verbs that translate to "to be" in English, but they have different meanings. Ser and estar are irregular verbs (you cannot conjugate them using the rules above). They alter the meaning of a sentence depending on which one you use. It's super important to know the different between the two and use them correctly. Ser is a descriptive verb. Use it to describe a particular quality about a person, place, or thing. For example: ?Soy muy inteligente! (I am very smart!). Estar is used to represent a physical location, feelings, or conditions. For example: Estoy en la casa (I am in the house.). Learn more about Ser vs. Estar in this video... Take the quiz about this post! Check Out Our Blog to Learn More About Spanish Grammar Rules! Learning Spanish grammar rules can seem difficult. Thankfully, with a little practice, it'll become like second nature to you. If you follow these rules you'll be on the fast track to speaking Spanish like a native. Once you get these rules down, you can move on to more advanced things like differences between Spanish spoken in Spain and Spanish spoken in Latin America. When you're done, you can correct everyone in the great debate on the pronunciation of Ibiza! Heading to a Spanish-speaking country soon? Check out these basic phrases to help you get around! Want more help? Check out our blog for more helpful tips about learning Spanish!

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