Basic spanish grammar cheat sheet


Basic spanish grammar cheat sheet

Of Cecie Kraynak Spanish grammar covers a lot of territory. To start writing grammatically correct sentences in the present, you need to know male and female nouns, adjectives, and regular verbs in Spanish. In Spanish grammar, you must be able to distinguish the gender of a noun (male or female) so that you can use the correct sex of any article or adjective that describes it. You can follow some simple guidelines to help you identify the sex of a Spanish noun. Male nouns include the following: Most nouns ending with -o, such as nouns (year) identifying males, such as noni di t?o (uncle) ending in -aje or -ambre, as equipaje (baggage) and alambre (wire) Certain nouns ending in -o -- , as programa (program) and dilemma (dilemma) Days of the week and months of the year Colors used as nouns Language names , rivers, seas and oceans Compound nouns consisting of noun-verb combinations and usually ending in -s, as abrelatas (can open) Female nouns include the following: Most nouns ending in -a, such as , as the nouns hija (daughter) ending with -dad or -tad, such as ciudad (city) and libertad (freedom) Nouns ending in -i.e., -eza, -sis , or -is, as especie (species), riqueza (wealth), tesis (thesis) and sinusitis (sinusitis) Nouns ending in -ci?n, -sion, -tud, or umbre, as canci?n (song) and misi?n (mission) In Spanish grammar, adjectives must agree with names, no matter what: Sex: If a noun is feminine, like muchacha (the girl), the adjective must also be feminine. For example, to talk about a tall girl, you would say the muchacha alta (the tall girl). If the girl has a brother who is also tall, you would say el muchacho tall (the tall guy). Number: If a noun is plural, the adjective must also be plural. For example, to describe a group of tall girls, you would say las muchachas altas. To describe a group of tall boys, you'd say los muchachos altos. Similarly, if a noun is singular, the adjective must also be singular (see the previous point for examples). Below are some general rules on how to make adjectives agree with changing nouns: Like nouns, most adjectives follow the general rule that male adjectives end in -o and pluralize with -s, and female adjectives end in -a and pluralize with -s. Adjectives ending with a consonant, -e, or -ista usually do not have male and female forms, but have singular and plural forms. To make an adjective ending in -e or -ista plural, simply add -s. To make an adjective ending in a plural of consonants, add -es. With some adjectives ending with -dor, -'?n, o -'?n, adds -a to form the feminine, -e.g. to form the male plural, and -as to form the female plural. Here are some other examples of adjectives that agree nouns that modify both gender and number: an examen dif?cil (a difficult exam) an intelligent chica (an intelligent girl) unos peces caros (some expensive fish) unas reglas importantes (some important rules) In Spanish grammar, as in English, verbs are combined to reflect time (when the action has occurred, it is occurring, or will occur) and to agree with the topic in person. To conjugate regular Spanish verbs ending in ?ar, ?er, or ?ir in the present time, you release the ending and add endings to specify the subject (person and number) performing the action. Here's what those endings look like: Verb Infinitive Ending Present Tense Endings -ar -o, -as, -a, -amos, -?is, -an -er -o, -es, -e, -emos, -?is, -en -ir -o, -es, -e, -imos, -?s, -en Here's a conjugation chart for a regular ?ar verb conjugated in the present tense: cantar (to sing) yo canto nosotros/nosotras cantamos t? cantas vosotros/vosotras cant?is ?l/ella/usted canta ellos/ellas/ustedes cantan Here's a conjugation chart for a regular -er verb conjugated in the present tense: beber (to drink) yo bebo nosotros/nosotras bebemos t? bebes vosotros/vosotras beb?is ?l/ella/usted bebe ellos/ellas/ustedes beben Here's a conjugation chart for a regular -ir verb conjugated in the present tense: vivir (to live) yo vivo nosotros/nosotras vivimos t? vives vosotros/vosotras viv?s ?l/ella/usted vive ellos/ellas/ustedes viven Masculine Vs. Feminine Nouns Today we're giving you a simple cheat sheet to help you start writing grammatically correct , and also providing with tips to help overcome those difficult parts of Spanish. These tips can be used as a guide for when you need to make sure that you are choosing the correct male or female noun when writing a sentence. It is very common to feel uncertain when writing about specific things in Spanish, especially when it comes to words ending with O or A and adding the correct article, which could be el or la. How can you say a male noun from a female noun in Spanish? Read on to see our simple list of differences between male and female nouns and their endings. Male nouns can follow, but are not limited to, these rules: 1. Colors that are used as nouns are male 2. The days of the week and the months of the year are male 3. Nouns ending in later finals would have el in front of them ? Ama ? Ema ? Ma ? Aje ? E ? A consonant other than d or z 5. Almost every noun ending in O is masculine, although there are some exceptions, such as: ? Hand 6. Nouns that are words to males are masculine, such as: ? First (cousin with one or means boy cousin) ? Hermano ? T?o ? Amigo (friend with one or means he is a boy) 7. Nouns ending with the following endings are also ? Or ? A female noun may follow, but it is not limited to, these rules: 1. Nouns ending in A are almost always feminine even if there are some exceptions, such as: ? El d'a 2. Nouns ending in subsequent finals female: ? Ci?n ? Zion ? Tud ? Umbre ? D ? 3. Nouns ending with the following endings can also be feminine: ? Ie ? Eza ? Sis ? Itis ? Dad ? Tad 4. Nouns that are words for females are feminine, such as: ? Hermana ? T?a ? Amiga ? First here are some examples regarding the correct use of nouns: LA cervE-a east, beer is cold LA liberTAD es a derecho humano ? freedom is a human right Yo s? cu?l es EL problEMA ? I know what the problem is Necesito facturar El equipAJE en el aeropuerto ? I need to check my suitcase at the airport Now it's your turn to try to use some of the rules from this makeup sheet to create your own sentences. This is a perfect opportunity to talk to your Spanish teacher and practice using your nouns. Spanish Coffee Shop is located in Cincinnati Ohio and offers Spanish language courses in the area. If you don't live in Cincinnati, don't worry, we also offer Skype sessions so you don't miss a beat. HSA offers Spanish programs for all ages. Schedule classes on any day of the week ? you can take them yourself, or share a class and save money! If we do it easy to learn at your own pace. LEARN MORE > Related Tags: Vocab Language Vocabulary Cheat Hablar Time and Moods Cheat Sheetcb11624 Jul 16Unidad 2 Lecci?n 1 Cheat Sheet[deleted]17 Jan 19Education Cheat SheetsTop Tags in EducationArtsSTEMLanguages Cheatography fem. Masc. the (sg.)laelthe (pl.) laslosa (sg.)unauna (pl.) unasunosel perro, la perra, los perros, las perras. El gato, la gata, los gatos, las gatas. HABLARyohablot-hablasella/?lhablanosotras/oshablamosvosotras/oshablaisellas/os ustedeshablanThe phrase confirmed: Negative sentence: yo no hablo espa-ol bien... Question phrase: a) [intonation] b) - Hablas t s? espa?ol? ['inversion'] estudiar, viajar, comprar, trabajar, necesitar, pagar, bailar, cocinar, desayunar, almorzar, cenar, tomar BEBERyobebot-besella/?lbebenosotras/osbebemosvosotras/osbeisellas/os ustedesbebenComer, leer, creer, correr, aprender, deber, comprender, vender VIVIRyovivotvivesella/?lvivenosotras/osvivimosvosotras/osvivisellas/os ustedesviven Yo vivo en Barcelona. Y vosotros, do you live on nde? [Escribir]: She escribes a correo electr?nico para sus amigos. permitir, abrir, recibir, asistir a, existir, sufrir, decidir, unir, partir afterdespu?s del Tsunami de Fukushimabeforeantes de la llegada de King KongandYo y t'.orYo o mi fortuna?thatPienso que el boleto es muy carothat's whyes por eso que quiero ir a Madridtopara aprender, hay que conversar! thenentonces fui a Madriduntilhasta que lleguen las lluviassincedesde que aprend... because You love porque tienes mucho dinero! Conjunctions are good for conversations, combining different phrases/ideas smoothly. He gave the letter to... meElla me god the cardyouElla I give you the cartahim / herElla the god the gave us the os dio la cartathemElla les dio la cartaDirect objects answer questions to/from whom?. Example: I give the card to Pedro (He gave the letter to Pedro ) 1) I give her the card. ( le (I.O.P) replaces Pedro ) 2) the card is the D.O. It would be replaced by the. 3) BUT you cannot line up two pronouns that start with L. It is then replaced by ifs. The final sentence is: She is the god. iyoyout-hehehelsheella masc. Fem. wenosotrosnosotrasyous-all (Spain)vosotrosvosotrasthey / you-allellosellasVosotros is most often used in Spain. Ustedes is mostly used in Latin America. Ind Obj Pronto memegusta (sg)gustan (pl)to youtea lui/lei[A ella/?l] leto usnosto you-allosto them[A ellas/os] lesMi like red apple. Do you all like green apples? - I enjoy manzana roja. (sg) -Os gustan las manzanas verdes?? (pl) Un ella le gustan los libros. Yo prefiero los video-juegos Other verbs back: doler, aburrir, agrada, encantar, fascinar. SerEstaryosoyestoyt-derest'sella/?lesest'losotras/ossomosestamosvosotras/ossoisestaisellas/os - ustedessonestanSer - permanent essence, profession, nationality Yo soy de Nueva ?elanda Yo soy peluquera Estar: temporary. Mood, position. yo estoy en Paris. Yo estoy feliz. unooncedosdocetrestrececuatrocatocincoquinceseisdiecissietediecisieteochodieciochonuevediecinuevediezveinte Haber (aux to have)Hacer (to do/do)yohehagothashacesella/?lhacenosotras/oshemoshacemosvosotras/oshab?ishac?isellas/oshanhacenHaber is very useful for creating phrases about the past, easily with the past pasticiple of the accompanying verb. For example yo he comido Paella la semana pasada Participio passato: hablado, comido, vivid, special: escrito, visto, hecho. mymimisyourtutushis/hersususournuestronuestrosour (fem.) nuestranuestrasyour (pl.) vuestrovuestrastheirsusmi perro/a, mis gatos/as, mi casa es su casa. Nuestra casa es muy linda. QuererPoderTeneryoquieropuedotengotquierespuedestienesella/?lquierepuedetienenosotras/osqueremospodemostenemosvosotras/osquereispodeisteneisellas/os - ustedesquierenpuedentienene -> ie (1st, 2nd, 3rd single and third person plural) or -> ue ((1st, 2nd, 3rd singular and 3rd person plural) WhatQu? es es eso? DoveD'nde est?n la estaci?n de tren? Where...? De d'nde eres [t?]? When... Dime I cook, cook, cook... WhichCu?l (sg) / Cuoles (pl)HowC?mo if dice...? Why doesPor qu? te enjoy Madrid? Why la vida es as'.quantocunto cuesta...? how many of them? veinte (20)veintiuno, veintidos, veintitres... treinta (30)treintiuno, treintidos, ... cuarenta (40)cuarentiuno, cuarentidos, ... cincuenta (50)cincuentiuno, cincuentidos, ... sesenta (60)sesentiuno, sesentidos, ... setenta (70)setentiuno, setentidos, ... ochenta (80)ochentiuno, ochentidos, ... noventa (90)noventiuno, noventidos, ... cien (100)ciento one, ciento dos, ... yovoytvasella/?lvanosotras/osvamosvosotras/osvaisellas/osvanExamples: yo voy a Barcelona Vamos a srich (I'm going to Barclona) Using ir following an infinity is an easy way to create a tense future: b) yo voy a cocinar Chicken esta noche (I'm going to cook chicken tonight) She loves meElla me amaShe loves youElla te amaHe loves herElla la amaHe loves himElla loves himHe loves usElla nos amaShe loves te-allElla os amaShe loves themElla los/las amaDirect Object pronomi replaces the direct object. Note that, in English, you don't say you love me, but you love me: direct objects answer questions Who? What is that? Spanish grammar languages basics We have compensated for our use of carbon with Ecologists. Click on the link below to help us! ;> 3 pages // download will start automatically in 5 seconds. Close seconds. Close

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