
|SPEECH AND LANGUAGE TESTS - Articulation/Phonology/Fluency |

|Name of Test, Author, Publisher, Date |Age Range |Description |Types of Scores/Data |Computer Scored Yes/No |

|Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation – 2nd |2:0 - 21:11 years |Provides information about a child’s |-Standard scores |No |

|Edition (GFTA-2) | |articulation ability by sampling both |-Percentile ranks | |

| | |spontaneous and imitative sound |-Age equivalents | |

|Goldman and Fristoe | |production. | | |

|Pearson 2000 | | | | |

|Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns |2 years to any age, if |Designed for children with highly |-Ability scores |Yes |

|- 3rd Edition (HAPP-3) |intelligibility is an |unintelligible children. |-Percentiles | |

| |issue | |-Severity rating |Computerized or manual scoring|

|Barbara Williams Hodson | | |-% of occurrence of basic | |

|Pro-Ed 2004 |Normative data 3:0 - 8:0 | |phonological patterns |Software located at several |

| |years | | |schools within the district. |

|Photo Articulation Test – 3rd Edition |3:0 – 8:11 years |Designed to enable clinicians to rapidly |-Standard scores |No |

|(PAT-3) | |and accurately assess and interpret |-Percentiles | |

| | |articulation errors. |-Age equivalents | |

|Lippke, Dickey, Selmar, & Soder | | | | |

|Pro-Ed 1997 | | | | |

|Stuttering Severity Instrument -4th Edition|2:10 and up |Measures stuttering severity in both |Scaled scores for frequency, |Yes |

|(SSI-4) | |children and adults in four areas: |duration and physical | |

| | |frequency, duration, physical concomitants|concomitants |Computerized or manual scoring|

|Glyndon D. Riley | |and naturalness of speech | | |

|Pro-Ed 2009 | | | | |


|Name of Test, Author, Publisher, Date |Age Range |Description |Types of Scores/Data |Computer Scored Yes/No |

|Clinical Evaluation of Language |5:0 – 21:11 years |A comprehensive battery of tests to assess|-Core Language Score |No |

|Fundamentals – 5 (CELF-5) | |language. |-Index scores | |

| | |Now includes an assessment of pragmatics |-Standard scores | |

| | |and written language. |-Percentile ranks | |

|Semel, Wiig, & Secord | | |-Age equivalents | |

|Pearson 2013 | | |-Growth scale values for the | |

| | | |Pragmatic Profile | |

|Test of Language Development – Primary: 4th|4:0 – 8:11 years |Assesses spoken language proficiency in |-Composite quotients |No |

|Edition (TOLD-P:4) | |young children. |-Standard scores | |

| | | |-Percentiles | |

|Newcomer & Hammill | | |-Age Equivalents | |

|Pro-Ed 2008 | | | | |

|Test of Language Development – |8:0 – 17:11 years |Assesses spoken language proficiency in |-Composite quotients |No |

|Intermediate: 4th Edition (TOLD-I:4) | |older children |-Standard scores | |

| | | |-Percentile ranks | |

|Hammill & Newcomer | | |-Age equivalents | |

|Pro-Ed 2008 | | | | |

|Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language|3:0 – 21:11 years |Evaluates oral language ability - auditory|-Standard scores |No |

|(CASL) | |comprehension, oral expression and |-Percentile ranks | |

| | |retrieval. |-Age Equivalents | |

|Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk | | | | |

|Pro-Ed 1999 | | | | |


|Name of Test, Author, Publisher, Date |Age Range |Description |Types of Scores/Data |Computer Scored Yes/No |

|Test of Word Finding – 2nd Edition (TWF-2) |4:0 - 12.11 years |An assessment of children’s word-finding |-Standard Scores |No |

| | |skills based on accuracy and speed. |-Percentile ranks | |

|Diane J. German | | |-Word finding quotient | |

|Pro-Ed 2000 | | | | |

|Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding |12:0 - 80 years |A deep assessment of adolescent and adult |-Standard scores |No |

|(TAWF) | |word finding difficulties; assessing both |-Percentile ranks | |

| | |accuracy and speed in naming. |-Grade standards for item | |

|Diane J. German | | |response time | |

|Pro-Ed, 1990 | | | | |

|The Token Test for Children – 2nd Edition |3:0-12:11 years |Assesses receptive language by providing |-Standard scores |No |

|(TTFC-2) | |linguistic commands to the child who then |-Percentile ranks | |

| | |responds by manipulating tokens. |-Age equivalents | |

|McGhee, Ehrler & DiSimoni | | | | |

|Pro-Ed 2007 | | | | |

|Expressive Vocabulary Test – 2nd Edition |2:6 – 90+ years |Assesses expressive vocabulary. |-Age and grade based standard |No |

|(EVT-2) | |Designed to coordinate with the PPVT-4. |scores | |

| | | |-Percentile ranks | |

|Kathleen T. Williams | | |-Age and grade equivalents | |

|Pearson 2007 | | | | |

|Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test – 4TH |2.6 - 90+ years |Assesses receptive vocabulary. |-Age and grade based standard |No |

|Edition (PPVT-4) | |Co-normed with the EVT-2. |Scores | |

| | | |-Percentile ranks | |

|Dunn & Dunn | | |-Age and grade equivalents | |

|Pearson 2007 | | | | |

|Test of Narrative Language (TNL) |5.0 – 11.11 years |Measures how well children use language in|-Standard scores |No |

| | |narrative discourse and their ability to |-Percentile ranks | |

|Gillam and Pearson | |answer literal and inferential questions |- Index of Narrative Language | |

|Pro-Ed 2004 | | |Ability | |


|Name of Test, Author, Publisher, Date |Age Range |Description |Types of Scores/Data |Computer Scored Yes/No |

|Boehm Test of Basic Concepts – 3rd Edition |Grades K-2 |An assessment of 50 basic concepts most |-Percentiles and performance |No |

|(Boehm-3) | |frequently used in K, 1st, and 2nd grade |ranges | |

| | |classrooms. |-Separate norms for Fall and | |

|Ann E. Boehm | | |Spring | |

|Pearson 2000 | |*Normed in both English and Spanish | | |

|Boehm Test of Basic Concepts – 3rd Edition |3:0 – 5:11 years |An assessment of 26 basic concepts |-Percentiles by 6 month age |No |

|Preschool (Boehm-3 Preschool) | |relevant to preschool and early childhood |bands | |

| | |curriculum. | | |

|Ann E. Boehm | | | | |

|Pearson 2001 | |*Normed in both English and Spanish | | |

|Preschool Language Scale – 5th Edition |Birth through 7:11 years|A comprehensive developmental language |-Standard scores |No |

|(PLS-5) | |assessment with items that range from |-Growth scores | |

| | |pre-verbal, interaction-based to emerging |-Percentile ranks | |

|Zimmerman, Steiner & Pond | |language to early literacy. |-Age equivalents | |

|Pearson 2011 | | | | |

|Clinical Evaluation of Language |3:0 – 6:11 years |A comprehensive language evaluation |-Core Language Score |No |

|Fundamentals Preschool – 2nd Edition (CELF | |providing in-depth information about |-Index scores | |

|Preschool -2) | |semantics, morphology and syntax. |-Standard scores | |

| | | |-Percentile ranks | |

|Wiig, Secord & Semel | | |-Age equivalents | |

|Pearson 2004 | | |-Growth scores | |

|Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test|Birth – 3 |Designed to help identify infants and |-Standard scores |No |

|– 3rd Edition (REEL-3) | |toddlers who have language impairments or |- Percentile ranks | |

| | |who have other disabilities that affect |-Age equivalents | |

|Bzoch, League & Brown | |language development. | | |

|Pro-Ed 2003 | | | | |


|Name of Test, Author, Publisher, Date |Age Range |Description |Types of Scores/Data |Computer Scored Yes/No |

|Preschool Language Scale - 5th Edition |Birth – 7:11 years |A dual-language assessment to determine if|-Standard scores |No |

|Spanish (PLS-5 Spanish) | |a child has age appropriate communication |-Percentile ranks | |

| | |skills regardless of the language used |-Growth scale values | |

|Zimmerman, Steiner & Pond | |during testing. |-Age equivalents | |

|Pearson 2012 | | | | |

| | |Monolingual Spanish speakers: administer | | |

| | |in Spanish only | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Bilingual Spanish-English speakers: | | |

| | |administer first in Spanish, then | | |

| | |re-administer incorrect items in English | | |

|Clinical Evaluation of Language |5:0 – 21:11 years |A standardized language measure |-Core Language Score |No |

|Fundamentals - 4th Edition Spanish (CELF-4| |administered in Spanish. |-Index scores | |

|Spanish) | | |-Standard scores | |

| | |A parallel (not translated) measure to the|-Percentile ranks | |

|Semel, Wiig & Secord Pearson 2006 | |CELF-4 English. |-Age equivalents | |

|Spanish Language Assessment Procedures-3rd|3:0 – 8:0 years |A criterion-referenced measure, |Criterion-referenced scores |No |

|Edition (SLAP) | |administered in Spanish, which provides | | |

| |May be used with older |information regarding a child’s listening,| | |

|Larry J. Mattes |children who demonstrate|speaking, verbal reasoning and pragmatic | | |

|Academic Communication Associates 1995 |significant delays. |language skills. | | |

| | | | | |


|Name of Test, Author, Publisher, Date |Age Range |Description |Types of Scores/Data |Computer Scored Yes/No |

|Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test|2:0 – 70+ |A standardized assessment of the combined |-Standard scores |No |

|- 4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition | |Spanish/English comprehension of single |-Percentile ranks | |

|(ROWPVT-4:SBE) | |word vocabulary |-Age equivalents | |

| | | | | |

|Academic Therapy Publications 2001 | |The test can be administered in either | | |

| | |Spanish, English, or both languages. | | |

|Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary |2:0 – 70+ |A standardized assessment of the combined |-Standard scores |No |

|Test - 4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition | |Spanish/English speaking vocabulary. |-Percentile ranks | |

|(EOWPVT-4:SBE) | | |-Age equivalents | |

| | |The test can be administered in either | | |

|Academic Therapy Publications 2001 | |Spanish, English or both languages and the| | |

| | |individual is given the opportunity to | | |

| | |respond in either language. | | |

|Boehm Test of Basic Concepts – 3rd Edition|Grades K – 2 |See page 4 for descriptions of both tests.|See page 4. |No |

|(Boehm-3) | | | | |

| | |Both are normed in both English and | | |

|Boehm Test of Basic Concepts – 3rd Edition|3:0 – 5:11 years |Spanish. | | |

|Preschool (Boehm-3 Preschool) | | | | |

|Contextual Probes of Articulation |Norm-Referenced 3:0 to |Assesses Spanish articulation and |-Standard scores |Yes |

|Competence – Spanish (CPAC-S) |8:11 years |phonology skills. |-Percentile ranks | |

| | | | |Computerized or manual scoring|

|Goldstein & Iglesias |Criterion-referenced |Includes word lists as probes for all |For all ages: | |

|Super Duper Publications 2006 |PK-adult populations |Spanish phonemes and common phonological |-Percent correct: words, | |

| | |processes to assess stimulability and plan|consonants, syllable initial | |

| | |for therapy |and syllable final consonants | |


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