Dale April Koike - University of Texas at Austin

Dale April Koike

Curriculum Vitae


Work Address:

Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese

150 W. 21st St.—B3700

Austin, TX 78712 tel: (512) 232-4508

e-mail: d.koike@austin.utexas.edu


1982 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

Ph.D., Romance linguistics. Minor: Teaching English as a Second Language. Dissertation: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Infinitive in Colloquial Brazilian Portuguese. Director: John Bergen.

1974 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

M.A., Spanish and Spanish-American literature/linguistics

1972 California State University, Los Angeles

B.A., Spanish

1970-71 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (California State Colleges Junior Year Abroad Program)


University of Texas, Austin

2005- Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

1992-04 Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

1985-92 Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

North Carolina State University, Raleigh

1982-85 Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

University of California, Santa Barbara

1980-82 Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese (training and supervision of TAs, coordination of lower-division language program, curriculum development)

Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1977 Lecturer. Seminar on Second Language Pedagogy, November

1979 Lecturer, 35th Annual Seminar for Teachers of English, July

Feedback Language School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1977-78 Teacher (English as a Second Language)

1978 Advanced Writing Course Director, January-April

Albuquerque Public Schools, Albuquerque 1977 Teacher (Beginning Spanish for Teachers, Bilingual, Multi-Cultural Program), June and July

University of New Mexico

1972-77 Teaching Assistant for Spanish

1976-77 Intermediate Spanish Course Coordinator

1976-77 Field-tester for Houghton-Mifflin project

University of New Mexico

1977 AID Latin American Project Instructor of English as a Second Language to visiting Bolivian educators

1977 Language laboratory assistant

University of New Mexico

1974 Teaching Assistant, Linguistics


Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Social Interaction, Language Testing, Heritage Language Speaker/Learner; Multilingualism in Communities

Languages: Spanish and Portuguese.



First, second, and third-year Spanish language classes

Advanced Spanish Conversation

Advanced Spanish Composition

Spanish Practical Phonetics

Linguistics and the Spanish Learner

Spanish Applied Linguistics

Senior seminar on Spanish Morphology and Dialectology

Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

Introduction to Language and Linguistics in Society

Conference courses for Study Abroad students

Advanced Oral and Written Expression for Teachers

First-year Portuguese

Introduction to Linguistics and Society

Spanish Language in Context

Spanish Sociolinguistics

Introduction to Language and Society in Portuguese


Introduction to Spanish Second Language Acquisition

Second Language Acquisition in Spanish—Parts I and II

Spanish Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics

Supervised Teaching of Spanish

Interaction and Second Language Acquisition

Pragmatics and Discourse in Second Language Acquisition

Heritage Language Learner

Pragmatic Variation

Multilingualism in Communities

Heritage Languages: Speakers and Learners


2020 Salvatore Callesano, “Perceptual Dialectology, Mediatization, and Idioms: Exploring Communities in Miami.”

2019 Erika Burt, “Development of Interactional Competence in Spanish-language Service Learning”

2019 Vivian Flanzer, “The Pragmatics of Greetings and Leave-takings in Brazil and the United States: A Cross-cultural Study”

2018 Jesse Abing, “Language Coaching for Learners of Spanish as a Heritage Language: Novice-Expert Interactions via Videoconference”

2018 Hyunjee Yoon, "Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake in Spanish Heritage and Second Language Learner Interaction"

2017 Jeff Michno, “Nicaragua y ¿vos, tú, o usted? Pronoun Use and Identity Construction in an Area of Recent Linguistic and Cultural Contact”

2014 Arthur Wendorf, “El Mundo de Comida: The Relative Effectiveness of Digital Game Feedback and Classroom Feedback in Helping Students Learn Spanish Food Vocabulary”

2014 Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch, “The Effect of Metatalk on L2 Spanish Vocabulary Development”

2013 Rachel Showstack, “Ideology and Identity in Spanish Heritage Language Classroom Discursive Practices”

2013 Robert Sauveur, “Emergence of Comprehension of Spanish Second Language Requests”

2013 Jocelly Meiners, “Sympathy and Compassion in Spanish and English: Cross-cultural and Interlanguage Perspectives on Emotional Expression”

2012 Ricardo Gualda, “The Discourse of Hugo Chávez in ‘Aló Presidente’: Establishing the Bolivarian Revolution through Television Performance.”

2012 Cory Lyle, “The Co-Emergence of Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition: A Dynamical Systems Perspective on Metacognition.”

2011 Karyn Rayburn, “Linguistic Humor Comprehension in Spanish as a Second Language.”

2010 Patxi Laskurain, “Information Structure and Mood Distribution in Spanish Noun Complements.”

2010 Lori Czerwionka, “Mitigation in Spanish Discourse: Social and Cognitive Motivations, Linguistic Analyses, and Effects on Interaction and Interlocutors.”

2008 Alfonso Abad-Mancheño, “A Study of the Effect of Study Abroad and the Homestay on the Development of Linguistic and Interactional Practices by Spanish L2 Learners.”

2007 Abigail Dings, “Developing Interactional Competence in a Second Language: A Case Study of a Spanish Language Learner.”

2006 María Mayberry, “Listening Comprehension in the Foreign Language Classroom: The Cognitive Receptive Processes in the Development of Spanish Phonological Perception”

2005 Jerome Mwinyelle, “The Acquisition of Pragmatic Competence in an L2 Classroom: Giving Advice in Spanish”

2004 Malia LeMond, “Synchronous Computer-Mediated Team-Based Learning in the Spanish Foreign Language Classroom”

2004 Theodore Jobe, “Challenge Sequence Tellings: A Case Study Analysis of Storytelling in Spanish”

2003 Catherine Buscemi. “The Effects of Computer Assisted Language Learning on the Second Language Acquisition of Spanish Verb Morphology”

2003 Rebecca Bearden, “Chatting in a Foreign Language: An Interactional Study of Spanish Oral versus Computer-assisted Discussion in Native Speaker and Non- native Learner Dyads”

2002 Caryn Witten, “The Effects of Input Enhancement and Interactive Video Viewing on the Development of Pragmatic Awareness and Use in the Beginning Spanish L2 Classroom”

2002 Danny Jo Smith, “Patterns of Variation in Spanish/English Bilingualism in Northeast Georgia”

2001 Lynn Pearson, “Pragmatics in Foreign Language Teaching: The Effects of Instruction on L2 Learner’s Acquisition of Spanish Expressions of Gratitude, Apologies, and Directives”

2001 Peggy Patterson, “A Link between Real-time Synchronous Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Second Language Acquisition”

2000 Christina Isabelli, “Motivation and Extended Interaction in the Study Abroad Context: Factors in Spanish Language Acquisition” (published)

1999 Karol Hardin, “Pragmatics in Persuasive Discourse of Spanish Television Advertising” (published)

1999 Joy Saunders, “Null and Overt References in Spanish Second Language Acquisition: A Discourse Perspective”

1998 Jeffrey Reeder, “An Acoustic Description of the Acquisition of Spanish Phonetic Detail by Adult English Speakers”

1998 Amy Gregory, “A Discourse-Pragmatic Analysis of Indicative and Subjunctive Mood Use in Costa Rican Spanish”

1997 Karina Collentine (co-chaired with Tom Garza), “The Effect of Authentic and Simulated-Authentic Video Materials on the Listening Comprehension Skills of Foreign Language Students of Spanish”

1996 Junko Baba, “A Study of Interlanguage Pragmatics: Compliment Responses by Learners of Japanese and English as a Second Language” (published)

1996 Robert Vann (co-chaired with Keith Walters), “Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects of an Emergent Language Variety: The Construction of Catalan Spanish Deictic Expressions”

1995 Ruth Westfall (co-chaired with Carlota Smith), “Simple and Progressive Forms of the Spanish Past Tense System: A Semantic and Pragmatic Study in Viewpoint Contrast”

1994 Masanori Kimura (co-chaired with Elaine Horwitz), “Analysis of Confusion in the Use of the Third-person Singular Pronouns in Oral English of Adult Japanese ESL Learners”

1993 Joseph Collentine. “Subjunctive Development in Intermediate Foreign Language Students of Spanish”

1993 Judith Liskin-Gasparro (co-chaired with Elaine Horwitz), “Talking about the Past: An Analysis of the Discourse of Intermediate High and Advanced Level Speakers of Spanish” (Winner of the ACTFL Berkmaier Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Foreign Language Education 1993)

1992 Frances Sweeney, “Foreign Language Communicative Competence and Writing Development: A Comparison of the Speech and Writing Acquisition of Beginning Foreign Language Learners”

1990 Nina Furry, “Explorations in Extra-Textual Space: Reading Comprehension in a Foreign Language.”

1990 Dianne Hobbs, “Gender Differences in Issuing Directives in Mexican Spanish”



Koike, Dale. 1992. Language and Social Relationship in Brazilian Portuguese: The Pragmatics of Politeness. Austin, TX: The University of Texas Press. Pp. 178.


Koike, Dale, and César Félix-Brasdefer (eds.). 2020. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics. London: Routledge. Pp. 650.

Koike, Dale, and Carl Blyth (eds.). 2015. Dialogue in Communities. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Félix-Brásdefer, César, and Dale Koike (eds.). 2012. Pragmatic Variation in First and Second Language Contexts: Methodological Issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp. 335. Also co-authored introductory and final chapters.

Koike, Dale, and Lidia Rodríguez-Alfano (eds.). 2010. Dialogue in Spanish: Studies in Functions and Contexts. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp. 324. Also co-authored introductory and final chapters.

Koike, Dale (ed.). 2003. La co-construcción del significado en el español de las Américas: acercamientos discursivos. Toronto: University of Ottawa/Legas Press. Pp. 111.

Koike, Dale, and Mark Carpenter (eds.). 1998. Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition from Spanish. A special edition of Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education. Austin, TX: Center for Foreign Language Education Studies. Pp. 172.

Koike, Dale, and Donaldo Macedo (eds.). 1992. Romance Linguistics: The Portuguese Context. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey. Pp. 200.

Koike, Dale, and Antonio R. Simões (eds.). 1989. Negotiating for Meaning: Papers on Foreign Language Teaching and Testing. Austin, TX: Center for Foreign Language Education Studies. Pp. 132.


Koike, Dale A. and Carol Klee. 2013. Lingüística aplicada: adquisición del español como segunda lengua. 2nd ed. (1st ed. 2002). New York: Wiley. Pp. 272.

Biron, Christina Makara, and Dale A. Koike. 1994. Puntos de vista: conversación. Boston: Heinle and Heinle. Pp. 212.

Jackson, Elizabeth K., and Dale A. Koike. 1994. Vamos ao Brasil: Exploratory Portuguese Language and Culture for Middle School Students. Austin: Institute of Latin American Studies. Pp. 133.

In progress: Koike, Dale, Manel Lacorte, María Mayberry, Lynn Pearson. (projected publication date: 2021). Expectativas..


1. Koike, Dale, and Lynn Pearson. 2020. “La adquisición de la competencia pragmática L2.” Ch. 37. In M. Victoria Escandell-Vidal, José Amenós Pons, and Aoife Ahern (eds.), Pragmática. Madrid: Akal.

2. Koike. Dale. forthcoming. Pragmática e interculturalidad en la adquisición del español como L2. ASELE.

3. Koike, Dale. 2020. Research methods for pragmatics study and “Introduction.” In Dale Koike and César Félix-Brasdefer (eds.), The Routledge Handbook for Spanish Pragmatics. 567-582 (and 1-12). London: Routledge.

4. Koike, Dale, and Lynn Pearson. 2018. "Pragmatics." In Javier Muñoz Basols, Elisa Gironzetti, and Manel Lacorte (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: Metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2, eds. 348-361. London: Routledge.

5. Koike, Dale. 2017. “Os frames culturais na fala: Expectativas para a (des)cortesia.” In Ana Lúcia Tinoco Cabral, Isabel Roboredo Seara, e Manoel Francisco Guaranha (eds.), Descortesia e Cortesia: Expressão de Culturas. 57-92. São Paulo: Editora Cortez.

6. Koike, Dale. 2017. “Theory and Practice.” In Edda Weigand (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Dialogue. 251-263. New York and London: Routledge.

7. Koike, Dale, and Jennifer Witte. 2017. “Spanish Corpus Proficiency Level Website and Corpus: An Open Source, Online Resource for Corpus Linguistics Studies.” In Margarita Alonso-Ramos (ed.), Spanish Learner Corpus Research. Current trends and future perspectives. 169-197. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

8. Koike, Dale, and Carl Blyth. 2015. “Introduction: Dialogue in multilingual and multimodal communities of practice.” In Dale Koike and Carl Blyth (eds.), Dialogue in Multilingual and Multimodal Communities, 1-22. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

9. Koike, Dale. 2015. “Changing frames in native speaker and learner talk.” In Dale Koike and Carl Blyth (eds.), Dialogue in Multilingual and Multimodal Communities, 253-285. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

10. Koike, Dale, and Lori Czerwionka. 2015. “El diálogo.” In Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (ed.), Enciclopedia de lingüística hispánica, 405-418. London: Routledge.

11. Félix-Brasdefer, J. César, and Dale Koike. 2014. “Perspectives on Spanish Second Language Acquisition from Pragmatics and Discourse.” In Manel Lacorte (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics, 25-48. Abingdon, Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis.

12. Blyth, Carl, and Dale Koike. 2014. “Interactional Frames and Construction Grammar.” In Stacey Katz and Lindsey Myers (eds.), Linguistic Perspectives on Structure and Context. 87-108. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

13. Koike, Dale. 2012. “Variation in NS-learner Interactions: Frames and Expectations in Pragmatic Co-construction.” In Cesar Félix-Brasdefer and Dale Koike (eds.). (2012). Pragmatic Variation in First and Second Language Contexts: Methodological Issues. 175-208. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Also co-authored introductory and final chapters.

14. Koike, Dale, and Memoria James. 2012. “El análisis de conversación: una metodología y herramienta linguistica.” In Mercedes Niño-Murcia and Susana de los Heros (eds.), Fundamentos y modelos del estudio pragmático y sociopragmático del español. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

15. Rodríguez Alfano, Lidia, and Dale Koike. 2010. “Marcadores de identidad en conversaciones espontáneas en el español de la frontera.” Perspectivas dialógicas en estudios del lenguaje. 95-124. Monterrey, Mexico: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.

16. Koike, Dale. 2010. “Behind L2 Pragmatics: The Role of Expectations.” In D. Koike, and L. Rodríguez-Alfano (eds.), Dialogue in Spanish: Studies in Functions and Contexts. 257-282. Netherlands: John Benjamins.

17. Koike, Dale, and Ricardo Gualda. 2008. “The Effect of Explicit or Implicit

Teaching of Grammatical Form in Portuguese as a Third Language: Noticing and

Transfer.”  In Lyris Wiedemann and Matilde Scaramucci (eds.), Português para Falantes de Espanhol. Aquisição e Ensino. Artigos Selectionados Escritos em Português e Inglês / Portuguese for Spanish Speakers: Acquisition and Teaching. Selected Articles Written in Portuguese and English. 47-68. Campinas, SP, Brazil: Editora Pontes.

18. Koike, Dale. 2005. “La alineación en el marco de un modelo dinámico de la cortesía verbal.” In Jorge Murillo Medrano (ed.), Actas del 2º Coloquio Internacional del Programa EDICE (Estudios de la Cortesía en Español). 319-342. Stockholm-Costa Rica: Programa EDICE-Universidad de Costa Rica.

19. Koike, Dale A., and Vivian Flanzer. 2004. “Pragmatic Transfer from Spanish to Portuguese as an L3: Requests and Apologies.” In Antônio Simões, Lyris Wiedemann, and Ana Carvalho (eds.), Portuguese for Spanish Speakers: Acquisition and Teaching/ Português para falantes de espanhol: Acquisição e Ensino. 95-114. São Paulo: Editora Pontes.

20. Koike, Dale, Lynn Pearson, and Caryn Witten. 2003. “Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis in Spanish Second Language Acquisition Research.” In Barbara Lafford and Rafael Salaberry (eds.), Spanish Second Language Acquisition: The State of the Science. 160-185. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

19. Koike, Dale. 2003. “La co-construcción del significado en español: elementos pragmáticos de la interacción dialógica.” In Dale A. Koike (ed.), La co-construcción del significado en el español de las Américas: acercamientos discursivos. 11-23. Toronto: University of Ottawa/Legas Press. (also "Prefacio", pp. 7-11).

20. Vann, Robert, Joan Busquets, and Dale Koike. 2002. “Spanish no, sí: A Particle of Politeness.” In Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (ed.), From Words to Discourse. Trends in Spanish Semantics and Pragmatics. 337-349. Berlin: Elsevier Science.

21. Koike, Dale. 1998. “What Happens When There's No One to Talk to? Spanish Foreign Language Discourse in Oral Proficiency Interviews.” In Richard Young and Agnes He (eds.), Talking and Testing: Discourse Approaches to the Assessment of Oral Proficiency. 69-98. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

22. Koike, Dale. 1995. “Transfer of Pragmatic Competence and Suggestions in Spanish Foreign Language Learning.” In Susan Gass and Joyce Neu (eds.), Speech Acts Across Cultures. 257-281. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

23. Koike, Dale. 1992. “Brazilian Portuguese Directives and a Hierarchy of Strategies for Politeness.” In Dale Koike and Donaldo Macedo (eds.), Romance Linguistics: The Portuguese Context. 121-140. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey.

24. Koike, Dale. 1988. “Markedness and Its Application to Pragmatics: Brazilian Portuguese Directives.” In John Staczek (ed.), On Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan Linguistics. 211-225. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

25. Koike, Dale. 1988. “Portuguese Language Of Brazil.” In Irwin Stern (ed.), Dictionary of Brazilian Literature. 254-256. New York: Greenwood Press. (published also in Portuguese by Editora Atica).

26. Koike, Dale. 1988. “Brazilian Portuguese Requests and the Role of Deixis in Politeness.” In Kathleen Ferrara, Becky Brown, Keith Walters, and John Baugh (eds.), Linguistic Change and Contact. Austin, TX: University of Texas Linguistics Department. 166-177. Working version in ERIC Microfiche ED 267 608.

27. Koike, Dale. 1983. “The Inflected Infinitive in Colloquial Brazilian Portuguese as a Marker of Social Dialects.” In John Bergen and Garland Bills (eds.), Spanish and Portuguese in Social Context. 92-104. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.



1. Koike, Dale, Víctor Garre León, and Gloria Pérez-Cejudo. (forthcoming). “Twitter and the Real Academia Española: Perspectives on Impoliteness.” Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behavior, Culture.

2. Koike, Dale, and Anna Christina Bentes. 2018. "Tweetstorms e processos de (des)legitimação social na administração Trump." Cadernos CEDES, Campinas 38: 139-158.

3. Gironzetti, Elisa, and Dale Koike. 2016. “Bridging the gap in Spanish instructional pragmatics: From theory to practice.” Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 3(2): 89-98. (special issue, edited by Gironzetti and Koike)

4. Koike, Dale, and Carl Blyth. 2016. “A metadialogic approach to intercultural dialogue: Uncovering hidden motivations for language use.” Language and Dialogue 6(2): 223-253.

5. Koike, Dale, and Manel Lacorte. 2014. “From questions to perspectives and practices of the target culture.” Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 1: 15-30.

6. Koike, Dale, and Denise Palmiere. 2010. “First and second language pragmatics in third language Portuguese oral and written modalities.” Foreign Language Annals 44(1): 80-104.

7. Koike, Dale. 2008. “A Grammar of L2 Pragmatics: Issues in Learning and Teaching.” Conceptions of L2 Grammar:  Theoretical Approaches and their Application in the L2 Classroom. American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators 2008 Volume on L2 Grammar (Stacey Katz & Johanna Watzinger-Tharp, Eds.): 35-52.

8. Koike, Dale, and Clayton Graham. 2006. “Who is More Hispanic? The Co-construction of Identities in a U.S. Hispanic Political Debate.” Spanish in Context 3, 2: 181-213.

9. Koike, Dale, and Lynn Pearson. 2005. “The Effect of Instruction and Feedback in the Development of Pragmatic Competence.” System 33, 3: 481-501.

10. Rodríguez Alfano, Lidia, and Dale Koike. 2004. “La interacción en diálogos transmitidos por la radio en la frontera.” Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso 4,1: 47-72.

11. Koike, Dale, and Judith Liskin-Gasparro. 2003. “A Reply to Kramsch’s “The Privilege of the Non-native Speaker.” The Sociolinguistics of Foreign Language Classrooms: Contributions of the Native, Near-native, and Non-native Speaker. American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators 2002 Volume on Issues in Language Program Direction (Carl Blyth , Ed.): 263-266.

12. Busquets, Joan, Dale Koike, and Robert Vann. 2001. “Spanish no, sí: Reactive Moves to Perceived Face-threatening Acts: Part I.” Journal of Pragmatics 33,5: 701-725.

13. Koike, Dale, Robert Vann, and Joan Busquets. 2001. “Spanish no, sí: Reactive Moves to Perceived Face-threatening Acts: Part II.” Journal of Pragmatics 33,6: 879-899.

14. Koike, Dale, and Judith Liskin-Gasparro. 1999. “What is a Near-Native Speaker? Perspectives of Job Seekers and Search Committees in Spanish.” Association of Departments of Foreign Languages Bulletin 30,3: 54-62.

15. Koike, Dale, and Fanny Hinojosa. 1998. “A Discourse Approach to the Assessment of Foreign Language Oral Proficiency.” In Dale Koike and Mark Carpenter (eds.), Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition from Spanish. A special edition of Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education 3,3: 33-50.

16. Koike, Dale. 1998. “La sugerencia en español: una perspectiva comparativa.” In Henk Haverkate, Gijs Mulder, and Carolina Fraile Maldonado (eds.), La pragmática lingüística del español: Recientes desarrollos. A special edition of Diálogos hispánicos 22:211-235.

17. Koike, Dale. 1996. “Function of the Adverbial ya in Spanish Narrative Discourse.” Journal of Pragmatics 25,2: 267-279.

18. Koike, Dale, and Christina Biron. 1996. “Genre as a Basis for the Advanced Spanish Conversation Course.” Hispania 79,2: 290-296.

19. Koike, Dale. 1994. “Negation in Spanish and English Suggestions and Requests: Mitigating Effects?” Journal of Pragmatics 21,5: 513-526.

20. Koike, Dale. 1991. “Tense and Cohesion in Brazilian Portuguese Oral Narratives.” Hispania 74,3: 647-653.

21. Koike, Dale, and Betty Mace-Matluck. 1991. “Story Recall in the Language Assessment of Bilingual and Monolingual Children.” Journal for the New York State Association for Bilingual Education (SABE) 7,1: 40-54.

22. Koike, Dale. 1989. “Pragmatic Competence and Adult L2 Acquisition: Speech Acts and Interlanguage.” Modern Language Journal 73,3: 279-289.

23. Koike, Dale. 1989. “Requests and the Role of Deixis in Politeness.” Journal of Pragmatics 13,2: 187-202 (slightly revised version of “Brazilian Portuguese Requests and the Role of Deixis in Politeness,” cited above).

24. Koike, Dale. 1987. “Code-switching in the Bilingual Chicano Narrative.” Hispania 70,1: 148-154.

25. Koike, Dale. 1986. “Differences and Similarities in Men's and Women's Directives in Carioca Brazilian Portuguese.” Hispania 69,2: 387-394.

26. Doman, Mary Gay, Dale April Koike, and Matthew Mendenhall. 1985. “Coping with Forty Students in a Spanish Language Classroom.” The Southeast Conference on Linguistics (SECOL) Review 9,1.: 24-43.

27. Koike, Dale. 1985. “Register, Social Variables, and Variation of the Infinitive in Brazilian Portuguese.” Hispania 68,.1: 134-142.


Koike, Dale, and Jeffrey Michno. “¿Qué querí? Shifting frames in Nicaraguan corner shop talk.” International Journal of the Linguistics Association of the Southwest.


In progress:

Koike, Dale, and Judith Liskin-Gasparro. “Exploring Alignment and Participant Roles in the Co-construction of an Oral Proficiency Interview.”

Koike, Dale, and Lynn Pearson. “The Construction of Alignment in L2 Spanish:

Instruction, Expectations, and Learners’ Use of Suggestions and Suggestion Responses in Dialogues.”


Koike, Dale, and Vivian Flanzer. “Languacultural Surveys for Learning and Teaching Languages.” This site illustrates the construction and implementation of language and cultural surveys across countries and cities to gather information useful to teachers and students of foreign languages. [under construction]

Koike, Dale. “Actividades de práctica con aprendices de español” (with graduate students Jennifer Witte and Hyun-jee Yoon). This site serves as a workbook site for the Spanish Applied Linguistics course, and presents videos and activities to accompany them that illustrate points in the course.

Koike, Dale. “Spanish Oral Proficiency Examination” (SOPE) tool (with Scott Herrick, DIIA). This site allows learners to hear a test stimulus, record their answers onto a server, and listen back to their recording after they have received a grade and feedback from the instructor. {Changed to RAACS, now defunct site.}

Koike, Dale. “Spanish Learner Corpus and Proficiency Training” (SPT). This site contains videotaped recordings of learners of different levels who answer the same questions, to be viewed by future Spanish teachers as a training tool to recognize abilities of different levels, and also to be used by researchers for data on learner language.

Koike, Dale. “Pragmatics Module for Teacher Training”. This site was developed as part of a general set of teacher training modules for higher education, from a grant by the Texas Higher Education Board.


(Translated by Donaldo Macedo, Dale Koike, and Alexandre Oliveira). 1998. Freire, Paulo. Teachers as Cultural Workers. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 1-95.

Koike, Dale. 1987. “Adult Literacy and Popular Libraries” and “The People Speak Their Word: Literacy in Action.” Two chapters in Freire, Paulo and Donaldo Macedo, Literacy: Reading the Word and the World. South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey. 37-93.


1. Review of Doing Research within Communities. Stories and Lessons from Language and Education Field Research, by Kerry Taylor-Leech, and Donna Starks (eds.), 2015. London and New York: Routledge, in Language and Dialogue 7:2 (2017). Co-authored with Alicia Assini.

2. Review of Academic and Professional Discourse Genres in Spanish.  Studies in Corpus Linguistics, by Giovanni Parodi (ed.), 2010.  Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 78, 6 (2011): 891-892. Co-authored with Rachel Showstack.

3. Review of The Handbook of Discourse Analysis, by Deborah Schiffrin, Deborah Tannen, and Heidi E. Hamilton (eds.), in Modern Language Journal 87,4 (2003): 626-627.

4. Review of Contemporary Perspectives on the Acquisition of Spanish. Vols. 1 and 2, by Ana Teresa Pérez-Leroux and William R. Glass (eds.), in Modern Language Journal 83, 3 (1999): 460.

5. Review of Text and Context: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Language Study, by Claire Kramsch and Sally McConnell-Ginet (eds.), in Modern Language Journal 77, 1 (1993): 95-96.

6. Review of Estructura informativa en español, by Lars Fant, in Romance Philology 41,3 (1988): 340-343.

7. Review of Communicating in Context: Intercultural Communication Skills for ESL Students, by Kathy Irving, in Modern Language Journal 71,4 (1987): 450.

8. Review of A Contrastive Phonology of Portuguese and English, by Milton Azevedo, in Hispania 66,1 (1983): 148-149.

9. Review of A Negaςão em Português, by Klaus Uppendahl, in Modern Language Journal 64,3 (1980): 379-380.


1. "Twitter on the RAE: Frames of impoliteness" (co-authored with Gloria Pérez-Cejudo). 11th International Conference on Im/Politeness, Sympol 2018. Valencia, Spain.

2. “’¿Qué querí? El cambio de marcos en una pulpería nicaragüense.” (co-authored with Jeff Michno). Sociedad Chilena de Lingüística 2017 Biannual meeting. Talca, Chile.

3. “’¿Qué querí? Shifting Frames in Nicaraguan Corner Shop Talk.” (co-authored with Jeff Michno). Spanish in Society Symposium 2017. Southampton, UK.

4. “Error Correction in Heritage and Second Language Spanish Learner Paired Interactions.” (co-presented with Hyunjee Yoon). 4th National Symposium on Heritage Languages 2017, Irvine, CA.

5. “Learner self-awareness and intercultural communication: A metapragmatic approach.” (co-presented with Carl Blyth). CERCLL 2016, Tucson, AZ.

6. “Oral proficiency development at two levels: Articulating discourse goals in the undergraduate Spanish curriculum.” (co-presented with Melissa Murphy). MLA Annual Convention 2016, Austin, TX.

7. “Cultural questionnaires for the Luso-Brazilian world.” (co-presented with Vivian Flanzer). ACTFL Annual Meeting 2014, San Antonio, TX.

8. “Interactional resources and frames in L3 Portuguese for Spanish Speakers.” AATSP Annual Meeting 2013. San Antonio.

“Working toward oral proficiency evaluation.” (co-presented with Jocelly Meiners, Karyn Rayburn, and Lori Czerwionka). AATSP Annual Meeting 2013. San Antonio.

“Materials worth sharing: Open educational resources for language learning.” (co-presented with Carl Blyth). CALICO Annual Meeting 2013. Honolulu.

“Changing frames in learner interactions.” International Association of Dialogue Analysis 2013—“Dialogue in Multilingual, Multimodal, and Multicompetent Communities of Practice.” Austin.

“Life beyond the vocabulary lists: Teaching vocabulary through culture.” (co-presented with Manel Lacorte). American Council for Teaching of Foreign Languages, Philadelphia, 2012.

“From questions to perspectives and practices of the target culture.” (co-presented with Manel Lacorte). American Council for Teaching of Foreign Languages, Philadelphia, 2012.

“Incidental vocabulary learning through reading news articles.” (co-presented with Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch). Texas Foreign Language Association, 2011. Houston.

“Spanish Proficiency Training: Learner corpus and exercises.” (co-presented with Robert Sauveur, Jocelly Meiners, and Karyn Rayburn). South Central Association for Language Learning and Technology, 2011. Austin.

“L2 pragmatic expression and orientation to frames”. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2011. University of Georgia at Athens.

“Toward an emergent global community: From communicative goals to dialogue.” (co-presented with Manel Lacorte and Carol Klee). American Council for Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2010. Boston.

“The emergence of L2 interactional competence through expectations.” American Association of Applied Linguistics, 2010. Atlanta.

“Meaningful contextualization and sequencing in communicative Spanish textbooks.” (co-presented with Manel Lacorte). American Council for Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2009. San Diego.

“Building contexts and expectations toward interaction in the L2 classroom.” Panel presentation with Manel Lacorte, Julie Sykes, and Maria Mayberry. American Council for Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2009. San Diego.

“Technology, interaction, and second language learning.” Panel presentation with Michael Long, Carol Chapelle, and Elaine Horwitz. TexFlec Conference 2009, University of Texas at Austin, 2009.

“First and second language pragmatics in third language Portuguese oral and written modalities.” (co-presented with Denise Palmiere). Second Language Research Forum 2008, University of Hawaii, 2008.

“Análisis de marcadores de identidad en el uso del español en conversaciones espontáneas en la frontera.” (co-presented with Lidia Rodríguez-Alfano). XV Congreso de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2008.

“Teaching to change expectations for interaction by Spanish L2 learners.” Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2007, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2007.

“The role of expectations in interaction in L2 pragmatic interaction.” I International Conference on Spanish and Portuguese Dialogue Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 2007.

“Behind L2 pragmatics: The role of expectations.” 17th Pragmatics and Language Learning Conference, University of Hawaii, 2007.

“The construction of alignment in L2 Spanish: Spanish L2 learners’ use of suggestions and suggestion responses in dialogues.” (co-presented with Lynn Pearson). Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Western Ontario, 2006.

9. “La enseñanza de recursos pragmáticos para la alineación en el contexto del aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera.” (co-presented with Lynn Pearson). XIV Congreso de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina, Monterrey, MX, 2005.

10. “Pragmatic resources for alignment in the second language learning context.” 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Madison, WI, 2005.

11. “Teaching pragmatic resources for alignment in L2 Spanish: Suggestions and suggestion responses” (co-presented with Lynn Pearson). 16th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, Bloomington, IN, 2005.

12. “The co-construction of identities in a U.S. Hispanic political debate.” Third Hawaii Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, 2005.

13. “Applying discourse analysis in the beginning Spanish language classroom.” 2004 American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2004.

14. “Toward a discourse analytic pedagogy for beginning Spanish learners.” 2004 American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, 2004.

15. “La interacción en diálogos transmitidos por la radio en la frontera” (co-presented with Lidia Rodríguez Alfano). II Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudios del Discurso, ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, 2003.

16. “Bilingual Spanish heritage learners and native English/advanced Spanish-speaking learners of Portuguese: Pragmatic transfer or linguistic predisposition?” (co-presented with Vivian Flanzer). 7th Hispanic Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, 2003.

“The co-construction of dialogues: The dynamics of alignment.” International Pragmatics Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, 2003.

17. “The co-construction of meaning in Spanish: Across the Americas.” Conference on Discourse Analysis in Spanish, University of Texas at Austin, 2002.

18. “The co-construction of meaning in L2 interaction.” 2002 American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, 2002.

19. “Collaborative discourse in the Spanish second language acquisition context.” TexFlec 2001, University of Texas at Austin, 2001. Also given at the 11th Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature and Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin, 2001.

20. “CALL and SLA: Chatroom discourse and language learning strategies.” 2001 American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, St. Louis, 2001.

21. “Multiple layers of reality: Interactions in the Spanish L2 context.” TexFlec 2000. University of Texas at Austin, 2000. Revised version of “Multiple layers of reality: Interaction in the Spanish L2 context.” 1999 Conference on L1 and L2 Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese and Third Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Austin,1999.

22. (with Robert Vann and Joan Busquets), “Spanish no, sí: A particle of politeness.” International Conference on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Spanish, Columbus, OH, 1999.

23. “’We have ways to make you talk’: Interrogating, interviewing, and conversing in the OPI.” 1999 American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Stamford, CT, 1999.

24. “Near-native proficiency: The perspective of the second language learner.” 1998 American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Seattle, 1998.

25. “Current trends in second language acquisition research.” Texas TESOL Meeting, Austin, 1997.

26. “A discourse approach to the assessment of foreign language oral proficiency.” University of Texas Spanish Second Language Acquisition Symposium, Austin, 1997.

27. “The discourse of Spanish learners on two oral proficiency exams.” 1997 American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, 1997.

28. “Genre as a basis for the Spanish advanced conversation class.” Modern Language Association, San Diego, 1994.

29. “Negation in Spanish and English suggestions and requests: Mitigating effects?” III University of Texas Colloquium on Romance Linguistics, Austin, 1992.

49. “Functions of the adverbial ya in Spanish narrative discourse.” Linguistic Association of the Southwest Conference, Austin, 1991.

50. “Suggestions in Spanish foreign language learning.” El Español en los Estados Unidos Conference, Amherst, MA, 1991.

51. “Illocutionary force and how and why suggestions suggest.” International Pragmatics Conference, Barcelona, 1990.

52. “Four-skills proficiency and placement tests for Brazilian Portuguese.” AATSP Annual Meeting, Miami, 1990.

53. “Deictic anchoring in Brazilian Portuguese honorifics.” AATSP Annual Meeting, Denver, 1988.

54. “An analysis of the Spanish junto.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Louisville, 1987.

55. “The role of deixis in politeness.” N-WAVE Conference, Austin, 1987.

56. “Speech act frames and L2 acquisition: Constraints on the Markedness prediction.” University of Texas Colloquium on Romance Linguistics, Austin,1987.

57. “Story recall in the language assessment of bilingual and monolingual children,” International Conference on Second/Foreign Language Acquisition by Children. Also at the National Association for Bilingual Education Conference, Washington, D.C., 1986.

58. “Politeness versus deference in Spanish and Portuguese requests,” AATSP Annual Meeting, Madrid, 1986.

59. “Brazilian Portuguese directives and a hierarchy of strategies for politeness,” University of North Carolina Linguistics Colloquium, Chapel Hill, 1985.

60. “A theory of markedness and its application to pragmatics: A case of Brazilian Portuguese directives.” Linguistic Society of America Colloquium on Hispanic Linguistics, Washington, D.C., 1985.

61. “The role of tense and deixis for politeness in Brazilian Portuguese requests.” AATSP Annual Meeting, New York City, 1985.

62. “As metodologias do ensino de Portugues nos Estados Unidos.” Primeiro Congresso de Estudos Luso-americanos, Boston, 1985.

63. “Code-switching and the bilingual Chicano narrative.” X Symposium on Spanish and Portuguese Bilingualism, Washington, D.C., 1985.

64. “Linguistic variation and register in Spanish directives.” Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages XIV, Los Angeles, 1984.

65. “Speech registers and directives in the Portuguese classroom.” VIII Symposium on Spanish and Portuguese Bilingualism, Mexico City, 1984.

66. “Differences and similarities in men's and women's directives in Brazilian Portuguese.” MLA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1984.

67. “The Portuguese legacy in Hawaiian Creole English.” AATSP Annual Meeting, Boston, 1983; also Jorge de Sena Colloquium on Portuguese Studies, Santa Barbara, April 1983.

68. “Coping with four dozen students in a Spanish language classroom.” Southern Conference on Language Teaching, New Orleans, 1983; also at Southeastern Conference on Linguistics XXVIII Meeting, Durham, NC, April 1983.

69. “Register, social constraints, and the inflected infinitive,” AATSP Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 1982.

70. “A social hierarchy of selected linguistic structures in colloquial Brazilian Portuguese.” AATSP Annual Meeting, 1981.

71. “A hierarchy of linguistic structures and variability of inflection of the Portuguese infinitive.” VIII California Convocation on Romance Philology, Santa Barbara, 1982.

72. “The Portuguese inflected infinitive as an indicator of social dialects.” Linguistic Society of America Colloquium on Hispanic Linguistics, Albuquerque, 1980.


Keynote Talks:

1. “La interculturalidad y la pragmática para estudiantes de español L2.” Asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera 2019, O Porto, Portugal, September 2019.

2. “La adquisición de pragmática por estudiantes de L2 y de herencia---expectativas, cultura y comunidad.” Feria Internacional del Libro 2018, Guadalajara, México, November 2018.

3. “L2 and HL pragmatics in three dimensions: expectations, culture, and community.” Hispanic Linguistic Symposium 2018, Austin, October 2018.

4. “Os marcos culturais na fala: Expectativas para a (des)cortesia.” (Des)cortesia: Expressão de cultura(s)? II Congresso Internacional Interdisciplinar, São Paulo, December 2014.

5. “Changing frames in native speaker and learner talk.” UCLA Graduate Student Symposium, Los Angeles, April 2013.

6. “Pragmatics for second language learning and teaching.” Texas Community College Teachers Association. Austin, February 2009.

7. “The effect of explicit or implicit teaching of grammatical form in Portuguese as a third language: Is it all about transfer?” (with Ricardo Gualda). II Symposium on the Teaching and Acquisition of Portuguese for Spanish Speakers, Stanford University, 2006.

8. “Co-constructing meaning in socio- and applied linguistics.” Symposium about Language and Society of Austin (SALSA). University of Texas at Austin Linguistics Dept., April 2005.

9. “La alineación en un modelo dinámico de la cortesía verbal.” 2º Congreso Internacional de Estudios de la Cortesía en Español, San José, Costa Rica, March 2004.

Invited Guest Lectures:

1. “L2 and HL pragmatics in three dimensions: expectations, culture, and community.” University of Tennessee at Knoxville, August 13, 2019.

2. “Preparing for intercultural awareness.” University of Texas at Austin ESL Services, July 2, 2019. (co-presenter Sal Callesano)

3. “Cuestionarios culturales y su aplicación a la enseñanza de español y portugués como L2.” Seminario de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Guadalajara, México, November 27, 2018.

4. "Raising intercultural awareness in the language classroom." University of Texas at Austin ESL Services, January 30, 2018.

5. “Teaching for intercultural awareness.” Wichita State University, September 14, 2017.

6. “Spanish pronouns and learner corpora.” University of Granada, Spain. July 4, 2017.

7.“Two proposals for teaching greater intercultural awareness.” Texas A&M University at Commerce. October 5-7, 2016.

8.“Teaching for intercultural awareness.” COMEXUS Alliance (Mexico-US) Teacher Preparation. University of Texas at Austin, July 2016.

9. “Spanish Proficiency Training (SPT) Website: An open source, online resource for Corpus Linguistics.” Universidade da Coruña, Spain, July 2015.

10. “Expectativas culturais e questionários para uma competência intercultural.” Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, December 2014.

11. (Invited panelist): “A metapragmatic approach to intercultural dialogue.” II Conference of the American Pragmatics Association. UCLA, October 2014.

12. “Changing frames in native speaker and learner talk.” University of Wisconsin Dept. of Applied Linguistics, April 2014.

13. “Oral proficiency evaluation: Training and pragmatics.” LEARN Workshop: Training and Empowering the Adult Learner and Language Professional. University of Texas at Austin and U.S. Dept. of Defense, September 2012.

14.“Pragmatics and its place for language learning.” Education Strategies for Success Conference. Illinois Wesleyan University, February 2012.

15. “Variation in NS-learner interactions: Pragmatic co-construction and changing expectations.” Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Fall 2010. Bloomington, IN.

16. “Global alignment through language: Pragmatics and sociocultural norms.” Baylor University, April 2010. Global Issues Lecture Series.

17. “A sociolinguistic framework for understanding historical lexical changes.” Texas A & M University, November 2003.

18. “Pragmatic transfer from Spanish to Portuguese as an L3: Requests and apologies” (co-authored with Vivian Flanzer). Symposium on the Teaching and Acquisition of Portuguese for Spanish Speakers, University of Arizona-Tucson, October 2003.

19. “Discourse Analysis and L2 Learning: A Look at Paired Interaction,” University of California at Santa Barbara, May 2002.

20. “Collaborating in the Spanish Second Language Acquisition Context: Research Paradigms for Negotiation of Meaning,” Rice University, April 2001.

21. “La estructura del discurso de estudiantes de español como segunda lengua en dos exámenes de la competencia oral.” Segundo Encuentro Internacional de la Lingüística Aplicada, Mexico, 1996.

22. “Discourse analysis and pragmatics in the Spanish context,” Texas A&M University, March 1990.


2019 Dean’s Fellowship, one-semester leave, Spring, 2019.

2013-18 Peter T. Flawn Centennial Professorship in Spanish Language and Literature ($11,000)

2012 Texas Language Center Grant, for updating activities on website “Actividades de práctica para aprendices de español.” ($1,000)

2011-12 Center for Open Education Resources in Language Learning Grant, for continuing work on “Spanish Learner Corpus and Exercises” website ($6,000)

2011 Texas Language Center Grant, for updating SPN 364L course, and further training of graduate student ($750)

2010 Texas Language Center Grant, for updating SPN 367K course and further training of graduate student ($1,500)

2009-10 Liberal Arts Student Technical Assistant Grant, for continued development of website “Spanish Learner Corpus and Exercises” ($10,240).

2009 Semester leave, Dean’s Fellowship.

2008-09 Texas Education Agency Grant for Teaching Modules, under direction of Carl Blyth/Rafael Salaberry ($6,000).

2008-09 Liberal Arts Student Technical Assistant Grant, for continued development of website “Spanish Learner Corpus and Exercises” ($5,000)

2007-08 Liberal Arts Student Technical Assistant Grant, for continued development of website “Spanish Learner Corpus and Exercises” ($2,500)

2006-07 Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Grant, for development of “Spanish Learner Corpus and Exercises ($24,560)

2005-06 Liberal Arts Student Technical Assistant Grant, for assistance in developing a video-based data project “Spanish Learner Proficiency Corpus” ($15,000)

2005-06 Liberal Arts ITS Software Grant, for transcription station in Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese

2005 $1500, Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Summer Workshop Grant

2004-05 $1,000, UT Center for Instructional Technologies Faculty and Student Teams for Technology 2005 Grant, for development of oral testing software

2001-02 $4,000, International Research Network Grant, Lozano-Long Institute of Latin American Studies

2001-02 $4,000, Visiting Resource Professorship Grant, Lozano-Long Institute of Latin American Studies

2001 One-semester salary, UT College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Fellowship, Spring

2000-01 $13,000 salary and benefits (for intern), UT Grant for Research Internship

1992 $6,000, Texas Education Agency-Institute of Latin American Studies Grant for Preparation of middle school materials for the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese language and culture

1990 $600, Special Research Grant, UT University Research Institute

1988 $600, Special Research Grant, UT University Research Institute

1988 Two months salary, Summer Research Grant, UT University Research Institute

1987 Two months salary, Mellon Fellowship for Summer Faculty Research, Institute for Latin American Studies

1984 Two months salary, Faculty Development and Research Grant, North Carolina State University

1981 Two months salary, Teaching Fellowship, UCSB Learning Resources

1981 $300, Natural Approach Workshop, UCSB Learning Resources, June

1981 $300, Teaching Assistant Orientation, UCSB Learning Resources, June 1980 $300, Teaching Assistant Orientation, UCSB Learning Resources, October

1980 $2,000, Summer Fellowship, Linguistics Society of America

1979-80 $6,000, Dissertation Fellowship American Association of University Women

1968-72 Four-year tuition waiver, California State University Honors Scholarship.


2014, 2017 UT Faculty-led Summer Abroad Program in Santander, Spain (taught and led group)

2014 Sponsor of Visiting Scholar Dr. Lidia Rodríguez Alfano (U. Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, MX)

2013 Served as reader on Marda Rose’s doctoral dissertation committee, Indiana University.

2012 Sponsor of Visiting Scholar Dr. Marta Fabela (U. Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, MX)

2008 UT Faculty-led Summer Abroad Program in Santander, Spain (taught and led group)

2007-08 Sponsor of Visiting Scholars Drs. Denise Palmiere (U. of São Francisco, Brazil), Lidia Rodríguez Alfano (U. Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, MX), Patricia Córdova (U. de Guadalajara, MX), and Hui- Chuan Lu (National Cheng-Kung U. of Taiwan).

2006-07 Sponsor of Visiting Scholar Dr. Ana María Ortega (U. of Jaén, Spain)

2006, 2007 UT Faculty-led Summer Abroad Program in Cádiz, Spain (taught and led group)

2006-07 Mentor, UT Bridging Disciplines Program for undergraduate students (Tiffany Oscar)

2005-06 Received International Scholar from Spain (Prof. Ana Ortega Cebreros)

2003-04 Received Fulbright Scholar from the Ukraine (Prof. Yuri Zatsnyi)

2002 Academic Evaluator for Study Abroad Program, Costa Rica, June

2000 Academic Evaluator for Study Abroad Program, Salamanca and Granada, July

1998-2000 Initial course organizer for UTeach Liberal Arts Program

1987 Teacher, Spanish classes in Ixtapa, Mexico, July

1986 Teacher, Spanish classes in Oaxaca, Mexico, July classes in Ixtapa

1984 Academic Coordinator, North Carolina State University Summer Program in Mexico, June and July

1981 Instructor, UCSB Portuguese Summer Institute, June and July

1971-72 Volunteer instructor of English as a Second Language, EPIC (Education through Participation in the Community). Belvedere Junior High School, East Los Angeles


2017 Editor, Special edition of Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 3(2).

2016-present Editor, Series in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Routledge Publishers

2016-present Editorial Board for Journal of Spanish Language Teaching

2016-present Editorial Board for COERLL

2015 Nominee, UT Hispanic Business Students Association Professor Appreciation

2013 Nominee, RAISE Award for Excellence, AAAFSA, May 2014

2012 Nominee, UT Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese

2007 4th Place, UT Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment Teaching for Technology Competition

2002 Silver Spurs Centennial Teaching Excellence Award, UT College of Liberal Arts

1996-97 Nominee, UT Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honors Society

Pi Lambda Theta Education Honors Society

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

Modern Language Association

Linguistic Society of America

International Pragmatics Association

Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina


2020-pres Named to Editorial Board for Corpus Pragmatics Journal

2020 Reviewer for ConTex Collaborative Research Grants Competition

2019-present Advisory Board member for journal Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura

2017 Evaluator for American Pragmatics Association Conference, 2018.

2015-17 Special co-editor, issue on Pragmatics and Spanish Language Learning and Teaching, Journal of Spanish Language Teaching (with Elisa Gironzetti).

2016-19 Editor, Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics series, Routledge Publishers

2013-16 Invited Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Spanish Language Teaching

2015 Track Co-Chair for Linguistics, Latin American Studies Association Annual Convention 2016, New York City.

2013 Reviewer of Title VI Miami Consortium, University of Miami and Florida International University.

2010 Defense Language Institute Spanish Language Curriculum Reviewer, Monterey, CA

2008 Academic Program Evaluator, University of New Mexico (with Danny Anderson of Kansas University and Amy Williamson of U. of Arizona)

2007 National Research Council Assessment Evaluator

2002-05 Consultant, Title VI Grant for Improvement of Portuguese Resource Materials, Yale University.

2005 Pennsylvania State University Awards for Summer Institute of Applied Linguistics Selection Committee

2001-date Member, Review Board for E/LE (Enseñanza/Lengua Española) Journal, Madrid, Spain

2000-03 Testing Evaluator, Title VI Grant for Instructional Materials for Testing and Teaching Brazilian Portuguese, University of Kansas.

2000. Chair, ACTFL Committee of Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in Foreign Language Education

1995-98 Evaluation Team, Texas Education Agency, Project EXCELL (Texas Standards in Foreign Language Teaching for Grades K-12)

97. Member, ACTFL Committee of Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in Foreign Language Education

1986-87 Member, ACTFL Committee of Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in Foreign Language Education

Referee for journals: TESOL Quarterly, Pragmatics, Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Intercultural Pragmatics, Pragmatics and Language Learning, The Modern Language Journal; Language Learning; Southwest Journal of Linguistics; Journal of Pragmatics; Spanish Applied Linguistics; Hispanic Linguistics Journal; Hispania; Multilingua, Applied Linguistics, Language Teaching Research, Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, Second Language Learning and Teaching, Spanish in Context, Corpus Pragmatics Journal, Language Teaching Research

2010 Referee, selection of papers for Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2010

2008 Referee, selection of papers for Chronos 8 Conference

2007 Referee, selection of papers for Small Talk, ed. Márquez-Reiter and C. Fernández García

2005-06 Referee, selection of papers for II Symposium on Portuguese for Native Spanish Speakers; Reviewer, Estudios sobre la (des)cortesía en español, ed. Diana Bravo, Stockholm: Editorial Dunken.

Reviewer, The Art of Teaching Spanish: Second Language Acquisition from Research to Praxis, eds. Rafael Salaberry and Barbara Lafford, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press

2004-05 Referee, Proceedings of 8th Hispanic Linguistics Conference

2004-05 Referee, Lingüística aplicada del español (volume edited by Manel Lacorte, published by Arco Libros of Madrid, Spain)

1999 Referee, Asociación Mexicana de Lingüística Aplicada Conference Papers

Referee for various tenure and promotion cases: Arizona State University, University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Arizona, University of Florida, University of Georgia, Georgetown University, Catholic University of America, University of Massachusetts at Boston, Florida International University, Georgia Tech University, University of Connecticut, University of California at Santa Cruz, University of Miami, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, University of Oregon, University of Tennessee, Brown University, University of Utah, Iowa State University, Soka University, Texas A&M University

1990 Referee, proposals for the Dept. of Education Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE

1988 Chair, Spanish Applied Linguistics Section, Northeast AATSP Annual Meeting

1987-88 Portuguese Linguistics Section, AATSP

1985-86 Chair, MLA Discussion Group on Comparative Romance Linguistics

1984 Chair, “The Teaching of Portuguese Language in the U.S.,” NEH- Georgetown University Conference on the Teaching of Portuguese

1983-84 Chair, Portuguese Linguistics Section, AATSP

1980 Chair, Panel on Classroom Techniques, TESOL Summer Conference

1983-87 MLA Executive Committee on Comparative Romance Linguistics

1983-85 Editor, Comparative Romance Linguistics Newsletter


2020 Organized talk by Dr. Diana Boxer

2019 Organized talk by Dr. Irene Moyna

2018-19 Co-organizer for the International Society for Humor Studies Conference 2019, at the University of Texas at Austin, June 2019.

2016-17 Graduate adviser for Spanish and Portuguese Linguistics

2016 Organized talk by Dr. Kim Potowski

2016 Acting Chair for Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Summer 2016

2013 Interim Director, Center for Open Educational Resources for Language Learning, University of Texas at Austin

2012-13 Head organizer of the International Association of Dialogue Analysis on Multilingual, Multi-competent, and Multimodal Communities of Practice,” University of Texas at Austin

2006-07 Organizer of the First International Conference on Spanish and Portuguese Dialogue Studies, University of Texas at Austin

2006 Initiated study abroad program for UTeach students with the Universidad de Jaén, Spain, for 2006-07

2002 Organizer of the First UT Spanish Discourse Analysis Conference, April

1997 Organizer of the First UT Spanish Second Language Acquisition Symposium, October

1993-96 U.S. Department of Education: Fund for Postsecondary Improvement Grant. Evaluator of Language Proficiency for project at Huston-Tillotson College

1992-94 National Endowment for the Humanities and UT Institute of Latin American Studies project for the development of Exploratory Language and Culture Brazilian Portuguese materials for middle schools.

1992 Director, UT Summer Institute for Portuguese

1988-91 U.S. Department of Education: Fund for Postsecondary Improvement Grant. Co-Coordinator of project for development of national Portuguese proficiency and placement testing instruments

1989 Organizer of National Conference on Portuguese Language Teaching and Testing, in conjunction with University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin, and U.S. Dept. of Education, Spring

1987 Founder and co-organizer of UT Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso- Brazilian Literatures and Romance Linguistics

1993-94 Upper Division Spanish Course Coordinator, University of Texas

1985-87 Beginning Spanish 506 Coordinator, University of Texas

1983-85 Faculty Advisor at North Carolina State University, Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Languages Society.

1980-82 Lower Division Coordinator for Spanish and Portuguese, University of California at Santa Barbara


2020 “SOPI-Covid19 Workshop on Oral Proficiency Testing, co-sponsored with COERLL and Texas Language Center, July

2017 "Workshop on Heritage Languages: Speakers and Learners", co- sponsored with Spanish and Portuguese, COERLL, French and Italian, LLILAS, Germanic Languages. (ft. Andrew Lynch)

2013 Title VI Workshop on Language Resource Centers, Washington D.C., September

1993 “Institute on Exploratory Language and Culture: Brazilian Portuguese Workshop for Middle School Preparation,” Texas Council for the Humanities. Austin, June

1992 “Workshop on ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for Brazilian Portuguese,” co-sponsored by UT-Austin and U. of Wisconsin- Madison. Austin, January

1990 “Workshop on Proficiency and Placement Tests for Portuguese,” co- sponsored by UT-Austin, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, and Tulane University. Austin, April

1990 “II Workshop on Proficiency and Placement Tests for Portuguese,” co- sponsored by UT-Austin, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Tulane University, and U. of Illinois-Urbana, October

1987 New TA and AI workshop for SPN 506, August

1987 New Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Orientation, September

1983 Model Update Teaching Team for NEH Conference on Strengthening the Humanities, Raleigh, November

1981 “UCSB-High School Dialogue on Foreign Language Programs,” ESL/FL Regional Conference, November

1981 “The Natural Approach,” with Dr. Tracy Terrell, UCSB, April

1981 “Correction Techniques,” UCSB, February


1992 “Listening Comprehension in Foreign Language Learning,” NEH Russian Institute, UT, July

1990 “Politeness Forms in Brazilian Portuguese,” UT Summer Institute for Portuguese, August

1988 “Linguistic Strategies for Politeness in Brazilian Portuguese,” Institute for Latin American Studies Faculty Seminar, February

1986 “Bilingual Spanish-English Code-Switching,” Austin Independent School District, November. Also March 1988, March 1991

1985 “Language Acquisition: Evidence from Creoles and Child Language.” In K. Miller's PSY Cognitive Development Seminar, UT Campus, November


UT Committees/Service:

2020-pres Named to UTeach Liberal Arts Advisory Board

2019-20 FRA/SRA Selection Committee

2013-2016 COLA Promotions and Tenure Committee (3 yrs)

2013-2014 Leader, Study Abroad Program to Santander II

2013-2014 COLA Applied Linguistics Portfolio Program

2013 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Committee, European Division

2013 Memorial Resolution for George Ayers

2013 FLAS Fellowship Committee

2011- Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education Review Board

2008-13 Texas Language and Technology Center Advisory Board

2006-07 College of Liberal Arts Substantial Writing Committee

2005-07 Dean’s Distinguished Graduate Selection Committee

2005-07 Executive Committee for the Texas Language Technology Center

2004-05 Texas Oral Proficiency Test Committee, School of Education

2004 UT Lunch with Leaders Committee

2003 Committee member, UT Student Success Conference

2000 Referee for University of Texas Undergraduate Research Fellowships

1997-2000 Referee for University of Texas Faculty Research Grants and Summer Research Grants

1999-2000 Participating Division Leader, Title VII Collaborative Bilingual Education Teacher Preparation Program Focus Groups at UT

1998-99 Initial planning for Project UTeach/Liberal Arts

1992-93 Search Committee, Foreign Language Education Center

1996-date Graduate Studies Committee, Foreign Language Education Center

1992-2007 Graduate Studies Committee, Romance Linguistics Program

UT Spanish and Portuguese Committees/Service:

2019-20 Executive Committee, Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese

2018 Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

2016-18 Study Abroad Committee, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese

2012-17 Executive Committee, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese. Also 2010-2012; 2005-08, 2003-2004, 1999-2002; 1996-97; 1992-95; 1989-91

2016-17 Executive Committee of the Graduate Studies Committee; also 2012-2014

2016 Graduate student orientation

2015-16 Language evaluations for study abroad

2013-14 Head, Search Committee for Spanish Linguist

2013-2014 Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

2013 Dean’s Distinguished Undergraduate Selection Committee

2013 Committee on Applied Linguistics Portfolio Program

2012-2014 Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

2012-2013 Subcommittee for Improvement of Teaching for Undergraduates in Education Track

2010-11 Spanish Honors Program Committee

2010 Subcommittee to review Hispanic Linguistics Graduate Program

2006-09 Spanish and Portuguese Associate Chair of Linguistics, Graduate and Undergraduate Programs. Key role in restructuring the Hispanic Linguistics Graduate Program. Also recruitment for graduate program.

2008-09 Outcomes Assessment Committee member.

2006-09 Undergraduate Studies Committee member. Also 1993-95; 2001-2004.

2006-09 Study Abroad Committee member. Also 2001-2004.

2005-06 Spanish and Portuguese Linguistics Graduate Adviser. Also Spring- Summer 2004, Summer 1996.

2005-06 Spanish and Portuguese Committee for Language Website Development

2004-06 Graduate Admissions and Fellowship Committee

2004-05 Spanish Honors Adviser

2004-05 Organizer, Graduating Seniors and Spanish Honors Students Ceremony

2004-05 Hibbs and Sowell Scholarship Committee

2004-07 Library Committee

Chair, Search committees:

2007-08 Spanish sociolinguist

2005-06 Senior level methodologist

2004-05 Lower division coordinator

2003-04 Spanish phonologist

2001-02 Spanish language coordinator

2001-02 Spanish applied linguist/sociolinguist

1999-2000 Spanish sociolinguist

1998-99 Spanish sociolinguist

1997-98 Spanish sociolinguist

2011-12 Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Course Planning Committee. Also 1997-98, 2001-04, 2006-09.

2002-04 Spanish and Portuguese Self-assessment Committee

2000-03 Batts Hall Renovation Committee

2000-05 Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Placement Committee

1995-04 Chair, Departmental Human Subjects Committee, Spanish and Portuguese

1997-99 Spanish and Portuguese Outstanding Dissertation Committee

1994-95 Chair, Sub-committee on Undergraduate Hispanic Linguistics Major, Spanish and Portuguese

1994-95 Sub-committee on review of Hispanic Linguistic M.A. and Ph.D. programs

1994-95 Foreign Language Teaching Committee, Spanish and Portuguese

1993-94 Upper Division Coordinator, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese

1988-date Luso-Brazilian Studies Committee

1985-date M.A. and Ph.D. qualifying and comprehensive exam committees, both writing and correcting, Fall and Spring

External committees/service:

2003 Delegate, McNeil-Lehrer Productions “By the People” political forum, Philadelphia, January.

1995 Recruitment on Orientation Day, Spanish and Portuguese, September

1994 Testing Consultant, Lotus Software International, Inc., August

1992-93 Graduate Studies Committee, Institute for Latin American Studies

1992 Judge, Spanish Poetry Declamation Contest. Also 1988; 1987; 1986

1991-92 Jester Dorm Faculty Fellow

1991-92 International Studies Liaison Officer

1988 UT International Studies Committee

1988 Undergraduate Spanish advising, Spring

1987 Interpreter, St. David's Hospital Birthing Unit

1987 Undergraduate Spanish advising

1986-87 Beginning Spanish Textbook Selection Committee

1986 Expert witness for court case, December

Revised 07/7/20


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