Español II: Repaso

Español I: Avancemos Nombre: __________________________


yo -o nosotros(as) -amos

tú -as

él, ella, Ud. -a ellos, ellas, Uds. -an

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Parte A. Use the verb “hablar” to say in which class people talk.

Hablar =

Ex: I / Spanish = Yo hablo en la clase de español.

1. she / English = _________________________________________________________________

2. all of you / history =_________________________________________________________________

3. The students / math_________________________________________________________________

4. the teachers / science =_________________________________________________________________

5. my friends and I / phys. ed. = ___________________________________________________________

6. they (fem) / art =_________________________________________________________________

7. The children / music =_________________________________________________________________

8. The girls / literature =_________________________________________________________________

9. Your friends / social studies =___________________________________________________________

10. All of you and I = _________________________________________________________________

Parte B. Give the English meaning for each verb and fill in the blank with the correct form.

contestar = _____________________

1. Yo _____________________________ en la clase.

2. Uds. ________________________________ el teléfono.

3. Juana ________________________________ sus amigos.

4. ¿______________________________ tú el mensaje?

5. Mariana y yo _______________________________ en la clase.

Escribe en español:

6. You answer_______________________________________

7. Do you answer? _________________________________

8. We answer. __________________________________

9. We are answering. ___________________________

usar = _______________________

1. Emilia y Juan ______________________________ la computadora mucho.

2. Yo no ______________________ una calculadora en mi clase de matemáticas.

3. Nosotros _____________________ plumas de tinta azul en la clase de inglés.

4. ¿____________________________ tú una mochila para llevar tus libros?

5. El maestro ___________________________ tiza para escribir en el pizarrón.

Escribe en español:

6. We use the computer. ____________________________________

7. Do they use the book? _____________________________________

llegar = __________________________

1. ¿A qué hora__________________________________ tú a la clase?

2. Anita ___________________________________ a la fiesta.

3. Los estudiantes ______________________________ tarde a la clase.

4. Yo ____________________________________ a la fiesta.

5. Esteban y yo _______________________________ tarde también.

Escribe en español:

6. I arrive with friends. ___________________________________

7. The friends arrive late. ________________________________

8. He arrives to the party. ______________________________

9. They arrive to the class._________________________________

10. We arrive. __________________________________________

necesitar = _______________________

1. Felipe ___________________________ un libro.

2. Yo _________________________________ una pizza.

3. Los maestros ___________________________ la tarea.

4. ¿_______________________________ tú una pluma?

5. José y yo ______________________________ comer.

Escribe en español:

6. We need.____________________________________

7. Do they need? _____________________________________

8. You (formal) need. _________________________________________

tomar apuntes = ___________________________

1. Los niños _____________________________________ .

2. Marcos _____________________________________ .

3. Yo _______________________________________ .

4. ¿________________________________________ tú?

5. Mis amigos y yo _____________________________________

Escribe en español:

6. We take notes. ____________________________________

7. You are taking notes. _____________________________________

8. They take notes in class. _________________________________________

preparar = ______________________

1. Las maestras ________________________________ las lecciones.

2. El señor García ________________________________ la comida.

3. Yo _______________________________________ la pizza.

4. ¿_______________________________ tú las galletas?

5. Nosotros _________________________________ para el examen difícil.

Escribe en español:

6. My friends and I prepare the cookies. ____________________________________

7. Do they prepare the homework? _____________________________________

8. All of you prepare for class. _________________________________________

enseñar = ________________________

1. Patricio siempre ______________________________ la clase.

2. ¿____________________________________ tú muchas cosas?

3. Jacinta y yo nunca _______________________________ la clase.

4. Yo __________________________________ a mi hermana.

5. Los chicos ________________________ a sus aigos.

Escribe en español:

6. I teach. ____________________________________

7. Are the teachers teaching? _____________________________________

C. How do you conjugate the following verbs?

Practicar Preparar

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Escuchar Usar

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Parte D. Más Verbos –AR: Escribe en español:

1. I listen. __________________________________________________

2. You study. ________________________________________________

3. We play guitar. ________________________________________________

4. They need some cookies. ______________________________________________

5. All of you use the computer. _________________________________________

6. I skateboard. ________________________________________________

7. Do you play guitar? ________________________________________________

8. The teacher teaches. ________________________________________________

9. The students study. ________________________________________________

10. I rest. ________________________________________________

11. The boys talk on the phone. ___________________________________________

12. We watch/are watching TV. _________________________________________

13. The children ride bikes. __________________________________________

14. The women buy sodas. __________________________________

15. The man is buying a book. ___________________________________________

16. Some students get good grades. __________________________________

17. The girl gets a bad grade. __________________________________

18. I practice sports. __________________________________

19. Do you listen to music? __________________________________

20. We practice the guitar. __________________________________

21. My friend arrives late. __________________________________


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