The Singles Network Ministries

NORTHWAY CHURCH SINGLES SURVEYALL Singles age 35 and up, whether never married, with or without children, adult children, divorced or widowed, are asked to complete our survey. By expressing your concerns and desires regarding the Single’s Ministry, it will help the ministry leaders of our church identify the needs of our single members.1. Are you male or female?MaleFemale2. Which category below includes your age?30-3940-4950-5960 or older3. How would you describe your spiritual journey? (select all that apply)I would like to know how to start a relationship with ChristI started a relationship with Christ within the past yearI would like to know how to grow in my relationship with ChristI am growing in my relationship with Christ.Other (please specify)4. Are you divorced, widowed, separated, or never married?DivorcedIf Divorced, how long? __ Have you ever attended a divorce recovery program? Yes/NoWidowedIf widowed, how long? __ Have you ever attended a grief recovery program? Yes/NoSeparatedIf separated, how long? ___Never married5. Are you a single parent? YesNo6. If you are a single parent, how many children and/or grandchildren do you have?Children ____Please list ages if under 18: ________Grandchildren _______Please list ages if under 18: ________7. Are you interested in attending single activities/events?YesNo8. If no, will you share with us some of your reasons?I don’t think of myself as singleI am very busy with other thingsI prefer to spend time with my friends I have to work a lot making it difficult to attendI am dating someone who will not attend with meI’m uncomfortable when it feels like a ‘dating pool’I have young children making it difficult to attendOther (please explain)9. If yes, how would you most like to receive information regarding single events/activities?E-mailPhoneMailOther (Please Specify)10. What type of activities/events would you attend? Single Parenting GroupIn-depth spiritual growth studiesOutdoor activitiesMid-week Bible StudySports activities/eventsGame NightFinances for SinglesChildcare/Parents Night OutDay TripsSpiritual Overnight RetreatsSenior Singles FellowshipsArts/Cultural Events/ConcertsSingles men/women activities Monthly dinner fellowshipDivorce recoveryGrief RecoveryActivities including childrenMovie nightsCommunity serviceCoffee & ConversationMissionsTravel OpportunitiesBook clubFellowship with Other Singles Ministries****************************************************************************************************PART II - For those who don’t mind sharing more.What is your biggest frustration as a single adult?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you feel that our church supports you as a single?_____________________________________What is the number one misunderstanding others have about singles?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How difficult is it to meet other Christian singles?____________________________________________________________________________If you would like to be contacted concerning the Singles Ministry in the future, please provide the following:Name:Address:Telephone:Email: ................

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