Top of the Ninth

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Grandview 9th Ward Newsletter


In this Issue:

Bishopric Message: Trials refine us . . . . . 1 High Priests . . . . . . . 2 Family History . . . . . 2 Preparedness . . . . . . . 3 Elders . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Relief Society . . . . . . 4 Scouts . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Young Women . . . . . 5 Young Men . . . . . . . 5 Birthdays . . . . . . . . . 6 Primary . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Missionaries . . . . . . . 7 Words of Wisdom . . 8 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . 9

Bishopric Message:

We live in turbulent times. A glimpse at the local or national news reflects the spiritual and temporal tumult of our day. Many people struggle under significant burdens that can be emotionally or physically difficult. Many of us struggle under such burdens. These burdens can be quick or enduring, light or heavy. No one is immune from the challenges of life, nor does personal righteousness preclude us from experiencing difficulties that will stretch our character.

Trials are an integral part of our mortal experience. As

President Eyring has suggested, "the very opportunity for us to face adversity is evidence of our Heavenly Father's and Savior's infinite love." This time is a time to prepare to

meet God, and in order to qualify for one of the greatest of God's purposes, exaltation, we must pass through a probationary state. Our Father in Heaven allows us to experience trials to prove whether we will be obedient to all things and to refine us to become better.

Not only do we become refined, but through trials we come to know the Savior and our Heavenly Father better. As President Faust suggested, it is in the

"agonies of life that we tend to pay greater attention to the whisperings of the Spirit" which ultimately help us to know our Father in Heaven's will and

better understand his plan.

When we face challenges in our lives, we can be comforted by the words of the

Lord in verse 13 of the 58th section of the Doctrine and Covenants: "Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation. For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand."

I testify of the blessings that come through trials ? whether a natural part of mortality, or the consequence of others or our own decisions ? the Lord desires that we respond to our challenges with increased dependence on Him, with increased learning, and with increased faith in the blessings that ultimately come of being tested in mortality.

Love, John Bingham

High Priests:

Ward Contact Info

(Area Code 801)

Bishop Steve Rife 373-3332 Bishop's Office 370-6749 Mark Walton, 1st 434-7010 John Bingham 2nd 375-3770 Fred Klaass, Ex Sec 375-3036 Sum Chow, Clerk 373-4034 Bob Martin, HP 373-4626 Iain Huner, Elders 375-0581 Sifa Latu, Mssn Ldr 562-8845553 Sylvia Jarman, RS 344-8825 Taylor Cline, YM 735-3072 Sherri Hafen, YW 374-1636 Susan Walton, Pri. 434-7010 Mel Leseberg SS 375-8611 Bob Nixon, Empl. 607-3931 Missionaries- Eng 636-8967 Missionaries- Span 636-8916 Dan Fackrell - Web 687-5261


On September 17th, the High Priests had our semiannual Dinner Party. A goodly number of High Priests, spouses, and single sisters attended. The dinner (soups, chili's, salads, rolls, and desserts) was great. Some of the finest cooks in the Ward provided these food items for us. It's a gastronomical adventure every time we have one of these dinners. There are some soups and desserts we look forward to every six months!

Sister Rachel Thomas sang six familiar songs, ranging from Popular, Country, and Broadway, to Classical. Her sons, Isaac and Ammon, each performed a solo song for us, as well. One of the very famous members Forty Fingers, Sister Carol Anderegg, accompanied Sister Thomas.

As much as we enjoy our relationships with one another in the High Priests Group on Sundays, meeting in a less formal setting like these Dinner Parties and our monthly Friendship Hour (Mixed Nuts), really gives us an opportunity to see the "other" side of some of our members personalities. We have some great people in our Ward and the High Priests, spouses, and single sisters are some of the best.

If you're a younger member of our Ward and find yourself sitting by one of the more senior members of the Ward, don't hesitate to strike up a conversation with them. You'll be amazed at the talent, experience, and service that this group has provided and continue to provide for the Lord and his Saints.

Trish & Russel Wilcox, proud parents of Paisley, 5 lbs. 6 oz.

Scarlett & John Lineback proud parents of Nickolas James Lineback , 7 lbs. and 19 1/2 " tall.

Bob Martin, HP Group Leader

Family History I just I had an interesting experience that may apply to

m any of you. I received a stack of family group sheets, many of the ordinances were done in the 1940s, sent in from East Prussia in old Germ any. There were two things to be done: First: I checked the families, if all their ordinances had been done, and that is very easy to do, with one click of the m ouse. And second to make sure that the lines were connected. After I was done I had to subm it about 100 people for their ordinances, they had been overlooked or were end-of-line couples. Are you in the sam e position? Subm ission criteria have changed, so please see me if you have any questions. W hat is the worth of souls in the eyes of God? Do your part to find those who have been overlooked. Thank you for all your work you are doing for your families on both sides of the veil.

Gerda Edmunds



Today is Fast Sunday, when we have the privilege of contributing to the fast offering funds of the Church. In doing so, we are reminded that such offer-ings provide for the care of our brothers and sisters in their time of emergency.

The Lord has given us this Law of the Fast as a principle with a promise; which includes increased health, answers to our prayers, divine guidance, the fruits of our labors, and rebuking "...the devourer for your sakes..." (Malachi 3:11).

We should not overlook the importance of this powerful principle and associated blessings as we prepare our homes against a time of emergency.

It is our testimony, that by paying a generous fast offering we are keeping one of the eternal laws upon which blessings are predicated. The Lord will then remember us during our time of emergency. He will go before our face and will be on our right hand and on our left. " Spirit shall be in your hearts," He declared, "and mine angels round about you, to bear you up" (D&C 84:88).

Keith Morgan

Ward Emergency Preparedness Committee (WEPC)


Every year when I start teaching a new group of students, we start each day with a spiritual thought, scripture or quote. Sometimes I do them, but I usually have a student volunteer to do them. I'm amazed at some of the spiritual growth these students have gone through. I often wonder what in their lives led them to be the people they are. It may be due to the teachings they received as they grew up from parents and leaders or perhaps the individual study they completed or any number of experiences and influences they received through their lives. However, there is one thing that must be consistent among all these faithful young men and women. They ended up in situations that allowed them to receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost.

As we go through

our lives, whether we are

considered old,

young, or somewhere in

between, we

need to put ourselves in

situations with the

right people that help us

receive guidance, knowledge, and comfort from the Holy Ghost.

Without this, we will not progress the way we need to. I get so

excited when I see people in our ward serving others since that

is perhaps the best way to put ourselves in a position to progress

and come closer to our Heavenly Father.

Many opportunities came this past summer for people to serve. I saw spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional growth happen in my own children and among others at youth conference, backpacking trips, helping people move, and improving the floor at Camp Shalom. Let's all try a little harder to put ourselves in positions to receive the learning and knowledge that comes through the Holy Ghost through service, temple attendance, visiting others, or whatever it might be.

Iain Hunter, President

"Many opportunities came this past summer for people to serve. I saw spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional growth happen in my own children and among others . . ." ? Iaian Hunter

Relief Society

What a privilege to belong to the Grandview 9th Ward Relief Society where so much good is given! Our sisters provide for the hungry through their sack lunch donations and personal garden donations to the Food and Care Coalition. Many sisters in our ward have volunteered their time in the local schools to help students ease into the beginning of the school year. Beautiful quilts, knitted hats, crocheted baby booties and quilted receiving

blankets made life comfortable for those in need. Visiting teachers have brought sweet messages of "Nurturing the Upcoming Generation" and helping us prepare a first aid kit for emergencies. Random acts of kindness and

service are happening everywhere.

We have learned that our lives can be lifted from suffering, remorse, sorrow, punishment through the principle of repentance. If we truly repent and have a change of heart, we can feel hope and joy through the atonement of Jesus Christ who will forgive our sins and mistakes. The heavens were opened, authority from God restored, Christ's church was again upon the earth, and the doctrine of Christ was taught anew- Faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the end. We are grateful for these wonderful lessons, taught by our dedicated teachers, that reminds us of these glorious truths.

Our Relief Society Evening Meeting on Strengthening Faith encouraged us to put our Faith in the Savior. Toni Sorenson shared with us how we could all receive some relief by defining ourselves the way Christ defines us. We were reminded that we are all daughters of God and have a very important purpose. We must turn to our Savior and Heavenly Father. We must trust in them. Praying and feasting on the scriptures will bring ourselves closer to them. We all enjoyed a wonderful meal and time together that evening. Many hands helped to make the evening a success and many hearts came together in love and sisterhood. Thanks to all!

Good Job and congratulations goes to the Trish and Russell Wilcox family for making it to St. George just in time for baby Paisley to be born. We join with the whole Wilcox household in welcoming this precious little girl.

We welcome all new sisters to our ward. We look forward to getting to know Kelcy Perry, Kathy Naylor and Angie Tate. We already feel your contribution and friendliness to our ward. Our dear Judy Sandstrom is also back in our circle. We have loved hearing about Nauvoo and feeling of her love for missionary work, the pioneers and especially our Savior Jesus Christ. BIG WELCOME TO ALL OF YOU!

We have gathered together as an international organization of sisters to be taught and edified by our General Relief Society Presidency and by Prophets. We are grateful for Relief Society. President Hinckley sums up the sweetness of the sisterhood of Relief Society with these words from Lucy Mack Smith, mother of the Prophet who said, "We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction that we may all sit down in heaven together." (Minutes, 24 Mar. 1842.) Then President Hinckley adds, "The history of the organization has shown that women of the Church have not had to wait to sit together in heaven to taste the sweet fruit of the kind of activities she described. They have experienced much of heaven on earth as in life they have cherished one another, comforted one another, and instructed one another." (1992 talk "Ambitious to Do Good")

I testify it is true!

With much love and great appreciation, Sylvia Jarman, Relief Society President

SCOUTS Young Women

The Scouts are in the process of reorganizing the leadership of our troop. Sam Jensen has been appointed Senior Patrol Leader, and the troop elected Travis Rice to be a Patrol Leader. On August 26 we participated in the Stake Court of Honor, where many members of our troop received merit badges and rank advancements; Morgan Hunter prepared an excellent slide show that was continuously displayed in the Stake Center's cultural hall during the event. Finally, on September 17 and 18 the majority of the troop participated in a bike trip / camping trip that involved camping at Utah Lake State Park on Friday, and on Saturday we went to an Aviation Pow Wow at the Provo Airport; Scoutmaster Greg Jones wrote a personal account (which includes photos, of each day's events) that can be found by going to the troop's blog at .

Greg Jones

Our Young Women have had a busy month with back to school festivities! We are wishing them Good Luck with school this year in all their activities!

Welcome Beehives

We want to welcome our 3 new Beehives who have come into Young Women in the past month; we have Natalie Chamberlain, Caroline Burke and Sariah Kosorok. We are so excited to have them with us! The Mia Maid class said goodbye to Rachel McCloskey and Kamille Kosorok, they both turned 16 years and have moved up to the Laurel class. So we have had some big changes in your classes!

This past month we have had several fun activities for the Young Women. The stake held a combined YW mutual activity with the other wards in the stake where they had different classes the girls got to participate in. Our ward activities have been focused around getting to know each other and sharing fun experiences and activities together. We have had a great month and are looking forward to the rest of the year!

YW Spotlight

Mariah Hill, is one of our Seniors this year at PHS! She is an avid ballroom dancer and is on PHS's Varsity Ballroom team! But when she isn't dancing she enjoys a lot of other things; like soccer and hanging out with friends. Something unique about her, she loves math, and is pretty good at it! Mariah is a fun and energetic young woman and always makes those around her smile and feel loved. She is always willing to help others which are just two of the things that we love about her. We are so glad to have Mariah with us for one more year!

Cheryl C. Fowers

Young Men

We would like to remind the ward of our quest to find merit badge counselors to help our young men learn hobbies and attain the rank of Eagle and beyond. Please google merit badges to find the requirements of each merit badge to see if you qualify to assist the boys in accomplishing each requirement. Both men and women can be counselors and there are over 120 merit badges so everyone can help with at least one. If you would be willing to do this for the boys please contact me at (801) 735-3072.

Taylor Cline, President


01 Toni Sorenson 01 Sheila Johnson 03 Sandra Fitzgerald 03 Meghan Wight 04 Marsha Macy 05 Craig Tracy 05 Lourdes Sjoberg 06 Bill Lindley 07 Lucille Carter 07 Bobbiann Frampton 07 Lois Laylock 08 Barbara Sandstrom 08 Stephen Tyler 09 Tami Capener 10 Thell Naegle 10 Rylee Robinson 12 Christian Brown 13 Gunnar Legas 13 Linda Strauss 14 Lillie Mackay 14 Simmy Chow 17 Nathan Olsen 18 Norman Eatough 18 Rick Macy 18 Larae Babbitt 19 James Campbell 20 Steve Ledingham 21 Jeremy Richards 23 Andrew Isom 23 Samuel McIntyre 23 Reva Pope 23 Debbie Harmon 24 Houston Hill 25 William Isom 25 Karen Gaisford 26 Donna Hill 26 Rachel Chow 26 Dawson Moore 27 Jeannie Chamberlain 27 Mariah Hill 27 Glen Rollins 28 Mervin Rasmussen 28 Debbie Ledingham 29 Heather Willson 30 Cheryl Klaass 31 Jeanne Wright 31 Chase Capener 31 Gavin Capener

We can hardly believe that it is October already! That can only mean one thing; the Primary Program is upon us. Your sweet children will be participating in

the ward Primary Program on October 24. They are excited to

show all that they have learned this year. They will be bringing home speaking parts very soon, and we hope that you can help them to memorize as much as they can. They will also be practicing in their classes. This is a wonderful opportunity for your children to shine and we are so proud of each and every one of them.

The theme for October is "The Mission of the Church Is to Invite All to Come unto Christ." We will learn

that following the prophet will help us to come unto Christ, that sharing the gospel helps others come unto Christ, that we come unto Christ by repenting when we make a mistake, and that temple work helps me and my family come unto Christ. These wonderful truths, can help all of us as we strive to live in a manner pleasing to our Heavenly Father.

We would like to congratulate Caroline Burke, Natalie Chamberlain, and Sariah Kosorok as they move up into Young Womens. We have enjoyed having them in Primary and will miss them.

We would like to say thank you and goodbye to Sister Meagan Wight. We have enjoyed having her as a chorister in our Primary.

We will be having a Primary Saturday activity coming up in November. Watch for coming details. We hope to see you there.

We love each of the children that are in Primary, and we appreciate all that they bring to us each week.

Tonia Jensen for The Primary Presidency


Post Scripts:

A primary teacher asked her little children, as they were recapping the lesson, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping."


Elder Collin Brown 7400 Artesia Blvd #1612 Buena Park, CA 90621

Elder Chris Carter CA Roseville Mission 8583 Watt Avenue Antelope, CA 95843-9117

Elder Willie Isom

Marshall Islands Majuro Mission

PO Box 1107 Majuro, MH 96960 Marshall Islands

Elder Scott Edwards Georgia Macon Mission 5082 Forsythe Road Suite A Macon, GA 31210

Elder Jordan Eatough SDQ 8013 P.O. Box 025725 Miami, FL 33102-5725

Elder Dana & Sis Berva Griffen 6-221 Limeridge Rd. West Hamilton, Ontario L9C2V4 Canada

Elder Chase Stock La Iglesia de Jesucristo

Calle Fuerteventura 4, 2-8B A

28703 San Sebasti?n de los Reyes

Madrid, Espa?a

ElderAndrew Alaka'i Isom Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission Av. Das Americas, 1.155, Salas 502/503 Barra da Tijuca 22631-000 Rio de Janeiro ? RJ Brazil

Military Service:

Quinn A. McCloskey 443 Chaplain Magsig Avenue 341 PRS, FLT DOT Box 3179 Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944

Reports from Elder William Isom

7-25-10 "These past two weeks have been awesome. I can't believe that Andy is on his mission now. Time is flying by pretty fast here. My companion Elder Nawahine became the Assistant to the President because one of them is going home in August. So now I will be the Zone Leader with Elder Rix from Colorado and we will be the Zone Leaders for the whole island. We also got these sweet new DVD's that teach us how to be better missionaries that is based off of Preach My Gospel.

9-12-10 "We're having P-day in town because all the outer island Elders are in for Zone Conference. This Zone Conference there was a lot of changes in the mission. A lot of new people are going out to outer islands and there are a lot of switches here on Majuro. I have a new companion this transfer named Elder Gulbransen.

He was working with Elder Dew in the Office taking care of the finances. Now we have some senior couples coming to take their places. I will probably be with him for my last two transfers before I go home in two months. Elder Rix my old companion is moving up to Assistant with my other old companion Elder Nawahine. So pretty much anyone that works with me goes straight to Assistant. HA HA. This week Elder Hamula from the Area Presidency came for a Mission Tour. We had a leadership meeting with him and got to talk about ways that we can improve the mission. He also came to Zone Conference and put on a fireside in the evening. He's a very tall man and has got some long legs. He's probably 6' 8" or 6' 9". He only got to stay for two days because he has to go to Utah and get ready for General Conference. Andy sounds like he's doing good in the MTC. It sounds like he knows some Portuguese now and is doing good at understanding people. That's the hardest part at first. That and pronunciation.

9-21-10 "We are trying to find some new investigators because the ones that we have now are not keeping their commitments and doing what we ask them. Elder Gulbransen and I are having fun together here in Long Island. He has to help the new Senior Couple, the Christensen's, learn their responsibilities in the office and train them on how to do finances and stuff like that so I work with Elder Corry from 11am to 5pm because his companion, Elder Dew is in the office as well. It's kinda hard to really work with our investigators and try and establish relationships with them when we keep on switching companions. Thanks so much for everything you guys have done for me while I've been out here on my mission. Now as my mission comes to a close I realize how much I've learned and grown from serving out here. These two years have been amazing but at the same time very, very tuff. But I've made lots of friends and had so much fun with these people over these two years. It will be hard to leave it all behind."

Words of Wisdom


My name is David H. Yarn, Jr. I've been wanting to bear my testimony for some time now, but because of my stroke last December I can hardly speak a coherent sentence. I've waited so long because I've thought my speech would improve commensurately, but up to the present I've been disappointed in that regard. I've wanted to say something in appreciation for the fabulous manifestation of love and compassion shown by the members of this ward, and other dear ones, at the passing of my most remarkable, darling wife, Marilyn, on March the first 2010.

At the funeral service the music was played and sung most reverently. In his very peaceful and appropriate remarks the bishop said, after hearing some of the blessed words of three of our daughters regarding their mother, how he wished he had known some of those things. Let me assure the bishop, we were completely pleased with his words. When it came to the hymn sung by dear Brother Shawn Hoopes, "How Great Thou Art" I do not believe the angels could sing it more tenderly or with greater depth of feeling than he did. One would run out of superlatives before he began to describe Brother Shawn's rendition. Dear Brad Wilcox surely surprised me when he said, "Today I speak for David." He closed it by saying: "I leave this testimony in the name of David Yarn, who shares it, and in the name of Jesus Christ, who makes it all possible, and I say it in the name of the Savior, Amen." In between those two statements Brad brought to my mind things too sacred to be discussed in a public meeting. He made it deeply personal by knowing Marilyn and me. All who were there were so richly blessed by the things which emerged from Brad's heart. Finally, our family is indebted to the Relief Society, and those who assisted them, and any others associated with the service given in the memory of Marilyn S. Yarn. My deep thanks to all.

Now, if I may take a few moments more, may I bear my testimony.

The Restoration of the Gospel is indeed true. The heavenly beings to come have in actuality come. The first vision is true. The Father and the Son, our redeemer, did visit the boy prophet, Joseph Smith, in the sacred grove. Moroni repeatedly visited and tutored the emerging prophet. The Prophet and Oliver Cowdrey were ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood and received the keys thereof from John who was called John the Baptist in the New Testament, soon after which they stood in the presence of Peter, James, and John, and received the Melchizedek Priesthood and the keys thereof in addition to their being ordained to the Holy Apostleship. In addition, in the last two ordinances they were not only permitted to see John, and then to see the ancient apostles, but presumably to feel the pressure of their hands pressing against their heads. Therefore, they observed them with at least three physical senses, their sight, their hearing, and their feeling of touch.

Furthermore, the Prophet Joseph declared the Lord also revealed the following, we have heard "the voice of Michael the archangel; the voice of Gabriel, and Raphael, and divers angels, from Michael and Adam down to the present time all declaring their dispensations, their rights, their keys, their honors, their majesty and glory, and the power of their priesthood..." (D&C 128:21) I accept the standard works of the Church, namely the King James Version of the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. I accept the view that there are prophets, seers, and revelators on the earth now, and we are led by President Thomas S. Monson, Prophet of the living God. I testify to these things by much experience and in the peaceful elegance that the Lord has taken her, my sweetheart, to the world of spirits, and I do all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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