Mr. Kuhn's Class website

An Intro to Human GeographyPart One: NotesWho created geography? What does the word derive from?Explain the difference between physical and human geography in your own words:What are the two types of location? What are the difference between the two?What is place? How is it different than location?What do geographers mean by Human-Environment Interaction? Give an example:What are the three different aspects of movement?What is a region? What are the three different types?Part Two: Textbook Pages 9-14What is the first core concept of geographers? What is meant by absolute location?Who created the grid geographic coordinate system we use today? What is the grid system we use today based on?What does GPS stand for? What formalized system does GPS use?Describe the relationship between an individual point and a region:What is a functional region?What is a formal region? Give an example.What is a vernacular region? Give an example.What is the Effect of Distance Decay? Who discovered it?Case Study: The Origin and Diffusion of Hip HopWhat is the source region or cultural heath of Hip Hop?What were the barriers to diffusion of Hip Hop?What “type of diffusion” describes the spread of Hip Hop? Why is it labelled this?What is hierarchical diffusion? Explain how this took place in the spread of Hip HopWhat is stimulus diffusion? Explain how this took place in the spread of Hip HopWhat is relocation diffusion? Explain how this took place in the spread of Hip HopWhat is an impermeable barrier? What are impermeable barriers to Hip Hop?Part Three: How Much Do You Know? What Are You Doing?Before we start exploring the world, lets see how much you already know about it. Attached to this assignment is a website that will have you guess how many countries you can name in 15 minutes.How Are You Doing This?Go to the website and press play. Begin typing in as much countries as you know.When You’re Finished:Do not close the website when you are finished. Instead take a screen shot of your results and attach it to this document or your email. To take a screenshot:Click the windows logo in the bottom of your screen or “type here to search”Once in search type in snipping toolOpen the app and click newUsing the cursor drag a square over what you want to captureWhen you have a picture cut and paste it onto this document ................

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