Pooles Park Primary School | Islington, London

 LiteracyThis half term our topic is ‘Amazing Americas’. We will learn about and compare some of the geographical features of North and South America with Europe. To better understand some of the culture of the Americas, watch this video about ‘The Day of the Dead’ in Mexico. 1: Activity 2:Activity 3:Character descriptionChoose a character to write a description about. It could be the little girl or her mother. Think of some powerful adjectives to describe their appearance and personality.Word bankAppearance:brown eyesshort, black hairbonesface paintPersonality:adventurousafraidapprehensivecautious doubtfuljoyfulSetting descriptionChoose a setting to write a description about. It could be the graveyard or the world underneath it. Remember to include adjectives, the five senses and prepositions. Extension: try to think of how to convey how different the two settings are perhaps by using similes and metaphors. Prepositions:Next toIn the distanceFar AwayUnderneathAboveRetelling of the storyWatch the story again to refamiliarise yourself. Using your character and setting descriptions write your own retelling of the story either in first person or third person and using the past tense. Think about how you will create atmosphere as the little girl is transported to the other world. How will you show and not tell her emotions?Introduction: graveyardBuild up: meeting skeletonsClimax: being shown around by the skeleton womanResolution: realising the skeleton woman is her motherEnding: arriving back in the graveyardNS: After you have written your sentences and story, read them again. Edit and improve your writing, like we do at school!Additions (adding in missing words or phrases)Revisions ( improving sentences or word choices )Corrections (correcting wrong spellings)SpellingsPractise spellings from list 1. Use your neatest handwriting to write them in sentences. of authors have shared videos of themselves reading their books. My top pick for this week is Wonder For more reading extracts and activities visit the World Book Day website BBC Bitesize website has resources to support you with creative writing. Use these to have a go at writing your own story MathsPlease use the White Rose Maths resources where you will find daily activities and videos to support. The learning is organised in weeks. Please start with week 1: Year 6, the expectation is that children can recall all of their times tables up to and including 12. Here are some websites to help you practise: ScienceOur Science topic for this half term is ‘Evolution’. Task 1: Write down a list of statements and questions of what you know and what you would like to know.Watch this video for an introduction: video explains what fossils are and how some are formed a look at this picture. Discuss or write down how you think these fossils were ic - Amazing Americas. We will be studying North and South America. To begin with, we will learn the names of some of the countries in North and South America.There are 12 countries in South America and 23 in North America. Learn about them here: your knowledge of the country names and where they are located here: you have lots of spare cardboard tubes from toilet rolls have a go at creating a marble run from them!You could also create your own rainbow art to display in a window. Use old magazines or junk mail to create a rainbow putingOur Computing topic for this half term is about research skills. Use safe websites such as to research the capital cities of North and South American countries. PSHERemember that you can access Class Dojo videos for free online, they have lots of helpful animations to help you navigate any negative emotions you may be feeling. ................

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