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| |CIA Newsletter |

| |Autumn 2006 |

Table of Contents


Presidents Column 3

FAI General Conference 2006 4

Ballooning in Italy 5

Hot Air Airship Definition 6

Awards And Achievements 7

Nominations For Awards Given Through The CIA 7

CIA Sanctioned 2006 Event Results 8

Scoring Kit Available 9

Championships Open For Proposal 10

CIA Jurors’ List 2006 10


Members For 2006-2007 of FAI Ballooning Commission (CIA) 11

CIA Donations Scheme 13

Form For Use When Making Payments To Fai/Cia By Credit Card 13

Points For Action 14

Newsletter Contributions Welcome 14

Agenda Items 15

Conference Registration Form 16

Travel Information 18


CIA Statistics 18



Presidents Column

By Jean Claude Weber, CIA President

On June 29, I had to make the following announcement :

It is with great regret that we learned of the passing away of Arnost Hönig. Arnost was a well known competition observer and long time friend of the CIA, and fervent developer, chairman and supporter of the CIA’s Observer Subcommittee.

On August 3, I had again to make a similar announcement :

The CIA and the ballooning community have once again lost a dear friend. It is with great regret that I have to announce the sad news that Wolfgang Gruber, Austria's CIA delegate and a driving force for ballooning in his country for many years, has passed away on July 29.

And finally, on November 8, I had to make the following announcement:

I have the very sad duty to inform you that our dear friend Masashi Kakuda passed away this afternoon. Masashi had suffered a severe myocardial incident on Monday and has been in intensive care at Saga University Hospital since then.

Sad news indeed! Arnost, Wolfgang and Masashi have been very prominent CIA members and for most of us, very good friends. We will definitely miss them.

But there are not only sad news to report. We have had our Coupe Gordon Bennett out of Belgium, our AX World Championship in Japan, and many other interesting events around the world. Congratulations to the Champions, the winners, the participants, and many thanks to all the organisers.

Although all the events were successfully run, we will have to face a few very interesting questions when reviewing the events. Just to name the most urgent ones:

- How to avoid and what to do about deliberate airspace violations,

- how to limit the risks of mid-air collisions in AX events and what to do about reckless flying,

- how to implement the Sporting Code and event rules at CAT1 events.

Our Subcommittees and Working Groups will certainly have to do their homework and come up with relevant proposals at the Plenary. I am sure that we will have interesting discussions there, and I hope that we can find the right answers.

I have had the privilege to represent the CIA at the FAI General Conference in Santiago de Chile, and to present our report for the past year (see report excerpts below). The General Conference did discuss a lot of minor issues, all to be looked up in the GC Minutes, but did also decide to definitely launch the On-Line-Contest scheme in cooperation with NAVITER, a Slovenian software provider well known in the gliding world for their flight visualisation software. I am impatiently waiting for the Beta-Version for ballooning to be made available for testing purposes, and I hope that we will have a working version available at the Plenary in March. The GC also decided to go on with the World Air Games and officially launched the 2009 WAG Bid Process. I am very pleased to have seen CIA members Martine Besnainou and John Grubström elected as FAI VP and CASI members. Pierre Portmann was re-elected FAI President for two years, and the next FAI General Conference will be held in Greece in October 2007.

As you will see elsewhere in this NL, our Plenary will take place in Luxembourg instead of Abu Dhabi. The CIA Bureau and the FAI offices in Lausanne have tried very hard to make the Plenary possible in Abu Dhabi, but unfortunately the UAE delegate proved to be absolutely unreliable and highly volatile. At one time he made a friend lead the Bureau to believe that he had passed away in a car accident, information which later proved to be wrong (happily). His NAC has now “terminated” his membership (or him?), but they are unable to take over the invitation and promises made by their delegate. The optional locations, Magdeburg and Lausanne, were no longer available at the time of the Bureau’s decision to cancel Abu Dhabi, and therefore the “last resort” location in Luxembourg was chosen. As the CIA has not been invited by an NAC, this will be a “no frills” meeting and there will be some cost involved for the CIA (which we will try to recover from the UAE NAC). I nevertheless wish and hope to see as many CIA members as possible participate in this meeting. We will make every possible effort to make you feel comfortable in Luxembourg.

FAI General Conference 2006

Report By The CIA President

Highlights 2006

CIA Annual Meeting

The CIA’s annual meeting was held in Dmitrov / Moscow on 10 and 11 March 2006. 27 NACs were present or represented at this very successful meeting, perfectly organised by the Russian Ballooning Federation and its members. The FAI was represented by Jean-Marc Badan. The meeting successfully dealt with its agenda and among the items discussed the following are noteworthy:

• CIA delegates reported on ballooning activities in their respective countries (2001-2005 statistics are available from the FAI secretariat)

• The CIA delegates adopted a new Bureau structure clearly defining the CIA Bureau’s and its members’ responsibilities between Plenary meetings.

• The delegates appointed and approved the FAI International Juries and key officials for the 2006 sanctioned events.

• The delegates approved the CIA World On-Line-Contest project and required that it should become operational as soon as a suitable platform and portal had been found by FAI.

• The delegates decided to financially support the efforts of Europe Air Sports with 1,000.- Euros, and the International Youth Camp organised by the German Ballooning Federation with 1,500.- Euros.

• The delegates decided to grant a sanction to Brazil for the organisation of the 1st South American Hot Air Balloon Championship in 2006

• The delegates decided to grant a sanction to Russia for the organisation of the 11th World Gas Balloon Championship in 2007

• The delegates approved a new Events Calendar allowing for a more flexible approach concerning sporadic sanction applications for AA, AM and BX events.

• The delegates decided to accept an invitation from the UAE delegate to hold the 2007 CIA Plenary meeting in Abu Dhabi (UAE) from 7th - 10th March 2007.

FAI / CIA Awards

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Gas Balloon |Bob Berben and Benoît Simeons |Belgium |

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Hot Air Balloon |Andy Cayton |USA |

|Montgolfier Diploma – Contribution to the Sport |Pat Brake |USA |

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Rozière Balloon |Greg Winker |USA |

|CIA Hall of Fame Inductees (posthumous) |Ernest Demuyter |Belgium |

|CIA Hall of Fame Inductees (living) |Jacques Soukup & Kirk Thomas |UK & USA |

General considerations

Although ballooning is apparently doing well, the activity is struggling with the same problems as other Air Sports Commissions (air space, licensing, airworthiness, equipment, medical, etc.), and in addition with some homemade ones that have not yet been properly addressed by us:

• safety issues at our events,

• modernisation of our existing competition formats,

• development of attractive sporting events for the media and public,

• communication with the grass roots balloonists,

• rapid aging of our pilot population and the difficulties to recruit new pilots,

• small proportion of female pilots and competitors.

These are the major challenges for ballooning in the future, and we are grateful for the assistance provided by the FAI Members to help us tackle these issues. NAC support is vitally important and only through the participation of their delegates in our Commission’s work can we achieve positive results. It is my honour and pleasure to acknowledge the support provided by our delegates, the FAI Secretary General and his staff in Lausanne, and to sincerely thank them for their efforts on behalf of the CIA.

J.C. Weber,

President, CIA

Ballooning in Italy

By Donatella Ricci, CIA Delegate for Italy

After a long period of quiet ballooning activity in Italy, we can now say that something is “happening”.

Each year we see an increase in the number of balloon meetings and balloons involved. The number of new Italian pilots and new hot air balloons is also increasing while we see more Italian pilots wanting to compete in national or international competitions. We have a new group of observers and a national association organizing local courses promoting balloon and observer activity all around the nation.

In the near future we will be starting the first “training course” for Competition Directors, something that has been not considered important in Italy up to now. We want to sponsor the training in order to improve the competitions and to develop a good team able to direct our National Competition.

As the number of pilots continues to increase each year in the Nationals and other Italian competitions, the Federation is promoting the creation of a “National Team”. It will be in charge of participating at International competition and be able to practice for European or World championship.

Over the last 5 years several key Federation members, who were also NAC members, worked hard at getting the Italian Balloon Federation recognized by the National Aeroclub. Just in the last two years the recognition has been obtained so that the Federation is now an official representative of the ballooning community in Italy.

Now, a few words regarding our great ballooning meetings and competitions. New and old, many of them very nice and very popular, always full of participants and public interested who are attracted by the hot air balloons.

In January in northern Italy the year starts with the famous Mondovì meeting (CN) and the Dobbiaco (BZ) event. Snow, mountain and vacation for these two great meetings. From Dobbiaco you can also have wonderful long flights crossing the Alps!

Moving ahead with the seasons, meetings are slowly moving south. The famous February “San Valentino” meeting in Carpineti (RE) and in April the great Castiglione del Lago (PG) meeting. Held in front of the wonderful Trasimeno Lake, in the green eart of Umbria, this one-week meeting offers very nice flights together with wonderful towns to be visited, great food and the perfect company for a vacation.

In May , Florence and Siena will celebrate this year the 10years old “Arte & Scienza del volo” .

July it’s time to start the competitions. In the Tuscany country side (Saturnia (GR), close to a great thermal town, where relaxing and ballooning are join together in a formula that is attracting more pilots and their families each year.

In September it’s usually time for the Italian championship. Great environment, good food and enjoyable flights is the life of our open championship with almost 20 pilots in the 2006 session and new national champion every year!

September and October are also time for the Lucca meeting, the great events of Ferrara and Parma. Ferrara is becoming a “must” for the Italian community. The place as well the event and the weather are mixing in a perfect way and it’s practically impossible to miss it! Good weather in October is foreseen in the South zone of Italy and for this reason the famous Fragneto meeting is the most important and latest appointment for Italian and foreign pilots.

These are only the major events spread all around the peninsula and the calendar. Many other small events are taking place all around in Italy, for a total of about 30 meetings every events.

For any other information, info@fita- and the web pages: fita-

Donatella Ricci


Hot Air Airship Definition

By Rick Wallace

SUBJECT: Rewrite the definition and performance standard of a hot air airship for world record flights.

What is a hot air airship? The issue has risen in the CIA Records Committee Chaired by Karl Stefan. Karl has asked for an expert opinion from the BFA airship committee to assist his committee and or the CIA Plenary to redefine more realistically the requirements to qualify as a hot air airship. Presently hot air airship records are being claimed that could have easily been flown by a hot air balloon in flight at the same time and place.

When the definition of a hot air airship was first adopted there was little or no experience with the potential performance capabilities of a hot air airship. So the definition was made simply as a lighter then air aircraft with a means of population and steering. The legislative intent should have been to differentiate and distinguish hot air airship standards from hot air balloons by drafting performance minimums that are normally unattainable by a hot air balloon.

When a normal hot air balloon is equipped with a motor driven propeller and a steering rudder should it automatically become an airship? I think not, but under the present definition that is all that is required. If in flight the propeller never turns and the rudder cannot change the direction of travel then the aircraft really is a balloon.

The definition of what is a hot air airship has been a controversy for 18 or more years when the first airship record was claimed. Clearly hot air balloons do not want to be in competitions with balloons that have a propeller or a steering rudder. A refined definition is needed to promote the advancement of the design and efficiency of hot air airships by establishing criteria for record attempts that are not solely based on or assisted by the same forces of nature giving momentum and direction to a free balloon.

As Chairman of the BX (airship) working group committee of the Balloon Commission (CIA) and as part of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) I was often asked to explain at what point does a hot air balloon become an airship. The hypothetical example often presented was, if a hot air balloon envelope is elongated with a pointed nose and has tail fins, a motor and propeller and rises in the air by heat alone without the use of the propeller or steering and travels with the wind why is it not a hot air balloon? Or another way the question is asked, if you take a round hot air balloon attach a small motor to the outside of the basket and sew a rudder on the side of the envelope why is it not classified as an airship rather then a hot air balloon?

Conclusion: The present definition and performance standard for hot air airships are inadequate and encourage cheating. If the aircraft is going to be flown more like a free balloon with onboard heater without obtaining any advantage from on board propulsion or being able to steer then let the records fall in the free balloon category. If the aircraft is going to be flown utilizing to the maximum advantage the components of steering and propulsion then the aircraft is truly an airship.

The argument becomes clearer when you examine the FAI rules for establishing a speed record for a hot air airship. Those rules require a two way run over a measured 1-kilometer course within an hour of each other. This is a rule to establish a fair comparison of speed. It also goes a long way to define an airship and the performance that separates an airship from a balloon.

By making a two way run there is not much chance to enhance the. speed by taking advantage of the prevailing wind. Steering is also a significant factor since the wind will almost never stay in alignment with the course as set out. The efficiency of the means of steering will contribute to a faster time and speed. In other words, a speed record cannot be made without utilizing propulsion and steering to the maximum. Even on a dead calm wind day the efficient use of a rudder is absolutely necessary because as the hot air airship envelope is forced through the calm air it will have a natural tendency to veer to one side or the other. Consequently the better the rudder control, the straighter the flight path, and the better the speed

Presently the use of the prevailing wind to establish a distance record for a hot air airship is no different than a hot air free balloon. The failure to use population and steering to establish a duration record is no different than being a hot air free balloon. The failure to use a population engine and steering to return to the point of departure of an altitude record is no different than a hot air free balloon. It is my opinion that the definitions should be changed sooner then later

Proposed changes For the altitude record a hot air airship should be required to land in the same field that it launched from. Also a requirement could be added that the record be measured only as above ground level (agl) there by minimizing high mountain take off flights. For duration records the airship must fly a course in 2 directions (like the present speed record requirement) and have a minimum average speed requirement. For a distance record the requirement should be changed from a straight-line distance, (which is always wind aided) to a distance covered over a triangular course of at least 1 kilometer on each side, but the course could be of any larger size so long as the record distance would be the total of the completed circuits around the triangular course. The speed record can remain unchanged.

The commendable goal of the FAI and the CIA should be to promote the advancement of the design and efficiency of hot air airships by establishing criteria for record attempts that are not solely based on or assisted by the same forces of nature giving momentum and direction to a free balloon flight. Airships must be able to perform both with these forces and against the prevailing forces.

October 1, 2006

As stated, in the Wallace Report the existing rules were drafted when hot air airships were very new and not well understood. The simplistic definition has created an ambiguity. Some criticism has been so severe as to suggest that some record claims are a joke and an embarrassment on the certifying organization.

Lets move forward as quickly as possible to re define the performance standards of hot air airships where the use of the means of propulsions and the means of steering are absolutely necessary and make a significant difference in the success of a record claim. Lets describe what constitutes a hot air airship so carefully that cheating is eliminated.

I encourage the Records Committee and the BX working group to develop a detailed plans leading to the successful adoption of a change as expeditiously as possible. The exact path of the legislative change is not exactly known but I believe that if the BX working group and the Records sub committee agree on specific language then it would need approval of the Rules sub committee before going to the bureau and then to the FAI. There could be a requirement that the Plenary as a whole may have to take a vote. Passage would not seem difficult but it would delay final action until the March 2007 meeting.

This report has not suggested the exact words to be added to the FAI statutes or identified the exact location of the additional language. If there is someone who is knowledgeable about making changes to the sporting code sections then we need to identify that person. These steps do not seem to be very difficult and should not cause much delay.

Rick S. Wallace, member of BX working group

E-mail baluner@


Nominations For Awards Given Through The CIA

Full details of all FAI/CIA awards available to CIA Members are to be found in the CIA Internal Regulations and the FAI By-Laws. Nominations should be submitted to the FAI Office to arrive not later than 31st December 2007


THE FAI MONTGOLFIER DIPLOMAS (one each for Hot Air, Gas, Rozier, Service to the Sport)



(New FAI Award reserved for the woman who performs the most outstanding achievement in any air sport in the previous year)


CIA Sanctioned 2006 Event Results

Category One

17th World Hot Air Balloon Championship, 3rd Round of World Honda Grand Prix, Motegi, Japan (16 - 26 November)

|1 |PETREHN, John (USA) |5 |MIZUKAMI, Takao (JPN) |8 |BOLZE, Stephane (FRA) |

|2 |HEARTSILL, Joe (USA) |6 |ENDO, Mamoru (JPN) |9 |FUJITA, Masahiko (JPN) |

|3 |SCHNEIDER, Uwe (GER) |7 |KOSTIUSKEVICIUS, Rimas (LTU) |10 |MESSINES, Francois (FRA) |

|4 |DONNER, Nick (USA) | | | | |

50th Coupe Aeronautique Gordon Bennett, Waasmunster, Belgium (7 - 16 Sept)  - PROVISIONAL

|1 |De Cock, Philippe/Van Havere, Ronny BEL) |6 | Stürzlinger, Gerald/Fürstner, Johann (AUT) |

|2 |Eimers, Willie/Seel, Ulrich(GER) |7 |Leÿs, Vincent/Rolland, Sébastien (FRA) |

|3 |Hempleman-Adams, D/ Mason, Jonathan (GBR) |8 | Siméons, Benoît/ Berben, Bob (BEL) |

|4 |Francoeur, Danielle/ Burman, Leo (CAN) |9 | Fricke, Barbara/ Cuneo, Peter USA |

|5 |MacNutt, Phillip/ Abruzzo, Richard (USA) |10 |Hora, Tomas/ Löschhorn, Volker (GER) |

1st South American Championship, Rio Claro, Brazil (3 –11 June)

|1 |Haim, Sacha (BRA) |5 |Paulo, Nicholas (BRA) |8 |Jairo Fogaça, Jairo (BRA) |

|2 |Passos, Fabio (BRA) |6 |Kalousidian, Rubens (BRA) |9 |Consiglio, Luiz (BRA) |

|3 |Haim, Sandro (BRA) |7 |Slavec, Gabriela (BRA) |10 |da Silva, Johnny (BRA) |

|4 |Lima, Lupercio (BRA) | | | | |

2006 LUXGSM Trophy, 2nd round of the 2006 World Honda Grand Prix, Echternach, Luxembourg (26 - 30 July)

|1 |Heartsill, Joe (USA) |5 |Holly, Andrew (GBR) |8 |Fink, Thomas (GER) |

|2 |Pieper, Markus (GER) |6 |Green, Marcus (GBR) |9 |Weber, Nicolas (LUX) |

|3 |Muir, Lindsay (GBR) |7 |Jones, Steve (USA) |10 |Tarno, Javier (ESP) |

|4 |Schneider, Uwe (GER) | | | | |

14e Coupe D'Europe de Montgolfieres, 17th Ladies World Cup, Mainfonds/Blanzac, Charente, France (3 - 6 Aug) 

|1 |Bolze, S (FRA) |5 |Rigolett, J-F (FRA) |8 |Roux Devillas, O (FRA) |

|2 |Filus, W (POL) |6 |Standaert, M (BEL) |9 |Prawicka, E (POL) |

|3 |Brunet, M-C (FRA) |7 |Crozier, D (FRA) |10 |Matejczuk, J (POL) |

|4 |Lusley, P (FRA) | | | | |

17th Ladies World Cup

|1 |Prawicka, E (POL) |5 |Klein, T. A (GER) |8 |Clegg, F (RSA) |

|2 |Besnainou, M (FRA) |6 |Slavec, G (BRA) |9 |Coligny, B (FRA) |

|3 |Matejczuk, J (POL) |7 |Terrin, C (FRA) |10 |Nociarova, A (SVK) |

|4 |Oudin, M-D | | | | |

18th Ladies World Cup, XXII Polish Championship, 7th Polish Balloon Cup of the Wloclawek's Presidents and

Anwil's President (16 - 20 August) 

|1 |Kostiuskevici |5 |Iwanski A. |8 |Romanovskij V |

|2 |Jagodzik Z. |6 |Filus W. |9 |Machnorylov V |

|3 |Nowakowski B. |7 |Mockaitis G. |10 |Prawicki B. |

|4 |Czerniawski J | | | | |

18th Ladies World Cup

|1 |Prawicka E. (POL) |3 |Komatsu C. (JPN) |5 |Rakauskaite D (LTU) |

|2 |Matejczuk J. (POL) |4 |Biedermann J. (POL) |6 | Weremko D (POL) |

6th MOL Cup International Hot Air Balloon Championship, Debrecen, Hungary  (20 - 24 September)

|1 |Holly, A (GBR) |5 |Nemeth, Z. (HUN) |8 |Scherzer, J. (AUT) |

|2 |Witold, F (POL) |6 |Szabo, T. (HUN) |9 |Tiselskiy, V. (UKR) |

|3 |Surkus, G (LTU) |7 |Nagy, K. (HUN) |10 |Torok, S. (HUN) |

|4 |Boeddi L. (HUN) | | | | |

CIA Sporting Events

11th Velikie Luki International Hot Air Balloon Competitions, 2nd Cup of Russia and the 2nd Velikie Luki Cup ( 3 - 11 June) 

|1 |Medvedsky, Aleksey (RUS) |5 |Mavrin, Aleksandr (RUS) |8 |Nikitin, Sergei (RUS) |

|2 |de Bruijn, Mathijs (NED) |6 |Vinogradov, Aleksandr (RUS) |9 |Volodin, Denis (UKR) |

|3 |Vinogradov, Sergei (RUS) |7 |Latypov Sergei (RUS) |10 |Tsarik, Konstantin (BLR) |

|4 |Denisenko, Andrei (RUS) | | | | |

6th International Cup of Moscow Region Governor, 12th Russian National Championship,

Dmitrov City, Moscow Region, Russia (19 - 26 Aug)

|1 |Vinogradov A |5 |Medvedsky |8 |Naydorf |

|2 |Denisenko |6 |Vertiprakhov |9 |Mavrin A |

|3 |Vinogradov S |7 |Statkevich |10 |Kalaigi |

|4 |Latypov | | | | |

50th Gordon Bennett


Scoring Kit Available

|The Canadian Balloon Association (CBA) and Garry Lockyer have assembled a scoring kit available to sanctioned events. It is basically a “scoring |

|system in a box” |

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|The CBA owns the computers while Garry owns the remaining parts (eg. Network gear). The "kit" consists of 2 laptops (one a "server class" system), |

|wireless network AP/router/firewall and a precision altimeter (0.02% accuracy).  The contents of kit are valued at about $6000 CDN and weighs 30kg. |

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|The system will come loaded the eKLIPS scoring software developed by Garry Lockyer and any other scoring system anyone wants to make available. |

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|Kit will be made available to any sanctioned event at the cost of shipping (return trip) and insurance.  |

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|If you would like to use the system please contact Garry Lockyer directly at: |

Future Competitions

The CIA Event Development Subcommittee would like to encourage Delegates to work with their NAC’s and event organizers in their countries to consider hosting ballooning and airship championships. When you look ahead, there are a number of competitive events sanctions that are available. EDA would especially encourage hot air airship competitions since they have not been held for a number of years, and they can put on a good display for spectators. It may take several years to propose and organize a major competition so it is never to early to start to work with the EDS team.

Alex Nagorski,

Championships Open For Proposal

|2007 |2008 |2009 |2010 |

|North American Hot Air |World Hot Air Airship |North American Hot Air |World Hot Air  |

|South American Hot Air |World Rozier |South American Hot Air |World Gas |

|European Hot Air Airship | |European Hot Air |World Hot Air Airship |

|World Gas | |European Hot Air Airship |World Rozier |

| | |World Gas |World Hot Air  |

CIA Jurors’ List 2006

The 2006 list of approved Jurors below is to be used when making nominations for Juries for 2007 Sanctioned Events


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Members For 2006-2007 of FAI Ballooning Commission (CIA)

|President |Mr. |Jean-Claude |WEBER |Luxembourg | |

|President of Honour |Mr. |Jacques W. |SOUKUP |UK |jacquessoukup@ |

|President of Honour |Mr. |Horst |HASSOLD |Germany |  |

|President of Honour |Mr. |André |de SAINT SAUVEUR |France |  |

|President of Honour |Mr. |Karl |STEFAN |USA |stefank@ |

|1st Vice-President |Mr. |Hans |ÅKERSTEDT |Sweden |hasse.akerstedt@ |

|2nd Vice-President |Mr. |Mark |SULLIVAN |USA |marksullivan@ |

|3rd Vice-President |Mr. |Uwe |SCHNEIDER |Germany | |

|Secretary |Mr. |Alex |NAGORSKI |Canada | |

| | | | | | |

|Country |Title | |Firstname |Surname |Email |

|Australia |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Gary |PASK | |

|Austria |Delegate |Mr. |Hubert |KUSTERNIGG | |

|Austria |Alternate Delegate |Capt. |Josef |STARKBAUM | |

|Belarus |Delegate |Mr. |Zarik |KONSTANTIN |  |

|Belgium |Delegate |Mr. |Rudy |PAENEN | |

|Belgium |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Luc |VAN GEYTE | |

|Brazil |Delegate |Mr. |Bruno |SCHWARTZ | |

|Brazil |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Salvator |HAIM | |

|Bulgaria |Delegate |Ms. |Orlina A. |STOILKOVA |orlinabg@techno- |

|Canada |Delegate |Mr. |Garry |LOCKYER | |

|Canada |Alternate Delegate |Mrs. |Mary Anne |STEVENS | |

|China (People's Republic of) |Delegate |Mr. |Gongyu |WU |asfc_b_f@ |

|China (People's Republic of) |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Xi |WU |  |

|Croatia |Delegate |Mr. |Tom Dragan |MIKLOUSIC | |

|Czech Republic |Delegate |Mr. |Michael |SUCHÝ | |

|Czech Republic |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Pavel |MERINSKÝ | |

|Denmark |Delegate |Mr. |Christoffer |MUNDT | |

|Denmark |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Jorn |VINTHER | |

|Egypt |Delegate |Mr. |Kamal Mohamed |ELBAHRAWY |  |

|Finland |Delegate |Mr. |Esa |PAKARINEN | |

|Finland |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Jukka |OLLIKAINEN | |

|Former Yugoslav Rep. of |Delegate |Mr. |Boris |SAZDOV |bsazdov@ |

|Macedonia | | | | | |

|France |Delegate |Ms. |Martine |BESNAINOU | |

|France |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Eric |DECELLIERES | |

|Georgia |Delegate |Mr. |Revaz |UTURGAURI | |

|Georgia |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Vatslav |SHAGINIAN |  |

|Germany |Delegate |Mr. |Uwe |SCHNEIDER | |

|Germany |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Thomas |FINK | |

|Hong Kong, China |Delegate |Mr. |Nigel |BLACK |nblack@ |

|Hungary |Delegate |Mr. |Sándor |HIDAS | |

|Hungary |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Sándor |VÉGH |balloon@fly-vegh. |

|Iceland |Delegate |Mr. |Agúst |GUDMUNDSSON | |

|India |Delegate |Shri |Vishwa Bandhu |GUPTA |balloonindia@ |

|Ireland |Delegate |Mr. |Tom |McCORMACK | |

|Ireland |Alternate Delegate |Mrs. |Carol |O'NEILL |smiffyon@ |

|Italy |Delegate |Mrs. |Donatella |RICCI | |

|Italy |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Carlo |ROVELLI | |

|Japan |Delegate |Mr. |Saburo |ICHIYOSHI |sabu@ |

|Kenya |Delegate |Mr. |Milton |LORE |miltonlore@ |

|Korea |Delegate |Mr. |Moontae |KIM |softlanding@ |

|Latvia |Delegate |Mr. |Arta |SLAVINSKA |arta@ |

|Latvia |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Kaspars |STAMURS | |

|Lithuania |Delegate |Mr. |Robertas |KOMZA | |

|Lithuania |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Romanas |MIKELEVICIUS | |

|Luxemburg |Delegate |Mr. |Claude |WEBER |claude @ |

|Luxemburg |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Colin |WEBER | |

|Mexico |Delegate |Arq. |Adrián |PEÑA ROMERO | |

|Mexico |Alternate Delegate |Lic. |Enrique |ROMERO RUBIO | |

|Netherlands |Delegate |Mr. |Mathijs R. |de BRUIJN | |

|Netherlands |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Rutger |COUCKE | |

|New Zealand |Delegate |Mr. |Martin |STACEY | |

|New Zealand |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Paul |SANFT | |

|Norway |Delegate |Mr. |Mikael |KLINGBERG | |

|Poland |Delegate |Mr. |Jerzy |CZERNIAWSKI | |

|Poland |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Tomasz |KUCHCINSKI | |

|Portugal |Delegate |Mr. |Rui Manuel |MENDES DIAS | |

|Portugal |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Rafael |MERGULHÃO | |

|Russia |Delegate |Mr. |Stanislaw |FUODOROFF | |

|Russia |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Sergey |GRISHIN |sales@allied- |

|Serbia |Delegate |Mr. |Sasa |DOBROSAVLJEVIC |jabucilo@ptt.yu |

|Serbia |Alternate Delegate |Mrs. |Mira |PASKOTA |pamira@eunet.yu |

|Slovak Republic |Delegate |Mr. |Juraj |BREZAN | |

|Slovak Republic |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Michal |SANTA | |

|Slovenia |Delegate |Mr. |Branko |AMBROZIC | |

|Slovenia |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Darko |KRALJ |kenik@ |

|Spain |Delegate |Mr. |Carlos |LLADO COSTA |ca@ |

|Spain |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Angel |AGUIRRE RIAL |angel@ |

|Sweden |Delegate |Mr. |Hans |ÅKERSTEDT |hasse.akerstedt@ |

|Sweden |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Bengt |STENER | |

|Switzerland |Delegate |Mr. |Jakob |BURKARD | |

|Switzerland |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Christian |HORNI | |

|Thailand |Delegate |Mr. |David |TUCK |dtuck@spec- |

|Turkey |Delegate |Mr. |Yücel |AKYOL |yucelakyol@ |

|Turkey |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Derya |KÖKSALOGLU | |

|UK |Delegate |Dr. |David |BAREFORD | |

|UK |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Tom |DONNELLY | |

|Ukraine |Delegate |Mr. |Vladimir |KARNAUKHOV | |

|Ukraine |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |Oleksandr |NIKOLAEV | |

|USA |Delegate |Mr. |Mark |SULLIVAN |marksullivan@ |

|USA |Alternate Delegate |Mr. |David |LEVIN |davidl@ |

|Representative to CIMP |Dr. |David |BAREFORD | |

|Representative to EnvC |Mr. |Jean-Claude |WEBER | |

CIA Donations Scheme


To: Fédération Aéronautique Internationale,

Avenue Mon-Repos 24, 1005 Lausanne,


Tel: + 41 21 345 1070, Fax +41 21 345 1077

From: (country)

I/we hereby authorise you to debit my/our credit card as follows:

Type of card (Mastercard or Visa):


Expiry date: CVV number: (((

Name on card:

Sum to be debited:

Reason for payment:




Points For Action

From The CIA Plenary Meeting 2006

Dmitrov, Russia, 8th & 11th March

Numbers refer to CIA Plenary Minutes

8. CIA Bureau Actions

Request to publish up to date Bureau actions immediately before the Plenary.

13. Structure of the CIA Working Group

• Develop a long range strategic plan for the CIA.

• Assign Vice Presidents (provisional) responsibilities after the Plenary.

13. Officials Subcommittee

• The EDS and CSC update the list of Competition Directors.

• To find help for writing the Debriefer Handbook.

16. Public and Media Relations Subcommittee

• Create an Organisers information CD to be distributed to potential CIA sanctioned event organizers.

• Create a commemorative Gordon Bennett Centenary long sleeve T-shirt for resale.

• Provide support to the 2006 youth camp in Germany.

17. Event Development and Services

• Implement the new Organiser’s Agreement and include special CIA schedules.

• Publish a new intention to bid and bidding schedule in each Agenda which clearly identifies deadlines.

• Set down rules and selection criteria for the Ladies World Cup.

18. Records Subcommittee

• Recommendation that inexpensive badges may be obtained in smaller numbers than the present full set of 21.

23. Online Contest Working Group

• Implement a CIA Online Contest.

32. Hall of Fame

• A formal Hall of Fame agreement be signed with the Albuquerque Museum.

Secretary Request:

• That all Subcommittees and Working Groups update their Internal Regulation definitions and their Web page descriptions.


Newsletter Contributions Welcome

The CIA Newsletter is published by the CIA Secretary on behalf of the CIA Bureau.

All information is believed to be correct at the time of publication, but no responsibility can be taken for any errors, omissions etc.

Contributions are welcome and should be sent to the CIA Secretary at the address below

|Alex NAGORSKI, CIA Secretary |Phone: Office +1-780-492-2611 |

|5 Highvale Crescent |Home +1-780-464-5493 |

|Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 5J6 |Fax: +1-780-492-1729 |

|Canada |Email: |


|7th to 10th March 2007 |

|Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg |


|Agenda Items |

|All items for inclusion in the agenda for the 2007 Plenary Meeting must reach the CIA President and the CIA Secretary NOT LATER THAN 27th DECEMBER 2006. |

|These will then be included in the agenda which will be mailed in January 2007. Agenda items should include any supporting documentation, and a position |

|paper, all of which will be included with the agenda. |

| |

|Remember that the CIA Plenary Meeting cannot make final decisions on items that do not appear on the agenda. |


|DATES | |

| | |

|7 & 8 March SC and WG Meetings | |

|9 & 10 March Plenary Meeting | |

| | |


| | |

|The Conference will take place at the Novotel | |

|Luxembourg Kirchberg Hotel | |

| | |


| | |

|Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg **** | |

|Web Site: | |

|novotel/fichehotel/gb/nov/1930/fiche_| |

|hotel.shtml | |

|Email: H1930@ | |

| | |

|Rates per night (breakfast included): | |

|Novotel **** | |

|Single : 120.00 EURO | |

|Twin : 130.00 EURO | |

| | |

|Sofitel Luxembourg Europe Hotel ***** | |

|Web Site: | |

|sofitel/fichehotel/gb/sof/1314/fiche_| |

|hotel.shtml | |

|Email: H1314@ | |

|Rates per night (breakfast included) : | |

|Sofitel ***** | |

|Single : 160.00 EURO | |

|Double : 180.00 EURO | |

| | |


|You will have to make your own reservations direct | |

|with the hotels using the forms attached. | |

| |ROOMS |Room 1 |Room 2 |Room 3 |

| | |Capacity: |Capacity : |Capacity : |

| |Tuesday 6th March 2007 |

| |18:00–20:00 |Bureau | | |

| |Wednesday 7th March 2007 |

| |09.00-10.00 |Records SC |AA/AM WG |AX WG |

| |10.00-11.00 |Records SC |AA/AM WG |AX WG |

| |Coffee Break |

| |11.00-12.00 |Records SC |BX WG |AX WG |

| |12.00-12.30 |Records SC |BX WG |AX WG |

| | LUNCH 12.30 - 1400 |

| |14.00-15.00 |Hall of Fame |Scoring WG |Competitors |

| |15.00-16.00 |Hall of Fame |Scoring WG |Competitors |

| |Coffee Break |

| |16.00-17.00 |P & M Relations |S & SC WG |Competitors |

| |17.00-18.00 |P & M Relations |S & SC WG |Competitors |

| | |

| |Thursday 8th March 2007 |

| |09.00-10.00 |Jury Board |Event Development S |Rules SC |

| |10.00- 11.00 |Jury Board |Event Development S |Rules SC |

| |Coffee Break |

| |11.00-12.00 |Jury Board |Event Development S |Rules SC |

| |12.00-12.30 |Jury Board |Event Development S |Rules SC |

| | LUNCH 12.30 - 1400 |

| |14.00-15.00 |Jury Board |Safety & Education |Officials SC |

| |15.00-16.00 |Jury Board |Safety & Education |Officials SC |

| |Coffee Break |

| |16.00-17.00 |Bureau | |OLC WG |

| |17.00-18.00 |Bureau | |OLC WG |

| |The OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION will start at 18.30, location to be announced |

| |WELCOME RECEPTION starting at 20:00 |

| |Friday 9th March 2007 |

| |ROOM |Main Conference Room |

| |09.00-18.00 |PLENARY MEETING |

| |SOCIAL EVENING starting at 19:30 |

| |Saturday 10th March 2007 |

| |ROOM |Main Conference Room |

| |09.00-18.00 |PLENARY MEETING |

| |Evening |Bureau Meeting |


7th to 10th March 2007

Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg


Conference Registration Form

Please copy and distribute this form as required

|NAMES |Representing the |POSITION |

| |NATIONAL AEROCLUB (NAC) of: |(Delegate, Alternate, Subcommittee, Observer, |

| | |Social) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Date, time and flight number of arrival in Luxembourg:

Date, time and flight number of departure from Luxembourg:

HOTEL reservation made at : Novotel / Sofitel YES / NO

(circle hotel name)


Alex Nagorski, CIA Secretary

∗ 5 Highvale Crescent

Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 5J6


∍ Phone: ++1-780-464-5493 (home) FAX: +1-780-492-1729

? Email:


Business & Leisure


Hotel Booking Form

FAI Ballooning Commission Plenary Meeting Luxembourg

From 5th to 10th of March, 2007

|First Name: ___________________________ |Company Name: ___________________________ |

|Last Name: ___________________________ |Phone Number: ___________________________ |

|Job Title: ___________________________ |Fax Number: ___________________________ |

|Address: ___________________________ |Zip Code / City: ___________________________ |

|Country: ___________________________ |E-mail: ___________________________ |

Arrival Date: ____/____/ 2007 Departure Date: ____/____/2007 Number of nights: ______

Please fill in this form in capital letters and fax or e-mail it back to the hotel of your choice among the followings :

Deadline: 31-JAN-2007 (Please note: Rooms allotment will be released after this date.)

( Hotel Sofitel Luxembourg Europe 5* Quartier Européen Nord – Kirchberg – L-2015 Luxembourg –

Request to be sent to: Fax : +352 43 91 95 - Tel. : +352 43 77 68 17

(Contact Name: Karine Martin - e-mail address: H1930-RE2@)

( Standard single room special rate : 160,00 euros

( Standard double room special rate : 180,00 euros

Including Buffet Breakfast and free outside parking place, Payment own account

( Hotel Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg 4* Quartier Européen Nord– Kirchberg– L-2015 Luxembourg–

Request to be sent to; Fax: +352 43 91 95 - Tel. : +352 43 77 68 02

(Contact Name: Karine Martin - e-mail address: H1930-RE2@)

( Standard single room special rate : 120,00 euros

( Standard double room special rate : 130,00 euros

Including Buffet Breakfast and free outside parking place, Payment own account

Please indicate your credit card details for your reservation:

Card Number : ______________________________ Expiration Date:: __________________

Holder’s Name : ______________________________

( Visa ( Eurocard / Mastercard ( American Express


Date: Signature:

Travel Information

Those coming in through Luxembourg airport will either be picked up by us, or will be grouped at the airport to be transferred by shuttle bus to the Hotels. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to have the delegates arrival details (if you wish to be picked up).

Those coming in through Luxembourg Main Railway Station, City Buses (on your right when leaving the main entrance/exit, lines 5, 13, 16, 18, 21), will take you to KIRCHBERG and the Hotels. You will also find a Taxi Station on your left when leaving through the main entrance/exit).

Directions to reach the Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg by car

Coming from Belgium

– Stay on the highway, direction Airport / Trier

– Take the exit N°8: Plateau de Kirchberg / Centre ville

– Stay on your left, get under the tunnel, direction “Centre ville”

– Take the exit after the second traffic light, direction: Quartier Européen Nord – Piscine Olympique

– After that, you always follow the signs: Quartier Européen Nord - Hôtel Novotel

Coming from France

– Stay on the highway, direction Airport / Trier

– Take the exit N°8: Plateau de Kirchberg / Centre ville

– Stay on your left, get under the tunnel, direction “Centre ville”

– Take the exit after the second traffic light, direction: Quartier Européen Nord – Piscine Olympique

– After that, you always follow the signs: Quartier Européen Nord - Hôtel Novotel

Coming from Germany

– Stay on the highway, direction Luxembourg / Metz (France)

– Take the exit N°8: Plateau de Kirchberg-Centre ville

– Stay on your left, take the round about direction “Centre Ville”

– Take the exit after the second traffic light, direction: Quartier Européen Nord – Piscine olympique

– After that, you always follow the signs: Quartier Européen Nord - Hôtel Novotel


|FAI On-line Shop |

| |

|The FAI now has an on-line shopping facility where some great FAI and CIA merchandise such as shirts, badges, stickers, patches and the CIA Notable |

|Flights Book is available. See: |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|CIA Pins |

|Rectangular 35 mm wide made of metal, with CIA logo. |

| |

|CIA Statistics |

| |

|Members are reminded of their obligation under Chapter 8 of the CIA Internal Regulations to make an annual return of their national statistics. The |

|CIA has to rely more and more on these statistics to defend its position and interests in FAI, and an accurate return is therefore very important. All|

|Delegates are urged to make a return on the new more detailed form attached to this newsletter, which should be returned to the CIA Secretary by the |

|31st January 2007 |

| |

|Also, the CIA Plenary decided in 2002 that delegates shall submit to the CIA, with the return of the statistics, the latest available COMPETITORS’ |

|RANKING LIST of their respective countries |



| | |

|FAI Member country | |

|Name of National Aero Club (the FAI | |

|Member) | |

|Name of National Balloon Federation | |

|President | |

| |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|Name and address of National Balloon | |

|Federation | |

| |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Address |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|CIA Delegate | |

|(as nominated by your National Balloon | |

|Federation, or in absence by your NAC) |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|CIA Alternate Delegate | |

|(as nominated by your National Balloon | |

|Federation, or in absence by your NAC) |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

| | |AA |AM |AX |BA |BX |TOTAL 1 |

|1 |Number of licensed aerostat pilots (P1) | | | | | | |

|16 |Number of| | |

| |CIA | | |

| |sanctione| | |

| |d FAI | | |

| |CAT2 | | |

| |events | | |

|24 |Has your Balloon Federation been delegated the FAI Sporting Powers for ballooning in your country | | | |

|25 |Do you have a National Ranking List in operation in your country | | | |

| | |your | | |

| | |National | | |

| | |Ranking | | |

| | |List | | |

|28 |Does your Balloon Federation accept individual members | | | |

|29 |Does your National Aero Club accept individual members | | | |

|30 |What is the cost (in $US) of the FAI Sporting Licence in your country | |

|31 |How many ballooning “officials” (national and international competition officials and observers, | |

| |jurors, record observers, etc.) do you have in your country | |

|32 |How many ballooning associations (clubs) are there in your country | |

|33 |How many ballooning associations (clubs) are member of your Balloon Federation or National Aero | |

| |Club | |

|34 |How many commercial balloon operators are there in your country | |

| | |competition- and record | |

| | |flying | |

|35 |What are the proportions (in %) in your country of |recreational flying | |

| | |commercial- and passenger | |

| | |flying | |

| | |Government Authority or | |

| | |Administration | |

|36 |Aerostation Pilot Licences are issued in your country by |National Aero Club | |

| | |Balloon Federation | |

| | |Government Authority or | |

| | |Administration | |

|37 |Aerostation Certificates of Airworthiness (CofA) are issued in your |National Aero Club | |

| |country by | | |

| | |Balloon Federation | |

| |AA |AX |BX |

|38 |Please indicate | | | |

| |the place and |Dates: |Dates: |Dates: |

| |dates of your | | | |

| |National | | | |

| |Championships and | | | |

| |give the names of | | | |

| |your National | | | |

| |Champions | | | |

| | |Place: |Place: |Place: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Mr / Mrs |Mr / Mrs |Mr / Mrs |

|39 |Please indicate | | | |

| |this year’s best | | | |

| |performance in | | | |

| |your country | | | |

| |(can be for | | | |

| |distance, altitude| | | |

| |or duration), and | | | |

| |give details re. | | | |

| |pilot, aerostat | | | |

| |and date. | | | |

1 TOTAL may be different than sum of all categories.

2 accident: any occurrence with bodily harm or death

3 incident: any occurrence without bodily harm or death

|Notes: (please add any further relevant information or comment) |

|This is a true and accurate summary of statistics for our country as at (date): |

|Submitted by : (CIA delegate) |

|Please return to: Alex NAGORSKI |

|CIA Secretary |

|5 Highvale Crescent |

|Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 5J6 |

|Canada |

| |

|Phone: |

|Office Phone +1-780-492-2611 |

|Home Phone +1-780-464-5493 |

|Fax: +1-780-492-1729 |

|Email |


Rooms must be booked before

4 February to be guaranteed special conditions. After

4 February normal rates may apply and rooms may no longer be available.

Your reservation may be cancelled or modified with no charge until 6pm (hotel local time) 2 days prior the arrival date.

In case of cancellation or modification within 2 days of the arrival date or non-arrival, the first night of your stay will be charged.

Your donations are very important to the CIA and, in absence of other reliable and consistent revenue schemes, enable it to continue to serve our sport world wide in an efficient and effective way. A few countries have made a donation to the CIA this year, but there are very many more which have not! The CIA Donations Scheme is based on the number of pilots each country declares in its Annual Return, and the minimum rates are as follows:

|Number of pilots declared |0 – 100 |101 – 750 |Over 750 |

|Minimum donation in US $ |$25 |$200 |$350 |

1. All payments under $500, and ALL Donations, can be paid to the FAI/CIA by Credit Card using the approved form below.

2. All payments over $500, including ALL Sanction Fees, should be paid by Bank Wire Transfer. Please use the following bank routing information when you wire funds to FAI for the CIA account:

International Money Transfer order or SWIFT Transfer: Mark: Without charge for the beneficiary and state reason for payment.


Bank: Credit Suisse Private Banking

Rue du Lion d‘Or 5-7

Case postale 2468

CH-1002 Lausanne, Switzerland

Bank A/C Name: Fédération Aéronautique Internationale

A/C Numbers: US$ : 0425-457968-32-1 IBAN : CH04 0483 5045 7968 3200 1

CHF : 0425-457968-31 [pic][?])*+-/>IJKLZmn…†‡÷óäÖÌÄ´¦™?ó}óteZeC,jh‚ |¨h‚ |¨0JCJU[pic]aJmHnHu[pic]h‚ |¨h‚ |¨CJaJjh‚ |¨h‚ |¨CJU[pic]aJh-yp5?\?aJ"jh-ypCJU[pic]mHnHsH u[pic]h-ypCJmH sH h-yp5?CJ$\?mH sH h-yp5?9?CJH\?mH sH IBAN : CH65 0483 5045 7968 3100 0

EURO : 0425-457968-32 IBAN : CH31 0483 0545 7968 3200 0


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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