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UNIT 17-723900183515Sports performance is not only about the levels of skill and tactics or the levels of fitness that sports performers have, of equal importance are the psychological considerations that impact on sports performance. Performers need to have good levels of motivation and team players need to be able to function effectively within their teams. During this unit we will look at the effects that the different psychological factors can have on sports performance. This will include looking at: Personality, Motivation, Stress, Anxiety and Group Dynamics00Sports performance is not only about the levels of skill and tactics or the levels of fitness that sports performers have, of equal importance are the psychological considerations that impact on sports performance. Performers need to have good levels of motivation and team players need to be able to function effectively within their teams. During this unit we will look at the effects that the different psychological factors can have on sports performance. This will include looking at: Personality, Motivation, Stress, Anxiety and Group DynamicsPSYCHOLOGY FOR SPORTS PERFORMANCECONTEXTSCENARIOYou have been given a placement with the Sports Psychologists at the Subject Support Sports Academy. The Sports Academy works with young sports performers that have the potential to succeed. Your role on placement is as an assistant Sports Psychologist. You have been attached to one of the Sports Psychologists that works with one of the teams within the academy. During your time on placement you will develop your knowledge and understanding of the following aspects of sports psychology: Personality and Motivation, Stress, Anxiety, Arousal and Group Dynamics and you will also put together a psychological skills training programme.4572000-18288000UNIT 17PSYCHOLOGY FOR SPORTS PERFORMANCEASSESSMENT TASK 1. (P1/ P2/M1/D1)Learning Outcome 1 know the effect of personality and motivation on performancePersonality and MotivationSCENARIOAs part of your placement at the Subject Support Sports Academy, the Sports Psychologist that you are assisting wants you to begin to develop your knowledge and understanding of some of the key areas of Sports Psychology, beginning with how personality and motivation effect performance.TASKThe Sports Psychologist that you are assisting has asked you to produce a booklet for the young scholars. In the booklet, they have asked you to define personality and how it can affect sports performance (P1). You also need to describe motivation and how it affects sports performance (P2). You also need to explain and evaluate the effects of personality and motivation on sports performance (M1/D1).81280301625START DATE:HAND-IN DATE:4000020000START DATE:HAND-IN DATE: 3885565-18288000UNIT 17ASSESSMENT TASK 1 (P1/P2/M1/D1). HELPSHEETGRADING CRITERIAPASSMERITDISTINCTIONP1: DEFINE personality and how it affects sports performanceP2: DESCRIBE motivation and how it affects sports performanceM1: EXPLAIN the effects of personality and motivation on sports performanceD1: EVALUATE the effects of personality and motivation on sports performanceUSE OF KEY VERBSVERBPLAIN ENGLISHDefineGive the precise meaning of a certain topic. You may need to use a quotation to give a definition. (E.g.) A definition of personality is “the sum of the characteristics that make a person unique”DescribeTry to “Paint a picture” in words. Assume that the person that you are Describing to does not know anything about the subject that you are describing. Tell them what you have learned.ExplainOnce you have described the subject, often you will need to give further details and reasons why. (E.g.) Once you have described England’s poor performance in the World Cup, you may also give some reasons why the players did not perform as well as they could.EvaluateTo complete an Evaluation you need to gather EVIDENCE and make a JUDGEMENT based upon the evidence. You should use the evidence that you have gathered to back up your opinion. (E.g.) If you think that Carlos Tevez is the best striker in the League you need to use statistics – goals to game ratio/ assists etc., as well as opinion of media experts to back up this judgement. NO.Learner Checklist(Steps to Success)TICK WHEN COMPLETELearnerAssessor1Assignment Title: Personality and Motivation2In your booklet, give a definition of personality – gather some information to enable you to do this. Paint a picture of how personality can affect sports performance.You may wish to consider some of the following areas:PERSONALITY: Definition: theories (Marten’s Schematic view, psychodynamic theory, trait theory, situational approach, interactional approach); types ( type A and B); effects on sports performance (athletes versus non athletes, individual versus team sports, elite versus non-elite athletes, type A versus type B)(Evidence towards P1)3Paint a picture in words of motivation and how it affects sports performanceInclude the following:MOTIVATION: Definition; views (trait centred, situation centred, interactional view); types (intrinsic and extrinsic); theories (e.g.) achievement motivation, attribution theory; effects on sports performance (positive, negative, future expectations of success and failure; developing a motivational climate(Evidence towards P2)4Give further details and provide reasons (where appropriate) for the effects of personality and motivation on sports performance. Once you’ve gathered all of your evidence make some judgements using the evidence that you have to back up your judgements for the effects of personality and motivation on sports performance.(Evidence towards M1/D1)USE IMAGES TO MAKE YOUR WORK INTERESTING445770019367500UNIT 17PSYCHOLOGY FOR SPORTS PERFORMANCEASSESSMENT TASK 2 (P3)Learning outcome 2 know the relationship between stress, anxiety, arousal and sports performanceSTRESS AND ANXIETYSCENARIONow that you have developed your appreciation of the effects of personality and motivation on sports performance. As an assistant to the Sports Psychologist at the Subject Support Sports Academy, the sports psychologist wants you to look at other areas of psychology that affect sports performance.TASKThe Sports Psychologist has asked you to produce some leaflets that can help to educate future scholars in the Academy. The leaflets need to describe stress and anxiety, the causes, symptoms and their effect on sports performance. (P3). The leaflets need to be colourful and informative so that they catch the eye of future scholars and provide them with the necessary information.7175595885START DATE:HAND-IN DATE:4000020000START DATE:HAND-IN DATE:3543300-18288000UNIT 17ASSESSMENT TASK 2 (P3). HELPSHEETGRADING CRITERIAPASSP3: DESCRIBE stress and anxiety, their causes, symptoms and effect on sports performanceUSE OF KEY VERBSVERBPLAIN ENGLISHDescribeTry to “Paint a picture” in words. Assume that the person that you are Describing to does not know anything about the subject that you are describing. Tell them what you have learned.NO.Learner Checklist(Steps to Success)TICK WHEN COMPLETELearnerAssessor1Title: Stress and Anxiety2In your leaflets, Paint a picture in words of stress and anxiety. Look at the causes and symptoms of stress and anxiety and the effects that they can have on sports performance.You may wish to consider the following:STRESS: definition; types (eustress and distress); causes (internal, external, personal, occupational, sports environments); symptoms (cognitive, somatic and behavioural); effects on sports performance (nervous system responses, negative mental state, loss of self-confidence and concentration)ANXIETY: definition; types (state and trait anxiety); cause (negative effect of stress); symptoms (cognitive, somatic and behavioural); effects on sports performance (negative mental state, loss of self-confidence and decreased expectations of success, fear of failure)(Evidence towards P3)USE IMAGES TO MAKE YOUR WORK INTERESTING43434002603400UNIT 17PSYCHOLOGY FOR SPORTS PERFORMANCETASK 3 (P4/M2)Learning outcome 2 know the relationship betweenStress, anxiety, arousal and sports performanceTheories of ArousalSCENARIOThe Sports Psychologist at the Subject Support Sports Academy that you are assisting is really impressed with the effort and quality of the work that you have produced so far. The Sports Psychologist really feels that your knowledge and understanding has really improved through the tasks that you have completed so far.TASKThe Sports Psychologist has asked you to produce a report on arousal theories. In the report you need to describe and explain three theories of arousal and the effect on sports performance (P4/M2).-4445172085START DATE:HAND-IN DATE:4000020000START DATE:HAND-IN DATE:UNIT 174000500-29718000ASSESSMENT TASK 3 (P4/M2). HELPSHEETGRADING CRITERIAPASSMERITP4: DESCRIBE three theories of arousal and the effect on sports performanceM2: EXPLAIN three theories of arousal and the effect on sports performanceUSE OF KEY VERBSVERBPLAIN ENGLISHDescribeTry to “Paint a picture” in words. Assume that the person that you are Describing to does not know anything about the subject that you are describing. Tell them what you have learned.ExplainOnce you have described the subject, often you will need to give further details and reasons why. (E.g.) Once you have described England’s poor performance in the World Cup, you may also give some reasons why the players did not perform as well as they could.NO.Learner Checklist(Steps to Success)TICK WHEN COMPLETELearnerAssessor1Assignment Title: Theories of Arousal2Paint a picture in words, give further details and provide reasons (where appropriate) for three theories of arousal and the effect that it can have on sports performance.You need to consider the following:AROUSAL: definition; theories (e.g.) drive theory, inverted U hypothesis, catastrophe theory, individual zones of optimal functioning, effects on sports performance (improvements and decrements in performance level, changes in attention focus, increase in anxiety levels, choking.(Evidence towards P4/M2)USE IMAGES TO MAKE YOUR WORK INTERESTING4419600140970 00 UNIT 17PSYCHOLOGY FOR SPORTS PERFORMANCEASSESSMENT TASK 4 (P5/M3/D2)Learning Outcome 3 know the role of group dynamics in team sportsGroup DynamicsSCENARIOYou have gone past the halfway mark during your placement at the Subject Support Sports Academy as an assistant Sports Psychologist, time flies when you are having fun. The Sports Psychologist now wants to turn your attention to how teams perform.TASKAs an Assistant Sports Psychologist at the Academy, the Sports Psychologist that you are assigned to wants you to conduct some research and produce some posters that look at group dynamics. The posters need to identify, explain and analyse four factors that influence group dynamics and performance in team sports. (P5/M3/D2).-4445118745START DATE:COMPLETION DATE:4000020000START DATE:COMPLETION DATE:3886200-29718000UNIT 17ASSESSMENT TASK 4 (P5/M3/D2). HELPSHEETGRADING CRITERIAPASSMERITDISTINCTIONP5: IDENTIFY four factors which influence group dynamics and performance in team sportsM3: EXPLAIN four factors which influence group dynamics and performance in team sportsD2: ANALYSE four factors which influence group dynamics and performance in team sportsUSE OF KEY VERBSVERBPLAIN ENGLISHIdentifyCreate a List of KEY FEATURES. (E.g.) Steven Gerrard’s strengths are: aerobic endurance, goal scoring ratio etc.ExplainOnce you have described the subject, often you will need to give further details and reasons why. (E.g.) Once you have described England’s poor performance in the World Cup, you may also give some reasons why the players did not perform as well as they could.AnalyseYou need to SELECT the KEY POINTS and EXPLAIN each point providing REASONS for each point and also looking at POTENTIAL IMPACTS. (E.g.) If you were looking at the performance of Barcelona you may pick out the key points in their success – Money, Lionel Messi, Iniesta etc.. You would then explain the contribution of each player and also look at what the club could do to regain the Champions League next seasonNO.Learner Checklist(Steps to Success)TICK WHEN COMPLETELearnerAssessor1Assignment Title: Group Dynamics2Create a List, give clear details and select the key points, giving reasons for each point and looking at any potential impacts for FOUR factors that influence group dynamics and performance in Team sportsConsider the following:GROUP PROCESSES. (E.G.) groups or teams; stages of group development (forming, storming, norming and performing); Steiner’s model of group effectiveness; Ringelmann effect, social loafing; interactive and coactive groupsCOHESION: definition (e.g.) task and social cohesion; creating an effective team climate; factors affecting cohesion (e.g.) environmental, personal, leadership and team factors; relationship between cohesion and performance(Evidence towards P5/M3/D2)USE IMAGES TO MAKE YOUR WORK INTERESTING4457700-29718000UNIT 17PSYCHOLOGY FOR SPORTS PERFORMANCETASK 5(P6/P7/M4/D3)Learning outcome 4 be able to plan a psychological skillsTraining programme to enhance sports performancePsychological Skills TrainingSCENARIOThe final task of your experience as an Assistant to the Sports Psychologist at the Subject Support Sports Academy is to look at psychological skills and a skills training programme.TASKThe Sports Psychologist has asked you to produce a report that assesses the current psychological skills of a selected sports performer. In the report you need to identify the strengths and areas to improve of the performer. (P6). For the final part of this task, the Sports Psychologist has asked you to plan a six-week psychological skills training programme to enhance performance for a selected sports performer. You also need to explain the design of the programme and to justify the design of the programme for a selected sports performer and make some suggestions for improvement (M4/D3).-4445172085START DATE:HAND-IN DATE:4000020000START DATE:HAND-IN DATE:4000500-29718000ASSESSMENT TASK 5 (P6/P7/M4/D3). HELPSHEETGRADING CRITERIAPASSMERITDISTINCTIONP6: Assess the current psychological skills of a selected sports performer, identifying strengths and areas for improvementP7: Plan a six-week psychological skills training programme to enhance performance for a selected sports performerM4: Explain the design of the six-week psychological skills training programme for a selected sports performerD3: JUSTIFY the design of the six-week psychological skills training programme for a selected sports performer, making suggestions for improvementUSE OF KEY VERBSVERBPLAIN ENGLISHAssess You need to make a judgement, state your opinion and give some reasons for your answer, using evidence where appropriate (e.g.) Manchester Utd are the best team in the League…because they have the best goalkeeper in the League... He kept 20 clean sheets last season more than any other goalkeeper. IdentifyCreate a List of KEY FEATURES. (E.g.) Steven Gerrard’s strengths are: aerobic endurance, goal scoring ratio etc.….ExplainOnce you have described the subject, often you will need to give further details and reasons why. (E.g.) Once you have described England’s poor performance in the World Cup, you may also give some reasons why the players did not perform as well as they could.JustifyYou need to give reasons why you have selected a particular opinion/argument. You must convince the reader why your opinion/argument is correct. (E.g.) Tiger Woods is the best golfer in the world…This is true because he has won (x) competitions, He has won more prize money etc.…NO.Learner Checklist (Steps to Success)TICK WHEN COMPLETELearnerAssessor1Assignment Title: Psychological Skills Training2Make a judgement and give some reasons for your answer for the current psychological skills of a selected sports performer. List the strengths and areas to improve for the sports performer.Consider the following:Assessment: Psychological strengths and weaknesses of the individual; identifying psychological demands of sports; performance profilingPsychological Skills: motivation (e.g.) goal-setting, performance profiling; arousal control (e.g.) progressive muscular relaxation, mind to muscle relaxation, autogenic techniques, breathing control, psyching up techniques; imagery (e.g.) mental rehearsal, controlling emotions, concentration, relaxation, pre-performance routines; confidence building (e.g.) self-talk, positive thinking, changing self-image through imagery.(Evidence towards P6)3Plan a six-week psychological skills training programme to improve performance for a selected sports performer. Plan: current situation; aims and objectives; action plan to address aims and objectives; daily and weekly content of the plan(Evidence towards P7)4Give clear, detailed reasons for the plan that you have designed.(Evidence towards M4)5Put a convincing argument together for the six-week programme. Make some suggestions how the programme could have been improved.(Evidence towards D2)USE IMAGES TO MAKE YOUR WORK INTERESTING ................

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