OCR Level 3 Nationals in Sport 15 - Prairie Spirit School ...

Sports Psychology

Learning Outcomes

By completing this unit candidates will develop knowledge and understanding of the basic principles, theories and methods used in psychology in relation to a sport setting.

Sports Related Scenario

As a sports psychologist your role and responsibility is to assist a local sports individual/team of your choice. Your main role is to improve the performance of their team by educating individuals/team members in the areas of psychology bullet pointed below.

You have been asked to provide evidence to meet the unit assessment objectives in order to show:

• the relevance of psychology for sport participants

• the relationship between personality and sport

• motivation and its relevance to sport and exercise

• aggression and its relationship to sport

• the relationship between anxiety and sport performance

• the relationship between group dynamics and performance

Complete all the following tasks that make up this assignment.

Task 1

Assessment Objective: Explain the relevance of psychology in understanding involvement in sport and exercise.

Task: As sports psychologist your role is to provide a written report on how relevant sports psychology is in relation to sports performance. You must include how sports psychology plays a role in individual and sports team’s performance.

• The nature of the study of psychology and the various ways that it has been studied in relation to sport and exercise involvement of individuals and groups

Your task is to provide a written report for the individual or team you have chosen to assist. Using the bullet pointed above, discuss and report back your findings.

The evidence for this task is to be provided in the form of a written report with appropriate headings, sub-headings and/or tables.

Task 2

Assessment Objective: Investigate and explain the relationship between personality and sport.

Task: A sports psychologist role is to know and understand their athletes. Personality is a set unique trait that a person possesses. For your information only, you are going to conduct a case study on one of your team members.

Within your sports psychology role, your task will be to investigate and explain the bullet points below then conduct an interview, questionnaire or observation on the team member you have chosen. Finally provide a short discussion on your findings. You can use examples from your findings in your investigation. You can add diagrams, pictures, photos, tables etc. A copy of your questionnaire, observation, interview etc must be provided.


• definitions of personality

• the trait approach

• the situational approach

• the interactionist approach

• the links between personality (traits, situational influences) and sport involvement and performance

The evidence for this task is to be provided in the form of a case study.

Task 3

Assessment Objective: Define motivation, exploring the main theories of motivation and their relevance to sport and exercise.

Task: A major role in the work of a sports psychologist is to motivate every participant in the team or individual sport. Each participant must be aware of what motivation is, the types of motivation and what causes sportsmen/women to drop out or become de-motivated.


• definitions of motivation

• intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

• achievement motivation

• implications for sport and exercise involvement, including adoption, adoption and drop-out

Your task is to provide each participant with a brochure explaining the above bullet points. You must use practical examples and research findings to help you present the information. The aim is to provide each athlete with enough information on the above areas in order to perform at an optimum level. You must also provide a separate conclusion demonstrating the relevance of motivation to sport and exercise.

The evidence for this task is to be provided in the form of an information brochure and separate conclusion.

Task 4

Assessment Objective: Analyse aggression and its relationship to sport

Task: Using the criteria below, you must provide each athlete with information on aggression as bullet pointed below. They must be able to refer to the information about aggression when they desire.


• definitions of aggression and types of aggression – hostile, instrumental

• theories of aggression – instinct theory, frustration-aggression hypothesis, social learning theory

• controlling and reducing aggression

• the relationship between aggression and sport

Your task is to produce four fact sheets on aggression using the above bullet points as the titles and topic areas. You must include examples and research to support the theory you are providing for the participants. You can include pictures, diagrams, tables, photos etc.

The evidence for this task is to be provided in the form of four fact sheets.

Task 5

Assessment Objective: Explain the relationship between anxiety (including stress and arousal) and sport performance.

Task: As a sports psychologist one of your responsibilities is to make sure that your participants are performing to an optimum level. Anxiety, arousal and stress are major factors that inhibit a sports performance. Your role is to educate your athletes in the following:

Theories of arousal/anxiety and performance relationship, including:

• inverted U

• multidimensional theory

• zones of optimal functioning

Strategies to control anxiety, stress and arousal:

• stress management

• manipulation of perception

• pre- and in-competition mental skills

Your task is to follow the bullet points above to produce an experimental design. You need to include the following:

• Introduction and aims (What you are writing about?)

• Review of Literature (Definitions, theories, zones, etc)

• Experiment (Method, Participants)

• Results (Copy of questionnaire and display of your results in a format of your choice)

• Conclusion

Using a well practised questionnaire (SCAT, CSAI) gather data to find out what is the relationship between anxiety (including stress and arousal) and sport performance?

The evidence for this task is to be provided in the form of an experimental design.

Task 6

Assessment Objective: Analyse group dynamics related to sport performance

Task: A sports psychologist’s role is to make sure that a sports team are performing to maximum potential. Their responsibility is to iron out any factors that may be affecting the team’s performance. You must educate your athlete with the information below:

Group dynamics:

• definition of a group

• how groups become teams

• structures and roles within groups and teams

• problems with the group process – group size, the Ringlemann effect, social loafing

• cohesion – task cohesion, social cohesion

Your task is to present the information bulleted above to your team. You must include relevant examples and research findings to help present your information. A bibliography and reference list must be provided on the last slides.

The evidence for this task is to be provided in the form of a presentation.

▪ you will need to prepare( a set of slides and presentation notes for team members (on set only)

▪ aim for your presentation( to last approximately 10 minutes

▪ make sure that you( practise your presentation beforehand

▪ be prepared to answer( questions

Unit 14: Sport and Exercise Psychology

|Assessment Objective |Task Deadline |

|1 | |

|2 | |

|3 | |

|4 | |

|5 | |

|6 | |

|Whole Assignment | |


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