Meet Car Thing.

Meet Car Thing.


Where you'll nd recommendations for you, recent search results, and your saved music and podcasts.

Voice control

Ask Spoti to play or show anything you want. Start by saying "Hey Spoti ".

Swipe the screen or turn the dial to scroll through

Press to get back to what's playing

Press the dial or tap the screen to see tracks in the playlist, album, or podcast

" Hey Spoti ...

Play my liked songs" Play my Daily Drive" Shu e Discover Weekly"

Play more like this" Save this song" Show this artist"

Show my podcasts" Show my playlists" Show driving playlists"

Show albums by [Artist name] Show [Artist name]" Show [Podcast name]"

Browse Browse playlists, artists, albums, and

and Play

podcasts to nd the song or podcast episode you want.

Now Playing

See and control what's playing using your voice, the touch screen, or dial.

Press to return to Home

Turn the dial or swipe the screen to scroll through the songs or episodes

Press the dial or tap the screen to play

Swipe the screen to skip

Tap to save, skip, pause, and shu e

Press the dial to play/pause

Press to close the Now Playing view


Save your favorite music and podcasts to presets.

Press and hold a preset to save what's playing

Or say "Hey Spoti , save this to preset [1-4]"




Press a preset to play it

Or say "Hey Spoti , play preset [1-4]"

Tip: Save news to a preset and it'll always play the latest episode.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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