Spring Lake Park Youth Hockey - SportsEngine


Spring Lake Park Youth Hockey

Board Meeting

Date: October 22, 2014


|Paul Beseman |Missy Gilsrud |Jon Tranby |Paul Cruys |

|Scott Oberg |Joey Orrey Sarah |Brian Fritz |Sean Noble |

|Brian Gordon |Clark | | |

| | |Greg Wacek | |

| | | | |


The regular meeting of the SLPYHA Board was called to order at 7:08 pm by Brian Fritz.

Approval of Minutes:

Approval of minutes from the October 8, 2014 meeting.

Motion to approve: Brian Fritz Seconded by: Scott Oberg

President’s Report

• Traveling coaches need to take Safe Sport training by 9:00am Nov. 1.

Vice President’s Report – Scott Oberg and Paul Beseman

• N/A

Treasurer’s Report – Paul Cruys

• Payments to Fogerty Ice Arena for ice bill and Bond payment.

• Discussion of calendar payments and financials.

• Review of team budgets.

• Discussion of online payments and processing fees.

Mite Director’s Report –Joey Orrey and Jon Tranby

• 111 Mites are registered.

• Evaluations start Saturday Oct 25.

• Discussion on full ice vs half ice. Majority of district 10 associations are going to half ice.

• Discussion of 2 B teams.

• Mite Coaches need to take Safe Sport training by December 31, 2014.

Traveling Director’s Report - Brian Gordon

• Roster sign off by November 1st.

Equipment Manager – Greg Wacek

• N/A

Motioned to dismiss @ 8:54 pm by Brian Fritz Seconded by. Missy Gilsrud


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