Spring Lake Park Youth Hockey - SportsEngine


Spring Lake Park Youth Hockey

Board Meeting

Date: February 13, 2013


|Paul Beseman |Stacy Klepsa |Melanie Triplett | |

|Wendy Nelson |Paul Cruys |Greg Wacek | |

|Ted Harlan |Kary McMahon |Mike Booth | |

| | | | |

|Absent: | | | |

|None | | | |


The regular meeting of the SLPYHA Board was called to order at 7:00pm by Stacy Klepsa.

Approval of Minutes:

Approval of minutes from the January 23, 2012 meeting.

Motion to approve: Melanie Triplett Seconded by: Mike Booth

President’s Report – Stacy Klepsa

• The Board met prior to the regular meeting with a member who filed a grievance to discuss the matters set forth in the grievance with said member. The Board informed the member that it would need to meet with the parties named in the grievance prior to issuing a determination.

Gambling Report – Wendy Nelson.

• Guest: Shawn Donahue of Express Games presented information on electronic pulltabs.

• The premises permit was approved for Gabe’s Rinkside Bar & Grill at the City Council meeting last week.

• Discussed the logistics of a U pick it raffle at the Mite Jamboree.

• Sites Report and Taxes Report for December were shared.

Motion to approve by: Paul Cruys Seconded by: Mike Booth

• Shared February Allowable Expenses and Lawful Purpose

Motion to approve by: Mike Booth Seconded by: Greg Wacek

o February Lawful Purpose

City of SLP - 3% - Not to exceed $800

City of Fridley - 3% - Not to exceed $800

City of Blaine - 10% - Not to exceed $600

MN Revenue – $15,000

State of Minnesota for premises license - $150

Fogerty Bond - $5,000

Treasurer’s Report – Paul Cruys

• Bills presented to be reimbursed: 2nd half District fees

• $2,046 was collected from the Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser.

• The Board reviewed and voted unanimously to accept the 990 tax return so that it may be timely filed.

Traveling Director’s Report – Kary McMahon

• Discussed the reconciliation of ice time and fees due from each team.

Mite Director’s Report - Mike Booth

• The Mite Jamboree schedule is out. Games were added for Friday.

• Discussed volunteer needs for the Mite Jamboree.

Equipment Manager – Greg Wacek

• n/a

Vice President’s Report – Paul Beseman

• Discussed Board presence at District Tournaments.

Motioned to dismiss @ 8:22 by Paul Beseman. Seconded by Mike Booth.


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