Independent Reading Project - The Literacy Lab: Mr. Neary ...

Name: _______________________________________

No More Dead Dogs

Week 1: Pages 1-45

Due: Monday 9/28/15


Connections to Common Core State Standards

RL.8.1 – Students will cite textual evidence to support their analysis of the novel.

RL.8.2 – Students will determine themes or key ideas and analyze their development over the course of the text.

RL.8.3 – Students will analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

RL.8.4 – Students will determine the meaning of words or phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language.

This Week’s Plan:

1) Read pages 1-45

2) Close Reading Text Annotations (Post-It Notes)

3) Comprehension questions.

4) Evidence Based Claim

A. Reading:

Pages 1- 45

*Read the entire section 1x through for enjoyment before beginning text annotations

and answering comprehension questions.

B. Text Annotation:

After reading the text through 1x for enjoyment, return and re-read it a 2nd time.

This time, use your Post-it Notes to annotate the story while you read. Take notes on the following elements:

• Characters

• Setting

• Conflict

• Vocabulary

In addition, use your post-its to take notes and:

• Make Predictions

• Ask Questions

• Make Connections

C. Comprehension Questions:

Answer the following questions on a piece of loose-leaf paper. Answers should be detailed, thoughtful and

thorough, and demonstrate an understanding of what was read.


1. Restate the question in your answer.

2. Always answer in complete sentences.

1. Why does Wallace feel it is necessary to always be truthful?

2. Wallace states that “honesty wasn’t just the best policy; it was the only one”.

How do you feel about this statement?

3. Wallace never confronts his dad about his lies. Why isn’t he honest with his dad about

his feelings?

4. Do you think Mr. Fogleman is justified in assigning Wallace detention for what he

considers a poor review of a book?

5. Why is Wallace considered a football hero? Is this justified? Give reasons for your


6. Why does Mr. Fogleman’s detention cause a problem for the football team?

7. Why does Rachel call Trudi’s comments “warning signs”?

8. Do you think Wallace’s second attempt at writing a review is an improvement over his

first review? Defend your answer.

9. Why do you think Rachel tells on Wallace for “writing a terrible review”?

10. How do you think Wallace reacts when Mr. Fogleman tells him he has a second day of


D. Evidence Based Claims:


1) Answer each question in a paragraph, citing evidence from the book to support your analysis. Explain your reasoning in each answer.

1. Why are Rachel and the other students in the Drama Club fascinated by Wallace and his attendance at rehearsal?

2. What are two traits that you would use to describe Wallace? Why?

Extra Credit Options (Choose One):

1. Sketch to Stretch

Create an illustration for the novel:

1) Select a character, scene or event of importance from this section of the novel.

In order to receive the extra credit, your picture must:

• Your illustration must fill a typical 8.5”x11” paper.

• It must be in color.

• It must be neat and detailed

• Provide a title at the top of your illustration, and a brief caption describing the illustration at the bottom of your page.

• On the back, write a brief statement explaining why you chose this character, event or scene.

2) The author uses the term “Rick-isms” to describe a humorous play on words used by Rick Falconi.

Select a “Rick-ism” from this section, create an illustration for it, and explain the play on words.

In order to receive the extra credit, your picture must:

• Your illustration must fill a typical 8.5”x11” paper.

• It must be in color.

• It must be neat and detailed

• Write the “Rick-ism” at the top of your illustration.

• On the back, write a brief statement explaining the play on words.

2. Section Vocabulary

Look up each of the following words.

• Record their parts of speech,

• Definitions.

• Record 1 synonym and 1 antonym for each word.

|Vocabulary |

|percolated (2) |

|slant (3) |

|fluke (7) |

|mediocre (7) |

|bamboozled (9) |

|earnestly (17) |

|intoned (19) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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