Grapeland Elementary School

My Preschool Week : April 14-17Theme: Nature/SpringReminder: On Friday we will have a Zoom session with Ms Garba and Miss Jennie! Zoom will begin at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.Please bring a share item that begins with or ends with X. We will also begin this week with the Letter X. View Letter X introduction video by Ms. Garba writing Letter X using your green Handwriting Without Tears book.Spring Yoga for Kids! Let’s get some movement and relaxation today! Try some of these Jungle Safari poses: ’s Go on a Rock or Flower Hunt! Go outside and see how many rocks and/or flowers you can find. Once you have found as many as you can, count them! Did you find more rocks or flowers? Which one is the biggest? Smallest? How do they feel?Sing: Numbers Rock Drawing Video with Miss Jennie! Let’s draw or paint a flower today! Watch the video for step by step directions on how to draw a flower! For this drawing you will need paper and something to draw or paint with. We will need the colors green, blue, and yellow as well as two colors of your choice for the flower :) : Sleeping Bunnies Happy Easter Mouse by Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond Craft Option: Tin Foil Egg . Cover cardboard or construction paper with foil. Have your child make their own design with markers on the foil. Another option is to color or decorate an egg with any paper you have available.Optional Speech & Language Activities For Tuesday: Speech Sound DaySing “Five Green and Speckled Frogs” With Miss M : Sound practice: Pick your speech sound (from your child’s IEP goals) and practice it with vowels (See Miss M’s example chart here: HYPERLINK "" \h )Pick five new words that start with your speech sound (Find word lists here: ). *Parents can write them down on strips of paper/note cards and tape them to rocks/objects outside for your child to hunt for and get extra practice in! (Keep these for future activities/extra practice!)Remember to use your hand signals! (Parents, find hand signals here: )Wednesday:Practice writing your name! Let’s use all the colors of the rainbow to write or trace our name. 114300114300Let’s Get Outside! Pretend to be a mother bird and build a nest for you baby bird. Gather sticks, grass, and other outside materials to make a nest. If you can make more than one nest, see which one is bigger and which one is smaller. 361950314325STEM: Use Plastic eggs or any small plastic container that will float in a body of water. Then add items around the house of all different weights (pennies, beads, cotton balls etc.) Place the object(s) in the egg or small container and talk with your child. Will this egg float or sink? Is it heavy or light? Now place the egg inside a small body of water and see if your prediction is correct. Sing and follow the directions in “Listen and Move Song” : 5 Little Ducks Are you my Mother?l Option: Paint a Baby Chick with a fork.Another option is to draw or color your favorite baby animal :) Share your art with your teacher via Remind app.4667250114300Optional Speech & Language Activities for Wednesday: Language Day Sing “Five Speckled Frogs” with Miss M! : Activity: Practice your greetings with Miss M or on your own when playing with stuffed animals/puppets! Watch Miss M’s video: . Then go on an egg hunt! Parents - hide some small toys in the eggs and help your child practice describing what is inside when he/she finds each item! You can include brothers and sisters to get some added pronoun practice too (“he found”/ “she found”). See Miss M’s video for how to HERE: Read a story with your family!Thursday: -Try sorting the parts of a flower 2428875209550 Find a flower and separate the stem, leaves, and petals. Place the stems in one cup, The leaves in another cup, And the petals in the last cup.Read If Animals Kissed Goodnight by Ann Whitford Paul “The Baby Animals Song” : Peep and the Big Wide World” Peep Plants a Seed 4762500114300Craft Option: Dandelion Use a sheet of paper and draw a stem then a medium circle at the start of the stem. Now add small circles 1 in apart around the medium circle when that is complete connect each circle with a line to the medium circle. Then have your child use a q tip and paint to dot the small circles.Join Miss Jennie for Story Time! This week’s book is Green Eggs Ham by Dr. Seuss :) Optional Speech & Language Activities for Thursday: Speech Sound DaySing “Baby Bumblebee” With Miss M: Sound practice: Pick your speech sound (from your child’s IEP goals) and practice it/them with vowels (See Miss M’s chart here: )Then go on an egg hunt! Parents - hide strips of paper with words that begin with your child’s sound in each egg and practice saying each word five times when you open each egg! (Find word lists here: ). You can include brothers and sisters to get some added pronoun and sentence practice too (“he found”/ “she found”). See video here for how to set this activity up! )Friday: Fitness Friday!Stay active! Join Ms. Garba for a fun fitness video of Bear Hunt! Practice counting food at snack today. How many (crackers, grapes, carrots etc.)do you have? Review letters in the alphabet by pointing out letters in your home and neighborhood (ex. On pictures, on cans, on cereal boxes etc.).One fun thing to do in Spring is to go on a picnic! Set up a family picnic in your yard or even inside your home and enjoy a nice meal with your family :)Share Day! Don’t forget to join us for our Zoom session today! Please bring something that starts with the letter X or has an X in it. Review a book suggestion from earlier in the week. =)Talk with your child: What was the best activity we did this week? What’s your favorite thing about nature?Optional Speech & Language Activities for Friday: Language/Play Day Sing “Baby Bumblebee” with Miss M! : a story with Miss M! Let’s Play!: Grocery store activity! Make a grocery store with your family! Use recyclables around your house (paper towel or toilet paper rolls/water bottles/food containers/cereal boxes/milk cartons) and set up your grocery store! Assign everyone with a role and pretend to shop! See Miss M’s quick video on how to set up HERE: additional activities, check out the printable worksheets tab :) ................

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