Dear Parent,

After reviewing the information contained in this handbook, please return this page to your child’s teacher.

Thank you,

Preschool staff

I have received a copy of the preschool parent handbook. I have reviewed the information contained in the handbook.

Child’s Name ____________________________

Parent’s Name (please print) _______________________________________________

______________________________________ ________________

Parent signature Date

Revised 7/1/16



Little Explorers Early Learning Center

Located at:

3175 Gordon Drive

Kingman, AZ 86409


Fax: 928-753-6412


3033 MacDonald, Kingman, AZ 86401 (928) 753-5678 FAX (928) 753-6910


1. Preschool Program Philosophy ------------------------------------ 4- 5

2. Goals of the KUSD #20 Preschool Program ------------------------5-6

3. Preschool Curriculum Overview -------------------------------------6-7

4. Hours of Operation ---------------------------------------------------- 7-8

5. Admission Requirements and Enrollment Procedures-------- 8-9

6. Attendance Policy ----------------------------------------------------- 9

7. Withdrawal/Dismissal Procedures ------------------------------- 9-10

8. Student Arrival and Departure Policies ------------------------- 10

9. Written Authorization for Release of Children ---------------- 10

10. Discipline Policies ----------------------------------------------- 11

11. Transportation ------------------------------------------------------- 11

12. Procedures for Field Trips ------------------------------------------ 11

13. Role and Influence of Parents -------------------------------------------- 11

14. Parent Involvement and Responsibilities ----------------------- 12

15. Supervision of Visitors---------------------------------------------- 12

16. Parent and Visitors Access to the Classroom------------------ 12

17. Positioning of Teachers/Assistants in the Classroom---------- 13

18. Directions for Verbal Notification of Parents

in the event of an Accident or Emergency ---------------------- 13

19. Illness Policy---------------------------------------------------------- 13

20. Policy on Medications and Emergency Procedures----------- 14

21. Emergency Plan------------------------------------------------------- 14

22. Liability Coverage---------------------------------------------------- 14

23. Dress--------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

24. Meals and Snacks ------------------------------------------------ 15

25. Media Release Policy------------------------------------------------- 15

26. Confidentiality---------------------------------------------------- 15-16

27. Complaint Procedure------------------------------------------------ 16

28. Pesticide Application --------------------------------------------------- 16

29. Inspection Reports-------------------------------------------------- 16

30. Non-Discrimination ------------------------------------------------- 16

Little Explorer Early Learning Center Program Philosophy

We believe that parents and families are important partners in a child’s learning. Home and school are both part of the child’s world. At Little Explorers ELC, hands on activities that target the five areas of development (cognitive, motor, social, self-help, and communication) in a safe and nurturing environment are a key to optimal growth in young children. Children at Little Explorers ELC are encouraged to become active learners by using “learning by doing” in a classroom with centers and a variety of developmentally appropriate materials.

The learning centers include: Science/nature, Blocks and manipulative materials, Books/ literacy center, Dramatic play/Housekeeping center, Math/discovery center, Art center, and Outdoor play. Children maximize their potential through play in a specially designed environment and through well planned developmentally appropriate activities.

The Little Explorers ELC environment offers opportunities for exploring, experimenting, and problem solving. Our staff and high school students who are enrolled in child development classes provide teacher and child directed activities in a safe and fun atmosphere. Developmentally appropriate activities are emphasized.

The Little Explorers ELC Preschool is an integrated preschool program which combines developmentally delayed children with typically developing children 3 to 5 years of age.

Little Explorers ELC Preschool offers a variety of special services to the children in the program that need them. These services include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Our preschool also works with the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB) to provide itinerant vision and/or hearing services when needed.

Child Find Screenings are conducted at least every 45 days during the school year to identify children who may qualify for special education services as well as to monitor the child’s progress. Our staff also works with Head Start, the Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), and Arizona’s Early Intervention Program (AzEip) to transition children from these programs into the Little Explorers Early Learning Center Programs. Children are evaluated by the preschool team. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed for each child who is eligible for special education services in the preschool program. Referrals are made to AzEIP as needed for our infant and toddler population.

The Kingman Unified School District’s Little Explorers Staff believes that the early years present very important educational opportunities for all children. The development of each child’s abilities and potentials is stressed in the development of classroom activities. The activities planned in the program allow for each child’s individual growth in motor skills, speech and language skills, self-help skills, social skills, and cognitive skills.

The preschool curriculum is based on meeting the developmental needs of each child in the program. The staff bases the development of activities on the work of Piaget, the philosophy of the National Accreditation Commission, and the Arizona Early Learning Standards. Bloom’s Taxonomy is used to promote higher level thinking skills appropriate for the children in the classroom.

Little Explorers staff and families work together to enhance the preschool experience for each child in the program. Parents are participating members of the team that

develop their child’s IEP. Parent-Teacher Conferences are held at least twice a year for general education as well as special education children in the program. Progress toward each child’s goals is discussed at these meetings and progress reports are sent home 4 times a year for every child in the preschool program. Parents are informed at the beginning of each school year of the developmental philosophy of the preschool program. Parents are invited to attend monthly meetings on topics of interest to them as parents of preschool age children. Parents feel welcome in the preschool classroom and are comfortable in contributing ideas and skills to the preschool program.

The infant and toddler curriculum uses the appropriate Creative Curriculum materials and activities to plan instruction. The Arizona Infant Toddler Program Guidelines and the National Accreditation Commission philosophies are also used. Teachers, assistants and volunteers in the program encourage children to explore, to try new skills and to build on skills already acquired.

The focus of our staff is to provide a safe, secure and comfortable environment in which the children can practice skills that have been mastered as well as develop new skills.

Staff training is ongoing. It includes in-services and frequent staff meetings in order to keep the staff well informed of age appropriate developmental practices and of the progress and needs of each child in the program. The program staff also works with the Quality First Coach to continue to increase the quality of the program.


The Little Explorers Early Learning Center will provide appropriate services to special needs, tuition, and at risk children 6 weeks to 5 years old (those 5 year old children who are not yet old enough to attend Kindergarten).

The Little Explorers Early Learning Center will use developmentally appropriate practices to help all children develop skills in the areas of physical, speech and language, social/emotional, adaptive/self-help and cognitive skills.

Children will grow and learn through a variety of developmentally appropriate activities indoors and outdoors.

Activities will be teacher directed as well as child directed and will take into consideration the many learning styles of the children.

Parent education and information evenings will be planned during the year featuring teachers and specialists who will discuss topics that are relevant to and important to parents of the children.

Staff and families will work together to successfully transition children between rooms at the Little Explorers Early Learning Center.

Teachers, staff and families will work together with the kindergarten teachers and staff to transition preschool children into appropriate kindergarten programs when the time is appropriate.

Little Explorers staff and families will work as a team to ensure a positive experience and quality education for all children.


Little Explorers Early Learning Center is a child care facility and preschool program that is licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services. The license covers full time child care, part time child care, developmental preschool, and is nationally accredited .

Our Setting

The Little Explorers ELC is part of the Career and Technical Education Program at Kingman High School. Students who are enrolled in Early Childhood Education classes may work in the ELC as part of their class requirement. High School students are always supervised by an adult staff member when they are working in the classrooms at the ELC.

The Early Childhood Education program students meet all of the Career and Technical Education standards, guidelines, and licensing requirements. Our students are considered assistant-teacher caregivers under Arizona Department of Health Services regulations and gain quality work experience for the time they work at the Little Explorers ELC. All of the fees and tuition collected are applied to staff wages and center supplies.


The Little Explorers Preschool curriculum is an early childhood theme-based curriculum. This means that the instruction in the preschool classroom is based on a specific topic which changes every two weeks. For example, instruction may center around dinosaurs for 2 weeks and then change to community helpers. The classroom instruction centers around the 5 early childhood developmental areas. These areas are:

1. Cognitive Skills (How your child thinks and reasons)

2. Communication Skills (which has 2 parts)

Speech – how your child pronounces words

Language – how your child uses words

3. Motor Skills (also has 2 parts)

Gross motor – large motor skills like running, jumping, riding a tricycle

Fine motor – small motor skills like writing, using scissors, stringing beads

4. Social Skills (How your child gets along with others and manners)

5. Self-Help Skills (following a routine, using the bathroom, getting a drink or eating food)

The instruction in the preschool classroom is developmental and play-based. Playing is your child’s “work” in preschool and is the best way to help your child develop the important skills listed above.

The preschool teachers take into consideration the needs of the individual preschoolers when planning lessons. The Arizona Early Learning Standards are also used when planning lessons. Parents can access the Arizona Early Learning Standards online at ade. . Please contact your child’s teacher for more information about the standards.

Please check the weekly Parent Letter for information about the planned activities for each week.


Little Explorers ELC Preschool has both A.M. and P.M. sessions. The A.M. classes begin at 8:45 a.m. and end at 11:45 a.m. The P.M. classes begin at 12:45 p.m. and end at 3:45 p.m.

Please be aware that parents/guardians are REQUIRED to sign their children IN and OUT each day. The children attend preschool Monday through Thursday only. All preschool programs participate in Early Release.

Early Release Schedule:

August 31, 2016: NO A.M. Preschool

P.M. Preschool - normal schedule (12:30 to 3:45)

September 1, 2016: A.M. Preschool– normal schedule (8:30 to 11:45)

NO P.M. Preschool

December 21, 2016: NO A.M. Preschool

P.M. Preschool - normal schedule (12:30 to 3:45)

December 22, 2016: A.M. Preschool– normal schedule (8:30 to 11:45)

NO P.M. Preschool

February 8, 2017: NO A.M. Preschool

P.M. Preschool - normal schedule (12:30 to 3:45)

February 9, 2017: A.M. Preschool – normal schedule (8:30 to 11:45)

NO P.M. Preschool

May 22, 2017: NO A.M. Preschool

P.M. Preschool - normal schedule (12:30 to 3:45)

May 23, 2017: A.M. Preschool – normal schedule (8:30 to 11:45)

NO P.M. Preschool

May 24, 2017: NO A.M. and NO P.M. Preschool


The KUSD #20 Little Explores ELC Preschool Program serves three populations of children:

Special needs children who are at least three years old, but not old enough for kindergarten, are accepted – if they qualify under Federal and State guidelines for special education.

Tuition preschoolers who are at least three years old, but not old enough for kindergarten are accepted if there is room.

There is also a scholarship program available that offers preschool scholarships to families in financial need. Preschoolers must be 3 years old but not yet old enough to attend kindergarten. Families of the preschooler must qualify financially in order to obtain the preschool scholarship.

A certified copy of the preschooler’s birth certificate and complete immunization records must be provided to the preschool program at registration.

Completion of the enrollment packet is required which includes all emergency and medical information. When the parent/guardian notifies the office that the child is to be leaving the school, a withdrawal form is completed and signed by the parent. The child’s birth certificate and immunization records are copied and given to the parent, if requested. Records are maintained at the school for requests from the new school.

Anyone asking to take the child from school must furnish picture identification and be listed on the emergency card.

Payment fees:

Little Explorers ELC preschool tuition student’s fees are $150.00 monthly to attend the preschool program. An additional fee will be charged for bus transportation.

Payment Schedule

Payment is due the first of each month beginning August 1st and ending April 1st.

Refund policy – No refunds will be given for tuition or for monthly transportation costs.

Late Payments- If the tuition payment is more than 2 weeks (14 calendar days) late; your child will no longer be able to attend the program until the tuition is paid in full for that month.

District Policy Regarding Preschool Tuition fees for Children of KUSD #20 Staff Members Attending the KUSD #20 Preschool Program

Children of KUSD #20 staff members may attend the preschool program for a reduced tuition fee. The regular tuition for the preschool is $150.00 monthly starting in August and ending in April. Tuition for children of KUSD #20 staff members will be $125.00 per month for the same period of time. The cost of bus transportation will remain $50.00. The reduced rate is only available if the cost of tuition is taken out of the employee’s pay check.


Attendance is very important in preschool. Each preschool classroom has an established daily routine and engages in stimulating, fun activities that help your child learn. We encourage you to send your child to school daily. However, we understand when your child is sick or there is a family emergency. In those cases, please contact us at 753-6413 to let us know why your child is not at preschool.

If your child has 10 consecutive unexcused absences, your child will be withdrawn from the preschool program. Therefore it is essential for you to call us to let us know why your child is not at school.

If your child is attending as a child in our scholarship program, your child will be withdrawn from the program if he/she attends for less than 85% of the scheduled school days.


If you know in advance that you will be withdrawing your preschooler from the preschool program, you need to inform your child’s teacher and the preschool office staff. Before the date of withdrawal, you will need to complete and sign a withdrawal form from the preschool office. If you unexpectedly need to withdraw your child from the preschool program, please be sure to call and inform the preschool office (Little Explorers ELC (928) 753-6413).


It is not the policy of this preschool program to dismiss preschoolers from the program for behavior or social/emotional issues. Our staff will work with the child and parent toward the resolution of these issues. However, if a child is a danger to himself/herself or to other children, temporary suspension may be considered until the behavior issue can be resolved.

A child may be dismissed from preschool if that child has 10 or more consecutive unexcused absences. An attempt is made to contact the family each day. If there is no response by the 10th day, the child will be dismissed from the program.


Arrival Procedures

Each child who is transported to school by the parent must be escorted into the cafeteria and signed in by the individual bringing the child to school.

Departure Procedures

At Little Explorers ELC, the parents will be required to come to the classroom to pick up their child.

NOTE: Each child will be released to their parent/guardian after they have signed out the child.

At Little Explorers ELC, the teacher will supervise the dismissal process in the classroom.

Anyone picking up a child who is unfamiliar to the teacher will need to produce identification. The teacher will then radio the office to verify that this person is authorized to pick up this child.


Children will only be released to the parent or those people listed on the emergency card. Picture identification is required. A sign out and sign in sheet MUST be completed daily at school. No one else will be allowed into the class, visit the child, or leave with the child without prior written authorization. Exceptions are made for public agencies with legal authorization.

If the child comes to school on the bus, the parent/guardian must sign a release allowing school personnel to sign the child into/out of school. Preschool assistants/teachers will be at the bus drop off area before the buses arrive. Bus drivers/assistants will not allow preschool children off the bus unless a preschool assistant/ teacher is at the bus to receive the child.

At the end of each daily session, all sign out sheets are turned into the preschool office in the “in box”.


Self-discipline and self-management are developmentally appropriate and important in a child’s life. Teachers and assistants help children learn these skills through coaching, modeling, and having children observe each other. Class rules are logical and appropriate for children and they are explained and demonstrated. The staff uses consistency and common sense. If a child needs a short break, space is provided. Most of the time guidance toward a different activity, toy or group is enough to bring the child back into control. Logical consequences are verbalized to help the child grow behaviorally and in his/her communication. Cooperation is stressed in group activities and provisions are made for the individual needs of special needs children.

Paraprofessionals are assigned to help the children in the class. A speech and language therapist, an occupational therapist, and a physical therapist serve children as needed on their Individual Education Plans. Other special needs required by each child are addressed on his/her Individual Education Plans.


Transportation is available for special needs preschoolers, and grant/scholarship preschoolers. Transportation is also available for tuition children at an additional cost of $50.00 per month. Arrangements are made through the preschool office staff who will contact the transportation department. Any changes in busing must be submitted to the preschool office staff at least 4 days before the change needs to be implemented.


Field trips are conducted according to KUSD #20 policy guidelines and must meet educational standards. The safety, as well as educational growth, of all children is crucial. In many instances visitors will be brought to the school for demonstrations, i.e., the fire safety house, emergency vehicles, the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office and their drug finding dog, Department of Game and Fish with exhibits.

Field trips and special visitors are used to expand children’s knowledge and understanding of their world and the greater society.


As a parent/guardian, you are the most important person in your child’s life. Our preschool staff relies on you to keep us informed about your child. We encourage you to share information about your child with our staff so that we have all of the knowledge we need to make your child’s preschool experience successful. You know your child better than anyone. Your knowledge, ideas and opinions are greatly valued by our staff.


Family members/guardians are the best source of knowledge and understanding of their child. Please keep the school current about medicines or health and behavior problems. Also, always give the school information that will help keep your child’s emergency information up to date.

Parent –Teacher conferences are scheduled in the fall, in the spring and at any other time the parent and teacher want to meet. Parent-Teacher conferences provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and develop goals for your child. Teachers in the preschool program strive to work with the families to ensure that each child has a successful experience in preschool.

Family members/guardians are welcome to visit your child’s classroom at any time. All visitors must check into the office first.

Teachers will make frequent contact by phone calls and notes. We are a team working together for the growth of the children and need to be frequently in contact with each other. Please feel free to call teachers at the school. While class time will not be interrupted, each teacher will return your call as soon as possible.


All visitors must sign in at the office. We welcome parents and family visits. Please let us know in advance when you are coming and how long you want to stay. All state laws and district rules must be followed at all times.


Parents are encouraged to visit their child’s classroom. If you are visiting the classroom, you must check in at the main office and get an I.D./Name badge. Then proceed to your child’s classroom. Only those individuals authorized to have contact with the child shall be allowed to visit the child at school. (See individual blue sheets for list of authorized persons)

School/district administrators and staff have access to the preschool classrooms. Students from the local college/ university may observe in the preschool classroom with the approval of the preschool coordinator. All students observing in the classroom must be made aware of and agree to the confidentiality rules of KUSD#20.

Teachers will greet parents and children as they arrive at school. After school is in session, an assistant will greet parents and children who arrive late. The preschool office staff will be informed of any late arrivals for attendance recording purposes.


Teachers and assistants have been instructed in where to position themselves in their classrooms so that all the children can be observed at the same time. The classrooms are set up to facilitate this type of observation. Shelving is low so as not to obstruct the view of an adult. Teachers and assistants must position themselves in the classroom so that their back is to the wall and they are facing the majority of the children. The areas in the classroom where children work/play are clearly visible to the adults in the classroom. Any time an adult needs to leave the classroom, that adult will alert the other adults that he/she is leaving the area. At that time, the remaining adults will be sure to observe the children that adult was observing. Teachers and assistants periodically review the plan for their classroom so that any changes that need to be made can be made. It is of the utmost importance that all adults are observing children effectively at all times.

Teachers and assistants have developed a plan to effectively supervise all of the children on the playground at one time. If an adult is not able to be in their assigned area, the other adults on the playground add that area to the area they supervise.

There is no scheduled rest time during the preschool day. Teachers, assistants and children are engaged in activities at all times. If a child needs to rest, there is a quiet area in the classroom library where a child can do so. An adult always monitors that area.


The preschool coordinator, teacher, or school nurse will notify parents/guardians as soon as possible within 30 minutes. If parents cannot be reached, staff will refer to the child’s emergency form and school registration information to initiate emergency contacts. Parents will be informed of minor injuries through notes or phone calls or in person when the parent picks up the child.


If your child has a fever or shows signs of illness, please keep him/her home.

If your child is found to have a fever, rash, or diarrhea, is vomiting, is very congested or is found by the school nurse to be too ill to stay at school, the child’s parents will be notified as soon as possible within 30 minutes. If parents cannot be reached, staff will refer to the child’s emergency form and school registration information to initiate emergency contacts. The child will be taken to the nurse’s office to await the arrival of the parents. A staff member will remain with the child at all times. The child may return to school when he/she has been symptom free for 24 hours.

Be sure to call the office at the school to explain why your child is absent and send a note. Phone calls are made daily to verify absence.

List any allergies your child has on the registration form along with your doctor’s name. Information that may be life threatening to your child (allergy to bee stings, for instance)

If your child is exposed to a contagious disease, please notify the school.


Each classroom has a first aid kit with antiseptic and Band-Aids. Children who require more care will have their parents/guardians contacted. If they are unable to be located other names on the emergency card will be contacted (please keep these up to date). If necessary, the doctor listed on the emergency card or ambulance/paramedics will be called.

To administer medicine to student:

1. There must be a written order from the physician stating the name of the

medicine, the dosage, and the time it is given.

2. There must be written permission from the parent to allow the school

to administer the medicine. Appropriate forms are available

from the preschool staff.

3. The medicine must come to the school office in the prescription container or

if it is over the counter medication, in the original container with all

warnings and directions intact.


Exit route maps are posted in each room in case of fire or other emergency. Children participate in fire drills at least monthly. Lock down drills are held at least quarterly.

If children need to be evacuated to another location, the location will be Kingman High School. Students and staff will be transported by bus. Parents will be notified within 30 minutes of completing the evacuation.

Little Explorers ELC and KUSD#20 have detailed emergency plans available for your review. Please contact the coordinator if you wish to review the written plan.

Please be prepared to discuss with your child good emergency and safety procedures.


Liability coverage is provided by Kingman Unified School District #20 as required by state licensing. Little Explorers Early Learning Center uses the ADHS licensing enrollment form that lists who is to be called in case of injury or sudden illness. There is a signature requirement that must be completed before a child may attend preschool. It is stated that the expense of hospital or doctor services for the health and safety of the child will be accepted by the parent/guardian. Little Explorers ELC does not provide health insurance for the individual children enrolled.


Please dress your child in clean, comfortable play clothes and closed toed shoes. Mark the child’s name on any coats, gloves, hats, or other belongings. No toys or other items from home need come to school except for “show and tell”. If you want to “share” an animal, please make arrangements in advance with the teacher.


The Little Explorers Early Learning Center offers breakfast and lunch in our cafeteria for our preschool students. Breakfast will be served from 8:30 to 9:00 am Monday through Thursday. Lunch will be served from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. You will find that the breakfast and lunch menus offer a variety of food items that represent a variety of different cultures.

More information on the breakfast/lunch program is included in your orientation folder. If you are providing breakfast or lunch for your child please send in healthy items. Please remember that the Arizona Department of Health Services requires that any juice served to a child at our center must be 100% juice.

NOTE: If your child has a diagnosed food allergy or sensitivity or a special dietary need, please notify the preschool staff in advance so that alternate items can be made available to your child. A doctor’s note is needed stating your child’s special dietary needs/allergies/sensitivity.

NOTE: If you are bringing in a snack for the class (birthday or holiday treat) please remember that it must be a store bought item or an item prepared in a kitchen that is inspected by the Mohave County Health Department. We cannot serve homemade items to the children. THANK YOU!!


All children have a media release on file that has been signed by the parent. This release indicates whether or not the child’s image (photos, video footage, digital imagery) can be made or used for public viewing including any form of publication – brochures, websites, advertising materials, newspaper stories etc.). If a parent does not give permission the teacher will be informed. The preschool office will also keep an up to date list of this information. Teachers are required to check with the office before including a child in one of the publication forms listed above.


In accordance with Federal and State laws, all student records are kept in complete confidence. Records are available to select school and district personnel and to legally authorized public agencies.

If you have any questions or concerns or information that would help your child learn and grow in preschool, please contact the teacher.


The Little Explores Preschool staff is committed to making sure that you and your child have the most positive and successful preschool experience possible. Therefore, if you have any questions, concerns or complaints we encourage you to follow the procedure outlined below to resolve any issues you may have:

1. Talk to your child’s teacher about the issue. Many times a problem can be solved quickly through open communication with the teacher.

2. However, if your child’s teacher is unable to resolve the issue, please contact the coordinator of the program.

3. If the coordinator is unable to resolve the issue, please contact the KUSD#20 superintendent.

Phone numbers and email addresses for all of the teachers, the coordinator and the superintendent are included in your enrollment packet.


The time and date of pesticide application is posted on the main entrance door of the school at least 7 days prior to the application of pesticide. The types of pesticide in use are also posted on the same form as the time and date of application.


All inspection reports are available in the district office and the facilities director’s office.


The Little Explorer Preschool facilities are regulated by the Arizona Department of Health Services, 150 18th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85007

, 602-542-1025; FAX 602-542-0883.


Little Explorers Early Learning Center admits children of any race, religion, disability, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available to children at the preschool. We do not discriminate in any way within the administration of our educational policies; financial plan or any other child care administered program. A multi-cultural, anti-biased curriculum is offered.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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