Curriuculum vitae - University of Texas at Austin School ...

Elizabeth J. Mueller, Ph.D. Program Director, Graduate Program in Community and Regional Planning Associate Professor of Community and Regional Planning and Social Work University of Texas at Austin 310 Inner Campus Drive, B7500 Austin TX 78712 512-471-1151 office 512-471-0716 fax EDUCATION Ph.D. Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley. April 1992. Major Fields: Regional Planning, Social Policy, Planning Theory, Labor Economics. M.C.P. Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley. May 1984. Concentration: Regional Planning and Economic Development, Labor Policy. B.S.F.S. School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, May 1981. Dean’s List. Major: International Economic Development. Regional Focus: Latin America. Languages: Spanish and Portuguese. HONORS AND AWARDS Public Voices Fellow of the Op Ed Project, 2018-19 Outstanding Teaching Award (Lecturer), UT School of Architecture, 2017 American Planning Association Smart Cities Award, 2017. Innovation Award, Scenario Planning Analysis Network, for Exemplary Implementation, 2017 Fellow, RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, 2016-present 2012 University Co-Op Research Excellence Award for Best Research Paper Dr. Kent Butler Student Project Award, Central Texas APA, 2012 Humanities Institute Fellow, The Public and the Private, 2012 Distinguished Service Award, City of Austin, 2007, 2014 Outstanding Service Award, School of Architecture, University of Texas, 2004, 2013 Academic Innovation Awards, RGK Center for Philanthropy, University of Texas, 2003, 2004 UC MEXUS Dissertation Fellowship, 1989-1990 Fellowship, Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, 1987-88 Regents Fellowship, University of California, 1983-84 Calouste Gulbenkian Fellowship (for study of Portuguese), 1979 American Field Service, Exchange Student, Popayan, Colombia, 1977 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Program Director, Graduate Program in Community and Regional Planning, School of Architecture, UT Austin, August 2018-present. Associate Professor of Community and Regional Planning and Social Work, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin. September 2011-present. Assistant Professor, January 2006-August 2011, Research Scientist and Lecturer, January 2001-December 2005. Visiting Professor, Department of Planning and Urban Studies, University of New Orleans, Jan-May 2018. Graduate Advisor, Community and regional Planning, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin. September 2012-July 2017. Visiting Professor. School of Urban Planning, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. Jan-Apr 2011. Director, Center for Sustainable Development, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin. Jul 2007-Aug 2009. Senior Research Associate, Center for Public Policy Priorities, Austin, Texas. Jul 1999-Jan 2001. Adjunct faculty member, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin. Fall 1998. Visiting Scholar, Urban Issues Program, University of Texas at Austin. 1997-98. Assistant Professor of Urban Policy and Senior Research Associate, Community Development Research Center, Robert J. Milano School of Management and Urban Policy, New School for Social Research, New York, NY. Aug 1993-Jun 1999 (on leave 1997-99). Postdoctoral Fellow, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Sept 1991-Aug 1993. FUNDED RESEARCH, CONSULTING (MAJOR PROJECTS ONLY) Houston/Harris County Affordable Housing Study. Co-Investigator. Harris County, Texas. $1 million. St John’s Site. Co-Investigator. City of Austin. $80,545. Grant to develop a set of scenarios for development of this site in the St John’s neighborhood to reflect its location in an area susceptible to gentrification and displacement pressures, its location adjacent to a major highway, and the views and desires of area residents and institutions. Gentrification and Displacement Mapping and Policy Assessment. PI. City of Austin. $69,000. Grant to support development of an interactive map of neighborhood vulnerable to gentrification-induced displacement, a typology of stages of change, and policy options matched to typology stage. 2017-2018. Co-PIs Heather Way & Jake Wegmann. Scenario Tools for Equitable Corridor Reinvestment and Affordable Housing Preservation. PI. Lincoln Land Institute. $42,000. Grant to support replication of metric developed in Austin in two other fast growing cities. 2015-2016. Creating Green, Inclusive Corridors. PI. HUD Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities Research Grant. $125,000. Grant to support research identifying affordable rental housing at risk for demolition due to current planning initiatives, and strategies for preservation and renewal for existing residents. 2013-2015. Sustainable Places Project. Co-Investigator. HUD-Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities. $3 million. Grant to support sustainable regional planning in Central Texas. Developing equity indicators for a regional analytic tool used in scenario planning, a regional equity atlas, and a survey of low wage central city workers living outside of Austin on factors determining where they live and shop, their willingness to live closer to work. 2010-2012. Sustainable Cities Doctoral Research Initiative. University of Texas System: $500,000. Grant to support creation of three interdisciplinary research teams, support doctoral student members of teams, and provide seed funding for proposal development for ongoing funding. 2009-2012. Sustainable Development Education Initiative. Meadows Foundation: $240,000. Grant to support revision of core curriculum in architecture, planning, landscape architecture, urban design, and interior design to incorporate greater focus on sustainability. 2008-2010. A Research Agenda for Affordable Housing for the Poor in Texas. Rockefeller Foundation: $400,000. Grant for three major areas of work: Making housing priorities and performance transparent, analyzing state housing program performance, and establishing the Texas Housing Research Consortium. 20042006. Development of a Family Security Index for Texas’ Metropolitan Regions. Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. Developed a methodology and replicable model for assessing the expenses and associated wage needs for six family types for each of Texas’ metropolitan regions. 2000-2001. Evaluation of Annie E. Casey Foundation's Jobs Initiative. $3 million total budget. Under subcontract to Abt Associates, assessing planning and implementation of eight-year effort to promote system reform aimed at increasing employment of disadvantaged residents in 'living wage' jobs in six cities. Used “theory of changes” evaluation approach. Mar 1996-Aug 2004. Case Study of the El Paso Collaborative for Community and Economic Development. Ford Foundation. Member of a team lead by the Center for Urban Policy Research studying the work of selected Fordfunded community development collaboratives. Aug-Dec 1997. Assessment of Application Process and First Year of Activities in New York City's Empowerment Zone. HUD, Office of Community Planning and Development. Principal investigator for report assessing level of community participation and ability of zone to translate community goals into viable activities. May 1996Sept 1997. Analysis of the Social Effects of Community Development. Pew Charitable Trusts, Rockefeller Foundation, Lilly Endowment, New York Community Trust: $1 million total budget. Project manager, multi-year study of residents' views of the work of three “mature” community development corporations, employing both ethnographic and survey analysis incorporating use of matched comparison neighborhoods in the three cities. Sept 1993-Jan 1997. Study of the Magnitude and Causes of Urban Poverty in the United States. Rockefeller Foundation. Institute of Urban and Regional Development, UC Berkeley. Co-authored major report on urban poverty. Drafted chapters on magnitude and incidence of poverty in the US and impact on cities. Research formed basis for Separate Societies, W. Goldsmith and E. Blakely, Temple University Press, 1992, winner, 1993 Paul Davidoff Award. Jul 1988-May 1989. PUBLICATIONS Books R. Tighe and E. J. Mueller, eds. The Affordable Housing Reader. Routledge. 2013. (Reviewed in Environment and Planning B, the Journal of the American Planning Association, London Art & Architecture, & the Journal of Urban Affairs.) Second edition is in process, due out in 2020. Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Under review: E.J. Mueller and K. Howell. “Holding slumlords accountable: The legacy of urban renewal in two cities.” Sung, S. Van Zandt and E. J. Mueller. “"Outcomes from Buyouts: Where do the poor go?” Published or in press: E. Mueller, H. Way, and J. Wegmann. “Freefall: Why our housing safety net is failing the lowest-income renters during COVID,” in the Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law, Special issue on Affordable Housing and Community Development in an Age of Pandemic. Forthcoming.E. Tretter, E. J. Mueller, and R. Heyman. “YIMBYism in Austin: The fracturing and realignment of the pro- and anti-growth coalitions,” Symposium on Housing Supply. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Forthcoming. H. Way, E. Mueller and B. Martin. “Uprooted: Local Efforts to Mitigate Displacement in Gentrifying Neighborhoods,” Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law, 28, 1 (2019): 17-47.K. L. Howell, E. J. Mueller and B. B. Wilson. “One size fits none: Local context and planning for preservation,” Housing Policy Debate, 29, 1 (2019): 148-165. (Special issue on the future of housing policy.) E.J. Mueller, T. Hilde, and M. Torrado. “Methods for countering spatial inequality: Incorporating strategic opportunities for housing preservation into Transit-Oriented Development planning,” Landscape and Urban Planning 177, (2018): 317-327. E.J. Mueller and S. Dooling. “Sustainability and Vulnerability: Integrating equity into plans for central city redevelopment,” Journal of Urbanism, 4, 3 (Nov 2011): 201–222. Winner of 2012 UT Coop Society Hamilton Award for Best Research Paper. E. J. Mueller, H. Bell, B. B. Chang and J. Henneberger. “Looking for Home: Disaster Housing Policy after Katrina,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 31, 3 (Sept 2011): 291-307. Guest editor (with F. Steiner), Special issue on Environment and Equity in Local Housing Policy. Housing Policy Debate, 21, 1 (Jan 2011). E. J. Mueller and F. Steiner. “Integrating Equity and Environmental Goals in Local Housing Policy,” Housing Policy Debate, 21, 1 (Jan 2011). J.-O. Kim, F. Steiner, and E. J. Mueller. “Of Cranes, Crops and Conservation: Understanding Human Perceptions of Biodiversity Conservation in South Korea’s Civilian Conservation Zone,” Environmental Management, 47: 1-10 (2011). E. J. Mueller. “Old Apartments and New Plans: Threats to Affordable Apartments in Two Texas Cities,” Community Development 41, 1 (Jan-Mar 2010): 121-140). E. J. Mueller and T. L. Ferguson. “Access to the Agenda: Local Housing Politics in a Weak State Context,” Planning Forum, 13-14 (2009). E. J. Mueller and A. F. Schwartz. “Reversing the Tide: Will State and Local Governments House the Poor as Federal Direct Subsidies Decline? Journal of the American Planning Association special issue on the Future of Housing 74, 1 (2008): 122-135. E. J. Mueller and J. R. Tighe. “Making the Case for Affordable Housing: Connecting Housing with Health and Education Outcomes” Journal of Planning Literature 21, 4 (2007): 371-385. D. Howell and E.J. Mueller. “The Effects of Immigrants on African-American Earnings: A Jobs-Level Analysis of the New York City Labor Market, 1979-1989,” Journal of Migration and Ethnicity, 26, 3 (July 2000). M. Oden and E. J. Mueller. “Distinguishing Development Incentives from Developer Give-Aways: A Critical Guide for Development Practitioners and Citizens” Policy Studies Journal, 27, 1 (1999): 147-164. E.J. Mueller. “Building Community Development Capacity from the Ground Up: The El Paso Collaborative for Community Economic Development,” Planning Forum, (Fall 1999). E. J. Mueller and A. Schwartz. “Leaving Poverty Through Work: A Review of Current Development Strategies,” Economic Development Quarterly, 12, 2 (May 1998). E. J. Mueller. “Running Hard to Stay in One Place: Low Wage Poverty Among Immigrant Women in Los Angeles,” Economic Development Quarterly, 8, 2 (May 1994). E. J. Mueller. “Poverty, Immigration and the Underclass: Another Look at the Debate on Poverty,” Berkeley Planning Journal, vol.5 (December 1990). E. J. Mueller. “Una breve revision del debate sobre el impacto en el empleo de las nuevas technologias,” Relaciones Laborales, numero 3, ano 4, (Febrero 1988): 109-120. Book Chapters E. J. Mueller. “Struggling toward a Livable Austin,” chapter 5 in Livable Cities from a Global Perspective, R. Caves and F. Wagner, eds. Routledge, (2018). E. Tretter and E. J. Mueller. “Transforming Rainey Street: Decoupling equity from environment in Austin’s Smart Growth Agenda,” in Spaces of Urban Politics, B. Miller, ed. Taylor and Francis (2018). E. J. Mueller. “Neighborhood Amenities” in Introduction to Housing. K. Anacker, et al., eds. University of Georgia Press. 2018. E. J. Mueller and S. Van Zandt. “Using housing policy to improve access to quality education: contrasting place-based and mobility-based strategies,” in Education, Land and Location. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Land Institute. 2014. E. J. Mueller and S. Dooling. “Teaching planners to think historically about sustainability” in Traces and Trajectories. UT School of Architecture. 2010. E.J. Mueller and E. Danze. “Affordability and Opportunity in Austin,” in Emergent Urbanism, University of Texas School of Architecture and Black and Vernooy, 2008. E.J. Mueller. “Jobs for Communities: Current thinking about employment strategies,” in proceedings of the Community Economic Development Symposium, Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, New Hampshire, 2004. E.J. Mueller. “The Effects of Immigrants on African-American Earnings: A Jobs-Level Analysis of the New York City Labor Market,” in Malcolm Cross and Robert Moore (eds.) Globalization and the New City. (Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 2002.) Co-author David Howell. E. J. Mueller and A. Schwartz. “Why Local Economic Development and Employment Training Fail for Low Income Communities,” in Robert Giloth (ed.) Jobs and Economic Development: Strategies and Practices. (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1998). E.J. Mueller. “Retraining for What? Displaced Defense Workers and Federal Programs in Two Regions,” in Lloyd J. Dumas (ed.) The Socio-Economics of Conversion from War to Peace (London: M.E. Sharpe: 1995) Reports, Monographs, Conference proceedings D.J. Almy, M. Hattasch, J. Wegmann, E. Mueller, C. Lewis, and A. Shearer. 2020. Revitalization Strategies: Policies and Procedures of Transformation in the St. John Neighborhood. Center for Sustainable Development, University of Texas at Austin. Prepared for the City of Austin. E.J. Mueller, J. Wegmann, and H.K. Way. 2019. Place Matters: The role of Public Housing Authorities in expanding inclusion in the U.S. U.S. White Paper prepared for the International Forum on Housing and Community Development at the request of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. October 12-14, 2019, Austin, Texas. H.K. Way, E. J. Mueller and J. Wegmann. 2018. Uprooted: Residential displacement in Austin’s gentrifying neighborhoods and what can be done about it. Report produced for the Austin City Council. UT Austin: Center for Sustainable Development and UT School of Law. E. J. Mueller and C. Kaplan. 2014. Coming Home: The benefits of housing choice for low-wage commuters in Austin, Texas. UT: Center for Sustainable Development. R. Paterson and E. Mueller. 2013. Developing the Next Generation of Scenario Planning Software. Fourth Annual Symposium: Sustainability at UT Austin. September 20. S. Dooling and E. Mueller. 2011. What about Social Equity: The challenge to urban sustainability planning. National Science Foundation. SBE 2020: Rebuilding the Mosaic: Fostering Research in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences at the National Science Foundation in the Next Decade. Austin Affordable Housing Incentives Task Force Report, February 20, 2007. (Member of task force). A Study of Residential Foreclosures in Texas, a report required under HB 1582 of the 79th regular legislative session. (Chair of advisory panel overseeing the study). X. de Souza Briggs, E. J. Mueller and M. Sullivan. From Neighborhood to Community: Evidence on the Social Effects of Community Development Corporations. New School for Social Research: Community Development Research Center, February 1997. W. W. Goldsmith, E. J. Blakely, L. Bornstein, D. Campt, E.J. Mueller. Generating Generations of Poverty. Institute of Urban and Regional Development, UC Berkeley. 1990. Books Reviewed Martinez-Cosio, Maria and Mirle R. Bussell. Catalysts for Change: Twenty-first century philanthropy and community development (NY: Routledge, 2013). Journal of Planning Education and Research, 36, (2): 259261 (2016). Published online 2 June 2016. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X16644802 A.T. Carswell (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Housing, Second Edition, (Los Angeles: Sage, 2012), in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 30 (3) Autumn 2013. R. T. LeGates and F. Stout (eds), The City Reader, Fifth edition, (New York: Routledge, 2011), and S. H. Corey and L. K. Boehm (eds), The American Urban Reader: History and Theory, (New York: Routledge, 2011), in Journal of Urban Affairs, 34, 1 (Jan 2012). Rubin, Herbert J. Renewing Hope Within Neighborhoods of Despair: The Community-based Development Model. (Albany: SUNY, 2000), in Planning Forum, volume 8 (2002.) Mahler, Sarah. American Dreaming: Immigrant Life on the Margins (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995), in International Migration Review, vol. 31, no.1 (Spring 1997). Other Articles, Op Eds, Commissioned or Invited Papers, Web Publications H. K. Way, E. J. Mueller. “Opinion: Rent is Due: Texas Must Do More to Protect Tenants During the COVID-19 Crisis,” Houston Chronicle, May 1, 2020. . Way, E. J. Mueller, and J. Wegmann. “City must half displacement on the East Riverside Corridor,” Austin American-Statesman, October 22, 2019. E. J. Mueller, A. Karner, and K. Lieberknecht. “Complexity, Scale, Power: Editors introduction,” Platform, UT Austin School of Architecture, February 2019. E. J. Mueller and K. Howell. “The Production and Tolerance of Poor Housing Conditions,” Platform, UT Austin School of Architecture, February 2019. E. J. Mueller, H. K. Way, and Nicholas Armstrong. “The Guadalupe Neighborhood in Austin, Texas: 40 Years of Work to Fight Displacement,” Shelterforce: The voice of community development. (June 2019). E.J. Mueller. “A Green and Fair New Deal Must Prevent Poverty Sprawl,” Los Angeles Review of Books (Blog), June 5, 2019. E.J. Mueller. “Commentary: Why Gentrification is a fair housing issue.” Austin American-Statesman, November 11, 2018. E.J. Mueller. “How do we create (or preserve) “great neighborhoods? A comment on “What is a “Great” Neighborhood? An Analysis of the APA’s Top Rates Places”” Journal of the American Planning Association, 81 (4): 310-311. Published online 23 Nov 2015. Doi: 10.1080/01944363.2015.1093582. E. J. Mueller. “Background paper: Texas state framework for planning” prepared for the Building Resilient Regions research network, sponsored by the MacArthur foundation, January 2009. “Affordable housing students help frame local planning discussions,” Platform, Winter 2008-09. “Point/Counterpoint: Urban Gentrification,” Planning Forum, volume 9, 2003. “Community Development: Strengthening the Connection Between Goals, Practice and Research,” (coauthor Alex Schwartz.) March 2002. White paper prepared for the Fannie Mae Foundation. Working Papers, Policy Briefs, Written Testimony (2000-present) “Creating an Affordable Austin: The Need for Housing Bonds,” (co-author with other members of HousingWorks) July 2005. “Texas City Housing Report Cards: Grading Framework” May 2005 (with Tommi Ferguson.) “Texas City Housing Report Cards: San Antonio 2005,” Fall 2005 (with Tommi Ferguson.) “San Antonio Housing Report Card: Supporting Materials,” May 2005 (with Tommi Ferguson.) “Testimony to Texas House Committee on Land and Resource Development on House Bill 2266: Evidence on the economic impacts of inclusionary zoning programs,” March 31, 2005. “Crossing the Highway: Barriers to Inclusionary Zoning in Austin, Texas,” Working Paper #2, Texas Affordable Housing Project, UT Austin, September 2004. “The Potential Impact of Inclusionary Zoning on the Supply and Location of Multi-family Affordable Housing in Austin, Texas: 1992-2003.” Co-author Sharon Hernandez-Dorow. Working Paper #1, Texas Affordable Housing Project, UT Austin, Feb 2004. Creating Change: Pushing Workforce Systems to Help Participants Achieve Economic Stability and Mobility, Prepared for the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Jobs Initiative Evaluation, July 2002. Co-author Alex Schwartz. COURSES TAUGHT—UT AUSTIN Qualitative and Participatory Methods. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. A required methods course. Taught qualitative methods module covering case study research, individual and group interviews, content analysis, survey design. Planning Practicum: Creating Green, inclusive Corridors. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. A project-based capstone course focused on strategic preservation of rental housing along transit corridors, through integrated planning, green rehabilitation of selected building types, and urban design improvements. Planning Practicum: Creating Inclusive TOD. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. A project-based capstone course focused on lessons from Austin’s MLK TOD for fostering more inclusive TOD in the region. History and Theory of Planning. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. First semester required course for master’s students in planning. Survey of main themes in U.S. planning history, current debates in the field. Affordable Housing Seminar. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. Elective course surveying history, major current debates in the field of affordable housing. Student research topics of interest to local affordable housing advocates and developers. Cross-listed with Social Work. Community Development Seminar. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. Elective course for masters’ students. Introduces students to the field, including key problems addressed, past and current strategies and current debates. Students partner with local organizations on research projects. Cross-listed with Social Work. Doctoral Seminar in Research Design. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. Required course for doctoral students. Students explore various strategies for investigating their research interests and produce either a full proposal or a literature review as their final course project. Doctoral Seminar in Planning Theory. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. Required course for doctoral students preparing for comprehensive examination. Students review arguments concerning the appropriate focus of the field of planning, its conceptual roots, and philosophical and methodological issues underlying practice and assessment of practice. Qualitative Methods for Planners. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. Elective course covering qualitative research paradigms and techniques. Students complete several research design exercises and produce a research proposal. Urban Politics and Planning Seminar. Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas. Elective covering theoretical explanations for the form of U.S. urban planning politics. INVITED PRESENTATIONS AND CONFERENCE PAPERS (2005-PRESENT) “Place Matters: The role of Public Housing Authorities in expanding inclusion in the U.S.,” International Forum on Housing and Community Development, October 13, 2019, Austin, Texas. “Engaging the Political,” panelist (with Fernando Lara and moderator Sarah Lopez), Center for American Architecture and Design, lunch series, September 13, 2019. “State pre-emption of local housing laws,” invited participant, Pre-emption, Housing and Equity Convening, Fordham Law School, New York City, October 5-6, 2019. “Gentrification and displacement in East Austin,” panelist. Annual Heman Sweatt Symposium on Civil Rights, UT Austin, May 1, 2019. “Gentrification,” panelist. Whole Communities, Whole Health conference on Social and Environmental Determinants of Health: Science, Public Health and Advocacy, UT Austin, April 24, 2019. “Gentrification in Austin,” presentation to AP Geography class, Liberal Arts and Science Academy (Austin’s magnet high school), April, 2019. “Uprooted: Residential Displacement in Austin, Texas and What We Can Do About It,” presentation to the Westminster Democrats, Austin, Texas, January 15, 2019. “Uprooted: Residential Displacement in Austin, Texas and What We Can Do About It,” presentation to the City of Austin’s Equity Action Team, November 17, 2018. “Uprooted: Residential Displacement in Austin, Texas and What We Can Do About It,” Imagine Austin speaker series, Mexican-American Cultural Center, October 10, 2018 “Uprooted: Residential Displacement in Austin, Texas and What We Can Do About It,” presentation to city staff, Austin, Texas, City Hall, October 10, 2018 “Uprooted: Residential Displacement in Austin, Texas and What We Can Do About It,” presentation to Austin City Council, September 18, 2018 “Uprooted: Residential Displacement in Austin, Texas and What We Can Do About It,” presentation to the Mayor’s Anti-Displacement Task Force, September 14, 2018 “Uprooted: Gentrification and Displacement in Austin, Texas,” presentation at City Forum speaker series, UT School of Architecture, September 7, 2018 “Code Next,“ Presentation and panel discussion sponsored by Common Ground for Texans, Austin Public Library, Yarborough branch, October 6, 2017. “Urban Renewal in Austin, Texas,” Conference of the Society for American City and Regional Planning History, Cleveland, OH, October 27, 2017. “One Size Does Not Fit All: Local Context and Planning for the Preservation of Affordable Housing,“ Conference on The Future of Housing, the University of Pennsylvania, September 15, 2017. Co-authors K. Howell, B. Brown Wilson. “Preserving affordable housing in Denver,” Denver Housing Summit. May 19, 2017. “Affordable Housing in Inclusive Communities,” Keynote address at annual meeting of the Texas Association of Community Development Corporations, Austin, Texas, April 4, 2017. “Housing Priorities for Houston and Harris County,” panel as part of the Houston and Harris County Housing Conversation convened by Houston LISC and Rice University’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, February 17, 2017. “Blighted but in High Demand: Poor housing conditions and choices in local context.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, November 4, 2016. Coauthor K. Howell. “Tensions between growth and inclusion: Austin’s transit corridors,” CNU ATX 20 x 20. September 29, 2016. “Preserving the Social City—planning, existing communities, and affordable housing,” Fall 2016 City and Regional Futures Colloquium, College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Cornell University, Milstein Hall, September 2, 2016. “Using evidence to shape preservation corridor goals, connect them to plans,” presented to the Austin Community Investment Collaborative, St. David’s Foundation, Austin, TX, June 30, 2016. “Reclaiming Affordability in Today’s Austin,” Presented to the Austin Regional Affordability Committee, Austin City Hall, and to the public, Scholz’ Beer Garten, May 2016. “Regional Equity Atlases,” presentation to the Austin Regional Affordability Committee, April 2016. “Some context for prescription paper #2: housing affordability,” presentation to the Code NEXT Community Advisory Group, May 2, 2016. “Creating Tools to Prevent Displacement,” presentation at meeting of the Scenario Planning Analysis Network, Austin, Texas, November 19, 2015. Roundtable organizer and participant: “Doing research for community benefit,” Annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Houston, October 22, 2015. “Housing Policies to Overcome Social and Economic Divides in Austin, Texas,” Presentation to the Austin Area Research Organization (AARO), October 12, 2015. “Preserving rental housing affordable to low income households in Austin,” presentation to Austin City Council, panel on Affordable Housing, February 5, 2015. “Inclusionary Housing Policies: A tool for Austin’s Homestead Preservation Districts,” presented to the Housing and Community Development Committee of the Austin City Council, June 24, 2015. “Walk the Talk: Matching different types of households to different types of homes,” Imagine Austin and AIA Design Voices, Walk the Talk panel and tour, May 16, 2015. “Demographic trends and views of urban living in Austin, Texas,” Presentation to Urban Land Institute Technical Advisory Panel, Austin, March 31, 2015. “How is housing policy mediated by planning practice? What is the impact on low income residents?” Annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Miami, March 2015. “Every Cloud has a Silver Lining: Disaster recovery and affirmatively furthering fair housing in Texas,” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Philadelphia, Nov 2, 2014. (w/ S. Van Zandt). “Housing + Transportation: Framing the Discussion,” Keynote address, Symposium on Housing + Transportation in Austin, UT Opportunity Form, LBJ School of Public Affairs, UT Austin, date, 2014. “HUD Green Corridors Project,” presentation to CSD research faculty roundtable, Cockrell School of Engineering, April 17, 2014. “Suburban Poverty and Access to Opportunity,” Presentation to Fair Housing & Landlord/Tenant Training, Round Rock, TX, April 9, 2014. “The Geography of Vulnerability: Renters and New Urbanism in Austin, Texas,” annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association,” San Antonio, March 2014. “Measuring Justice: Tensions between indicator-driven planning and equity,” Joint Meeting of the Association of European Schools of Planning and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Dublin, Ireland, July 2013. “What has shaped where low income and minority residents live in Austin? Presentation to Austin Fair Housing Conference, April 11, 2013. “Equity indicators,” panel on the Sustainable Places Project, City Forum, UT Austin, March 28, 2014. “The geography of vulnerability: Renters and new urbanism in Austin, Texas,” Annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, San Antonio, March 2014. “What has shaped where low income and minority residents live in Austin,” Austin Neighborhoods Council, January 23, 2013. “What has shaped where low income and minority residents live in Austin,” Affordable Housing Advance, presentation to the City Manager’s Executive Team, January 18, 2013. “Reshaping the City,” presentation to the Humanities Institute 2012 Seminar: The public and the private, UT Austin, October 11, 2012. “Creating Inclusive Corridors: Austin’s Airport Boulevard,” with Jimena Cruz, Andres Galindo and Alejandra Reyes, City Forum speaker series, October 5, 2012. “Sustainability and teaching,” presentation as part of CSD meeting with AECOM VP Gary Lawrence, October 2, 2012. “Historical context for citing Affordable Housing in Austin, Texas,” presentation to the Kealing Neighborhood Association, September 8, 2012. “Where should low-income people live?” presentation as part of the Community Conversation series sponsored by the City’ of Austin’s Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office, April 24, 2012. “Imagine Affordable Housing,” AIA Austin Luncheon Speaker Series, April 17, 2012. Panelist, Rooftop Architecture Film Series, AMOA-ArtHouse, for discussion of “The Pruitt Igoe Myth.” March 21, 2012. Access to What? Inclusionary Housing in Montgomery County, Maryland,” presentation at the UTCRP Doctoral Colloquium, February 24, 2012. Panelist, “Gentrification by Design,” Opportunity Forum series on gentrification, February 15, 2012. “To CBA or not to CBA: Matching strategy to context in equity planning,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, October 2011, Salt Lake City, Utah. Co-author Lisa Bornstein. Closing remarks, Conference on “Race, Place and Fair Housing in Texas,” UT Law School, October 15, 2010. Panelist, “Planning and Fair Housing.” Conference on “Race, Place and Fair Housing in Texas,” UT Law School, October 15, 2010. “Outreach to Foster Social Sustainability: The UT Metropolitan Opportunity Initiative,” presentation at Symposium on Sustainability at the University of Texas, September 10, 2010. Moderator, panel on “Cities and Landscapes,” Science and Technology Studies Conference, South Asia Institute, UT Austin, May 15, 2010. Workshop on Data for Community Research. Austin Center for Community Based and Nonprofit Organizations. January 21, 2010. “Integrating the social and ecological implications of current approaches to planning,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Crystal City, VA, October 1, 2009. Panelist, Roundtable on “Community Development at the Crossroads,” annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Crystal City, VA, October 2, 2009. Discussant, panel on the connections between housing and education, annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Crystal City, VA, October 4, 2009. “Integrating the Social and Ecological Implications of Changing Urban Form,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Chicago, March 4-7, 2009. Discussant, panel on collaborative planning, fifth joint conference of the Association of European Schools of Planning and the (U.S.) Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Chicago, IL, July 10, 2008. “Preserving Affordable Apartments in Austin: the UT/City of Austin joint proposal to the MacArthur Foundation.” Presentation to Austin Women in Housing, July 25, 2008. “Integration through Inclusionary Zoning: The case of Montgomery County, Maryland,” paper presented at the fifth joint conference of the Association of European Schools of Planning and the (U.S.) Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Chicago, IL, July 8, 2008. “The Affordable House Next Door: Inclusionary Zoning and Integration,” presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Baltimore, MD, April 25, 2008. “Inclusionary Housing Policies: A Strategy for New Urbanism,” presentation to panel on Affordable Housing and New Urbanism, Congress for a New Urbanism, Austin, Texas, April 5, 2008. “Reconciling Growth, Environmental Quality and Social Equity in Cities,” presentation at conference North America and the Dilemma of Integration, February 27, 2008. “Old Apartments and New Plans: Threats to Affordable Apartments in Two Texas Cities,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Milwaukee, WI, October 18-21, 2007. “Housing Options for People of Color in Austin, Texas,” UT Law School, June 19, 2007. “The Problem of Foreclosures in Texas: Results of a State Study,” presentation to conference on Preserving Homeownership, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, June 12, 2007. “Housing Subsidies for the Poor: What can States and Localities do?” presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Seattle, WA, April 25-28, 2007 (co-author Alex Schwartz). “Connecting the Dots: Planning for Affordable Housing in Texas Cities,” City Forum speaker series, University of Texas at Austin, February 16, 2007. “The State of Housing in Texas’ Five Largest Cities: Comparing Needs, Resources and Prospects across Cities,” Texas Housing Forum, Austin, Texas, February 5, 2007. “Raising the Bar: Local Housing Politics in a Weak State Context,” Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Fort Worth, Texas, November 9, 2006 (with Tommi Ferguson). “The Problem of Foreclosures in Texas,” panel presentation on foreclosures in Texas at the annual policy summit of the Texas Association of CDCs, Austin, Texas, September 21, 2006. “Housing Needs of Hurricane Evacuees in Texas,” presentation as part of the Hurricane Housing Forum, co-sponsored by City of Houston, ACORN, TxLIHIS, Houston, Texas, August 3, 2006. “Housing Options for People of Color in Austin, Texas,” presentation to local activists, May 1, 2006, Austin, Texas. “Housing Needs of Hurricane Evacuees in Texas,” presentation at the annual meeting of the American Planning Association, April 24, 2006, San Antonio, Texas. “Raising the Bar or Shifting the Discussion: Local Housing Politics in a Weak State Context,” presented at the annual conference of the Urban Affairs Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 20, 2006 (with Tommi Ferguson). “Raising the Bar or Shifting the Discussion: The Texas Housing Report Card Project,” UTOPIA lecture, UT School of Social Work, February 23, 2006. “The Long Term Housing Needs of Katrina Evacuees in Texas: what do we know?,” presentation at a symposium on the Long Term Housing Needs of Katrina Evacuees in Texas, Texas Capitol, October 11, 2005. . “Housing Report Cards for Texas Cities,” presentation made as part of panel on Grading Community Development Policy at the 2005 Enterprise Network Conference, Washington D.C., November 9-11, 2005. “Creating an Affordable Austin: The Need for Housing Bonds,” presentation to the Housing Subcommittee of the Austin Bond Review Committee, August 22, 2005 (w/ Frank Fernandez and Rev Joseph Parker). “Talking about Affordable Housing: Perceptions and Evidence of Benefits to the Community,” presented at the annual conference of the Urban Affairs Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 15, 2005 (w/ R. Tighe). GUEST LECTURES “Housing and Segregation,” guest lecture to undergraduate Physical Planning class, April 2016. “The Era of Big Projects: Robert Moses” guest lecture to History and Theory graduate class, November 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. “Predicting change in the East Riverside Corridor,” guest lecture to Sustainable Land Use Planning, March 25, 2015. “Housing: Thinking about Context,” guest lecture to Design 4, UT Austin, February 18, 2013. “Austin’s Choice Neighborhoods Project: neighborhood context,” guest lecture to graduate course on participatory planning methods, UT Austin, February 7, 2013. “The Context for Gentrification in East Austin,” guest lecture to undergraduate course in journalism, September 2009. “Mixed Methods Research Designs: Lessons from past research,” lecture to doctoral seminar on research design, UT Austin, December 5, 2008. “Housing Needs in Austin: Spatial Patterns,” lecture to class on educational inequality, College of Education, UT Austin, November 18, 2008. “Issues in State and Local Housing Policy,” presentation to seminar on affordable housing policy, UT Austin, March 26, 2008. “ADUs and Local Affordable Housing Programs,” presentation to seminar on affordable housing design, UT Austin, March 28, 2008. “Planning for Affordable Housing Needs,” guest lecture to CRP course on plans and plan-making, UT Austin, Spring 2005, 2006. “Revitalizing Low Income Communities,” guest lecture to CRP course on plans and plan-making, UT Austin, Spring 2006. “Community Development: A Brief Overview and History,” guest lecture to CRP course on history and theory of city planning, October 17, 2005. “Housing Report Cards for Texas Cities,” presentation to doctoral seminar on research design, UT Austin, October 17, 2005. MEDIA COVERAGE, INTERVIEWS: (SELECTED) “Race limits are banned, but language lives on in subdivision documents,” Houston Chronicle, July 19, 2019. “Vidor moving forward with zoning,” Beaumont Enterprise, May 19, 2019. Coverage of Uprooted report: 1.Austin Chronicle, “Public Notice: “Uprooted”. New gentrification study asks city to “think big and act boldly,” Sept 21, 2018. 2.Fox News 7, “Uprooted”: University of Texas professors brief council on gentrification in Austin. Sept 18, 2018. 3.KVUE, UT report looks at Austin’s growing gentrification problem. Sept 17, 2018. 4.Austin American-Statesman. a.“UT researchers to present map charting Austin’s changing neighborhoods,” Sept 18, 2018; b.“Austin gentrification study touted as tool to fix affordabililty crisis,” Sept 19, 2018. c.Editorial: Austin should send help now while crafting larger anti-gentrification plan, Sept 28, 2018. munity Impact. Results of new gentrification report place ball in Austin City Council’s court. Sept 18, 2018. 6.Texas Tribune: Report says gentrification threatens to displace Austin’s low-income residents, communities of color. Sept 18, 2018. 7.Next City. Mapping the presence and potential of gentrification in Austin. Sept 20, 2018. 8.. “Uprooted—lessons for addressing displacement in Austin’s gentrifying neighborhoods.” October 19, 2018. 9.Spectrum News. cus, television interview about Uprooted report, date, 2018. b.UT report maps out gentrification across Austin. Sept 18, 2018. “Affordable Housing Influencers of Central Texas,” Austin Realtor, March/April 2017, 20. “Code Next, as explained to a six-year old,” KUT, April 18, 2017. Cowan, Jill. “Yes, D-FW residents are moving, but Collin County isn’t their top destination,” Dallas Morning News, 28 Nov 2016. Lim, Audra. “Delays add cost, angst hand over rewrite of Austin development code,” Austin AmericanStatesman, 3 May 2016. Interview in series, Austin’s Eastern Frontier. In segment, What Manor’s Growth Means for the Rest of Us,” , KUT/KLRU/The Austin Monitor, October 12, 2015. Ulloa, Jazmine. “On fast-changing East Riverside, some are squeezed out,” Austin American-Statesman, 14 Dec 2013. Selby, Gardner W. “PolitiFact: Where does East Austin rank in gentrification? Hard to say.” Austin American-Statesman, 1 Nov 2013. Dexheimer, Eric and Ricardo Gandara. “City officials cite off-code materials at apartments where walkway collapsed,” Austin American-Statesman, 27 May 2012. Pyle, Robin. “Neighborhood decay can begin before obvious changes,” Lubbock Avalanche Journal, 12 Oct 2008. Francis, Robert. “Homeownership advocates seek foreclosure solutions at conference,” Fort Worth Business Press, vol. 20, issue 25, 13. 18 Jun 2007. Schwartz, Jeremy. “Housing program short of its goal? Austin’s effort isn’t helping working poor families, critics say,” Austin American-Statesman, 5 May 2005. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Urban Affairs Association American Planning Association National Low Income Housing Coalition SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Governing Board, Urban Affairs Association, 2013-2016. Editorial board, Journal of the American Planning Association, 2016-2019. Annual Book Award Committee, Urban Affairs Association (2008-09; 2014-15). Track Chair, Housing section, Assoc of Collegiate Schools of Planning annual conference (2008-2012). Reviewer, J of Urbanism, J of Urban Affairs, J of Planning Education and Research, J of the American Planning Association, J of Planning Literature, Housing Policy Debate, Housing Studies, Housing and Society, Community Development, Economic Development Quarterly, National Science Foundation. Manuscript reviewer, University of California Press, Bloomsbury Press, Sage Publications, Routledge. Mentor, Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Scholars Program, 2016-2020. Tenure reviewer, UMass Amherst, Texas A&M, U of Michigan, University at Buffalo. UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICE UT Faculty Gender Equity Council, 2019-present. Dean’s Search Committee, 2016-17. Graduate Student Adviser, Community and regional planning, 2012-2017. Faculty search committees Race and Gender and the Built Environment, Chair, 2016-17 Urban Ecology, 2015-16 Land Development and Housing, 2013-14 Environmental Planning, 2011-12 Co-Founder and Steering Committee Member, UT Opportunity Forum. 2010-2018. Graduate Assembly, School of Architecture representative, Jan 2015-Aug 2016. UT Faculty Grievance Committee, 2014-2017. Named graduate fellowships committee, 2013, 2014. Hamilton award, best article prize committee, 2013. Hamilton award, career research award committee, 2013. Member, Land Development Revision Community Advisory Group. 2015-2017. Appointed by Councilmember Houston. Housing affordability working group. Commissioner, Community Development Commission City of Austin, 2010-2015. Appointed by Councilmember Morrison. Member, Housing Committee, Affordable Housing Siting Working Group. Commissioner, Buildings and Standards Commission, City of Austin, 2020-present. Appointed by Councilmember Ann Kitchen.Member, Affordable Housing Bond Review Committee, appointed by CDC, June 2014-present. Governing Board, Texas Housers, 2002-present. Governing Board, LiveableCity. 2006-2017. Governing Board, Community Powered Workshop, February 2018-March erning Board, BASTA, March 2020-present. Citizenship: USA Languages: English (native speaker), Spanish (competent speaking and reading), reading skills in French, Italian and Portuguese. ................

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