NOTE FOR Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Note for Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Our school website:

Catholic Schools: “I Can Do All Things Through Christ”


• Hot Lunch – Pizza

• PSG Meeting – Wednesday March 4th in the library 7 pm

• Dr. Suess Day – Friday March 6th Dress Seussian!

• Signing out students – parents, please sign your child out at the office if you pick him/her up

• Lost and Found – laid out for reclamation on Monday March 2nd and on the 13th GONE

• Spring Break – March 16-March 29- Schools resumes Monday, March 30!

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE – the Deep Waters of Lent

Rowing out into deep waters can be scary. It’s easier to stay in the “shallow waters” of our lives, where we feel safe and in control. But staying in the shallow waters won’t get us closer to the Lord. So when Jesus says (to Peter who had caught nothing all night), “Put out into the deep,” he’s not just giving us a gentle suggestion. He is calling us to a deeper trust because he is not finished with us yet. He is calling us to trust and obey him. – “The Word Among Us – Lent 2020” The Church gives us prayer, charitable works, and fasting as tools to go deeper into ourselves and therefore closer to God.


Orders for hot lunch are due Wednesday at noon – no later. You may use your pizza cards or cash.


On March 12th at 9am “What If?” will be performed for all our students. Professional actors, one originally from Smithers, present an engaging yet informative play on anxiety. Pre and post performance lesson materials are provided for all grades. We thank Artists in BC for a substantial grant towards this event.

DR. SEUSS DAY – this Friday

In honour and in memory of Leonie St. Onge, who loved Dr. Seuss books, the staff and students are having Dr. Seuss Day! Students are invited to dress like a Dr. Seuss character or in any bright coloured mix and match clothing and enjoy some popcorn at little recess (

SPRING FUNDRAISER – beautiful, healthy flowers, strawberries, and herbs

Looking for two volunteers to help Christine Kilb with the spring plant fundraiser and learn the ropes for future years. Several thousand dollars are raised with this fundraiser. (


Term two report cards will be sent home on Thursday, March 12th. Instead of written comments, student-led interviews are scheduled for the third week of April. At this time, students will show parents their skill levels and learning in core curriculum areas. Please send back report envelopes signed.


As a parent of a student at St. Joseph’s School, you are consequentially a member of the PSG. We are always looking for parents to come to meetings; everyone is welcome. The PSG meet every 4-6 weeks in the school library to discuss fundraising events and discuss how to best financially support our school & the children. Tea and snacks are provided. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 4 @ 7pm. Feel free to contact any of our members for more information: Chair: Julie Chaplin (250.877.8271)- Secretary: Monica Howard

Treasurer: Seonaid Davies - Council Liaison: Ann Marie MacIsaac -Hot Lunch Coordinator: Angela Souter


St. Joseph’s Catholic School is seeking a temporary full-time administrative assistant. Requirements include: excellent written and other communication skills, exceptional interpersonal skills with both adults and children, a high degree of proficiency in office software including Microsoft Word and Excel, and experience in a systems-based approach to office management. Willingness to complete Basic Childcare First Aid is required. This position supports the administrator and the ability to handle personal and confidential information in a professional manner as an administrative team member is essential. Applicants need not be Catholic, but must understand and be respectful of Catholic values and lifestyle.

Apply with a cover letter and resume to: The Hiring Committee St. Joseph’s School, Box 454, Smithers, BC, V0J 2N0, or email to A detailed job description is available upon request.

**Missing** -

A kindergarten student is missing a very sentimental (from Scotland) and favorite hat – it is purple with a unicorn horn. If anyone has seen or found it, could it please be returned to the office or put into the lost and found.


Gr.3 –

The Grade 3 class are taking part in the Swim to Survive Program offered by the BV Regional Pool. The students will be walking to the pool for March 10th for their last lesson. Children should have a bathing suit, towel, and goggles if needed.


Ski Dates-

Students next ski day is Tuesday March 10th. Students will arrive back at the school around 5:00.

Science Fair

The regional science fair is in Smithers this year on April 3rd & 4th. If your child is interested in participating in this home-based project, or contact Karen Kuemper or Tom Watkins at the school.


Pyjama Day @ Smithers Public Library

Wednesday, March 18th | 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

@ Smithers Public Library

Community members of all ages are invited to visit the library wearing pyjamas on March 18, 2020. Get cozy, have fun with some hands-on activities and enjoy complimentary snacks. This program is free, open to everyone, and no registration is required.

Spring Break Art Camps

March 16-19 at the Creation Station, 3866 Railway Ave

Ages 5-8: 10am – 12 noon

Ages 9-12: 1pm - 3pm

$65/ $60 for members

Registration is required and there is limited space, so sign up early!

Bulkley Valley Youth Soccer Registration

Registration March 1st to April 1st ( See website for details and to sign up!

Dear parents, guardians, and families,

This week all schools in the province received guidance from the Provincial Health Officer and the BC Centre for Disease Control regarding measures for preventing and controlling respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, in schools and childcare facilities.

The Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, recently stated to the public on February 25 that, “the risk of spread of this virus within British Columbia continues to remain low at this time.” However, we wanted to ensure you had up-to-date information about the measures for preventing and controlling respiratory viruses and how they are being implemented in our district. The information will also let you know what steps you can take at home.


There are two important ways to prevent and control respiratory viruses in school settings.

The first is for students and staff who are ill with respiratory illness symptoms (fever, cough, fatigue, and/or muscle aches) to stay home from school. If your child is not feeling well, we ask that you keep them home so that they can rest and recover. As always, remember to inform the school of the absence.

The second way to prevent and control respiratory viruses is the consistent practice of good respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene. Good respiratory etiquette includes covering the mouth and nose during coughing or sneezing with a tissue or a flexed elbow and disposing of used tissues in a plastic-lined waste container, followed by hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is the washing of hands with plain soap and water, which is effective at removing visible soil as well as viruses.

Children in the school setting should clean their hands:

• before leaving home and on arrival at school

• after using the toilet

• after breaks and sporting activities

• before food preparation

• before eating any food, including snacks

• before leaving school

If you have a younger child, support them at home by supervising and assisting in hand hygiene. In schools, this supervision will be provided by teachers.

REMINDER: Masks are not necessary for people who are not experiencing symptoms. In children in particular, masks can be irritating and may increase touching of the face and eyes, which increases the risk of infection.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Regular cleaning and disinfecting of objects and high-touch surfaces (e.g. door handles, water fountain push buttons) helps prevent the transmission of viruses.

The school ensures daily cleaning of high-touch surfaces at all of its school sites.

NOTE: Although water fountain knobs and push buttons will be cleaned daily, consider providing your child with a filled water bottle so that they do not have to drink directly from the fountain.

Food Sharing

Students should not be sharing food, utensils, dishes, and water bottles or drink containers. Although this practice is important for preventing exposures to allergens, it is equally important in reducing virus transmission between children.

Psychological Considerations

A new virus such as the COVID-19 can create anxiety and be difficult for students/children to understand, especially if someone in their school or family is sick or they see or hear troubling messages on the radio, internet or television. It is normal for children to feel worried and nervous and have questions.

Support your children by reassuring them about their personal safety and health. Telling them that it is okay to be concerned is comforting. Reassure them they are safe and that there are many things they can do to stay healthy:

• Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially after coughing or sneezing.

• Cough and sneeze into arm or tissue.

• Stay home if they are not feeling well.

• Keep hands away from face and mouth.

• Stay healthy by eating healthy foods, keeping physically active, and getting enough sleep.


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