CE Registration

Regional Transportation and Safety Institute

2015 Enrollment Application

State Approved Six-Hour Continuing Education Bus Driver Training


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|A registration form must be completed |The registration should be submitted by fax, mail, or|Class begins at 8 a.m. Please arrive a few minutes |

|(no telephone reservations) and mailed, emailed, or |email: |early to sign in and pick up class materials. |

|faxed, from each school district. School bus drivers | |Participants must attend the entire six-hour session |

|are required to participate in this bus driver |(269) 250-9291 FAX |to obtain a Certificate of Course Completion card. |

|training between 7/1/2014-9/30/2015. You may register| |Drivers must bring their Beginning School Bus Driver |

|your driver(s) to attend any session listed below. |Kalamazoo RESA |Student Manual. Driver’s are encouraged to bring a |

|Classes are limited to 50 participants per session. |RTSI – Transportation Dept |snack as the program offers breaks but no lunch hour |

|You will be contacted if the site is no longer |1819 East Milham Ave |or catering. Class will be held even when the |

|available. Provide the drivers name, driver’s license|Kalamazoo MI 49002-3035 |location is closed due to weather conditions. |

|number and rate of pay (to calculate reimbursement). |attn: Diane Thompson | |

|Missing rate of pay will default to Michigan’s | |CANCELLATIONS |

|minimum hourly wage currently $8.00. |dthompson@ |Please contact our office with cancelations at least |

|The registration fee of $25 per person will be | |three days prior to the class to avoid a $10 per |

|invoiced to your district at the conclusion of the |LOCATIONS |driver penalty fee. Kalamazoo/RESA may cancel classes|

|training schedule. If submitting a check with the | |seven days prior to the date of the class, if there |

|registration, make it payable to Kalamazoo RESA. |You may enroll in any location.The class schedule is |are less than 25 drivers registered for the class. |

| |designed to offer a class in a nearby county if you | |

| |can not attend your county class date. Training | |

| |location maps are available at | |

| |transportation | |

| | | |

Programs will be held in the following counties on the dates indicated. Identify the class date and county on the following

following page. The confirmation letter will provide class details. You will be contacted if the site is no longer available.

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|Allegan Co. |Branch Co. |Lewis Cass Co. |

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|6/30/15 AAESA | | |

|7/8/15 Wayland Union Schools |7/8/15 Coldwater High School |7/9/15 Lewis Cass ISD |

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|7/21/15 Allegan Co. Area Tech Center |7/21/15 Coldwater High School | |

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|Barry Co. |Calhoun Co. |St. Joseph Co. |

|7/14/15 Hastings Middle School |7/16/15 Calhoun ISD |7/15/15 Three River’s Comm Schools |

| | |(Administration Building) |

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|Berrien Co. |Kalamazoo Co. |Van Buren Co. |

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|7/10 Berrien RESA |6/23/15 KRESA |7/20/14 Van Buren ISD |

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|7/16/15 Stewart Media Center |7/7/15 K/RESA |7/27/14 Van Buren ISD |

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|7/22/15 Berrien RESA |7/14/15 K/RESA | |

| | | |

| |7/23/15 K/RESA | |

| | | |

| |8/20/15 KRESA | |

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These materials were developed under a grant by the Michigan Department of Education.

State Approved Six-Hour Continuing Education Bus Driver Training

|School District: |P.O. Number: |

|Address: |

|Supervisor |

|Phone: |Fax: |Email: |

|Enroll the following drivers for class date | |located in | |County. |

Please type or legibly print the required information or submit your form that contains the same information.

| |Driver Name |License Number |Hourly Pay Rate |

|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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