STAAR English I Expository Writing RUBRIC

| |Score Point 1 |Score Point 2 |Score Point 3 |Score Point 4 |


| |0-60 |61-75 |76-88 |89-100 |

| |Structure – inappropriate or|Structure - evident but not|Structure – appropriate, |Structure – clearly |

|O |not evident at all |always appropriate; somewhat|clear, and adequate for |appropriate and responsive |

|R | |suited |purpose |for purpose |

|G |Thesis – missing, unclear, | | | |

|A |or illogical |Thesis – weak or somewhat |Thesis – clear; ideas |Thesis – clear; ideas are |

|N | |unclear |directly connected and |strongly related and focused|

|I |Fails to maintain focus- | |focused | |

|Z |difficult to follow |Inclusion of irrelevant | |Strongly unified and |

|A | |information – repetitive |Mostly unified – occasional |coherent |

|T |Extraneous information – |minor disruption |lapses in focus | |

|I |repetitive major disruption | | |Shift/progression – logical |

|O | |Shift or progression not |Shift and progression – |and well controlled; |

|N |Shift or progression from |always logical and |logical and controlled; |transitions meaningful; easy|

| |idea to idea is weak; |controlled |transitions mostly |to follow |

| |illogical | |meaningful | |

| |Development of ideas are |Development of ideas is |Development of ideas is |Development of ideas |

|D |weak |minimal and superficial |sufficient |effective |

|E | | | | |

|V |Details / examples – |Details/examples – not |Details/examples – specific |Details/examples – specific |

|E |inappropriate, vague, or |always appropriate, too |and appropriate, adding some|and well-chosen |

|L |insufficient |brief, or only partially |substance | |

|O | |presented | |Essay is thoughtful and |

|P |Shows a lack of | |Reflects thoughtfulness – |engaging |

|M |understanding of prompt |Shows little or no |more original | |

|E | |thoughtfulness – more | |Demonstrates understanding |

|N | |formulaic |Shows good understanding of |through connections to |

|T | | |prompt |unique experiences or view |

| | |Limited understanding of | |of the world |

|Of Ideas | |prompt | | |

| |Word Choice – vague or |Word Choice – general, |Word Choice – mostly clear |Word Choice – purposeful and|

| |limited |imprecise, or basic |and specific |precise |

| | | | | |

|L |No tone established |Little tone established |Tone is appropriate to |Tone is appropriate and |

|A | | |purpose |strongly contributes to the |

|N |Simplistic, awkward, or |Sentences are awkward or | |quality and clarity |

|G |uncontrolled sentences |only somewhat controlled |Sentences are mostly varied | |

|U | | |and adequately controlled |Sentences are purposeful, |

|A |Little or no command of |Partial command of spelling,| |varied, and well controlled |

|G |spelling, capitalization, |capitalization, punctuation,|Adequate command of | |

|E |punctuation, grammar, and |grammar, and usage |spelling, capitalization, |Consistent command of |

| |usage conventions |conventions |punctuation, grammar, and |spelling, capitalization, |

| | | |usage conventions |punctuation, grammar, and |

| |Serious/persistent errors |Errors create a minor | |usage conventions |

| |which interfere with meaning|disruption in meaning |Errors create few, if any, | |

| | | |disruptions in meaning |Errors are minor and do not |

| | | | |disrupt strength of essay |


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