Levinson’s Stages of Adult Development

Levinson’s Stages of Adult Development

Basics: About getting older and dealing with it/Season’s of a Man’s Life/ each stage has a entry or initial stage full of awkwardness/then comfort with age followed by a culminating stage/what separtes these phases are the goals and commitments in each one and tasks that one is to complete/ Also the concept of a dream (vision for one’s life the ideal life) position and importance of the dream changes throughout the stages/constant reassessment of self and society (individuation)/life structure is also constantly changing=combo of statuses roles activities goals beliefs values and life circumstances that characterize an individual

Early Adulthood Transition- 17-22 separate from family/sever ties with old friends (individuation/must be physical and psychological/financial ties remain/stop going to your folks to fix things (grades tickets problems with other people etc.) setting up the dream

Entering the Adult World- 23-27 contradiction explore career opps and relationships/ also become stable member of society and avoid commitments that would hinder opps/some sort of accomplishment towards the dream must be made or realized/occupational in nature/unrealistic but good for direction

Age 30 trans.- 28-32 taking stock (individuation again) choices so far what have I done ewas it good etc. career changes/ divorce common at this point/end of the novice phase of adulthood/ most are married by this phase starting their lives etc./ reevaluation of dream

Settling down period- 33-39 “making it” advancement In a jobcommitments to work community family (individuation) fullfilment of dream/ BOOM separating from a mentor becoming indepedndet as you become more connected

Midlife: Levinson views Midlife as a period where one needs to redress the dominance of attachment to the external world: to find a better, balance between the needs of the self and the needs of society

Mid-Life Transiion 40-44 all major decade birthdays are self evaluation periods taking stock reexamining (self and society) dreams are looked at again given up on or everything is driven towards attaining them/escaping from these dreams the major task

Entering Middle Adulthood: 45-49 dealing with one’s own mortality is the greates task/ acceptance that you are closer to the end than the beginning/ risk behaviors may increase or grave fear of death/trying to be young again

Age 50 transition 50-54 acceptance of dreams and mortality and conmfort with them/ becoming a mentor for others/View life as a failure and grow old into despair

Culmination of Middle Adulthood plans and looking forward to the future/work to retirement/ more involvement with community


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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