ASCA | Australian Shepherd Club of America Information



The Meeting was called to order by President Jerry Aufox at 8:45 AM, March 30, 2006 at the ASCA Business Office in Bryan, Texas. All Officers and Directors were present.

Motion by DeChant, seconded by Berryessa. I move to ratify all email votes taken since the 2005 Nationals. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

99:02 HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE – Motion by DeChant, seconded by Stevens. I move to appoint Anneke de Jong to the Hall of Fame Committee to represent Region 7. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

03:05 STANDING EDUCATION COMMITTEE – Motion by Berryessa, seconded by DeChant. I move to accept Gina Stocker for the Education Committee from Region 4.

Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

04:05 AGILITY COMMITTEE – Motion by Bryant, seconded by Aufox. I move to add Cynthia Clark to the Agility Committee from Region 1. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

04:05 AGILITY COMMITTEE – Motion by Bryant, seconded by Walter. I move to add Julie Bender to the Agility Committee from Region 1. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

00:20 REGISTRY RULES – Motion by Davenport, seconded by Stevens. I move to add to the Litter Registration Application, Individual Registration Application and the Transfer Application form, the following wording:

I hereby certify this dog has not been registered as another breed. I will not, register this dog(s) as another breed. I understand if I register this dog(s) as another breed, its ASCA registration will be revoked.

AMENDMENT - 00:20 REGISTRY RULES – Motion by Berryessa, seconded by DeChant. I move to amend the previous motion to read: I move to add to the Litter Registration, Individual Registration Application and Transfer Application forms:

I hereby certify this dog has not been registered as another breed. In addition, I will not register this dog as another breed. I understand if I register this dog as another breed, its ASCA registration will be revoked.

“(s)” will be added after “dog” on the litter registration application.

Approve: Bryant, DeChant, Hellmeister, Berryessa, Gray and Walter. Disapprove: Stevens, Davenport & Aufox. Motion is approved.


04:02 COMMITTEE PROCEDURES – Motion by Berryessa, seconded by Gray. I move to add to Committee Procedures under Membership #4:

Resumes that are submitted for membership in a committee will be held by the Business Office for consideration through the second Nationals following receipt of the application. After that the applicant will need to reapply. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

04:15 ASCA BUSINESS OFFICE – Motion by Aufox, seconded by Walter. I move to add a statement to the bottom of all Judge Applications, just above the signature line, that states:

“By signing this application, I hereby permit my name and personal information to be published on the ASCA website, under contact information, except if I check the box here.”

Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

The ASCA Board of Directors discussed the Breed Standard Review Committee report on the ASCA Breed Standard.

04:05 AGILITY COMMITTEE- Motion by Aufox, seconded by DeChant. I move to approve Kelli Hayes, Jan Niblock, Judy Boone and Allison Bryant as ASCA Agility Judges. Approve: Aufox, Berryessa, Walter, DeChant, Davenport, Gray, Hellmeister & Stevens. Abstain: Bryant. Motion is approved.

The ASCA Board of Directors met with Breed Standard Review Committee Chair, Terry Martin and member Shelly Hollen Arnett. A round table discussion was held and the Committee will get back with the ASCA Board in a timely fashion regarding suggestions submitted by the Board.

Peter Hellmeister, Maarten Walter and Jerry Aufox are the committee members for the Affiliate Bylaw Committee.

93:19 BOARD POLICIES – Motion by Berryessa, seconded by Walter. I move to change Board Policy 14.2 Raises. Change the last sentence to “Any raises will become effective the first pay period following the Spring Board meeting.” Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

March 31, 2006. The meeting was called to order at 8:45 AM, by President, Jerry Aufox. All Officers and Directors were present. The ASCA Attorney was also present.

LEP registered dogs are not allowed in MVA competition at ASCA National Specialties. There are no rules disallowing LEP registered dogs to compete in the ASCA Finals Program.

94:01 STOCK DOG COMMITTEE – Motion by Davenport. I move to approve the following recommendation from the Stock Dog Committee:

I move the following document be adopted by ASCA as the Working Description (see attached) of the Australian Shepherd as an official ASCA document and shall be placed:

1. In the AUSSIE TIMES with the same frequency as the ASCA Breed Standard.

2. On the ASCA web site.

Further, the Stock Dog Committee recommends that before the document appears in any places other than items 1 and 2 above, the ASCA Board of Directors should first conduct a poll of the ASCA members. Approve: Walter, Berryessa, Davenport, Gray, DeChant and Bryant. Disapprove: Stevens, Hellmeister and Aufox. Motion is approved.

94:01 STOCK DOG COMMITTEE – Amended motion by Aufox, seconded by Gray. I move the Working Description as adopted by the Stock Dog Committee be adopted by the Australian

Shepherd Club as an educational document, to be placed not less than four (4) times a year in the AUSSIE TIMES and published on the ASCA web site. Approve: Stevens, Gray, Hellmeister & Aufox. Disapprove: Walter, Berryessa, Davenport, DeChant and Bryant. Motion is disapproved.

94:01 STOCK DOG COMMITTEE – Motion by Gray, seconded by Davenport. I move to amend the previous motion to include the Working Description on the inside covers of all Rule Books. Approve: Davenport, Gray and DeChant. Disapprove: Walter, Berryessa, Stevens, Hellmeister, Aufox and Bryant. Motion is disapproved.

The ASCA Board of Directors met with our Accounting Firm for about one hour.

There is a consensus of the Board that six (6) months from today, barring any major staffing issues or differences, the controls discussed by our auditor will be in place.

The ASCA Board of Directors met with our Webmaster Heidi Mobley regarding the ASCA Webs site.

The revision of the ASCA Bylaws will be due back to the ASCA Board from our Attorney by May 15, 2006.

The ASCA Foundation 501c3 filing is due from the ASCA Attorney by April 15, 2006.

The ASCA Attorney will contact RALLY owner, Charles Kramer and get back to the ASCA Board by May 1, 2006.

April 1, 2006. The meeting was called to order by President Jerry Aufox at 8:45 AM. All ASCA Officers and Directors were present.

There will be an ASCA Board of Directors Meeting on Monday, September 18, 2006 at the ASCA National Specialty in Wisconsin. All Officers and Directors must attend.

93:12 STANDARD BYLAWS FOR AFFILIATES – Motion by Berryessa, seconded by Hellmeister. I move that the current Affiliate Bylaw Committee come up with a draft for a standard set of new Affiliate Bylaws. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

GENERAL CONSENSUS OF THE ASCA BOARD – Having been notified as of March, we had already passed the two month period of being caught up on DNA processsing and in accordance with the previous motion passed by this Board last year, we are going to give notice immediately to our membership that the increase to Forty Dollars ($40.00) per DNA kit will be instituted as of May 1, 2006.

06:01 2005 BALLOTS/ELECTIONS – Motion by Stevens, seconded by Berryessa. I move the Hardship Registry question shall be on the ballot worded as follows:

The Hardship Registry shall be:

Choice 1 – Closed Choice 2 – Open

Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

04:15 ASCA BUSINESS OFFICE – LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP - Motion by Stevens, seconded by DeChant. I move the Lifetime Membership add an additional category of Dual Membership residing at the same address and the one time fee will be Five Hundred Twenty Dollars ($520.00). This does not include the AUSSIE TIMES magazine. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

04:05 AGILITY COMMITTEE - Motion by Bryant, seconded by Walter. I move to remove Section 19 from the Board Handbook. All references to NADAC shall be removed from all ASCA material. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

Respectfully submitted,


ASCA Executive Secretary

Approved: 4/14/06.


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