Insider's Guide: Stanford Graduate School of Business - HubSpot


mbaMission¡¯s Insider¡¯s Guide

Stanford Graduate School

of Business

Stanford University

Stanford, CA


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one-on-one with business school candidates, helping

them showcase their most compelling attributes and

craft the strongest possible applications.

World¡¯s Leading Admissions Consulting Firm

With more five-star reviews on GMAT Club than any

other firm, we are recommended exclusively by both

leading GMAT prep companies, Manhattan Prep and

Kaplan GMAT.

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answers to your most pressing MBA application and

admissions questions!

We look forward to being your partner throughout the

application process and beyond.



Offering more articles, series and videos on MBA programs and business schools than any

other media outlet in the world, Poets&Quants has established a reputation for

well-reported and highly-creative stories on the things that matter most to graduate

business education prospects, students and alumnus.

MBA Admissions Consultant Directory

Specialized Master¡¯s Directory

Poets&Quants¡¯ MBA Admissions Consultant Directory

offers future applicants the opportunity

to find a coach or consultant to assist in their

candidacy into a top business school. Search by cost,

experience, education, language and more.

For graduate business degree seekers looking for a

specialization along with or apart from an MBA,

Poets&Quants' Specialized Master's Directory helps

you narrow your results by program type, location,

method of delivery, and business school ranking.

preMBA Networking Festival

CentreCourt MBA Admissions Event

Exclusively for students admitted to a top business

school, we offer Poets&Quants¡¯ preMBA Networking

Festival. This is a new admit¡¯s chance to get ahead of

their peers and meet managing directors and partners

of the world¡¯s top MBA employers before their

recruiters arrive to campus in the fall.

Designed by two of the world¡¯s foremost authorities on

business schools, John A. Byrne, editor-in-chief of

Poets&Quants, and Matt Symonds, bestselling MBA

author and columnist for Forbes and The Economist,

CentreCourt MBA Festival pulls together officials from

top schools and everything you need to know about

the MBA.

Poets&Quants is a community that stays in touch with its readers. We report on and celebrate their success,

share in their lessons and trials. Connect with us to stay informed on B-school admissions, news, internships

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Partner Sites: Poets&Quants for Execs | Poets&Quants for Undergrads | Tipping The Scales | We See Genius

About mbaMission

With our collaborative, full-time team of experienced advisors, mbaMission has elevated and professionalized

the world of MBA admissions consulting, earning the exclusive recommendation of the world¡¯s leading GMAT prep

firms, Manhattan Prep and Kaplan GMAT, and hundreds more verified five-star reviews on GMAT Club than any

other such firm. mbaMission prides itself on its high-touch client engagement model and robust library of free

content that includes these Insider¡¯s Guides as well as our Complete Start-to-Finish MBA Admissions Guide. Having already helped thousands of aspiring MBAs from around the world gain entry into elite US and international

business schools, mbaMission continues to grow and improve in our quest to ¡°graduate¡± additional classes of

satisfied clients.

mbaMission offers all candidates a free half-hour consultation (consult/).


mbaMission Insider¡¯s Guide: Stanford Graduate School of Business ¡¤ 2018¨C2019


After more than a decade helping MBA applicants get

Over the past eight years, Poets&Quants has be-

into top business schools, we have learned what can

come the foremost authority on the top business

compel an admissions committee to send that cov-

schools. Our mission has always been to help young

eted letter of acceptance. Selecting the right MBA

professionals with one of the most important¡ªand

program for your needs and developing a true un-

potentially most expensive¡ªdecisions of their lives:

derstanding of and familiarity with that program are

whether to pursue an MBA.

crucial in crafting a successful application. We have

therefore invested hundreds of hours into research-

This Insider¡¯s Guide is part of a new editorial part-

ing and examining the leading business schools¡ªin-

nership between Poets&Quants and mbaMission,

cluding speaking with students, alumni, and other

the world¡¯s leading MBA admissions consulting firm.

representatives¡ªto construct these guides, with the

We closely evaluated all such guides currently on the

express goal of helping applicants like you make in-

market, and I am confident that you will not find a

formed decisions about this important step in your

more thorough analysis of an MBA program than

education and career.

mbaMission¡¯s. These in-depth reports are well researched and well written, offering the detail and

We hope you enjoy this guide and encourage you to

examination applicants need to really understand

visit us at for complete and de-

a school¡¯s culture, offerings, and outcomes. We are

tailed analysis of the leading schools¡¯ essay questions,

thrilled to offer these guides to our readers for free,

weekly essay-writing tips, MBA news and trends, and

thanks to our new partnership.

other valuable free information and resources. And

for any advice you may need on applying to business

Moreover, the guides are a great complement to the

school, please contact us for a free 30-minute consul-

daily coverage of MBA news, students, programs,

tation. Our consultants are extensively trained to help

and admissions practices on .

applicants present themselves in the most interesting

We hope you will visit our site often to stay informed

and compelling way and take advantage of every op-

about the programs that interest you and the one you

portunity that might increase their chances of being

ultimately attend. We will continue to provide the

admitted to their target MBA program.

most relevant and current resources on the MBA world

to help you make the best possible decisions on your

Jeremy Shinewald

path from school selection to career advancement.


I wish you the best of luck on your journey to what will


undoubtedly be a transformational experience.

Skype: mbaMission

John A. Byrne

Founder & Editor-In-Chief


mbaMission Insider¡¯s Guide: Stanford Graduate School of Business ¡¤ 2018¨C2019


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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