Agenda Template


Board of Directors Meeting

March 27, 2018 - 7:30 a.m.


Board Members Present: Shelly Redinger, Dennis Vermillion, Jan Schmidlkofer, Rob McCann, Shelby Stokoe, Kim Ferraro, Michelle Grabicki, Thomas Leighty, Bob Larson, Alisha Benson, Paul Read, Lonnie Mitchell, Shon Davis, Christine Varela

Staff Present: Tim Henkel, Dale Damron, Lisa Curtis, Tara Dowd, Andrey Muzychenko, Kevin Mead

Welcome Meeting was called to order by Chair Shelley Redinger at 7:32 with brief introductions of Board members and staff. Introduced and welcomed Kevin Mead the new VP, Resource Development for Spokane County United Way (Resume on file).

February 2018 meeting minutes (on file) – Chair Redinger requested a motion to approve the minutes. Motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously.

1. Executive Session– facilitated by Shelly Redinger and Jan Schmidlkofer

• Reviewed the process for President / CEO annual review (on file)

2. Campaign 2018 – presented by Tim Henkel

• Current projection on 2017 campaign -

o $3.2+ million raised to date and expect an additional $250,000 to finalize the campaign

▪ Discussion: Is the gap or negative variance of $200,000, which was projected for the campaign and presented last month, still accurate? Yes, this figure has not changed.

• Bob Larson will be Tocqueville chair as part of the Campaign Cabinet led by Linda Underwood

o The Campaign Cabinet will begin with an outreach to the top 35 donor companies as a key focus for the coming campaign.

• Quick Wins

o Day of Impact

▪ 2 of 4 sponsors are secured (Premera and Itron)

▪ The final two asks will be made in the upcoming weeks.

3. Governance - presented by Tim Henkel

• Elaine Couture will lead the Board Nominating Committee.

o Per our by-laws the immediate past Board Chair leads the recruitment process.

• Looking for members to be a part of the nominating committee for new Board Members

o First meeting will be April 18, 2018 at 8:00 am at Elaine Couture’s office

o Please email your list of nominees to Tim Henkel.

o The following Board Members volunteered to be a part of this committee:

▪ Kim Ferraro

▪ Christine Varela

▪ Lonnie Mitchell

▪ Alisha Benson

4. Building Bridges efforts by staff – presented by Tim Henkel

• Reviewed the Diversity and Inclusion Statement of Principle (on file)

• Staff reflections on this Statement were presented around the below questions.

o What does this mean to you, to our United Way, to our community?

▪ We have the opportunity to lead this conversation in the community

o What does it look like if we fail?

▪ We would lose respect if we did not walk the talk

▪ If we did nothing

▪ If we didn’t create any change internally

o What would it look like to succeed?

▪ Continue to build bridges in the community while retaining the bridges we have built

▪ To be intentional with ourselves, the Board and the Emerging Leaders Society.

• To focus on our internal culture, and as it relates to building bridges, the staff participated in two efforts:

o Coffee with Colleagues

▪ Staff was provided Starbucks gift cards to create a space to spend time with a colleague to learn more about each other and their work.

o No Guilt Book Club

▪ Three books and descriptions were provided (on file)

o The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

o No More Heroes: Grassroots Challenges to the Savior Mentality by Jordan Flaherty

o Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot

• Discussion – How does our Board build bridges?

o Great steps internally, what a tremendous document (Diversity and Inclusion Statement of Principle).

o Maybe, as a Board, we could take time to have coffee together, with people we ordinarily do not spend time with.

o To create a cultural value we need to revisit equity and the value of culture and personal journeys. Equity is a push that others (community organizations) need to revisit and is a valued piece of United Way.

o We get into groups and we are afraid to have the courageous conversation and we need to start challenging ourselves to have courageous conversations. To have that talk that will bring about equity.

o Organizations can become robust with a shared common language. Maybe there is a time during Board meetings that we take some language, such as equity, and we define them together in order to create a shared understanding.

o These ideas may lend themselves to group discussion opportunities during Board meetings.

o Recommendation from staff member Tara Dowd was to hire a person whose focus is equity work in order to create common learning and to assist the development of courageous conversations.

5. Excelerate Success – presented by Tara Dowd

• New Mission and Vision presented(on file)

o Mission: Excelerate Success acts as a catalyst pursuing Education Equity.

o Vision: Excelerate Success will ignite sustainable social and systemic change by leveraging community voice and power to identify and confront opportunity gaps. Through individual and collective transformation, we work to create learning spaces that honor the unique identities and lived experiences of every person.

• Asked for feedback on Mission and Vision through the below questions:

o What was your instinctive reaction?

o What did you like?

o What did you dislike?

▪ To me it speaks the language

▪ I like the intent, I think it is a bit complex and may require conversations to unpack what’s in there.

▪ The jargon, within the statements, makes it unclear of what the work of Excelerate Success is.

▪ In pursuit of versus pursuing

o Pursuing felt more hopeful and futuristic to those that created the statements.

▪ Feel that the statement is passive, would prefer the specific statement of acts as a catalyst to be is a catalyst.

▪ Who is this statement for? Who is the population?

▪ Like the energy with the words catalyst, and ignite.

▪ What does it mean by learning spaces?

o The attempt was to not limit this or define to students only, as Excelerate Success wants to include everyone in learning opportunities.

▪ What is the difference in mission, vision, strategy and tactics? Providence is using statement of mission instead of mission statement. Like the broadness in the two statements.

▪ Leveraging community voice and power- what is that, what does it include?

o Specifically thinking of the voice of youth and parents, and those who are often marginalized and whose voice is often not heard. The ability of businesses to use their power and resources to help us do the work we are doing. We need to include the power of systems and organizations.

▪ Excelerate Success has been around for 4 years. Can we, as a Board, find common language around statements and see some tactical examples / strategies that bring shape to the terminology of learning spaces, power, education equity, etc.

• National Association of Summer Learning (NASL)

o A report from NASL was done for Excelerate Success. More work and focus on the issues faced by students and families regarding summer engagement and learning opportunities is planned for this summer

• Strive Together

o Tara Dowd has been accepted as a member of the steering committee of this national group of cradle to career networks (like Excelerate Success)

▪ Funding is being directed to Strive Together from the Ballmer Group. These funds need to be utilized during their current fiscal year.

o This may create additional grant opportunities for Excelerate Success.

6. Communications and Marketing – presented by Lisa Curtis

• OVATION recap

o presented pictures and winners of awards (on file)

o Approximately 275 people attended.

o Some of the Board members heard:

▪ Well organized and fun.

▪ Lots of social media chatter afterward.

7. Adjourn

With no further business before the Board, the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:40 AM.


Next Board meeting Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Respectfully Submitted,

Tim Henkel

President & CEO


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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