How many calories in starbucks venti chai tea latte with ...


How many calories in starbucks venti chai tea latte with almond milk

There is currently a windchill of 27 degrees here in Houston, Texas IN MARCH! All I can think about is a warm drink. One of my favorite warm drinks of all time is a Starbucks Chai Tea Latte but I don't have it often because of the high carbs/sugar content. I have a healthy starbucks drink order I want to share so you can enjoy without the guilt! I got this recipe from @themacrobarista on Instagram... all the credit for this one goes to him. I've posted my warm drink cup a million times on stories and always get asked what I am drinking so I just thought I would share this absolutely delicious healthy hack. ORIGINAL CHAI TEA LATTE (grande) ? NUTRITION INFO: Calories: 270 cals Protein: 7 g Fat: 7 g Carbs: 45 g Sugar 42 g Caffeine: 95 mg HEALTHY CHAI TEA LATTE ? NUTRITION INFO: Calories: 60 cals Protein: 1 g Fat: 2.5 g Carbs: 7 g Sugar 2g Caffeine: 40 mg HOW TO ORDER: 1. Ask for a grande organic chai tea 2. Add 2 packets of stevia 3. Asked for steamed almond milk 4. Finish with extra cinnamon powder I am all about indulging and enjoying every now and then; when I want to, I'll order the classic chai tea latte. However, when I am trying to stick to my nutrition game to get closer to my goals and I want a warm drink more regularly, I opt for this healthy Starbucks drink order. It's also dairy free for those who are looking for that too! MORE DRINK ORDERS? HERE is the LG Starbucks Pink Drink (healthier, delicious version) HERE is the healthier Pink Drink HERE is the healthier Pumpkin Chai Latte + Pumpkin Spice Iced Coffee HERE is the healthier Raspberry Green Tea Lemonade HERE is the healthier Vanilla Bean Latte HERE is the healthier Guava Passionfruit Drink August 22nd, 2019 Just like many of my Squadies out there, I LOVE my morning coffee! One of my favourite places to go for coffee, wether its my morning wake up coffee or my afternoon pick-me-up coffee, I like to go to Starbucks! Starbucks has a huge variety of drinks, most of which or super tasty - the catch? Many of their specialty drinks are loaded with upwards of 500 calories, PER DRINK! That is an INSANE amount of calories, especially for a single drink! To put this into perspective, 500 calories is equivalent to a burger and fries at McDonalds! Would you want to be starting your day off with a burger and fries?! Probably not! For all the Starbucks lovers out there, NO NEED TO WORRY! Today I will be sharing 4 of my favourite LOW CALORIE Starbucks drinks, all UNDER 100 CALORIES! Not only are thy under 100 calories, they are also SWEET and TASTY too! With these 4 drinks, you can enjoy your Starbucks, without all the calories! CLICK HERE TO START YOUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL TODAY! 1.Dirty Chai Tea latte Who out there LOVES their chai tea lattes?! Chai tea lattes are definitely delicious, but unfortunately, this tasty drink falls under the not so lean category! A typical chai tea latte contains 240 calories and 45 grams of sugar! That is equivalent to a large coke! If you want to enjoy your chai tea latte the LEAN way, try ordering a DIRTY CHAI TEA LATTE! You can enjoy this drink hot or iced! To order this drink: first you are going to order a chai tea latte, hot or iced. substitute for almond milk 1 pump of chai 2 pumps of sugar free vanilla 1 shot of blonde espresso Why order this drink opposed to the regular chai tea latte?! Well, the dirty chai tea latte only contains a total of 80 calories! It contains only 10 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fat and 1 gram of protein! This drink is about 66% LEANER than a regular chai tea latte! You can still enjoy the taste of chai with that kick of sweetness without worrying about the calories! Typically, a grande chai tea latte comes with 4 pumps of chai - which contains tons of sugar! Using only 1 pump of chai plus 2 pumps of sugar free vanilla will give you some sweetness without all the sugar! Also, chai contains caffeine, so to make up for that, we add the shot of espresso! The dirty chai is Brodies #1 lean Starbucks drink! 2. Cinnamon Almond Macchiato One of the most popular Starbucks drinks out there is the caramel macchiato! Of course it is a favourite - it is delicious! The downside? A grande caramel macchiato contains 240 calories! The most of these calories come from the vanilla syrup used in the drink plus the sugary caramel drizzle on top! How can we still enjoy the caramel macchiato, under 100 calories?! With the CINNAMON ALMOND MACCHIATO, with sugar free flavour! To order this drink: Order a cinnamon almond macchiato, which comes with almond milk, iced or hot Sub all 4 pumps of cinnamon dolce flavour with sugar free cinnamon dolce Ask for light caramel drizzle and cinnamon dolce topping This drink is over 50% leaner than a regular caramel macchiato! You are definitely not sacrificing any flavour with this drink! If you prefer your drink less sweet, you can skip out on the caramel drizzle and/or the cinnamon dolce topping all together, or even order the drink half sweet! This will save you EVEN MORE calories! 3. Nitro Caramel Cold Brew The nitro caramel cold brew is a great substitute for an iced coffee! The nitro caramel cold brew, or even the regular black cold brew is a leansanely tasty choice! This drink only contains 30 calories! To order this drink: Order a nitro caramel cold brew One pump of caramel syrup 3 pumps of sugar free vanilla syrup Can either have it black, or with a dash of cream if you prefer This drink is super lean and tasty! It is also perfect for a pick-me-up drink, since it contains a ton of caffeine! Another benefit of this drink is that it is a lot smoother than your typical iced coffee! 4. Black Nitro Cold Brew This is definitely a lean favourite of mine! I order this all the time at Starbucks! Now this drink is the perfect substitute for a black iced coffee! Despite what you might think, a typical iced coffee comes sweetened, unless you order it unsweetened and black! The black nitro cold brew is a lot smoother than iced coffee and tastes better unsweetened! To order this drink, simply: Order a black nitro cold brew Unsweetened with no added milk This drink is perfect for all the squadies out there practicing intermittent fasting! This drink has 0 calories and WILL NOT BREAK YOUR FAST! There you have it Squadies! My top 4 Starbucks drink swaps, all under 100 calories! START YOUR FREE TRIAL WITH LEANSQUAD TODAY! Perfect to beat the summer heat, this copycat Starbucks Iced Chai Tea Latte tastes amazing and can be made with homemade or store-bought chai concentrate. I love iced chai latte and find it to be the perfect treat for a hot home office day. The spices combined with milk make a smooth and flavorful drink. The black tea has just enough caffeine to end my morning coffee cravings. I have tried some chai concentrates, and while I've found some great options, some have a bit of an artificial aftertaste that's not very pleasing. Homemade versions are always delicious: Don't like one of the spices? Leave it out! Wanna make it skinny? Add your favorite sweetener! Best part: it's way cheaper than buying. I'm keeping this recipe as simple as possible, so everyone can make it with little effort and still get a delicious outcome. Looking for coffee drinks? Try this sweet coffee lemonade, or get the perfect cold brew recipe for beating the summer heat and getting your caffeine fix! What's a chai latte? Chai latte is a blend of black tea and spices mixed with milk. Super simple, right? It can be made both hot (with frothed milk and no ice) and cold (with every ingredient super cold and lots of ice, like the one you're about to make). Chai actually means tea, so calling it chai tea latte is funny, as you're literally saying tea tea latte. But that's how the drink is known in most parts of America. Is there caffeine in a chai latte? Yes, there's caffeine in a chai latte, as black tea has caffeine. Can I make chai latte with decaf black tea? Yes, you can. Just know that decaffeinated black tea still has a bit of caffeine left in them. The amount is very little, like 2 mg of caffeine per cup. But be aware of that if you are caffeine sensible or can't consume any amount of it. Is chai latte healthy? I bet you have already heard that some spices are associated with health benefits. Black tea can also be very good for you. The tea is rich in antioxidants and some studies say it can even lower blood pressure. However, there are other ingredients that might not be as healthy. Chai concentrates can be packed with sugar, and that's one of the reasons I like to make it homemade. I can sweeten my homemade version with honey, maple syrup, or a sweetener for cane sugar-free options. How many calories are in a chai latte? In a chai latte, calories come from the milk and sweetener used. A grande Starbucks Chai Tea Latte (that's 473 ml/16 oz) made with 2% milk has 240 calories. If you're trying to cut back some calories, replace milk for a plant-based milk. One cup of unsweetened almond milk has about 30 calories, while a cup of 2% milk has 124 calories. Ingredients and Substitutions Milk. I like to use 2% milk, as it makes a smoother drink. But you can use any milk or plant-based milk. For a skinny version, use skimmed milk, or almond milk for a dairy-free beverage. Ice. If possible, filter the water you'll use for making ice. You can make ice with chai concentrate, milk, or chai latte for a stronger/more flavorful drink. Spices. You can leave out any spice you don't like or are allergic to. Honey. I use honey or apple vegan honey for my homemade chai concentrate. You can substitute honey for the same amount of maple syrup (it changes a bit the flavor), agave nectar (makes a slightly sweeter concentrate) or the sweetener you like for a skinny/low carb version. If using a sweetener, add it only the amount needed when making the iced chai latte, instead of substituting for the same amount of honey when making the chai concentrate. Black tea. You can make it with loose tea or tea bags. I usually make with tea bags as they are super practical and I always have some in my pantry. You can use decaf black tea for a version with very little caffeine. How Starbucks makes Iced Chai Latte There are 3 ingredients in a Starbucks Iced Chai Latte: Chai concentrate,2% milk; andIce. They fill about of the cup (4 pumps) with chai concentrate, then pour a cup of milk and fill the rest with ice. Now, if you try to copy this, with most chai concentrates you'll get a very weak iced chai latte. Starbucks chai concentrate is not for sale, and most concentrates ask for a 1:1 concentrate to milk ratio. Don't try to copy the proportions above with 1:1 store-bought or this homemade chai concentrate. Starbucks also uses triple filtered water for theirs, but I doubt everyone can triple filter their water (I can't). If you can, use filtered water for making ice. Don't have a filter? Boil the water for 5 minutes and wait for it to cool, or leave a jar with water sitting in the counter overnight. That gets rid of the chlorine and makes a better-tasting ice. How to make it Let's start by making the chai concentrate: Pour the amount of water into a saucepan and add the spices. I usually add the tea bags straight away and bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Then I leave it for 5 minutes simmering and remove the tea bags. But if you're worried about getting a bitter taste, you can bring the water and spices to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes and add the tea bags when the concentrate is already out of the heat. Then, steep for 5 minutes and remove the tea bags (or tea leaves if using loose black tea). Strain the concentrate, then add vanilla extract and honey. Stir until honey dissolves into the chai mixture. Wait for the concentrate to cool and store it in your refrigerator, in a jar with a lid. For the Iced Chai Tea Latte: Pour chai concentrate until it fills half the cup; Complete with milk of choice; Stir and serve right away. By using this formula, you can make it any size you want! Can I skip the spices and make it with chai tea bags? You can make a chai concentrate using chai tea bags. Steep chai tea bags into hot water for 5 minutes. Remove bags and add vanilla syrup and honey. Be aware that by using this hack you'll lose some flavor and it will be less aromatic. Tips for getting the best iced chai latte Use whole spices for a more flavorful chai concentrate. Whole spices are more aromatic and make a better concentrate. Ground nutmeg is easier to work with. The exemption of the tip above is nutmeg: prefer its ground version. Use filtered water for making ice cubes. Filtered water without chlorine tastes better and makes your drink even more delicious. Make Chai Concentrate ice cubes. That's great if you're a slow drinker like me. It's more work, though, but the result you'll get makes up for it. Baked treats to enjoy with Iced Chai Latte Blackberry SconesOrange Cinnamon Rolls 3 cups water 2 cinnamon sticks 10 cardamom pods 10 cloves 2 star anise 1 ? tsp ground nutmeg 1 tsp ground ginger (or ? tbsp fresh grated ginger) 6 black tea bags (or 2 ? tbsp of loose black tea) 1 tsp vanilla extract 6 tbsp honey 1 cup chai concentrate 1 cup milk Ice Pour the amount of water into a saucepan. Add the spices: cardamom pods, cinnamon, ground nutmeg, cloves, star anise and ginger.Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then simmer for 5 minutes.Turn off the heat and add the tea bags or loose tea to the mixture, and steep for 5 minutes.Remove the tea bags and strain the concentrate. Add vanilla extract and honey. Stir until honey dissolves into the chai mixture.Wait for the concentrate to cool and store it in a jar with a lid, inside the refrigerator.Fill a tall glass with ice.Pour 1 cup of chai concentrate. Complete with 1 cup of milk. Stir and serve right away. Make Chai Concentrate ice cubes for a stronger and more flavorful iced chai latte. You can also use milk ice cubes, or chai latte ice cubes.If you're not worried about getting a bitter taste, you can add the teabags straight away and bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Then leave it for 5 minutes simmering and remove the tea bags.You can use any milk or plant-based milk. For a skinny version, use skimmed milk, or almond milk for a dairy-free beverage.You can leave out any spice you don't like or is allergic to.You can substitute honey for the same amount of maple syrup (it changes a bit the flavor), agave nectar (makes a slightly sweeter concentrate) or the sweetener you like for a skinny/low carb version.If using a sweetener, add it only the amount needed when making the iced chai latte, instead of substituting for the same amount of honey when making the chai concentrate.You can use decaf black tea for a version with very little caffeine. 3 1 Amount Per Serving: Calories: 210Total Fat: 3gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 7mgSodium: 74mgCarbohydrates: 47gFiber: 4gSugar: 35gProtein: 4g Nutrition information is an estimate only and will vary depending on the substitutions made and/or brands used. Tag @milkandpop on Instagram and hashtag it #milkandpop

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