How much do starbucks employees make an hour


How much do starbucks employees make an hour

Starbucks is closing 8,000 of its U.S. stores today for racial-bias training, which begs the question: What will the coffee giant's employees learn, and how will they be asked to apply those lessons? More important, will it work?Many in the corporate world have pondered this issue since Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson publicly apologized for what he called "reprehensible" circumstances after two African-American customers were arrested at a location in Philadelphia, and ordered today's training for an estimated 175,000 workers at the company's chains.Related: The black men arrested at Starbucks just did something incredibleThis very public coast-to-coast experiment puts workplace education about the impacts of unconscious bias into the national spotlight. The concept isn't new, though. Many organizations already offer similar programs designed to help employees interact better with people who are different from them, and many claim to have boosted performance benchmarks as a result?from sales and revenue to morale and retention. Some diversity and inclusion experts stress that combatting discrimination in workplaces and commercial settings is a challenge with no universal best practices yet, and research suggests that unconscious-bias programs find mixed success.Still, the type of program that Starbucks employees are likely to experience can have a positive impact. For the past five years, my organization, the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC), has offered an unconscious-bias training program called "The ART of Inclusive Communication," which, like today's Starbucks initiative, takes place over the course of a single day. In it, participants explore how their communication styles may be rooted, at least in part, in their own personal and cultural identities. One of the big takeaways is that we often make decisions based on stereotypes and may not even be aware that we harbor such views in the first place.Training efforts like these also explore how unconscious beliefs lead to communication breakdowns, teaching participants how to recognize when that might be happening so they can do something about it. In our own program, we stress how unconscious bias can be especially dangerous because it's an automatic pattern of thinking. Incidents of outright racism are often easier to identify because most people agree on a certain set of moral standards, and overt racism is considered unacceptable.When behaviors are prompted by misconceptions buried in the subconscious, though, there's a much higher likelihood that the person responsible is literally not thinking about their actions. It's almost certain that Starbucks staffers will be learning about this distinction today.Related: How Starbucks is bringing hope (and profit) to the communities America forgotTo illustrate how this plays out in the real world, unconscious-bias trainings tend to present participants with examples. Here are two well-known incidents we discuss side-by-side at NCRC: In 2009, when Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger safely landed a disabled American Airlines jet on the Hudson River, no one made any comment about his gender. But on April 19, 2018, when news media reported the miraculous landing of a disabled Southwest airplane after an engine exploded in-air, many people were surprised to find out that the brave pilot was a woman named Tammie Jo Shults.The coverage of Shults's successful landing is an example of very subtle bias couched in a tone that passes for complimentary. By celebrating Shults, the media drew attention to the fact?framed in context as "surprising"?that she is female. The positive spin doesn't negate the bias at play, we point out. Then we ask each participant to imagine that they're a passenger getting onto an airplane when they notice the pilot is a woman. If you spend the rest of the flight feeling uneasy or nervous, we point out, this is unconscious bias with a negative spin.From here, it's a lot easier to shift toward techniques for having more respectful communications, including ways to address comments that might be considered racist, sexist, ageist, heterosexist, or derogatory to others. All of this is done in a safe and respectful learning environment, which is key to the success of the workshop. If participants don't feel valued, respected, and understood during the course, they're much less likely to take it seriously.Related: What black people have always known about diversity policiesHow well they'll put it into practice, though, is an open question. The Starbucks training will likely encourage store managers to become more aware of subtle biases or microaggressions demonstrated by their staff?or even themselves. This is key, because Starbucks is in a unique situation. To its credit, the company has branded itself as a multicultural meeting place, so it's important to respond quickly and proactively in order to deliver on that promise.But real, lasting success will take repeated reinforcement on at least two fronts: first, from top leadership to ensure that an inclusive environment is valued and encouraged, and second, from employees themselves repeatedly practicing the behaviors they learned. It takes more than a daylong training to make a difference, but here's to hoping that today's is a good start.Steven P. Dinkin has served as president of the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC) since 2003. He has coauthored two books on conflict resolution, The Exchange: A Bold and Proven Approach to Resolving Workplace Conflict and The Exchange Strategy for Managing Conflict in Health Care. We're all headed toward an agent economy, where everyone becomes an agent or a service provider instead of an employee ... It's like telecommuting, but it's taken to the level of telecompanies. Skip To Content Food News & AdviceIf you're looking to save bucks on Starbucks, look no further: We've got the inside scoop from frequent customers and former baristas. Sorbis/ShutterstockYour Starbucks barista wouldn't mention it, of course, but being friendly goes a long way toward getting free drinks, discounts, and the freshest and tastiest pastries. That's what Amanda Ponzar, chief marketing officer for Community Health Charities, has learned. This loyal Starbucks enthusiast regularly shares social media photos of herself enjoying a Starbucks drink; it's also her place of choice for business meetings. Especially if you live in the best coffee city in America. Bankoo/ShutterstockBlogger Joanna Faith Williams tells Reader's Digest she couldn't help but noticing something curious every time she ordered a frappucino: "The extra bit of my drink that didn't fit in my grande cup would just be washed down the drain!" Williams came up with the following hack: "Order a grande in a venti cup. I get it all. It reduces waste. It seriously works, and it's a win-win!" Ponzar seconds this but notes that befriending the barista and being a good tipper has meant that she often doesn't even have to ask. Those Starbucks frappuccinos may be delicious, by the way, but you're best off drinking them rarely or never for this reason. Alla Iatsun/ShutterstockA babyccino is a cappuccino minus the espresso--in other words, frothy steamed milk. You might even be able to get it for free, although that's not official policy. Backe and registered dietician and nutritionist Vanessa Rissetto both give the drink a thumbs up for your kid since it's just milk with no sugar or caffeine. Fotyma/ShutterstockBoth Backe and Rissetto mention the secret "pupaccino," which is basically a cup of whipped cream for your furry friend while you wait for your order. It's often free although as with babyccinos, there's no official Starbucks policy on this. Montri Thipsorn/ShutterstockIf you like to drink water with your coffee (coffee can be dehydrating, after all), don't pay for bottled water: You can get filtered water for free at Starbucks. Lithiumphoto/ShutterstockStarbucks is committed to shrinking its carbon footprint, and in keeping with that, offers a reusable, recyclable cup for just $1, and every time you use it, you save 10 cents on your coffee order. As the Starbucks website notes, if you use the cup 10 times, it's paid for itself. But you can actually bring your own cup and save the dollar while still getting the 10-cent discount! Arina P Habich/ShutterstockYou don't need to pay for a chai latte when you can order a simple cup of tea and request a shot of steamed milk (which comes for free). Plus, this hacked-version of a chai latte has far less sugar. Of course you might not be able to get your favorite drink at all if you're in this state which has the fewest Starbucks locations. BestStockFoto/ShutterstockEmployees would happily tell you about this yet most customers still don't use the program. "Many think Starbucks is expensive, but it's actually NOT if you drink two cups a day and you join the Starbucks Rewards program, which gets you free refills, coffee marketer and aficionado Mathew Rincon tells Reader's Digest. Plus, some stores allow you to get a refill even if you bought the first cup at a DIFFERENT location, according to Rincon. However, this is definitely not an official Starbucks policy, according to their site.Refills are just the beginning when you join the Rewards program. Being a member means you're eligible for a Birthday Reward (almost anything on the menu), which is redeemable up to two days before and one day after your birthday. Just make sure you've purchased something at any Starbucks within the last 12 months.You'll also receive emails from Starbucks offering you the opportunity to earn free credits toward free food and drinks by ordering a certain beverage, playing a particular game, or participating in some other activity or event (be sure to opt-in for these emails, the Starbucks website advises). If you level up to a "gold" membership, you can double your rewards (and thus earn your free stuff twice as quickly!). Next, find out why Starbucks coffee sizes aren't small, medium, and large. Originally Published: March 13, 2019Lauren Cahn for Reader's Digest

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