Florida Department of Management Services - DMS

FINAL PAY REQUEST CHECKLISTProject Number: _________________________________________________________Project Name: _________________________________________________________Substantial Completion Date: _________________________________________________________Final Punch List Inspection Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The following items need to be submitted with the Contractor’s request for Final Payment:___Form CM02 – RUSH Contractor’s Payment Routing Submittal (revised 12/20)___ Form CM03 – Pay Request - 1 electronic copy___ Final Schedule of Contract Values___ Consent of Surety to Final Payment (bonded projects only)___Power of Attorney from Surety for Release of Final Payment (bonded projects only)___Notice of Release of Lien from each subcontractor who has filed Notices to Owner___ Form CM07 - Contractor’s Affidavit of Contract Completion - 1 electronic copy___Form AE11 - Certificate of Contract Completion 1 completed by A/E - 1 electronic copy___Contractor’s Guarantee of Construction for one year from the date of Substantial Completion___List of Subcontractors, with addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses___Manufacturer’s warranties as required by specifications in the name of the State or Client Agency___Fully executed Roof Warranty, if applicable, in the name of the State or Client Agency___Shop drawings and brochures___Attendance lists of training of State Agency personnel in the operation of new equipment for each system: HVAC, controls, fire alarm, etc.___Submission of all Operation & Maintenance Manuals (1 hard copy; 1 electronic copy)___Certificate of Occupancy from Building Permit Authority___Form AE14 - Certificate of Specification No Prohibited Hazardous Materials___Form AE18 - ADA Compliance Certificate___Submission of all contractually-required attic stock and spare parts___Submission of “As-built” plans and specifications (1 electronic copy)___Submission of CAD and PDF files of “As-Built” Documents___Submission of Construction Documents (1 electronic copy) – Verify if Facility Manager or Client Agency request a hard copy.___Form PD27 - Sustainable Design Confirmation (1 electronic copy)_______________________________________________________________________________________Please submit an electronic copy of all close-out documents, in addition to the hard copies.Contractor’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date:______________________Project Architect/Engineer’s Signature: ____________________________ Date:______________________DMS Project Manager’s Signature: ________________________________ Date:______________________ ................

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