February 3, 2011


Chairman Toguchi and Members of the Board of Education:

Good afternoon. My name is Holly Kwok. I am the Branch Manager of Aina Haina Public Library. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce our library.

Aina Haina, or “Land of Hind,” was part of Wailupe Valley that was owned by Hind-Clarke Dairy since 1924. From the mid-1940s to mid-50s the area gradually developed into a residential community. Some of it became Aina Haina Elementary School, Aina Haina Shopping Center, and Holy Nativity Church and School in 1950. The State purchased the land for the library from the Hinds in 1960, and on October 18, 1962 the Aina Haina branch first opened to the public, replacing the bookmobile that came once a month in the area. The library was the second oldest library east of the Hawaii State Library, following only Waikiki Public Library.

Several generations later, the library’s collection has grown from the original 8,000 to the current 67,000 holdings. Our building and collection are considered a medium-size library in the Hawaii State Public Library System. We have a very well-circulated DVD (2,100 plus) and music CD (2,700 plus) collections. Our monthly circulation (i.e. number of items checked in and out) is 12,000 to 15,000 with over 15,000 registered borrowers. Our average number of walk-in patrons a day is 350.

The library has a very dedicated Friends group whose core members have been there since the inception of the library. They process donations and run a very popular and successful annual book sale, along with several smaller book sales throughout the year. The Friends supply the main funding for the majority of our programs, in addition to supplementing our materials budget. They help purchase supplies and equipment, and support other incidental expenses including the annual holiday luncheon for our volunteers and staff. Without the Friends, we would not be able to accomplish as much.

The library is the regular meeting place for the Kuliouou Kalani Iki Neighborhood Board, Aina Haina Writers, Aloha Chapter of the Romance Writers of America, and Let’s Read About It book club. Every year from the beginning of February to mid-April, AARP Tax Aide helps the public file tax returns in the library’s meeting room. The demand for this service has dramatically increased in the past few years. As an outreach effort, the library participates in the UH School of Library and Information Science Internship Program. In the past six years, we have accepted six interns, all of whom aspired to be public librarians.

We established our first website at in 2006 to publicize our programs and services. The website provides links to the HSPLS online catalog, promotes the use of online databases, eBooks, audiobooks, and many other resources. We also maintain an up-to-date online calendar where the public can learn about our events and programs.

In FY2010 we organized 82 programs (including the weekly preschool story time) for all age groups with a total of 3,793 attendees. There were 62 school visits with a total of 1,371 students. We regularly provide story time for neighboring Holy Nativity School, and occasionally Aina Haina Elementary School, Waiokeola Preschool, Calvary by the Sea Montessori School, Kamehameha Preschool, Hahaione Elementary School, and Kamiloiki Elementary School. Niu Valley Middle School and Kalani High School Special Education classes also visit the library regularly. Our last Summer Reading Program had 624 registrants with over 6,000 books read. The library’s programming has benefited tremendously with the addition of a senior/teen services librarian in 2008. This was in recognition of the evolving demographics of our community.

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|Career Day at Aina Haina Elementary | |

|School – April 15, 2010 | |

| |Halloween Parade – October 28, 2010 |

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|The Art of Origami Folding with Scott |New Sense-Sational Show – January 8, 2011 |

|Macri – November 27, 2010 | |

There have been and will be several improvements to the library’s facilities. One no-cost improvement was the rearrangement of several collections to improve workflow and de-clutter the public area. This has resulted in smoother foot traffic and unencumbered lines of sight throughout the library. We have also begun to rearrange the staff workroom and have plans to re-landscape around the perimeter of the library. There are also two major capital improvement projects underway this year: the Parking Lot and Sidewalk Improvement project and the Photovoltaic Project. Aina Haina Library is one of two libraries on Oahu selected for photovoltaic installation (the other is Waianae Public Library). Installation is planned to begin next month. Disruptions to library operations will be kept to a minimum.

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|Adult reading area |Children’s picture books area |

Please feel welcome to visit our library for a tour or attend one of our programs. Check our website at for programs and events.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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